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Hello? Is it me you're looking for? [1x1 search] [ignore prefix]

I can see it in your eyes.. I can see it in your smile....

ok I'll stop, I'm being lame.


My "name" is Rapples, I'm 20 and currently residing in Australia! 

As you can tell by the title, I'm looking for a couple one on one roleplays. I'm a pretty relaxed person and I believe it does show in my writing style - I like to be quite playful I suppose the word would be, I like having a basic plot line and just sort of go with the flow of things, of course we can add in twists and drama as we go along; we have to keep the roleplay interesting! 


Now, I do have a fairly busy schedule. I've just recently moved out of home and I currently work all day Friday - Sunday; depending how busy it is I may be able to get a couple replies in. C: Saying that though, I don't mind if it's one reply a day or even less, I'd like to keep it around at least 3 replies a week though! Of course though life does happen and I totally understand if you have to disappear for a couple days/weeks/whatever, just throw me a heads up so I know what's happening and all will be well. I'd probably go about 4 days not hearing from you before guessing you're not interested. If you do decide you're not interested that's cool too, just let me know or something I guess, or don't. I'm not too fussed honestly. 


I tend to mirror my partner too, but I can probably only write up to 3 paragraphs per character at the moment, I think anything more would fry my brain and take me five years to reply to. I tend to get distracted with my replies I've noticed, but if I'm online and depending how much I'm writing I should be able to get back to you within like.. 10 minutes? 


Okay, down to the nitty gritty! 

1. Now first of all I do prefer to play female characters, I can play males I just don't believe I am as good at make characters - that being said I can double up if that's your thing too. (I can also do MxM FxF or MxF pairings, I am not picky at all!) 

2. I believe romance is a very important subplot in roleplays, I fade to black with anything explicit though, I dunno, I've never been into smut. 

3. I won't roleplay any underage characters with adults (ie high school student x teacher). In Australia you're legally an adult at 18 so that's what I'm going with. 

4. You can swear, you can be in to drugs, you can have a sad story, you can do whatever you like with your character. 

5. I will require my partner(s) to be at least 18 because there usually tends to be "mature content" ie. drug abuse, swearing etc. in my roleplays.

6. The usual no god modding, you can ask to control my character (like if there's a fight scene or something), but as long as I give you the okay. 

7. Please use real life face claims!! 

8. I also prefer to roleplay over email, we can roleplay through PM if you're not comfortable with emails.. and also I like having conversation ooc! I like getting to know the people I'm writing with. 

I think that's it.. 


Now, I don't have any triggers or anything and I'm pretty open to anything, but if anything upsets you or makes you uncomfortable PLEASE let me know beforehand so I know what not to do!!


This is already longer than I wanted it to be so I'm just going to try keep the rest short and sweet. 

I'm open to plot ideas, I'm open to pairing ideas, the only genre I don't really do is fandom stuff (sorry!). I like mixing modern/realistic style roleplays with fantasy. 

At the moment I've been craving an apocalypse style roleplay, like.. nuclear, not really zombie sort of stuff, but other than that I'm pretty open to any pairings and plot ideas. 

That's about all I can think of at the moment, so if you're interested feel free to PM me or comment here.. or whatever I guess hahaha.

Thanks for reading!! 
Hello! I think this is a fabulous opportunity to make an amazing role-play! You seem like a very interesting person and you also seem to have a great mind for role-playing. I haven't been on RP Nation in a very long time. Feel free to look at my profile but there won't be anything good since i have been gone for a very long time. I have also been craving a post-apocalyptic RP with irradiated landscapes, mangled creatures, and a loneliness dynamic to make things interesting. I also don't do fandom well so I totally understand you in that area. Any who, the one thing that I like to see in all of my partners is that ability to show genuine characteristics in the character. What i mean by that is the characteristics that make the character who they are and not some random person you found in a forum. :). So what do you say?
Hey! So, I'm super interested. 

So, I actually already have a kind of post-apocalyptic setting/plot (Not zombies, it is nuclear stuff. I can explain more if you're interested.)

The only problem is that I also prefer playing female characters, and only to MxF... which is a bummer. .-. But hey, if you're still interested maybe we could figure something out, or double with both a male and female character each? I dunno, let me know. ^-^

I'm also open to any other plots or pairings!
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