Hello <3


The Mysterious Helper
Hello Everyone <3

I'm Virgo and I found this site while searching google for sites to join!

A little about myself, I love reading novels of all genres wether it be non-fiction, fantasy or paranormal YA novels. I have a passion for writing that brought me to the roleplaying scene seven years ago. My spare time is dedicated to me trying to write a novel; not to get it published or anything, but just to enjoy creating characters and storylines that are exiciting. I love games such as Fatel Frame, Clock Tower, Bravely Default, Jet Set Radio Future, Fallout 3 (and 4), and Pokemon. I have more but I won't sit here forever naming them.

As a roleplayer I have been apart of both semi-lit and literate roleplays in the past. I may not have mastered the comma or semi-colon but I have confidence in my writing skills. I can write anywhere from one paragraph to seven depending on my muse and what I have to work with. I like doing 1x1 the most but I sometimes play group roleplays if I am interested in the plot.

I also am interested in dice roleplaying but I have to admit I have zero experience playing anything like that. One day I may give it a try though!

Sorry about all the writing but I am excited to meet new people! Don't be afriad to stop by and say hello! I don't bite

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Hey, looks like we found this site the same way! I'm new as well, and just created my account a few minutes ago. So you've been RPing for seven years? That's impressive seeing as I've only been doing this for two years (I think…). What is your favorite genre to write or RP?
Woot to use newcomers and two years is still a long time I just got introduced to it early in my life!

Hm, I normally write stories set in a more modern time and it has hints of the upernatural within it. For roleplaying I still like that supernatural vibe but I like roleplaying both modern and medieval. How about yourself


https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27192-beautifulday/https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27192-beautifulday/ ?
I'm a medieval and fantasy kind of girl since thats where most of my experience is, but I love trying new things. Having a supernatural element in RPs is definitely awesome! I'm hoping to be able to branch out on this site after I can figure out exactly how everything works, haha! @Virgo

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