Hello I'm new.

Well my name isn't new but I'm new to the site. I do know how to RP so no worries on that. But I was wondering how RPing works on here because i know every site is different in ways the community RPs .

I'm also looking forward to having a good time and meeting new people!

There, it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, fine... Demon.

To join an rp; simply go to the ideas or recruitment forums, found in the forums list.

Pay attention to your alerts. Anyways-

There are two good and recruiting rp's you should check out, if you want to get right into the action.



One called "The Sinwood Company" I think you'd very much like to join, if you are in for an extremely well thought out rp. It's under the recruitment thread.
Hello and welcome to RpN!

I've only been on this site for a little over a week. You'll get the hang of it quickly, and everyone here has been very nice.

If you're looking for role play, there are three main areas to look at:

1) Look over the Role Play Recruitment area and the Role Play Ideas areas. The Recruitment area is where GMs or players ready to roll (pun intended) generally post. The Ideas area is where people toss out ideas and you can collaborate.

2) Post in one of those two areas, letting people know what you're looking for.

3) You can also peruse the Member Roleplays. If you go to that section from the main page, there's a drop-down called "Sub-Forums"; from there, you can pick a character sheet/sign-ups area based on the type of RP.

If you're wondering where the RP happens, the two main ways are in the Member Roleplays area (both for group games and 1x1 games) and over conversations (like private messages), depending on their preference.

The best advice I can give is to jump right in. Welcome again :)
Oh, and... important safety tip, Egon: Nem rocks.

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