Hello!, You beautiful people !


Polite Princess
Nice to meet you guys! I suck at intros so please forgive me in advance.

My names Christina but y'all can call me Chris if you want. I enjoy writing , Reading, Anime, Pizza,Yaoi, and wasting my life on Tumblr. I'm kind of shy but I'm even more sarcastic so I guess my personality balances itself out in a way. Anyway, It's nice to meet you lovely people and I can't wait to make some wonderful RPs with you guys :3.
Good to meet someone with similar tastes! I look forward to all the awesome stuff I'm sure you'll contribute to this site! It's good to count one more among all the wonderful and creative people which make up this community!
Oh jeez thanks!

[QUOTE="Ohm ONI]Good to meet someone with similar tastes! I look forward to all the awesome stuff I'm sure you'll contribute to this site! It's good to count one more among all the wonderful and creative people which make up this community!

Oh jeez, thanks for such a warm welcome :3.
:3. really does look like a cat with an obnoxious mole, doesn't it?

Well, in terms of sign-up dates, clearly I'm your senior, so little kouhai, I challenge you! Get Write 10 posts within the first day of your time here on RpNation.
:3. I never noticed that before, but now that you've pointed that out I feel compelled to use it more :P

And challenge accepted Senpai!
Go and make me proud, Polite Princess. Shall you succeed and gain glory, I will grant you the ultimate gift of all newbies' dreams. Until then.
Howdy, Christina!

I know what you mean about intros. It's always a question of how much do I put into this? What do I want to say about myself? What's interesting???? (Okay, maybe that's just me. I'm always paranoid about wanting to say stuff, but not sure what. Social anxiety for the win, amirite?)

Bytheby, my name's Auren, and you'll see me floating around the site. Mostly I hang out at the Shoutbox which is like this place's chat-room. Everyone there is always super friendly, so don't hesitate to say hello if you ever have the chance. Also, you should really check out this


http://www.rpnation.com/threads/welcome-to-roleplaynation.60971/ for the lowdown of stuffs. It's got a lot of helpful links and such.

Alright, so, we have two different kinds of roleplays,


http://www.rpnation.com/categories/roleplays.10/ and


http://www.rpnation.com/categories/forum-roleplay-list.403/. Threads only offer three tabs, In-Character/Overview, Out Of Character, and Character Sign-Up. Forums offer an endless amount of threads, and some options for adding multiple forums. Forum roleplays are best for extensive worlds, but that shouldn't keep you from checking them out! They are fairly new to RpN, so you'll see a lot of members testing what they can do within the RPs there. Both offer a different amount of control over your roleplay creation.


Recruitment threads are a really great way to find an RP that's open and looking for players. You should check those out if you're at a loss for where to start looking. Also, if you'd like to keep up for any of the site's downtimes or what new fancy gadgets will be coming soon, please follow the

http://www.rpnation.com/forums/news-updates.557/News & Updates

http://www.rpnation.com/forums/news-updates.557/ forum. This will save a lot of confusion if there's an update and you want to know what's going on.

Anywhos! If you ever need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me. :3
Auren said:
Howdy, Christina!

I know what you mean about intros. It's always a question of how much do I put into this? What do I want to say about myself? What's interesting???? (Okay, maybe that's just me. I'm always paranoid about wanting to say stuff, but not sure what. Social anxiety for the win, amirite?)

Bytheby, my name's Auren, and you'll see me floating around the site. Mostly I hang out at the Shoutbox which is like this place's chat-room. Everyone there is always super friendly, so don't hesitate to say hello if you ever have the chance. Also, you should really check out this


http://www.rpnation.com/threads/welcome-to-roleplaynation.60971/ for the lowdown of stuffs. It's got a lot of helpful links and such.

Alright, so, we have two different kinds of roleplays,


http://www.rpnation.com/categories/roleplays.10/ and


http://www.rpnation.com/categories/forum-roleplay-list.403/. Threads only offer three tabs, In-Character/Overview, Out Of Character, and Character Sign-Up. Forums offer an endless amount of threads, and some options for adding multiple forums. Forum roleplays are best for extensive worlds, but that shouldn't keep you from checking them out! They are fairly new to RpN, so you'll see a lot of members testing what they can do within the RPs there. Both offer a different amount of control over your roleplay creation.


Recruitment threads are a really great way to find an RP that's open and looking for players. You should check those out if you're at a loss for where to start looking. Also, if you'd like to keep up for any of the site's downtimes or what new fancy gadgets will be coming soon, please follow the

http://www.rpnation.com/forums/news-updates.557/News & Updates

http://www.rpnation.com/forums/news-updates.557/ forum. This will save a lot of confusion if there's an update and you want to know what's going on.

Anywhos! If you ever need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask me. :3
Thanks for all the information! <3 It's really helped me out. You're wonderful :3.

Here is your insignia of acceptance.


And yes, Auren is lovely.

That cookie looks like the remnants of a civilisation found embedded in a mass of earth that went through the worst droughts. Terribadly tasty.

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