Hello OxO


New Member
Hi to everyone!

My name is Scarlet-, nice to meet you! :) I'm looking for 1x1 Private roleplays so if any of you have some ideas, just PM me! I'm always willing to hear new ideas and I would love it more if we can collaborate in creating one. I'm undeniably new to this website but that doesn't mean I'm new to roleplaying. ^^ Anddd... just in case you're wondering, I'm a girl but that doesn't mean I limit myself to roleplaying female characters. It depends on the plot and I would be greatly thankful if you do the same! I am roleplaying because I want to improve my writing (and to enjoy) so I hope I can be a good roleplay partner for you. That's all for now, I guess. I look forward to meeting new people!
Hi Chalistravra!

I'm honestly craving for Slice of Life RPs. I can probably do a Fantasy, Sci-fi, or Medieval themed one but I'm not to enthusiastic with those kinds of roleplay for now. I love romance *surprise, surprise* but I love Character Driven roleplays more. I also enjoy Dark-themed stories, Mature--but not smutty or anything like that (though I am certainly open to plots like these), just something that would have violence, cursing and other related themes. How about you? :)
I don't mind the Slice of life theme, if it has a good plot line to it, though romance and I don't see eye to eye, i'm just not very good at describing certain scenes >.> if you catch my drift, and it's not even just the SUPER naughty scenes that make me blush O.o really anything with any kind of romance, i feel weird >.<

Other than romance stuff though i'm up for really anything :D
Oh, I see what you mean. xD Do you have plots for a Slice of life roleplay then? Because I admit, most of the ideas I have right now are romance-focused. I'm open to hear your ideas though! If you're fine with character driven stories, surely we can collaborate for something that both of us will be interested in roleplaying. :)
Coming up with those kinds of plots really isn't my forte, though I suppose if you wanted to do a romance kind of thing I could give it a shot, need to get used to it some day anyway :D

Just be prepared for awkward moments and strange descriptions as i get used to the whole thing :D
Ahaha, no, I don't want to force you into something you're not used to. Hmmm... I agree with you though. I'm also lacking with ideas on those kinds of plots. The only thing that comes in mind is a friendship RP... but even that, I can't come up with a decent idea. D: (except make it magical, and I'm honestly not in for a magical/fantasy roleplay right now. >_<) What genres of RP are you into by the way? Do you have an idea you want to try? :)
Really at this point i'm willing to try just about anything :D

Right now i'm only doing one active RP, with two, maybe three more that should begin shortly, so i have all the time in the world for RPs...

Lets see...you're into slice of life, and i'm into...everything...i really haven't done a High School/College scene in a while, could give that one a go, with a plot that doesn't REVOLVE around romance, though it could show up at some points to relieve you of the need :P and give me the much needed experience...

Could take from anime and give us something along the lines of...

Kid in (select school type, high/college) lives alone (if high school say their parents moved or died or something like that) best friend having some troubles, moves in (i read that you are willing to play either gender? as am i, so we could do a whole, one of each gender, same house) some funny moments, some more serious, they fight, stop talking (or something like that) but they keep living together, pull from some more anime and throw in some unrequited love (since that always happens lol) followed by the realization that they are both in love with each other but keep it a secret, then they tell each other, then one gets hit by a bus?
Hiya i'm ArtisticKwittyKat but you can call me a nickname if you'd like ^^
Just going to throw this out there...what are the odds of you posting in a thread that i was in while i was posting in one that you were in? O.o
LOL, I was amused by how morbid you ended the idea. Haha, I also like how you inserted the anime parts! xD Anyway, I'll think this plot over, is that ok? I need to go for now but I'll be back as soon as I can. ~

Thank you for replying by the way! :D I hope to talk to you soon!
:D sounds good! and as for the morbid ending...i wasn't really sure how to end it...the "And they all lived happily ever after" thing is so cliche :P
Hi, ArtisticKwittyKat! Can I call you AKK for short? :D You can call me Scar if you like, or anything! xD Are you interested on roleplaying with me? What ideas do you have? Share them! xD Just like what I told Chalistravra, I need to go for now. Talk to you soon~ :D

And, Chalistravra, or Chali for short(? haha)! I know! I agree with you though, as much as possible I want to try less cliched ideas. xD
:P Call me what you wish, i've seen so many, Chal, Chali, Chalis, Vra, Tra...this has been my handle for AGES, got me though many games and other RP sites :P

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