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Wood Manse 3

Trigger: Bleeding

In mortal combat, the loser is defined as the one who dies. A Gem of Incomparable Wellness is perhaps the best Hearthstone to prevent this, but not every Exalt has access to such a powerful Manse, especially in the Age of Sorrows. The Staunched Bloodstone comes from a Manse designed along similar principles, and provides a lesser version of the same benefit. This stone, while attuned, causes the bearer to heal Bashing damage at a rate of one every tick. Lethal damage takes 15 minutes to heal each point. Aggravated damage heals at its normal slow rate, but magical healing will treat it as Lethal damage. Additionally, bleeding caused by wounds stops the round after it starts, no matter what. This is actually a rather ugly stone, having the appearance of a beautiful bloodstone in an oval cut, but one end of it is squashed out of shape awkwardly.

http://exalted.xi.co.nz/wiki/wiki.pl?He ... le_Prowess

Submitted for your option.
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Hmmm...considering the power of the level 2 Hearthstone Snakeskin Stone...this wouldn't necessarilly be beyond the power of a level 4...though perhaps stronger than I would allow in my own games. A Snakeskin Stone, as listed in Savant and Sorceror (p. 68 ) heals half of all lethal damage and all bashing damage each time the bearer sleeps, with the lethal damage rounding up. A level three should certainly be stronger than a level two that affects the same sphere of influence. If the bashing were instead changed to say, one every action, or three tics or something...and perhaps one lethal each hour...perhaps. Of course, that's my own preference, and not anything cannon there. Generally hearthstones are weaker than an equivalent level artifact, in part due to their utility in essence replenishment. A somewhat equivalent artifact would be the Wound Mending Needles (Wonders of the Lost Age p. 66) which would on the whole be less powerful than this listed hearthstone as currently stated, requiring both essence expenditure and a dice roll, while giving somewhat less return, although being capable of healing agg.

Edited for typos.

agreed, the gem of wellness is 5 so would it be more of a level 4 manse hearthstone?

I am very unskilled at creating artifacts. . . lol
To my mind a 4 sounds about right. It is nice seeing people inventing some of their own Hearthstones, since each is generally supposed to be unique. :) Seeing 4 statted out NPCs equipping the same hearthstone is rather dissappointing. Good luck. :)
I'm gonna go with this idea:

Level 3 ->  It's a Level 2 Charm, Lunar only, so add 1 to it.

1 Bashing per Tick, 1 Lethal per hour.

Level 4 ->

1 Bashing per Tick, 1 Lethal per minute, 1 Agg per day.
Alternatively, if you'd like it to be a level 2 stone, you could make it

bashing: 1hl/minute; lethal: 1lhl/hour

thus still making the stone useful, but eliminating its utility in combat.

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