hello there...


New Member

I'm just here to introduce myself to everyone!

To tell the truth, I'm not nearly as interesting as the characters I write about... but that's why I'm here, right? Anyways, I love to write, and I have my whole life. A few of my friends and I were RPing (hehehe, peeing :tongue:) on another site, but things got a little crazy, so here I am! I can't wait to get started! I would really like to get some replies on this thread cuz I'm (obviously) new here. Oh yeah, and one last thing: can we all take a moment to appreciate my profile pic?

Thanks guys!



(P.S. my username is vivid because it sounds cool. Deep, right?)
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Welcome, Vivi! (if ya don't mind me calling you that) I ask myself whether I should give you a warm and formal welcome, or a goofy, over-the-top, but still warm welcome? Perhaps a mixture of both?


*ahem* Yes... well. xD Glad you found us! The community here is great, so I'm certain you'll enjoy your time here. We have a lot of good roleplays too, so I'm sure you'll find something to your taste. If you have a question, feel free to reach out to anyone!
Hello and welcome, Vivid! I'm glad you found us. (And your little dog, too!)

Emperor beat me to it. (*shakes a fist at Emperor*) If you have any questions as you get oriented to the site, just reach out. We're all very friendly.

Welcome again to RpN!

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