Heart On Your Sleeve

Skelly?, just sign up is fine, I apologize for the late reply I was not able to answear these before hand
First name - Sora<br />Last name- Darkheart<br />Race- Half vampire half witch<br />Height- 5'6<br />Weight-150<br />Eye color - two toned,one blue one red<br />Hair color-Dark brown <br />Job- Reaper<br /><br />Other wise known as the shadow queen, Sora is of many assassins known for her serial killings, many would believe she was up to no good, she herself rather couldn't care less for it, she has a high thing for blood lust as many would expect from a dark lady, she enjoys the hunt but more the kill, she lives off it, she's a cold heart at first, a real dark one, but maybe better once you get to know her, <br /><br />Her mother and father were known for their company they ran, her, her twin sister Hannah Golden and Her younger brother Vain were the only few to live through a horrible fire as they were able to get out on time, the same could not be the said for the many house maids and butlers, their parents died that night helping them out<br /><br />It's a quick type up I apologize again for the wait but this is who I will be using, please feel free to put yours up if your still interested<br/>

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