Hello I'm new :)


New Member
Hello anybody and everybody. If it wasn't obvious I'm new to site and I hope to make some friends and have some interesting role plays. It's been a while since I've RPed so I'm a little or a lot rusty. So please bare with me. And yes I know, this intro is a little dull. I'm not very good intros

My preferences on RPing is I like making worlds up rather than using a fandom. I have my own OCs and I really prefer to use them. Also I'm very against sexual role plays. Like I had them. Good old fashioned adventure is damn near the apple of my eye( ok maybe not but you should get the point)

Also I should point out that my characters are anthropomorphic BUT IM NOT A FURRY. But I'll probably get told I'm one anyways. So whatever.

Well recap time: I'm new, I'm rusty, and I hope to have some fun. Peace ✌
Fortunately for you, erotic roleplay isn't allowed on RPN in the first place. You can browse other Site Rules at that link there.

Welcome to RPN, and don't forget rule #1 - have buckets of fun.
Hello Haseobodom, Mother is pleased with you.

Welcome to RP Nation, where Roleplay is our business.

You will find that there are plenty of rps out there in which you are required to have an OC, most of them are for rps that are not fan based. I think you will like it here. I will reiterate what @Dusky told you. Erotic roleplay is not at all allowed. Think PG13. This is a rule about which we are very strict so, if you see someone disobeying that rule, please let us know. I am going to assume you know the difference between reporting inappropriate language and tattle-taling on someone.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Xylin and I am Mother. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask one of the Mods, one of the Super Mods or even your doting Mother. That is, after all, what Mother is for.

We do have a few house rules which can be found here: INFO - Official Site Rules | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

They're fairly easy to follow. In fact, if you click on this link: Site Questions & Information | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum just about all your answers will be answered.

To find an RP, click on the Roleplays tab, scroll through the genres and find something you like. If it's open, ask the ST if you can join.

Have fun and do be a good Child,

Mother Xylin
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]No problem! :smiled:

Nice to meet you. As you can probably tell, you can call me Haseo
You can call Reaper or Soulsy. Its a pleasure to meet you as well. :wizardHappy:
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]You can call Reaper or Soulsy. Its a pleasure to meet you as well. :wizardHappy:

Despite the site itself, do you role play or is this more of a social thing for you? Sorry if I'm being nosy
[QUOTE="Roger Smith]im new too!

Yeah all of the new people!! Nice to meet you. I'm Haseo. It's a pleasure
Keanehandiam said:
So how long have you been rping for?
I started back when I was about 18 and stopped around 22 cause life got in the way and I haven't tried it sense cause I felt so out of the loop. But I found this place and are hoping to give it a chance
Haseobodom said:
I started back when I was about 18 and stopped around 22 cause life got in the way and I haven't tried it sense cause I felt so out of the loop. But I found this place and are hoping to give it a chance
I started when I was about 15 and recently I noticed that I need a new community.
Haseobodom said:
Hey, it happens to us all. New place new people
It's kinda inevitable. The site I was on before had a rather small and young community. Don't get me wrong, I practically grew up on that site--as an Rper, but I get too old. I guess you could say.
I Rp and I enjoy being able to meet people from across the world without have to waste large amounts of money just to speak with them. I am fine with questions. :wizardHappy:
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]I Rp and I enjoy being able to meet people from across the world without have to waste large amounts of money just to speak with them. I am fine with questions. :wizardHappy:

What types of RP do you enjoy? I'm always looking for people who enjoy a wide variety
I dabble a bit in anything. There is not on Topic that I don't enjoy then the other. There are people who have made such great details into a single thread and made some enjoyable. :wizardSilly:

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