Heavenly Angel: The School For Non-Human Creatures[Open]


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Summer has ended and today is the first day of school. For normal kids. A week before you and your family was given a letter stating: Congratulation, your son/daughter have been accepted into Heavenly Angel High School. They will be living in the on campus dorm rooms and will have on campus shops and cafes. The bus for your child will be leaving at 7:30 am on August 12th. Please remember your child would be on campus at all times unless stated other whys. We look forward to seeing your son/daughter on the first day of school. - Dr. Yamade


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Have fun!! :D

Character Sheet:






Appearance(Describe or anime picture):



My characters:

Character Sheet:

Name: Aries Zodika

Age: 15

Gender: Females

Personality: Aries is very shy and timid due to her pass in normal schools. She can be clumpy, a bit of an air-head, but is smart. Due to her shyness it's hard for her to make friends but she gets by with the help of her older sister. She's also very polite to adults and students.

History: When Aries was younger, her and her older sister were told about their power because their father was a very powerful man from a different world who had to leave due to some issues. They were taught by their mother, who is a normal human, how to control their powers and to blend in with human people but Aries has a hard time control it, which causes her to be clumpy. She was picked on at a younger age until the end of middle school.

Appearance(Describe or anime picture):

View attachment 13336

Power: Can control the elements of the zodiac signs.

Weapon: Fingerless kick-boxing gloves made of metal.

Name: Leo Zodika

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Unlike Aries, Leo is very loud, outgoing, and very violent. Basically, the complete opposite of her younger sister. She is very intimidating because she's so violent. But she can be very playful at times with close friends and her sister. Leo does want to make friends but due to her short temper it makes it very hard for her. She also's refers to herself as, "Leo" or "We" because she believe Aries is her other half.

History: The same as Aries. Leo always stick up for her younger sister when they were both in human schools. Even though their father left 12 years ago, Leo stills remember what he looks like and would also watch her father train. Unlike Aries, Leo wasn't picked on in school, she was more of the one protecting the ones begin bullied.

Appearance(Describe or anime picture):

View attachment 13337

Power: Can control all four elements.

Weapon: A sliver sword with snacks enprinted in it. It was her fathers sword.
User name: Chiba Masato

Name: Chiba Masato

Nickname: Chi- Kun

Age: 16

Gender: Male


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Ability: Mind read, Mind control, , Control over the person, control over environment ie. move trees lift objects. Like a Muscle it can be trained.

Weapons: A small Dagger

Personality: Easy going, intelligent, a person who loves to joke around, has a few good friends, semi athletic, loves to read, listen to music, play soccer at times, and can get along with most of everyone pretty well but when you upset him he can hold a grudge for a while.

History: He has yet to figure out his powers but when ever he is around anyone he tends to get a bad headache and sometimes hear someone talk without them speaking, thinking he was going mad his mother took his to a specialist and the specialist had no explanation for his condition. But soon he stayed away from everyone because he was able to hear his thoughts until he got that faithful call that he was accepted into the academy where he could improve his abilities. Curious he talked to his mom about it who talked to the head master who explained the he had what is called an ESP and they knew how to help him out. So his mother consented and now he attends the school this fall.
Name: Ichio Sokio

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Laid back, serious most of the time, very athletic, quite, can be shy around girls, loves to listen to music and plays the guitar. Can have moments when he's silly and playful but he's mostly serious.

History: Ichio always knew he was different but never really gave it much thought. He doesn't know who his real parents are because he was adopted by the head master of the school. He was train to control his powers but he still doesn't know much about his pass.

Appearance(Describe or anime picture):

View attachment 13646

Power: Can control shadows

Weapon: N/A
Name: Makira Tousen

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Serious, silent, doesn't talk much to people he doesn't know. Doesn't do favors unless it's for study.

History: When he was young, Makira was a troubled child. He was always bullied from pre-elementary to middle school. But during those times, He made a single friend. A friend he was always by him side. But what the other kids bullied him was not because of how he looks. But what he is and what he does . He's friend never knew this, He kept it a secret her because she might also leave him and he will be alone again. But unfortunately, She found out as one of the kids who bullied him told her. At first, She wasn't sure if she wanted to be friends with him again. But one day, She comes up to Makira and says she doesn't care. Makira was happy. Then they continued their everyday thing. And then years later, She had to move. He was devastated . She gave him a kiss on the cheek and moved away . On that day, Makira promised that he will never find another friend until he meets her again. And that is the reason for his personality. Years passed and makira doesn't have a single friend. Still bullies aim for him and some stays away from him . He is the smartest in the class. He made sure that he would only do favors to people if it was about studies.

Appearance(Describe or anime picture):

View attachment 13731

Power: To stop a human's thoughts ( making him stop everything, from moving, speaking seeing just like stopping time ) for 10 seconds

Weapon: None

Name: Yukihyou Mimiko

Nickname: Mimi or Yuki

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Yukihyou is a shy kind of girl who doesn't usually speak unless talked to by someone she feels she can speak to without being judged. She always has her nose in a book, usually trying to stay unnoticed and most of the time that works. If you make a friend out of her, you'll have a friend for life who you can trust and count on.

History: Yukihyou unfortunately had gotten into an accident before the letter came and she doesn't remember anything before the accident.


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(underneath the hood are white snow leopard ears and wrapped around her waist is a snow leopard tail disguised as a belt)

Power: She has the power over snow and ice

Weapon: A beautiful scythe completely made out of see-through solid ice that never melts, even under intense heat. Inside the blade are frozen sakura petals on on the handle of the scythe is strange yet beautiful and mysterious engravings. Wrapped around the base of the handle is a silver and blue ribbon that trails off and immediately wraps itself around Yukihyou's wrist.
Name: Vianne Staryld

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Good in Academics , Serious , Silent , Clumsy , Athletic, Focused, Responsible, Secretly a softie

History: When she was young her brothers and her has always been with each other wherever they go. Most would say they're undetectable. There wasn't a single day that you wouldn't see those three together. But the main reason was because of Vianne. She has always been protected and cared by both her brothers in their way, their parents actually abandon them but they didn't mind as long as they were together. The first time she ever used her ability was in December 25, the night on christmas. Both her brothers said to stay put by the bench and wait for them until she returned, obviously she obeyed until a young boy asked her a simple question " Want to play with me? " she was happy, excited and couldn't wait. But all of that soon ended. When they were playing they got into a small fight, Vianne couldn't help but used her power against him and killed him. The chains around the swing wrapped around him cutting his arms, legs and neck. That was the day she locked all her emotions up and stayed silent. She even swore never to use her ability again.

Appearance(Describe or anime picture):


Power: Vianne has the ability to see in the dark and past walls and can alter and twist inanimate objects.

Weapon: 4 metal blocks on her skirt pockets.

~ ~

Name: Ethan Staryld

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Serious , Silent , Not that good in academics , Athletic , Flirt , Fights a lot, Loves to tease, Courageous, Uncooperative, Unfocused

History: Ethan has been the type to joke around and make a fool out of himself to make everyone around him laugh. Although there was a serious silent side around him whenever he wasn't with his brother or sister, basically in class. He never gets good grades, even barely passed in test but it didn't mind him. He wasn't the smart one in the family. He's always there for his sister, basically in the family he was surprisingly the sweetest one there is. But of course if you tell him that he'd kill you to pieces.

Appearance(Describe or anime picture):


Power: Demon summoning. can summon demons from the dark realm.

Weapon: A silver gun.

~ ~

Name: Evan Staryld

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Friendly, Helpful, Great in academics, Not that Athletic, Sociable, Affectionate, Cheerful, Cooperative,

History: He's been the intelligent twin that had also high social standings, he communicates to others well and was able to make good friends right away. As you can say he was the lovable type. Somehow everyday he would give a cheering soft smile or maybe a childish one. To be clear he was pretty childish sometimes but still, he could pass a test , or should i say perfect a test in no time. He was a bit weak when it comes to Athletics, he cant even run that fast, as sometimes you could call him or judge him as fragile as a glass.

Appearance(Describe or anime picture):


Power: He's both a Technopathy who could speak and control technologies around him and Plant Communications.

Weapon: He carries a pact of seeds on his pockets and a chain for a belt.
Yay~ x33 what's the link of the original rp? sorry, i don't know where it is > _ < i'm kind of blind without my glasses, sadly i lost my contacts last night so my eyesight is bad this morning > _ < sorry to have troubled you.

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