Heavenly Heights

After finally finishing with the meat, and grabbing some rice from the fridge, Blake turned around and noticed he had guests. "My colleagues did say the scent of another's cooking is an easy of attracting guests, and I did not plan on eating all of this well done chicken all by myself, anyway," he said, with a strand of his hair standing up. He decided to take the strand, and curl it so it would resemble a halo. He liked it that way. He looked at his uninvited guest and said, "Well, the actual term is Angel, but yes I actually have been a chef for QUITE some time. I take it you and my other guest who has helped him or herself to my bed must be hungry. Everything is almost ready. I just need to get the Puits D'Amour that is still in the oven." Blake turned around to open the oven, grabbing and putting on his signature gloves, which were made out of his own feathers. He Gently, he grabbed the tray and put it on the table, removing the aluminum foil to reveal the sweets. "Today's desert is Puits D'Amour. A lovely little pastry sprinkled in sugar and filled with raspberry jam, but I usually mix it up. Some have strawberry jam, some have blueberry jam, and some have raspberry jam, and some have all three in them and they are my favorites. Go ahead, dig in." He announced happily taking some chicken and rice and helping to two Puits D'Amour.
Raven pinched her nose slightly. "I mean no offence, but I honestly cannot stand the smell of any kind of food unless it's proper Demon food or blood" she told him. "So unless you have anything along those lines on the menu, I'm afraid I'll have to decline. I just came here to tell you that I don't plan on intentionally starting any conflicts with you over our species differences, and I hope you have no intentions of doing so either" she said to him, her wings relaxing against her back as she sat and curiously watched the groups of people that entered the room.
"That's funny. I was hoping to perhaps make friends with you, my dear," Blake said, having no quarrels with her despite the fact that she was a demon. " You're probably didn't see that coming, but as far as I am concerned, you are among a friend. I could sit here and say how many things I don't approve of demons doing, but unlike most angels, I look past those things. In fact, some demons actually like my cooking, but they were always picky. And I do not have any blood on me, but do you have anything in mind? I could use a little challenge," Blake asked, willing to try cooking demon food. He knew a sorcerer who cooked Demon food before, but said sorcerer was rather finicky about sharing his recipes with Blake.
Raven snorted softly when he said that he had been hoping to make friends with her. "Now what would my father have to say about me befriending an angel? He'd probable pass the throne to my sister instead of me" she said with a shrug before trying to think of a demon meal she felt like eating at the moment, but was unable to think of anything since she wasn't really that hungry. "Don't worry about cooking me anything, I fed yesterday, so I don't need food at the moment"
Blake simply laughed, starting a tangent, "Well, I want to ask "How will your father find out?" You are royalty, I'm sure of that. However, it's not like he has someone or something watching you like a hawk excluding the swooping down and devouring you part, or perhaps he does have someone watching you, I would not know. I just met you." Blake was simply was going on with what he knew about the demon princess so far. It's not like he is falling in love with her or anything, or at least anything yet. In his mind, there is no say that demons and angels cannot be friends, or perhaps lovers. He knew angels that have fallen in love with demons, humans, and all other species. In his mind, demons may or not feel the same way. "Well, remember me when feeding time comes. It's a shame, really. This is actually pretty good, but while you're here....May I ask for your name?," he finally asked.
The boy didn't understand her question, that was as much as Lent gathered. Uneducated in the ways of the speechless, it seemed. Lent sighed and took the boy's hand without asking. She tapped a finger on herself, then drew the letters "L-E-N-T" on the boy's hand. She then proceeded to tap a shadow nearby and pointed back at herself. Hopefully, this time, the child actually understood.

Muttering, or making lip movements that seemed like muttering, Lent decided to search the room for something to better allow her to converse with the boy. Usually, there was a notepad or something here. Most of the rooms she had traversed into had a notepad in the drawer of the desk. She yanked one open and, as clear as the dark inside the desk, there one was. She reached in and plucked out the notepad and a pen. Looking quite cheery at her new find, she sat down on the floor beside the newcomer and wrote furiously on the notepad in a cursive, italicised and almost unreadable scribble.

"The name is Obscuro Lentium, but mortals and others call me Lent. What am I? I am a shadow given life, so to speak. The question now is, what are you?" the note read. Lent crossed her fingers, praying to some funny place in the sky that this child-being understood letters in the very least.
Listening to the conversation between the Demon princess and the Shapshi, she took a chicken thigh and helped herself. " Calling you Shapshi is cool." She said while munching on the meat. " Perfectly cooked. Anyone's gonna love this." she said, while looking at the twin-tailed royalty. "Or not." She then, took a sniff at the Puits D'Amour, and observed it for some seconds. "Now this, is delicacy." She started to stick her fangs to the color red of the strawberry jam, and sipped the color red out of it, leaving some parts of the dessert pale. She sat down, and put back the dessert where it was once, and gave out a chuckle. "Don't worry, no saliva. Just hungry for some red."
Cornelia frowned as more people entered the room that contained her delectable targets, her plan was still unchanged though, "Freeze everybody and grab munchies!" She was glad that nobody had noticed her yet, and carefully examined the opposition. She spied a familiar face, "Black princess," she recalled, pouting as she did so. She did not like her look at all and had overheard her talking about drinking blood numerous times, Needless to say, Cornelia went to extreme lengths to avoid her. There were also two other people she did not recognise, there was a friendly looking girl, long black hair and gray skin. She was happily chowing down on her serving of chicken and rice, earning her a indignant glare. The second person in the room, obviously the one cooking the food was a tall handsome man, anybody who could cook was a good person in Cornelia's books. She watched as he pulled out a tray of what looked like cupcakes from afar, which nearly sent her into a fit. She watched as the girl started to suck on the cupcake with an expression of delight on her face.

Cornelia had seen enough, she could take it no longer, she burst through the windows, and put her master plan into action.
Scratching his head as the small girl drew letters on his hand, Wilt shrugged. Nope. He couldn't understand that either. As she grabbed pen and paper though, he payed close attention, waiting on baited breath. Wilt spent easily two minutes looking at the strange letters, every little inch of them on that paper. He rubbed his chin as he read, his purple eyes scanning the page in slow and absorbing arcs, taking in the information and processing it, letting it sink in, so he could then do something appropriate with the information he learned from observing these letters.

Once he reached the end of the page, Wilt gave a sheepish smile, his eyes un-focusing from their important task on the paper, and finding their way to the small girl's face. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as he offered a weak smile.

"I can't read." He said, glancing away from the girl, seemingly slightly embarrassed.
Leighton tipped his hat towards the receptionist as he entered the building, home after spending the morning out in the city areas of Toronto. His violin was safe in its case, slung over one shoulder, while the other shoulder bore the weight of items he had yet to disclose to the receptionist until now. Besides that, he held a takeaway in his hand.

"How was your morning, hm?" he queried as he placed the takeaway onto the desk. He caught sight of the papers that were left on the desk as he did, and raised an eyebrow. "New tenants?"

The receptionist merely nodded, not once diverting her eyes from the computer screen. That's how Leighton had been seeing her ever since he moved in here years ago, but he remembered the one instance where she was bubbly and cheerful. Reality pretty much sucked for humans. Shrugging, Leighton hefted his case and bag one last time before proceeding up the stairs, intending for his room on Floor 7.

He stopped briefly in his tracks when the receptionist's dull voice echoed from her unmoving perch by the desk. "You forgot your food, Cordell."

"Nah, " Leighton smiled a bit. "Go ahead - it's your favourite."

Without another word, he continued his climb to the seventh floor, curiously listening to the commotion upstairs that got louder as he came nearer.

I smell chicken. I hear chattering. Wow, these are some friendly new tenants.
And she sensed it.

She stood meters behind the great chef's window and from the back of her eye, she could sense someone outside. Outside? The windows? They were like, at the sixth floor, so she couldn't expect less. She inhaled deeply, and quickly, and realized that it was an esper. A Chrono esper. And she totally, had no more time. In less than a minute, she managed a grin, and shoveled more chicken her one hand could hold.

"I would really like to stay for more food," She told the two. "But I'm afraid I'm busy, and already have a lot on my right hand, see?" She added, showing about three big pieces of chicken, one almost falling from her grip. And slowly, she backed out of the room. "So.. yeah." She wanted to help the others escape, but it was too late. The girl already bursted in, and all she could save was her...

And the meat.

(This was edited, But for now I'm gonna sleep. :D )
Blake was surprised at how many guests he had at the moment and muttered, "I may need to take out more Puits D'Amour." Blake then noticed as the girl was slowly leaving taking the large pieces of chicken after looking out of his window. "Wait a minute, where are you off to in such in a hurry?," Blake asked, taking off after her. She left like she running from Death, literally.
Still in his human form, the once-travelling musician sat on his bed after clambering up the stairs, gently placing his violin case next to him. Leighton hadn't thought of doing anything else besides his usual practice in his room, but the curiosity of who the tenants were had his attention.

"Surely they aren't in any sort of rush?" he murmured, staring at the clock. "Hm, but it's past noon; there's some bustling about to be done for sure."

Shrugging, but wearing a faint smile on his lips,he stood up and walked over to his display table, laying a hand on his flute case. Ah, how he did so love the sound of the flute, just as much as he loved the violin; it soothed him from deep inside, relieving him of the troubles in his mind. Setting up the metallic aerophone, Leighton remembered clearly of previous tenants and residents that came by his way just to listen to his music, and it made him wish he had gone in life with them.

He shook his head slightly, chuckling to himself. "Appreciate life. Live it to the fullest. Well, let's see if these folks enjoy music like the others."

Checking the instrument's alignment one last time, Leighton raised the instrument to playing position, adjusting the lip-plate so it rested comfortably on his bottom lip. He took a deep breath and blew across the tone-hole, listening out for his tuning. Once he was sure it was good, he practised a few scales, having fun manipulating the various techniques.

And, after several rounds of warm-up, he glanced at the doorway, having left it open for this reason only. But before he could even start on his piece, he heard the crash of windows one floor down, and quickly stood up, staring out into the doorway.

"What now!" he growled, leaving his instrument on the bed and rushing down a floor.
Looks like he didn't understand. Lent scratched her frost-white hair and adjusted her blindfold, tightening it slightly. She stood up and returned the notebook back to its home, and pushed the drawer shut. She pondered for a moment, rubbing her chin with her fingers and starnig up into the ceiling with her eyeless sockets. Looks like she should wait for a much more juicier time to return to him. At this point, she can't converse with him, nor get him to understand. And besides, she wanted to see how he acted, his personality, everything. She wanted to know everything about this child.

Her chuckle was as silent as ever, the only sign that she was laughing was her physical movement. She spun around towards the boy and waved to him, before stepping backwards and sunk into the desk's shadow. The last the boy would see of her was her waving hand, before every part of her vanished into the darkness.
Leighton had second thoughts about investigating the noise below the moment he set foot on the steps. Should he really? The last time he poked his nose around trying to investigate, the neighbour involved wanted to rend him from limb to limb, citing how rude and unprofessional it was to intrude on the business of others.

Him? Unprofessional? Insult, I say!

He stopped halfway down the stairway, putting finger to chin. Maybe just this once, he'll sit and wait.

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