Hello Everyone <3


Princess of the Bush
Greetings from The Rose. I'm pretty new here, so I'm trying to find my way around this site. I'm pretty sure that I'll get the hang of it soon, but it would really appreciate if I have a few pointers here and there. I'm experienced at rping and I can't wait to start. I'm looking forward to having a good time.
Welcome to the Nation, The Rose! We're glad you've joined us.

If you have any questions, cares or concerns, feel free to tag me here or PM me (when you can). Or, if you're more of a do-it-yourself kinda gal head on over here;
Site Questions & Information | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

What genres are you most interested in? Would you consider yourself simple, casual or detailed? I'm sure I can find a way for you to get incorporated.
I'll throw in a hello as well! ^.^

Both links posted above are definitely useful but if you have any other questions or just want to talk to someone, I'm always open!

Good Morrow Madam.

Thank you for joining the site and we do hope you find it to your liking.

Stay as long as you wish and do not be afraid to ask for any assistance.

Our users here are more than welcoming to newcomers!

- Civetta
Civetta said:

Good Morrow Madam.

Thank you for joining the site and we do hope you find it to your liking.

Stay as long as you wish and do not be afraid to ask for any assistance.

Our users here are more than welcoming to newcomers!

- Civetta
Thank you so much for being so polite. Might I say that you have a rather ravishing character.
TheRose said:
Thank you so much for being so polite. Might I say that you have a rather ravishing character.

I'm flattered~ My thanks!

You've a unique flair to yourself as well.

- Civetta
Good morning! Sorry, I mean welcome. Um, I can't really speak formally, but I hope it's okay!
Mugiwara said:
Good morning! Sorry, I mean welcome. Um, I can't really speak formally, but I hope it's okay!
It's fine. That doesn't hinder a good conversation, now does it?
Civetta said:

I'm flattered~ My thanks!

You've a unique flair to yourself as well.

- Civetta
Thank you. I hope that we can talk more when all of my features become available. Perhaps mingle over tea.
British people? I'd like to go to Britain one day. Especially since I have fallen in love with a British transfer student before.
Mugiwara said:
British people? I'd like to go to Britain one day. Especially since I have fallen in love with a British transfer student before.
Hehe. Really? Well that sounds fascinating. When you do have a chance, I hope that you enjoy your stay.
Yes. I'd like to taste the 'Fish and Chips' dish they eat. Perhaps even drink some ale.
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