Hello everyone.. (°~°)


Hi. I am lord Hambone.. And I... Hate.. CHILDREN!!

Not really..

I'm sort of a noob to roleplay, and I haven't done it in forever either, so I'd be happy to join one.
Hahaa.... *looks around nervously* No one tell him I'm still a child in ghost years

Welcome to RPN, oh wonderful Lord Not-Hater-of Children!

*bows to the royalty*

If you're newbish, a good place to start rping just to get a hang of everything would probably be in threads prefixed with Simple or Casual. Or if you're confident, there's nothing stopping you from joining a Detailed one right away.

Users here are pretty friendly, so I'm sure GMs would be happy to have you joinin'! ;o

If you ever got any questions bout anything, feel free to ask me by writing a message on my profile or sending me a PM.
Don't worry. I think its really easy to get the hang of rps. I get nervous going to a new site because you have to relearn the rules, but I know that I'll catch on quick. You will too.

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