Hello There (,, ・∀・)ノ゛ Just passing by for some 1x1 (Always Open)

I'm so sorry! I did not get the alerts for this, but if you still want to rp, I'd love to!

[QUOTE="L u n a]
Are you still up to roleplay? c: I'm interested in roleplaying with you~
Student Council President x Student Coucil VP. MxM, if that's all right.

Sure, It sounds it'd be fun! Just pm me so we can set up characters and stuff!

[QUOTE="Jon_14]Student Council President x Student Coucil VP
This should be fun ^.^

Alright! I'm up to it if you are! Just send me a pm so we can start!
[QUOTE="Moxie Riot]I'm interested in rping ohshc!

Alright! Pm me and we can discuss details!
I have an idea, how about a fantasy supernatural Teacher x Student(Sire x Sired). Vampire x Vampire combo? Or maybe Vampire x Succubus?

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Sedrian said:
I have an idea, how about a fantasy supernatural Teacher x Student(Sire x Sired). Vampire x Vampire combo? Or maybe Vampire x Succubus?
Sent from my LGL75C using Tapatalk 2
That sounds like fun! Just pm me and we can make it official!

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