

New Member
I just joined this site and figured I'd say hello and introduce myself :)

I have a nickname that people usually call me (since only people I'm close to use my actual name), so I'd really appreciate it if you just called me Sid. I love to write and I've been roleplaying for years now. I try to be as consistent as possible with replying in a timely manner, but I am a college student and I also have a job. Whenever things get hectic, I'll try to give some sort of heads up. For that reason, at least during the school year, I'd really prefer to do one-on-one roleplays with anyone interested.

Typically, I'm a detailed writer, but I used to Tumblr RP so shorter text posts aren't entirely out of the question (but I PREFER detail). Genre-wise, I have ideas for everything. I excel at writing slice of life, modern romance, super cliche things, but I also enjoy writing outside of the box for fandom roleplays and science fiction - really, if it's a good idea, I'm willing to do pretty much anything!

Uh, I'm into a lot fandom-wise too. Big Windup!, KnK, K Project, Noragami, South Park, Marvel (it was my primary fandom to RP in for two years), and Kingdom Hearts are the biggest ones, and I'm always willing to do AUs.

Not sure what else to put here, but I really look forward to roleplaying and meeting new friends on this site :)
sgtmickey said:
I'm not new persay but I'm not old ^w^
I'm happy to help out newbies like me ^w^
I love your Display picture xD ahahah. I couldn't wait 24hrs to tell you this.

and yes. Welcome SId. I am new too.
ArcaneUnit said:
I love your Display picture xD ahahah. I couldn't wait 24hrs to tell you this.
and yes. Welcome SId. I am new too.

I hope me and Sid can rp soon >W<
YunoGasaiIsMyWife said:
Welcome! Ijoined yesterday
Hi! It's nice to meet you. We can be new members together :)


sgtmickey said:
I'm not new persay but I'm not old ^w^
I'm happy to help out newbies like me ^w^
Thanks for the greeting, love!

I'd love to RP with you too by the way, shoot me a PM and we can talk ideas.


ArcaneUnit said:
Geee, thanks Sgtmickey. you make me feel loved...
:P ur a lucky girl Sid.
I'll trust you on that one :)
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