Hello, Fellow Mortals...


New Member
Hello my fell mortals, My name is Evanescence and I am 13 years young. You may not seem interested but I can guarantee if you keep reading, you will become attached like a file to an email. I am currently situated in the United Kingdom in a small village which I will not tell for privacy reasons. I haven't been on RpNation ever before so this is my 'introductory' post as they call it, I love roleplay and it's a big part of my life now so if you want to recommend anything, then please do so. That's all I can think of for now but I will probably post more posts in the future so for now, Au Revoir...

P.S I love Fantasy and Supernatural Genres!
Hello and welcome, Evanescence. I'm glad you found us and hope you'll make yourself at home.

A couple of tips I usually share with newcomers: Start by checking out the rules if you haven't already. Then I recommend checking out the list of active Role Plays as well as the Role Play Recruitment and Role Play Ideas areas. Those are the best places to find a group RP to join or find a writing partner. All of those are available from the main ("forums") view of the site.

If you have any other questions as you're getting oriented to the site, feel free to PM me or contact one of our amazing moderators or admins. You may also want to pop by the shout box (also available from the main or "forums" view) for real-time chat with members. We're all friendly. :)

Welcome again to RpN!
@ShinyBrowncoat , A.K.A Erica:

Thank you my dear friend for your kind welcome, I will check out your recommendations straight away and is that a Castle GIF? I love that show! Maybe a conversation is needed here? Once again, thank your for this message.
Hi, and welcome. I would do what Erica suggested to get started. Don't be afraid to explore on your own too.

Stop by the Shoutbox sometime. That's where I'll be.

The GIF is from Firefly. I love Castle, too, but my adoration of Nathan Fillion started with Firefly. :)

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