

New Member
I've been looking for a nice RP partner since forever, but it never quite seemed to work out, so here I am, giving it another try!

You can call me Lilly, I'm 21 and German but studying English & psychology at a university. I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Skulduggery Pleasant and Broadchurch and of course I can't wait to go looking for a partner for these fandoms.

I'm also trying to get my first novel written, so any kind of horror, fantasy, sci-fi, crime original story is welcome with me (<3)

Some random facts about me: I collect cushions, I've spent 3 months as an au pair in England, my humour is 97,4% based on sarcasm, I can play the violin (a little) and I'm horrible with writing these introductions (> :P )

Hello there, I can't wait to meet you!
Well welcome Lilly to RPNation, the nation of creation! So do you only do 1x1 RPs or are you open to groups? Well if you have any questions you go to the Site Questions & Information Forum and post there, or you can post on my Profile, and I can try to help as well!

Thanks! I'm absolutely open for group RPs as well as 1x1, I'm just not into Dice, but maybe just because I don't have much experience with those.
Trust me when I first joined I had no clue what Dice Roleplay was, but it's sort of like D&D, to this day I still haven't joined a dice roleplay, and it just not my forte. But if you make a Harry Potter Group Roleplay, I'll be sure to join!
Great! But I think to get back into RPing I might try to join someone's RP before creating my own. So I'll keep an eye on the recruitment forum (^.^)

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