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Fantasy Heavenly Beings Academy

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Tim smiled when she echoed his name and he nodded. "Nice to meet you Belle." He said and chuckled when she called herself oblivious to most. He sort of got that when he first met her a tiny bit ago finding her just staring off into the distance. "Yeah it does. I'm feeling pretty hungry." He said and his words were accompanied by a hungry grumble from his stomach. He looked over to where the smell was coming from. His attention was bought back to the weather as a bolt of lightning came down. He chuckled as he saw some people in the mess hall jump. "Is the weather always like this?" He asked her looking back at her and smiling, wondering if she had spaced out again. "Where do you go when you space out like earlier?"
Belle was actually being quite attentive to Tim, even though her stomach was also yelling at her to go and grab some substance. She was a bit uneased at the bolt of lightning - she wasn't very fond of it - but took her attention back to Tim, "Uh, no actually it's been really weird today. Probably from the divines being here; probably want to mess around with us, y'know?" For some reason it never struck her that he could be a divine.

"Oh, just off I guess. I dunno." She said sincerely to his second question. "Just thinking to myself." She looked over to see Aimee at the door and watched as her eyes moved back and forth between her table and another student's. She didn't know that she had been taking her away from someone! "Oh, Aimee and Julian are here. They're the ones that'll probably be sitting with us for lunch, but it looks like she wants to sit with someone else..." Belle said, the disappointment coming through in her voice.
He just nodded at the reply to his question and he began to ease the lightning and rain, seeing that she seemed a bit uneased by it. It probably wouldn't be best to do that to a possible friend. It was soon just drizzling outside and the were conversations going on around him about how weird the weather was today. "Yeah it probably is one them." He said and just smiled to himself knowing she didn't think it was him at least not yet.

"Oh yeah I do that sometimes, just get lost in your thoughts." He says and smiles as the smell of food wafts past his nose again causing his stomach to rumble at him telling him to get some food already. He just shook his head as she spoke again and looked where she was looking and saw Aimee and Julian. "Don't worry they will probably come over soon. We could always go over and join them if you wanted after getting something to eat." He suggested to her.
Ryan grabbed a bar and sat down at a table. The teen ate the bar while looking around the area. He was able to find some familiar faces among the students. Should he walk over to them and join them for lunch? His gaze shifted to Julian. Ryan wasn't afraid of him. He just did not want a fight to break out. Yeah, maybe it was best if he stayed away from him since the guy always seemed to want to grind Ryan to pieces or pick a fight with him. He was able to spot Tim out speaking with another person. Perhaps it was somewhat normal to chuckle at the earlier scene? A sense of guilt grew under Ryan's skin. However, the teen didn't make the feeling evident. He felt guilty for abandoning Tim. Ryan decided to accept Tim for who he was and apologize to that chuckler for being rude. That, and he would tell Tim the truthful reason as to why he avoided him a few moments ago. The teen stood up from his seat and began walking toward Tim.
This guy seemed like someone she'd like to hang around, and... she stopped and felt someone looking at her, swiveling in her chair a bit to see Ryan approaching them. Darn it, she was already having trouble keeping her cool with this super cute boy, now here comes another one. "Hey, do you know this guy?" She said, turning her head to give Tim a bright eyed look of inquisition. Now she desperately wanted to go and grab some grub, but really didn't want to seem rude by just leaving as soon as this guy came over.
"Huh?" He asks and looks at the guy approaching seeing that it was Ryan. Tim didn't care that Ryan had just walked away earlier without a word. "Yeah, I do. He just disappeared earlier randomly." Tim said and waved to Ryan. He lost his train of thought for a moment as his stomach rumbled again. "Man I'm getting really hungry now. I think I may have to go get something to eat." He said to he but he didn't move in case she didn't want him to go just yet. "I by accident tripped over this girl that had bumped into him at the end of maths earlier today. That's how I met him."
Shakutnala looked to Joseph and said, "I guess together we just have thought about them too much and they appeared" She said, managing to smile, she looked to Julian, then over at the table he wanted them to sit at. She bowed her head, recognising Tim. The guy that tripped over her after she had falling after crashing into Ryan. She supposed she didn't really have any choice, but resolved to avoid Tim. She saw Ryan head over to the table as well, and groaned lightly.

This should be mortifying, but that seemed to go with the rest of the day in any case. Surely it couldn't get any worse, could it? She rose, and nodded, "Alright. I'm happy to do that" She said.


Pakuna sighed, wondered if any of the students around him were his roommate, and if so, which one. What else he could do to figure out who, he didn't know. He should probably be trying to meet some of the other students, particularly the ones he recognised as children of the gods. No one had come up to him yet, so perhaps no one recognised him. he didn't know if that was a good thing or bad thing.
Aimee, still unsure what to do, was overwhelmed by hunger. She had not eaten in 2 days, having no appetite from all the excitement, but it was hitting her full force now as she breathed in the smells. Her legs moved her towards the buffet tables and picked out an assortment of fruits and meats, not caring for the vegetation. After she had a full plate that would make her father proud, she stood there looking between the tables she wanted to sit at. She saw that Julian was talking to his sister and her brother so she walked towards Belle, Tim, and now Ryan. "Um, Belle?" She wasn't sure if she was allowed to join her, she was used to gods having a designated spot to eat at but then again she always ate with Julian in the Fields. "Could I...?" She didn't finish the sentence feeling embarrassed she had to ask for permission to sit down.


Julian watched his sister, "If you are uncomfortable with anyone, I'd be more than willing to threaten them. Name them and it's done." He sensed Aimee walking away and looked over his shoulder to see her getting a plate full of fruit and meat, he grinned I'll have to get a plate full of vegetation, she never eats all the fruit or meat anyway. He turned back to his sister, knowing full well of anyone that approached Aimee while his back was turned.
Ryan waved back and smiled a little as he approached them. "Tim I apologize for the spontaneous disappearance earlier" He said hearing their stomachs growl. Ryan raised an eyebrow when he noticed that the two had not eaten yet, "Would you two like me to get you some food, or maybe hold this table while you both get something to eat?" The teen took a bite out of his bar as he waited for their reply. Yes, that was the longest question he had ever asked anyone since he had left his house a month ago and entered the campus.
"Oh, Aimee, there you are! Of course you can sit, we were just about to go and get something to eat. So, Tim and I will be back in a second, okay?" She looked about the hall to look for Aimee's somewhat terrifying friend and was surprised he was capable to leave her side. Rising and scooting a chair out for Aimee quickly, she made her way to the buffet table and filled her plate with pasta and veggies, squealing with delight at the selection of desserts that were out as well.
"It's fine Ryan, and hello Aimee." Tim said with a smile when Ryan apolgized and as Aimee walked over with a full plate that made his stomach rumble even more. "Yeah we are starving we will be right back with food." He said getting up about the same time as Belle and walked to the buffet tables with her. He filled his plate with a good amount of food since he was so hungry. He waited for Belle before heading back to the table.
Shakuntala looked up at her brother. Sometimes she wondered how he came to conclusions about threatening. She waved a hand and said "it's more embarrassement then anything else, brother. Ryan is the guy I walked into, and Tim is who then tripped over me. That's why I was talking with Ryan before. To make sure he was okay. It wasn't his fault I walked Into him. I wasn't payig attention" she grabbed her things "let's go over"
Ryan continued chewing and took another bite from his bar. He tilted his head a bit when he noticed Aimee, "Ello..". As he swallowed that piece of bar, he looked around the hall. There was Shakuntala and her brother Julian talking to one another. Ryan tilted his head a bit as he examined the both of them from the distance he was at. His gaze quickly shifted away so that it did not look as if he was just staring at the two siblings. He took another bit from his bar and resumed eating the rest of it.
Belle bounced back to her seat enthusiastically and dove into her food, her table manners not being the best at this point from being so hungry. She slurped up some of her noodles and looked up at Aimee, pointing her fork over at Julian. "So, is he coming over here? I mean, it's alright if he doesn't, just wondering though." She looked back over to see if Tim had followed her, and noticed Ryan's little bar. She squished her face up a bit and tilted her head, "Gosh, don't you get hungry? Like, that would never fill me up!"

She then realized how rude it was to comment on other's food choices and bit her lip a bit to shut herself up. She very much hoped that he would not take it harshly, and looked down at her lap while fumbling with her fingers a bit.
Tim followed Belle back to the table and sat down beside her again as he begab to eat a burger just listening to the conversation going on while he was eating quickly feelimg really hungry and he could see Belle was the same by the way she started eating. Tim looked over to Julian and Shakuntala. He noticed her getting up and he turned to Belle. "Yeah I think they are." He said speaking to Belle.

Tim noticed Belle bite her lip after commenting on Ryans bar. He was a little confused as to why she did. "Are you okay?" Tim asked with genuine concern.
Aimee smiled, "Yes he's coming over in a bit", she glanced over her shoulder. Almost every girl had spotted her brother and we're practically drooling, "Hey Belle, what do you think of the other guy sitting with Shakuntala's?" Aimee was curious if Belle had also fallen under her brother's thrall.

(This is short only because I have to get ready for work! Seeya afterwards!)
Belle brightened up once Tim asked the question, not wanting to make a fuss over something silly. "Hnuh? Oh, nothing at all, Tim. No worries here!" Her feelings of discomfort lingered, but pushed them to the side as she followed Aimee's gaze. She hadn't a clue who Shakuntala was, but figured out who she was talking about just by a glimpse of him.

And then, her heart melted. Sure, she had no idea who they were, but that didn't stop her jaw slightly hanging agape and blushing profusely. "Uh, what do I think of him...?" She said dreamily, then her gaze shifted over to Aimee again, "He's a cutie, that's for sure." Of course, she had no hope of ever even talking to him. A girl can dream though, right?
Tim was utterly confused at the infatuation Belle had developed for this boy that she looked at once. He looked to Ryan as if to ask if he had any clue how that happened. It hit him pretty quickly and his expression calmed and he smiled to himself once he had looked over to see who the boy was it was Joseph his long time friend. He couldn't believe that he had forgotten that he was coming as well. "Joseph over here!" He yelled across the mess hall to him and Shakuntala after standing up and waving at them. He then sat back down waiting for them to come over and going back to eating.
Joseph saw Aimee, he ran over to her "Hey, you would not believe the day I have had! How was yours?"

He thought it a bit funny that his sister was eyeing the food funnily he smiled. "You a little hungry there sis?" He laughed a bit, nothing bad had really gone on today but hey it had been interesting!
Julian walked back Aimee after getting a plate of vegetation and sat beside her on the edge of the seat. He almost laughed at Joseph's behavior but kept his features bored like. While Joseph held Aimee's attention, Julian moved his and her food around to make a balanced plate for her and giving himself the rest. She never really noticed the change whenever he did it and actually ate a little ode vegetations at times, he took a bite of food relishing in the wild flavors of the seasonings.


She giggled at Belle's expression, leaning over she whispered, "His name is Joseph Beautona. My brother." Aimee nearly squealed when her brother appeared behind her, "Joseph!!" She jumped up to embrace her dear brother, "I wouldn't believe it huh? I'm going to need every detail. My day was splendid, I met my roomie Belle" Aimee motioned to Belle adding with a grin, "Isn't she pretty?" She turned back to her food to notice Julian had rearranged her plate with his and smiled, he didn't know she noticed but she never complained so of course he didn't know.
Shakuntala sighed as Julian went off to get some food, without answering her. Well, Joseph had gone over to Aimee, which meant that she either had to eat alone, or join them all. Her brother probably thought she would join them without a thought, and that was why he had walked off. But more likely, he just wanted to be where Aimee was, were she was happy and smiling.

Shakuntala sighed again, bowed her head, and picked up her tray of food, walking over to the table where they were and sitting down. Sometimes, she felt like she was merely an image in the back ground, there for brief spouts of enjoyment, but mostly forgotten. She listened to the conversation around her, but she didn't speak up. Despite wanting to come here, and wanting to make friends, and have some great experiences, this day just seemed to hate her.

Maybe she wasn't cut out for the human world. Maybe she just didn't fit in here. Maybe she was trying too hard, thinking too much. That was always her problem. Thinking too much. She looked up, and around at the people gathered, but felt that talking with Ryan and Tim would just lead to further embarrassment. And Aimee had the girls, someone she didn't know, attention, as well as Joseph's.

She looked down at her food, biting her lip. What should she do? Tim had called over to Joseph, but had waved for both of them, it seemed like..but...she didn't want to imply anything. Frustrated, she set her utensils down, not hungry anymore. What was wrong with her? Was she trying too hard? She normally didn't have to work hard to talk with people, to make them laugh and smile, but then, that had never led to any viable friendships....here, everything seemed a struggle.

She looked up again, taking three deep breaths. Often she had been told that she worked herself up and that this just made her grow more and more frustrated and flustered. So she just took three deep, calming breaths. And everything felt better. But she still didn't know what to do.


Pakuna had finished eating, but he didn't rise to leave. Instead, he watched the cafeteria, pondering his next move. Should he go over to the large group forming, or just stay where he was? Before he even knew what he was doing, he had stood and was walking over there.

He stopped. He knew some of them, of course. Pakuna's memory was great, and he never had to work hard to remember things. Aimee, Joseph, similar and yet so different. Both easily their parents children. Tim, again, easily to relate back to his parents. Then Shakuntala and Julian. He knew their parents too. Of course, it was easy to do so.

There only seemed to be two humans among them. A girl, and a boy. Both he had seen around the classrooms, but hadn't spoken to. So. It seemed odd that they were here to mingle with humans, but they just seemed to be mingling with themselves. Strange. Comfort thing, or did they just flock together? Well, he wouldn't figure that out unless he went over there.

So he did. He walked calmly, and stood at the end of the table, waiting for someone to notice him. It didn't seem like if he spoke, anyone would notice, intent on their one conversations and thoughts.
Ryan took another bite from his bar disregarding the food comment and looked at the people who just came to the table. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed Shakuntala looking a bit down as well as Pakuna silently waiting at the table. "...Ello" Ryan waved to Pakuna. "Shakuntala, what's the modern version of 'how do you do'?" He asked silently. She had hinted at him earlier in class by laughing a bit once Ryan asked how she was doing. From her laugh, Ryan knew something was wrong with the way he asked her the question. Perhaps his speech was as "formal" as his shirt. He moved his hand through his slighty still wet hair that was soaked from the rain he walked under when heading to the hall.
Shakuntala looked over at Ryan, and said "How do you do is kind of formal. I guess here, you'd just ask 'How are you?'." She pondered that for a moment, before nodding, "Or how are things. Or stuff like that, I guess" She shrugged, "You'll get the hang of it eventually" She said, giving him a smile. hoping to be encouragining and taking a sip of water.
Belle fell silent as the conversation back and forth between Joseph and Aimee ensued. 'Sis' echoed in her head, mortified now she had ever laid eyes on Aimee's brother. She smiled sheepishly at Aimee's comment, hoping he would completely disregard that question she threw in.

Now, she just began to observe everyone and listen. To give her a reason to be quiet, she started to eat more of her meal - something she had been disregarding for quite some time now and was unfortunately getting cold. Ryan seemed to be okay, not much of a talker, but still nice. Julian had rearranged Aimee's plate, taking off the meat and making it a more balanced meal. Odd, but cute. She eyed this girl, Shakuntala - an interesting name that would take a while for her to remember- and noticed how seriously uncomfortable she was looking. She seriously hoped it wasn't this large group - she knew the feeling of not wanting to be alone but being uncomfortable in large groups at the same time. And, oops, did she not see this guy that just came over here or did he just kind of appear? Ryan seemed to know him. She didn't want to bring attention to herself any more though, so she stayed quiet. She did however, look up at him with a slight smile and hoped that he would introduce himself to the group. Everyone seemed to know everyone here other than her, so asking for this boy's name felt embarrassing to her.

Hopefully no one was talking to her throughout all of this thinking, because there she was, spacing out again as she mindlessly took a couple more bites of food to clean off her plate and finished off her drink.
Tim sat there eating as conversation went on around him. Right now he was more interested in his food. He looked around the table and he couldn't help but notice the glassy look in Belle's eyes when he looked next to him and he started to laugh a tiny bit. He composed himself and finished off the last few bits on his plate. He heard another rumble from his stomach. He gave Belle a gentle nudge to try and draw her from her spacing out. "I'm going to get more if you want anything?" He asked her.

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