Hello everyone!


New Member
I'm kind of bad at introductions, but here goes!

I love reading, writing, anime, art, playing video games, and I'm in a lot of fandoms. My main ones are Homestuck, SuperWhoLock, and Harry Potter.

It's been several years since I've done a whole lot of roleplay, so I'm a little (actually very) out of practice.

Anyways, I look forward to having a lot of fun here!
Sup new person, I'm a new person too. SuperWholock? Is that like Super Mario brothers meets Dr. Who with a twist of Sherlock Holmes?
Nice to meet you! (o'v'o) You were close with SuperWhoLock, but sadly Super Mario brothers aren't a part of it. The 'Super' part actually stands for Supernatural.
I'd PM you to discuss the possibility of starting a role play. However my understanding is that, that is a function I currently lack. So if you have no problems with it, I'll solicit you here. Do you wanna build a snowman? Err, would you like to start a role play?
I'm late. Again. Anywho, hello! Harry Potter, eh? *screams internally* *whispers* another potterhead!!!! ANYWAY, I'm Roxxane, or Roxxy. Whichever. Although some people have called me a lot the last 2 years... (RoxLex, Lexxy, Roxxy, Lexanna, etc.) Glad to see that you have good taste, as I like the HP series too. (yes. like... totally.)

I hope you have a great time at RpN!

(P.S., as you can see, i'm not too great at intros, either.)
Obsidian Shimmer: Like I said it's been awhile, so for the most part I'm open to anything, but preferably fantasy, if that's alright. I can come up with something if you want, it just might not be until tomorrow.

Roxxy: Hi!! It's nice to meet another Potterhead. And thanks, I'm sure I'll have a great time here (I already am so far).
It has been a bit since I've role played. The last thing I was involved in was more competitive and less collaborative. I'm fine with fantasy, although I tend to stray from high fantasy. High Fantasy seems to have its own language which is almost always foreign to me. That being said, I am more than willing to give anything a shot.
ObsidianShimmer: High Fantasy can be a little too confusing for me as well, so it doesn't have to be something like that at all. Are elements of fantasy like magic or monsters (but still on Earth and not very complicated) alright?

UnicornBunny: Hello to you too! And thanks!
Very much so. I have a very open opinion about things like that. At some point technology becomes indistinguishable from magic. So I have no problems blending sci, modern, and fantasy settings together.
You're quick and straight forward with what you want to say, I love it! Don't lose that! You seem like an awesome person and I think you'll find it pretty roomy here at this... big website. Take it easy ^^

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