Heavenly Exchanges [Inactive]

Taking the buckets outside, he headed to the lake before catching sight of a well not too far away. Heading there instead he lowered them one after the other filling both up. Returning to the cabin he placed them down where he had found them before unhooking one from the pole and bringing it over to the fireside. Pouring the water into the pot he waited for it to heat up before adding the other ingredients. It wasn't going to anything spectacular but it would sustain them, if food was even required for her at all. Sitting down in a chair next to her, he reclined as he stared off into the flames. Much had happened today that he had not expected.

Casting a glance towards her, she had been the first surprise. It wasn't everyday that one met a celestial being. Their meeting had been a conflicted one though. Recognizing her as baring such a close resemblance to his deceased wife. It had not been pleasant to see such familiarity in her features. He had tried to bury his emotions about that chapter of his life but they had all come to the forefront of his thoughts when he had said those words to her back there. Things weren't all gloom with her though. She had promised to help him find the artifact that would bring his daughter back to life. That was all he wanted.

Then had been his reunion with his old friend. Simon looked well. Still too vain for his own good. He could have sworn he had seen earrings in the man's ears. Not small ones either. Big hooped ones. What was he thinking? It mattered not. They weren't meeting as friends anymore. He was their target. They would try to apprehend him again of that he was sure. He would honor their commitment next time and not hold back from the beginning. It pained him to raise his sword against men that he had once known. They were good men to. Only doing their job.

Sighing, he reached forward and stirred the contents of the pot. This was only going to get worse before it got better. But nothing would stop him. He would bring his daughter back. Even if he had to die to do so.
The angel had nearly fallen asleep when she saw Dakeyras' hand reach out towards the pot. Her eyes fluttered back open and watched him carefully. She still was somewhat curious about something. On her decent to her body, she'd seen blood, dead men. Not to mention, the hoards of men running from where the pair of them were at the riverside. Surely it was connected, it was impossible for it not to be.

"Who were those men?" Faida asked quietly, her eyes still drawn to the flames. "I saw men running, and the blood. Did you kill them?"

She wasn't drawn to the chaos and gore of a fight, preferring to stay far from it in fact. Angels were like that, pacifists, for the most part. Aside from the stray member of destruction, or another who was tricked by some wicked force, Angels liked to stay far from conflict that involved humans. If they were involved, it wasn't in the fighting, but in the healing process a safe distance away.

"Are you wounded anywhere?" She asked after, well able to heal a simple scrape if need be.
Eyes not leaving the fire, Dakeyras explained, "The one bandit I spared earlier returned with more men. The others were Knight's from Drenai." His voice got a little thick as he mentioned his homeland. There were a lot of memories tied to that place. Both the good and the bad. It seemed like the day was beginning to revolve around unearthing things that he would have rather left buried. But fate it would seem had something else in store for him. "The Knights did most of the killing. I only helped them finish the rest of the bandits off while trying to injure them. The last two Knights forced my hand," he said by way of answering her second question. He had cared little for the death of the bandits. They made their fate. The Knights he had more reservations about. They had once all been allies. Only a sick twist of fate had made them his adversaries. He had honored their challenge by killing them though and he found some comfort in that.

Making a dismissive gesture with his hand at mention of injury to himself, he assured her, "I am unharmed. As skilled as they were they would have required their full attention to truly pose any threat to me." He didn't say that out of arrogance but rather matter of factly. As skilled as the Knight's had been, they had not come close to reaching the pinnacle of their martial arts. The only one among them that stood to put up any fight at all had been his old friend, Simon Templeman. "The Black Knight is not to be underestimate though. If he appears again, try to keep your distance," he warned her finally turning his icy blue gaze upon her.

Returning his attention to the food, he ladled them out some of the stew into two bowls. Breaking some bread, he gave her a piece while taking one for himself before he started to eat his portion. There was enough stew for seconds which he planned to take even if she did not. Still mortal, he required food to sustain him.
The stew was hot, even with the bowl to hold it. Faida hadn't expected this at all, and she felt foolish for not considering that the bowl would heat up. She stirred it lightly in her hands before sipping at the edge of the cup. The broth hit her first, and she recoiled quickly. She hoped the knight wouldn't take too much notice at her shock. The world was brand new to her now that she could touch and feel everything she'd only seen for years.

"If the Black Knight happens to find us, will you still be able to protect me?" Faida asked curiously. If he was warning her now, she wanted to know if it was a matter of life and death. Especially if Faida was stuck in a trance, she'd be hundreds, thousands of miles away before she could even think about returning. Just like that, her life would be extinguished, all because she was curious about mortal life.

She ate more so to be polite, her appetite was nonexistent after all. Surprisingly she enjoyed the simple dish of meat and vegetables, it was robust and filling, a human dish as well. Never would she have suspected it to taste the way it did. Even more than the stew, the taste of bread was delicious, even if it was a little hard on the outside. Faida chewed noisily, unaware of any human customs, a small smile appeared on her face and her wings fluttered beneath the cloak in response. They responded to her joy in that way, flitting behind her the longer she ate, and the happier she was.
"He will make me work for it but I will still able to protect you," he stated with faint signs of a smile upon his lips. He enjoyed the prospect of fighting his old friend. The man knew how to fight and was quite observant. Perhaps too observant though. He had seen him steal a glance at Faida during their fight. Would he use the girl against him during their next encounter? It was hard to tell with Simon. He was strong by his own virtues but he wasn't all muscle. There was an intelligence there that had got him selected to lead those knights after Dakeyras. Knowing that they were outclassed in sheer power, they might then be forced to try and move on her while trying to apprehend him.

With no urgency in his voice, Dakeyras asked, "How soon can you begin searching again?" He would like to find the artifact but his need to move quickly had been derailed. With her ability to search for it while out of her body he no longer needed to aimlessly wander. Then there were those still out there that were after them. The bandit boy would likely not prove any trouble. But there had been something in his eyes that had concerned Dakeyras. They seemed to him to be robbed of reason. He was possessed by something. Had he been that way when they first met on the road? He didn't remember it being so. But then what had done that to him?

And then there were the Knights led by Sir Simon Templeman. They would prove more difficult but not by too much. He had injured enough of them that last time that they likely wouldn't make a move against him too soon. They were no longer on Drenai land and it would take them some time to refresh their forces if they wanted to stand a chance against him. That was if they weren't suffering the same as the Bandit. Had they fallen under the influence of Faida's presence? That was not something that Dakeyras could comment on. He was only just becoming aware that there might be something about her that could cause that in people.
Faida considered telling Dakeyras about the addiction and infatuation some men felt towards divine beings. Be it Angels or Demons, or any other creature, men had an odd way of becoming addicted to their presence. They craved the rare and unusual treasures, and an Angel was certainly a rare thing indeed. If she had to guess, Faida imagined she was the only one on Earth at the moment. There was a time their population was higher on Earth, but the ravings of mad men pushed them away.

"How soon?" She repeated in her sweet voice. "I need to rest, so, a day, two at most. But we need to find somewhere safe again." Faida eyed the man, not doubting his ability to keep her safe in the slightest. She'd been watching him for years of his life now, and he hadn't lost a battle yet. "And Dakeyras, if you move my body, I'll need you to leave a message. If I can't find my body, I can't come back."

She sat up and pulled the blue cloak around her body, glad to be warm and inside while there were knights and bandits after them. Yes, she knew the dangers, but if it was her against them she could easily escape. Faida was mostly sure of herself, anyways, but men were surprising creatures still.

"You can touch my body in the trance, it won't harm it. I can't hear you, feel you, nothing. But whatever you do, don't lose me." She warned him. It would be dangerous for her, and she didn't intend on dying on her little adventure to the surface.
Dakeyras had not even considered moving her before. He had been fighting alone for so long now. His instincts led him to confront any assailants and dispatch them where they stood. He hadn't had to think about another's well being in some time. Now that they were traveling together though that was different. As part of their quest, she would be required to enter states of complete vulnerability which meant that he had to take responsibility for her while she was absent from her body. It would be easy if the bandits tried to attack them again. Even with their numbers, he could easily dispatch them before they got anywhere close to her. The Knights were another story. They knew the difference between their strength and his and had been trained to combat him. They could keep him busy while another tried to take her hostage.

Deciding that he knew too little about what she was capable of, he finally decided to ask, "What does it mean to be an Angel? What sort of abilities do you have other then the Sight and the ability to become ethereal?" The more he knew the better they would be able to defend themselves. Of course if her soul wasn't in her body it likely mattered not what she was capable of. But still, he would rather know than not.
"Well." Faida hummed and sat back up, her wings fluttered again behind her. They were upset being confined beneath the cloak. "There are things such as the Sight that are particular to the individual. Most of us can fly. Giving a blessing of power is also no problem. Any blessing or enchantment, it's a simple thing. However, all Angels have the ability to heal minor wounds. Some of us can bring the dead back to life, but, such things are taboo. I do not have that power."

Faida had tried to bring a man back, once, it was in her first decade of being an Angel. She pitied the human, alone, traveling a long distance to meet with his only child. It had torn her to see him fade along the way, and she tried her hand at revival, but, it didn't work. It was the only time she ever tried, and she feared she never would again. The amount of power behind a full revival was immense, and could drain the being for years.

"To be an Angel though? We're immortal. So long as we stay peaceful, we will not die. That doesn't mean I don't feel pain, don't mistake that." Such as in the moment, her feet were sore from walking on the rough dirt. She needed shoes, and she needed them before they left, otherwise it would prove to be incredibly painful for her and that wouldn't help anyone. "Angels are pale things, if you hadn't already noticed. We all have wings. The smaller, the younger the being. And no, we don't have halos. Is there anything particular you had in mind? What kind of human myths are there?"
Once more Dakeyras found himself listening to Faida intently. There were a few things that she said that interested him. What was this blessing of power she spoke of? But little of it mattered to him once she said that there were Angels that bring back the dead. He lost some heart when she stated that she could not and a little more when she stated that it was considered a taboo. Still though it was possible. "Could we not find an Angel that could and convince them to bring my daughter back?" The question came out before he could really think it over.

There was nothing in the world that he wanted more than to bring his little girl back. The desire was strong enough to blind him and would prove itself to be a weakness in him. For now though he merely sounded like a desperate father. He hadn't even considered it possible for an angel to be able to do this. But now maybe it wasn't an artifact they were looking for the begin with. If angels found this to be a taboo but one thought otherwise maybe they merely conducted themselves in secret? He wouldn't be surprised. Little this world had to offer genuinely surprised him anymore. Even when Faida had appeared before him at first.

Her question to him had gone unnoticed in the face of these new possibilities. If she was still interested then he would answer if asked again. But now he had more pressing matters on his mind.

ooc | sorry if this isn't the best. I didn't want to put off writing my reply any longer. I don't think it is bad but that is for you to judge xP
Faida gripped her knees close to her chest, sighing softly. "There hasn't been an Angel with that power for thousands of years. The only one who can stays hidden on Earth, no one has seen him for even longer than that. It's a dangerous power. If a human were to find him and abuse his power?" She shook her head.

There was another way, but, Faida feared the thought. She spoke quietly, giving the information freely to Dakeyras. He was alone, had been for a while now, and she wasn't worried about how far her stories would get. "Angels can exchange their lives for other lives. But, no one will take your offer. Some have lived through the process but fell from grace, bound to mortal bodies, until they died a mortal death."

If any of the divine beings tried, they could bring back the dead. Only few had the power to live through it. That's really what she had described. It was by will, of course, so Dakeyras couldn't force Faida to bring someone back even if he tried. She'd simply disappear as an Angel would do.
Dakeyras scolded himself for letting his hopes get too out of hand. He had recognized that the information had been too good to be true but had let his spirit raise anyway. It had been a naive thing to do. But neither could he help it. This quest meant too much to him and the sooner he could complete it then the better. If anything, this only showed him that there could be no cut corners. That it wasn't going to happen just because he wanted it to. He would have to work for it and only then would he be able to make it a reality.

Yawning, he suddenly felt very tired. Looking around the cabin he saw that there was only the one cot for sleeping. Nodding towards it he told her, "You may take the bed." Standing up he walked over to a nearby chair where he sat back and shut his eyes. "If you should wake before me, do not go outside without waking me first. It still is not safe," he warned her before falling silent. If she had nothing more to say then he was going to get some rest. He could not be sure when the next attack would come but he felt pretty comfortable for the meantime. And one needed to sleep regardless. The last thing he wanted was to still be tired when trouble did eventually find them.

ooc | sorry for the delay. my sister got hit by a car and so my attention has been divided between her and work. she is doing better though and so i should start replying more regularly now. at least once every other day.

"I like it here." She spoke quietly, admiring the fire before her. "It's warm. I like it when my wings are warm."

Faida smiled and pulled the cloak from her shoulders so she could use it as a pillow, and curled up in front of the fire with her wing tips reaching out for the flames. Still small, they only extended at the farthest down to the back of her thigh, but stretched fully they flared and glistened in the light. An angel's wings were her life. Flight, beauty, and a source of pride.

Angels didn't dream. Her sleep was similar to blinking slowly. One minute, it was dark, there was a fire lit behind her and outside only the wind was heard rustling through the trees. The next, morning light bathed her skin. She felt restored, but didn't know how long it had been. Time passed differently for the both of them, but she had to assume she'd only slept through the night.

The girl stood with the cloak in hand, remembering to wrap it around herself to hide her wings. She still stood out like a sore thumb, but covering them made her divinity less obvious. Faida slipped into a pair of slippers she found near the entrance, then she looked around for Dakeyras. He said not to leave without him.
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