Deus ex nihilo
Hello there! As you can see, I'm new to this website..well, not really. I have been to this website before, though I didn't find it that interesting at the time. So I've decided to come back and at least give it a try. I've roleplayed at one other website before, I probably won't list the name of said site as it may be considered Advertisement and I wouldn't want to be banned a little after I've registered. I've been roleplaying for a little over a year, possibly two. I'm experienced in creating roleplays and in roleplaying one some.
I also might as well tell you some things about me as well.
Favorite Types of Roleplays
1. Futuristic
I don't really participate in modern roleplays, they don't really peak my interest as much as futuristic ones do. I enjoy creating my own version of what our future may or may not turn out to be.
2. Original Anything
Because why not? I do participate in fandom roleplays, but just roleplaying in someone elses world they they've created is amazing and you get to explore it bit by bit.
Favorite Fandoms
1. Deadman Wonderland
And probably a lot more than I can't think of at the moment xD
Doing anything on a computer (It is accurate to say I'm addicted)
Playing the Violin
Of course, Roleplaying
Some Facts About Me
I'm a Virgo
I plan to go to Harvard or Stanford when I get out Highschool
I love cats
Hopefully I can make some new friends here!
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