Hello I'm new here.


New Member
Hello there it is a pleasure to be here and I'm looking forward to participating in some great RP's. I'm somewhat experienced but I'm also a little rusty it has been a while since I've actually done this. So if anyone can give me some advice that would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone can point me in the way of any good rp's that would also be greatly appreciated.
Well welcome to rp nation and I might be able to lead you to a few good rp's it depends on what kind of rp your into
Welcome to RpNation, Varixyu!

If you're looking for some new roleplays, make sure to check out the Role Play Recruitment section. There might just be a roleplay looking for you!

If you need help with anything, feel free to shoot myself or one of the other staff members a PM and we can lend a hand however we can.

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