Hello! :3


Probably likes cats a little too much
Hi ya!

You can call me Bsael, or Alex. This is my first time on RPN, and I'm really excited to be here! It seems like a great community from what I've seen so far.

I won't waste anyone's time by spilling out my whole life story, but I have been writing for awhile and I've always had a passion for roleplaying. I've probably been doing it for about...5-ish years now? Mostly casual, but I do have experience doing more full-fledged, long-term story lines. I stick to fandom roleplaying, typically, however that doesn't mean I'm not open to original universes and characters. (I love AU's, yeee~!)

Fandoms I'm interested in at the moment include:

  • Rick and Morty
  • Undertale
  • Achievement Hunter
  • Sherlock
  • Game of Thrones

Anyway, like I said before I'm very excited to be here, and I can't wait to meet some new people! <3
[QUOTE="Inner Power]Welcome to RP Nation Alex.

Thanks so much! :D

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