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Start date: 11/3
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  • basics

    Prince of Lumina



    full name



    Prince, Young master,
    Ryo, Tashi


    Twenty (20)


    Prince of Lumina

    date of birth



    Human from the land of Lumina

โ™กdesign by natasha., coded by uxieโ™ก
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Rival ft. Neonii (Lost Identities Remix)




Yukito Yuki-Oni


้›ช็ฟ” ้›ช้ฌผ


Prince, Dragon, Your Highness


crown prince, heir




half Oni, half Yuki-Onna










Yukito is reserved and intuitive. Heโ€™s not opposed to conversation and interacting with others, but heโ€™ll quickly leave or move on if something else becomes priority. He glides on instinct and assesses the people, environment, and situations around him. Prone to investigating things, especially on his own, both being a benefit and detriment. Because of this he is sometimes sought for advice and a second opinion. Yukito studies and coops himself inside more than he goes out, but if he is already out with friends and the atmosphere is relatively relaxed or fitting, he can be caught staying out all night for as long as it remains so (he has been caught returning home through his window past curfew). A genius, but really, he studies and works to fulfill his responsibilities. Yukito falls asleep, or is at risk of doing so, in at least one of his studies or duties as he may forget to set aside time to sleep, usually trying to make up for what he missed at a later time. He plays 'sports' and/or activites, but rarely is it to compete. Usually he's not out to best anyone or be the top student, just do his best and heaven forbid, have fun with it, however; there is the weight of having to represent Yukio. Even if said weight were not present, occasionally, someone will have set off an amount of "fuck you" energy, causing him to push himself more than normal and usually flooring the competition. This happens rarely, so it's usually a shocking event to witness, and he's every bit of smug and proud about it as someone like Toya would be. Briefly giving a window to view the mischief that sleeps inside. He does not like the attention couples receive just for being a couple which is why he is averse to the idea of pursuing someone, but he has had relationships before as a way to test the waters and tolerate the inevitable.

Yukito Yuki-Oni was the first born to Akujin and Miyako, King and Queen of Yukio. Even just being born, he already possessed the chilling atmosphere that would remain a trait of him to today, accumulating a repertoire of wintry names. As an infant he would always cause chills in the air with each burp, yawn, or wail. Nurses, servants, and anyone else interacting with him, besides his mother and her family, learned to keep their cold-climate clothing on when holding him. This kept him away from the other heirs until he was a bit older and learned to control his chill better.
When he and his brother, Toya, met his sister, Nadehsiko, he was about 3 or 4 and despite having varied strings of blood, grew up as if the same. Granted his sister often remained inside the palace walls, and he and his brother would be expected to go on ventures outside both in business and tests to their strength and privilege. From visiting other villages to surviving outside on their own and later handling the messy wilds that would try to climb the mountains or cause trouble. Toya never seemed to fully embrace Nadeshiko, and Yukito often quelled any aggression by his own power if Toya did not drop it himself. Miyako would allow the siblings to figure it out themselves with Akujin sharing the sentiment. Though both made themselves available to listen when either child came to them when duty permitted, itโ€™s always been seen that even as he denies it, Akujin was more yielding to his daughter, and Miyako to Toya. Yukito generally chose to only approach them on matters of the affairs of the Yuki-Oni and withhold his troubles at the idea everyone else already has so much to deal with. Through opportune timing and slip ups around his Uncle Kurayami Yuki-Onna had become his unintentional confidant. Something of an โ€œUncle Irohโ€ but more frigid.
Ironically, this fashion of handling things unintentionally made Toya feel pushed away from his brother, and the two are often at odds. Their height difference today is an easy catalyst Toya will use when he wants to start shit, only being indulged when no one or not many officials are present. It was certainly a precursor to their dinner time quarrels when they were younger. Though the siblings have always pranked each other, for what real siblings donโ€™t tease and trifle.
Yukito has been raised to achieve his future responsibilities as King of Yukio, and as much as any prince or princess, was also encouraged to pursue many talents as he was capable. Of these required was of course being able to fight and further harness the abilities that came with his race and bloodline. He would train with Araphi whom had similar abilities, and he would become one of the familyโ€™s bodyguards. His mother and her family often being the teachers to the powers of ice, and his father of physical combat.

crystal clear.

A youthful looking twenty year old who only seems to come up to most people's arms, standing at 4'6" (137cm) which is a pleasant stride from having been 4'1" (124cm) when he was eighteen. He does stand at 5'11" (180cm) in an empowered and seldom seen form. Because of this, his family believes he will eventually grow into that height. He's especially teased for his stature by his younger brother, Toya, who stands at 6'1" (185cm).

The rough genes of an Oni and the elegant ones of a snow woman brewed their firstborn as someone small, athletic, and lean. Over years of training and a concerned father's pressing gaze, his body is now more fit and toned, with his normal dress generally curtaining all that is built. Scars small and stretched kiss and stain otherwise privileged skin. The color of his flesh, champagne and cream with blushes that surface in the soft hum of peach. The glow of moonlight paints him pale as a ghost. The faint scent of spring water, incense, and mountain air.

His hair, the crests of snow capped mountains, wavy and jagged. Beyond brushing it, it's the feature of himself he is the most relaxed with. Turquoise eyes that glisten with fractals of frozen light, undulating between the lit surface and the dark depths of the seas. They capture both wonder an a steadfastness to the tasks at hand. A countenance stoic save for when his brows break away from the stone face.

He wears a green scarf and a white sleeveless haori. Beneath is usually a dark kimono and hakama. The more regal and formal an event the more decorated he is often dressed for the occasion. Yukito doesn't wear any armor as he is capably of creating icy barriers and armor to protect himself when he feels the need. He carries with him a katana, sheathed in a plain looking scabbard with a bronze hilt and worn at the hip.



โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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jean-michel blais

Prince of Argena





Prince Maxence II of Argena


Max, Mack


prince of Argena










forbearing ยท selfless ยท trusting


aloof ยท headstrong ยท sheltered


sparring ยท privacy ยท quiet


fish ยท tight spaces ยท thunder

In his best light, Maxence is at his desk, behind stacks of scrolls & parchment, a line between his brow as his mind whirrs in its endeavor to finish what's before him.
If he can help it, he does prefer his own company to the court's, sometimes even his family's; he'll never show anything less than an idle smile around his siblings & other children of the palace, however. By nature, he's
patient & even-tempered
; diplomacy came naturally to him. Even in keeping his cards hidden or showing face, he's always been a bit
. He'll humor an audience to a light chat, but never anything deeper than comfort allows; even attendants who've waited on him since birth feel distant.
In this sense, there are often times he's by his lonesome; it's not uncommon that, given a poor mood, he'll brood. Actually, these instances are quite frequent recently, what with his more recent, pressing responsibilities & tumult of the kingdom. Often, his butler will bark his name to snap him out of whatever daze has him chewing his fingernails. His attendants all come equipped with a nail file & oil for these occasions.
At the forefront of his mind often resides the troubles of others. He's
in this way; his people's worries are his own & it's rare that he acts in an interest that is his own. Sometimes he wonders what would become of him, were he to live alone. Would his mind still?
As he's well acquainted with his mind, he assumes that others think the way he does. Though he's studied countless allegories that highlight the cruelty & injustice of man, he falls short of making the connection that his court and people could fall to such corruption. Whether it's delusion or naivety, he readily trusts others to do the right thing.
Additionally, when it comes to his decisions, he can be rather
in them. Of course people are good at heart, he thinks! He's slow to make decisions, as he likes to learn as much as he can about a given topic before making any important decision. Because of his reliance on evidence, it's not often than he's able to be convinced otherwise. After all, how can he be wrong if he overlooked the issue himself?



Born a prince, Maxence grew up only knowing duty, responsibility, and expectation.
A duty to serve Argena, responsibilities that come from being prince, and an expectation to become a great king. Perhaps others born in his circumstance would've carved themselves a space to escape such weight, would've found humor in daily life, friends within the court, or something of the like but these thoughts never occurred to Max until recently, since maturing. At times, he'd think what might've become of him if, as a child, he treated the castle as a children's playground instead of a persistent reminder of the future set forth for him. If he can, he'll always find some way to stir a laugh from his sisters in passing in an attempt to humor his youth.
He's always been practical, finding little sense in excess or actions not directly inline with studying. Any attempt from those who waited on him to amuse him through sweets or kindness was met with a frown. Back then, it was a cute pout coming from a little boy, but now no one dares upset the spitting image of a young king. And a shame it is for, at least now, he's since mellowed out as much as a prince can.
These days, he's grown into something of a textbook prince: gentle, patient, even a bit mysterious, if only for his reluctance to speak out of turn. He's still a bit distant but now it's his work that occupies his mind, as he's recently been entrusted with the nation's finances. The wellbeing of Argena is his first priority & he has little interest in doing anything less than a good job.



Nothing can possess him to willingly eat seafood. When this fact slipped past the court & into tabloids, the fishing industry of Argena took a hit. To remedy this, his mother called in reporters to watch him eat grilled Tilapia one night at dinner & rewrite the story. He was 7.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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Nickname(s): Ari, Phii
Role: Bodyguard/Hired Assassin
Age: 20
DOB: mid-winter
Race: Yukio
Personality: Araphi is what most would call, instinct driven. All he is is a fighting machine of sight, smell, sound, and a beastly drive for blood. It wouldn't be amiss among court to find the young demon sniffing the room unsubtly or growling low in the back of his throat when someone comes too close for comfort. He has basic manners but finds it difficult to assimilate completely to the civilized life. Araphi is, for the most part, a controlled feral. He holds still as death until he strikes, like an adder in the grass. You'll have never known he was a threat until it was too late. In private, Araphi can be much softer and a little more talkative than he is out amongst people who seek to tear him or the royal children down. He enjoys listening and being kind, unfortunately life does not often afford him such opportunities to express his kindness and to be soft.
Virtues: controlled, protective, ambitious
Vice: beastly, amoral, instinctual, feral, poor mannered
Likes: a warm fire, sweets, braiding his hair, fighting, listening, smiling, cats, horses
Dislikes: sudden loud noises, being reprimanded, disappointing people, salty things, dog people (not dogs, just dog people), apologizing
Biography: wip
Other: wip

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/* ------ left side ------ */


Gioreo Ashmore


Gio, Reo



date of birth


place of birth



Butler of Prince Ryota




English, French, Japanese

180 cm (5 ft 11 inch)

70 kg

Light-brown. A mixture of his mother's blonde hair and his father's brown hair.

Ocean blue

"My order follows the Prince."

personality type - ESFP-A

Positive traits


Negative traits








Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque molestie vel magna blandit efficitur. Vestibulum consequat laoreet nibh quis viverra. Aenean et enim quis nulla faucibus molestie ut non odio. Etiam posuere quam ut nisl consectetur, in sagittis est euismod. Donec sit amet pellentesque est, nec tempus eros. Sed ut volutpat ex. Nullam sagittis ipsum massa, et tincidunt libero pretium nec. Sed turpis dolor, maximus sit amet dapibus non, egestas non erat. In eu tempor ipsum. Aliquam convallis neque vulputate hendrerit rutrum. Nam porta nulla ut lorem facilisis, vel tincidunt quam sodales. Integer mi velit, semper vel justo vitae, venenatis placerat massa. Nullam condimentum a felis in scelerisque.

Morbi vitae lobortis metus. Vestibulum ipsum augue, congue in blandit et, ornare vitae dui. Aenean sollicitudin libero id nibh posuere, sed iaculis ex dictum. Morbi posuere commodo diam, nec molestie sapien volutpat eget. Proin molestie finibus eros ac posuere. Ut ullamcorper vel sapien ac interdum. Praesent euismod luctus vestibulum. Aliquam ac urna et nunc ullamcorper vulputate sit amet nec ipsum. Duis porttitor mollis nisl a blandit. Ut eleifend ligula et pellentesque aliquam. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Shopping, following the Prince and accompanying him, Drawing, eating, making dessert

Anyone who dislikes the Royals, fish, blood


hidden talent
Can make really good dessert

little more


a child is born

A couple dearly wanted a child and had wished upon the stars every night to pray that they would be able to have one. After years of failure, the couple was soon about to give up when the mother was suddenly pregnant! This was the birth of Gioreo, a commoner's child in a poor home near the Palace of Lumina. His family lived off of farming and barely had enough money to go on by each day, doing their best with agriculture.

Gioreo's father was taken into the Palace as the secretary, after learning that the butler of the King had passed and there was no lineage that go on no more. After a tiring round of exams that he needed to pass (such as exams, butler practical stuff), his father soon lived in the Palace, with his wife and child. Gioreo was nothing more than just a child playing in the little courtyard area that is often shared by the workers in the Palace until he stumbled upon Prince Royta.


During his teenage years, he was trained to become the Prince's butler. Gioreo couldn't understand why he had to do this---to follow his father's path, but this was the only way that he knew, since living outside of the Palace was as hard as it could be. During training, he would often sneak out of his classes to go out and play. There was one night that Gioreo had stumbled upon the kitchen in the Palace, finding the Prince and his Nanny late at night.

It was there that he found his true calling. The Nanny decided to teach Gioreo how to bake, for his love of dessert made him determined that he could be like her, and Prince Ryota's friendship slowly blossomed between the two. The two were inseparable, and even if Gioreo would sneak out of his classes, he would feel more guilt than the pleasure of trying to take care of the next heir in line for the throne.

The Calling

Being the butler of Prince Ryota, Gioreo felt like he was the hand of the Prince. It was his responsibility to make sure that the Prince had everything in line--with his help. There were times when the Prince would think of irrational choices, but even if Gioreo was just a mere butler he felt like he should be a brother to Ryota since Gioreo doesn't a sibling himself. In the eyes of taking care of the prince, he would trade his life if he could to save his.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

ยฉ weldherwings.
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Royal Court Painter
  • attack
    Picturesquely, I'm good enough to be the eyes of your beholder. In an oddity, I paint the details that everyone else easily misses.
    JIAN (ๅฅ)
    Royal Court Painter
    June 22th(spring)

    When the sun bows down to the crests of the mountains, a long shadow flicks over the sylvan vegetation.

    Any good artist is made of a proportion of stillness and restlessness. But, he who dares not grasp such a concept grows into a habit of having steps that are softer than mist, yet absurd like a heron herding over water.

    Light and Jian have a coveting relationship; it seeks his camellia skin and his body: a framework of bones that are as tender as the wings growing out of the back of a butterfly. Dark-colored textiles drape over his flat muscle mass, often turning on itself in its wraps and folds.

    Still, paper-frailty owns its own title of beauty. Born with eyes made to shake the spheres of firmament, Jian's eyes are an elixir of pink that romanticizes the feather petals of a rose, the convivial salmon that skips over the rapids of the falls, and everything in between. Twilight absorbs him as much as daylight; the night hues pond into his long dark hair.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent aliquet volutpat sem, vitae interdum lorem euismod pulvinar. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In et interdum enim. Fusce placerat tristique tortor. Nulla laoreet quam dui, eget pharetra justo fermentum vel. In elit neque, mollis eu auctor ut, commodo non orci. Phasellus urna leo, pretium non ante vel, sollicitudin euismod dolor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris vel arcu tincidunt, sollicitudin libero posuere, luctus nibh. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

    Nam in vestibulum ligula. Proin quis enim ut purus porta malesuada. Sed lectus enim, accumsan ut dignissim ut, elementum vel arcu. Vestibulum finibus, tellus sit amet convallis rutrum, risus nunc suscipit massa, quis bibendum orci massa et nibh. Nulla vel nisl suscipit, vehicula dui sit amet, sodales quam. Aliquam tempor, ex in lobortis convallis, lorem erat gravida justo, semper euismod nibh tellus in mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sed ligula aliquet, viverra libero ut, elementum ipsum.
code by Nano
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Ser Levathiel, Knight of the Kingsguard

his theme




  • 01.



    Levathiel Vandal



    The Phantom Knight, Count of Crows, Ser Sourpuss, Lev









    Winter Solstice



    Human (?)



    Commander of Argena's Household and Upper Legions, Sworn Protector of the Royal Brats Brood



    6'4 // 193cm


    Levathiel is a man of hard features. Cheekbones as high as his standards frame his face, accentuating the sharp, Romanesque nose that his critics like to say stays in the air far too often. It is rumored he has a very pleasant smile, but these claims are often overshadowed; first by the sheer lack of evidence that anyone has ever seen him genuinely in the act; second by the belief that one cannot do what one has never been taught.
    Nevertheless, there are other traits that the Phantom Knight can rely upon. Notably, his eyes. A kaleidoscope of ice and steel gleaming against a vast landscape of snow-toned skin, they are one of his best weapons. A single glare can incapacitate someone before the real daggers need ever be drawn. Some say he earned his Phantom name thanks to the power of his glares, piercing through even the proudest of souls; and before they knew it, he himself would pass through them as well, blade sticking out their spines. A welcome embellishment, sprouting from the roots of reputation. In truth, the name derives from the palour of his skin, said to curse those whose winter births insured ice would always run in their veins, instead of sunlight. His mother liked to say she had eaten too many blackberries when she had carried him, caressing her boy and his rare head full of stallion-black hair. The more superstitious of their servants would whisper though that it was the curse of his father passed down; a demon's evil eye, hailing from the enemy lands of Yukio...

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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warrior (8).jpgName: Hashim Iskander Sahran'dhibwerewolf (1).jpg

Role: Commoner (Farmer; herder)

Age: 18

Date of Birth: Spring, on the night of a new moon.

Race: Hashim is a wolf lycanthrope who hails from a lesser known parts the of world, where arid, semi-arid and tropical climates intersect. It is not a kingdom per se, as it has no kings or queens, rather it's an amalgam of small interspersed communities of farmers, herders and several nomadic tribes.

Appearance: Hashim is eighteen year old and stands at a height of 5' 10". He has light brown skin and heavy but moderately thick black hair. He has a simple hair style, short and combed back. His build is an athletic one and he has a slender frame. Asides from a superb physique, his large dark brown eyes, fuzzy black canine ears and tail are his most prominent physical features.

Personality: Hashim has a balanced personality in that he seldom goes to the emotional extremes without good reason or excessive provocation. His friends and family would describe him as being well-mannered, disciplined, a hard worker, yet also carefree. Hashim enjoys that which is good and righteous, and he eschews that which degrades the development of the personality. He is a firm believer in the Law of Requital. It's something his parents taught him.

The Law of Requital states that every action has a consequences and the doer will have to bear them whether they like them or not. But far more important than the external effect of the action is its effect on the personality of the doer. All actions, however, do not necessarily modify personality. An action which has been performed inadvertently or carelessly has little influence on oneself. But an action performed deliberately for a set purpose or with a high degree of ego-involvement, changes personality for better or for worse. It strengthens or weakens the moral fiber. It furthers or hinders the progress toward self-fulfillment. In short, the Law of Requital is somewhat similar to the concept of Karma.

Somewhat of a vice is Hashim's competitive behavior. He will always try to outdo those that are beside him, be it gathering more crops or tilling more land, or volunteering more of his free time to helping with the odds and ends in the village. Suffice to say, he does get burned out once or twice a month, typically catching a cold or pulling a muscle, consequently being bed-ridden for a day or two before jumping back into the fray. He is the kind of man who truly does believe that the most valuable currency is the currency of good deeds, so he competes fiercely with others in the village to obtain those good deeds.

Likes: Running through the wheat fields as fast as he can; the cool breeze on his face while watching the sun set after a hard days work; his mother's cooking, sleeping underneath the clear night sky; wrestling; light sparring and stick fighting with his quarterstaff.

Dislikes: Sadists -he seriously believes that these are the worst type of people. Along with sadists, is is difficult for Hashim to tolerate injustice, prejudice, bigotry or arrogance.

Biography: Hashim lives a simple life as a farmer and herder. The average person in Al'Ahsa is a very self-sufficient individual. The children are taught by the elders to read and write, navigate using the stars, how to till the land and animal husbandry all at a very young age. In his earlier years, he and his family were members of a nomadic tribe, but they eventually decided to settle down in the village of Al'Ahsa which is located in the Al'Ahsa Oasis.

Al'Ahsa is a village with members of every race in Argena, but Hashim is the only lycanthrope in the village. Day in and day out, not much changes in his life. He knows his role in the village and he takes great pride in his work. Recently, the elderly women of the Al'Ahsa have been offering to play matchmaker for Hashim; however, he has respectfully declined these offers, stating that he's simply to busy to make time for marriage and children when there is so much work to be done.

Many of Hashim's same age friends have already gotten married or have children on the way. Now he finds himself with more free time than he knows what to do with, so at the behest of his mother, Minnah, he reluctantly joined up with a nomadic trade caravan that was en-route through the major kingdoms of Argena. Minnah thought it would be good for her son Hashim to see the world outside of their small village.

Other: As a lycanthrope, Hashim is stronger, faster, more hardier and has better hearing and sense of smell than the average human. When he shifts into the wolf, he is around nine feet tall when standing fully upright and his physical attributes and senses are greatly enhanced. On the night of a new moon -the moon he was born on- Hashim cannot control his transformation, the wolf takes over, meaning he behaves similar to a regular wolf. During these nights, his physical attributes and senses are in "overdrive" so to speak. The village has taken the necessary precautions and has been without incident.
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Name: Ranin
Nickname(s): Bandaged Guardsman
Role: Seemingly a ruthless, aloof royal guard for the princess, actually a good guy deep down, has a secret
Age: 22
DOB: Winter
Race: Human (?) Argena
Personality: On the surface, Ranin seems to be someone you wouldn't want to share a drink with, especially taking into account his appearance. His demeanor doesn't help, as he is noted for his intense stare and inscrutable nature, possessing an almost supernaturally rigid movement and speech mannerisms that are always polite, professional, and monotone. Beneath that, however, Ranin is... a complicated person. He bears with him a secret he'd love to share with the royal family, but refuses to because it would cause harm to those he holds dear... or so he's been told. Ranin is ultimately a product not of his own nature but of a strict environment thrust upon him, which has marked him in ways he's not even aware. Ranin loves company and telling jokes, yet his duties as a royal guard also mean he must constantly be on guard and thus feels he cannot enjoy his life how he'd like to, a sacrifice he's been taught is acceptable. To even think of stepping out of line is, to him, akin to treason and worthy of death. This has left him underdeveloped as a person, almost a blank slate, so his response to certain situations can be that of a child, one of rage and frustration. He must keep himself under constant control at all times. If he slips up even once... he fears what might happen. To his credit, he's done a remarkable job.
Virtues: Loyalty - Dutiful - Observant
Vice: Impatient - Tempermental - Wrathful if pushed
Likes: Guarding the royal family - Fine wine - Jokes
Dislikes: Standing in the rain - His bandages - Mushy peas
Biography: Ranin was an urchin on the streets, living from day to day by scrounging whatever he could find and developing a fearsome fighting talent, until he one day was approached by someone from the palace. Taken to live there, Ranin was informed that he was actually the bastard child of the royal family and, as penance for his sin, was to henceforth guard them, being trained day in and day out in the art of combat. So as not to arouse suspicion, he was made to wear some bandages to hide his identity and keep the kingdom safe... at least, that's what he believes, having had it drilled into his head every single day. Truthfully, Ranin has some doubts if he's really of royal blood or just some random kid turned into a weapon for the protection of the royal family. He does not listen to them, however, instead, devoting his life to the purpose of protecting what he views as his own family, even if he can never tell them. Currently, he guards the royal children, and only acts to them as a guard, not the brother he wishes he could show himself to be. He doesn't truly remember much of his life as it's all blurred together for him after being raised as a bodyguard, leaving him with almost nothing to turn to in his quiet moments... all he has is his duty. And even that might be a lie.
Other: The possibility of his being a bastard child of the royal family is just that, a possibility. It's left him stunted in his social life and somewhat depressed, however.
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#fc damselette

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก






  • 01.






    Secret Operative for Lumina Royalty














    Freyja has a way of moving similar to that of a shadow chasing the movement of the sun. Slow, calculated and silent. You won't know she's there until she wants you to. She has long, dark hair that moves just as fluidly as her body, the tips of them fading into a deep burgundy hue. Freyja's expressions are always impossible to read. She's been trained from a young age to keep her emotions contained within, thus her expression is always that of willingness and discretion.


    Damselette/Columbina from Genshin Impact

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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Demon Princess.jpg

Name: Amaris "Ignis" Argena
(Tribe tradition is for daughters to take their mother's names as their middle name and the tribe name as their last name. Typically it would be "Amaris Daughter of Ignis of Tribe Argena, however, in order to stand out less then she already did, it was shortened to it's current state.)

Nickname: The Barbarian Demon Princess

Role: Half-sister and Eldest Princess of Argena

Age: 27 years old

DOB: The Peak of Summer

Race: Half Human Half Demon

Personality: Amaris has a very rough personality. Many people would find her a bit aggressive and hot headed, however her personality was a defense mechanism that developed over time, having lived without family for longer then she has while living in a cold palace that made sure she knew she was not wanted. The many assassination attempts after her return from surviving the first assassination attempt that ended in a bloody siege where, as a child, she was forced to see those around her die as she coldly killed those that wished her harm have warped her instincts into believing that those she does not know are potential enemies. It's something she has been scolded about many times by her second in command, however, a personality born from a lifetime of fighting is not one that is fixed easily.

Below her rough exterior, she truly loves the people that loved her heroic mother. That's why she a few ears within the kingdom listening to the people for problems she can solve. And although she loves the people, she has never harbored much love for authority. The same authority that took her mother and tried to take her just the same. She tries to avoid outright opposing them, but neither side looks at the other with much love. She does, however, harbor some amount of love for her siblings, although she's not always around to show it. However if they were to ever asked for her support, she would gladly give it.

Virtues: Caring, protective, strong willed, with an unbreakable resolve. Is open to love having been with both men and women, but will settle down with someone that can match her ability.

Vice: Strong willed, almost antagonist towards authority, often viewing most orders as ignorable, suffers from nightmares about the siege that was meant to kill her as a child. She is aware that her appearance as a tall strong demon that sometimes gives off a faint scent of blood often intimidates weaker minded people that are unfamiliar with her, she can't help but look down on those that are too weak to even introduce themselves. That being said, she would never look down on her own people, although she is so well known that they feel no fear approaching her or any of those from her guard.

Likes: Protecting the common people, fighting, her personal guard. She's not much of a foodie, but Amaris loves to drink and has never met a person that could outdrink her.

Dislikes: Very much dislikes authority. Being extremely active, very tall and strong, she burns through many calories a day, so she has never understood the purpose of tiny little snacks and finger foods. If served a plate of tiny foods as her meal, she will consume them all within seconds and will ask for more in an annoyed tone. The only exception to this is when she's invited to play with her younger half siblings, her love of family will outdo her hate for small foods.

Biography: Amaris is the first princess of Argena, born from the King of Argena and Ignis, the first daughter of the alliance tribe chief of borderland demons. The marriage was a hasty decision meant to prevent the war with the border tribes from sapping too many resources while there were already whispers of a larger war in the wind. The cause of the conflict was very widely debated for some time, it was believed that soldiers claiming to be from Argena began to attack several of the smaller demon border tribes. Whether they were truly sent by Argena or were impersonators simply trying to create a conflict was never clearly clarified. What is known is that the Chief of the Lava Mountain Tribe rallied all the border tribes to mount a counter offensive. Many lives were lost on both sides to the point where a compromise had finally been met. The king would marry the Chief's daughter and allow any offspring to participate in the ongoings of the kingdom in hopes of improving neighborly relations, and in return, the Demons would not directly interfere with the kingdom with early talks of possibly starting some type of trade agreement.

As a child, Amaris understood that while she was the first princess, she and her mother were not looked on as being true royalty. Neither of them had any support from any of the nobles of the kingdom and even among the people, they were looked at with some amount of distrust and fear. Even the way they were treated within the palace would not be looked on as favorable to someone who had even the smallest chance of inheriting the throne. Their rooms, while still leagues better then that of the staff, were very humble in comparison to how the rest of the family lived. Amaris was not given the same quality of education as a possible heir to the throne would get, so Ignis took it upon herself to secretly train her daughter as any warrior of the Lava Mountain Demons would be trained. Her skill and fierceness would be her trump card, especially in the face of a world that showed her no kindness.

As unpleasant as things already were, the situation became even worse once the King and Queen of Argena were assassinated. Because of the involvement of demons, suspicion of involvement was immediately cast on Amaris and her mother. Because they were always being watched, they knew they were not directly involved, but they were both under suspicion of spying for an enemy kingdom. The people who temporarily took power during the chaos could not directly attack the mother and daughter due to the fact that they were both technically royalty and because of the treaty in place with the border tribes. Even if the border tribes were not involved, it would not be beneficial for Argena to have to defend themselves on two separate fronts. Instead, shadey opportunists took a much more quiet approach. Instead of disparaging Ignis, they celebrated her as champion and sent her off to the most dangerous frontlines to fight. Ignis was not stupid, she knew what their plan was, so she came to an agreement that they would protect her daughter if she went along with their plan.

Ignis was a true warrior and lasted longer then anyone had expected. She had won many hard fought battles, gained the support of many from the military, and the love of the people. A dangerous wind was blowing within the palace of Argena, because of her mother's efforts, murmurs had begun about Amaris being given a more active role within the royal line, at least until her younger sibling could come of age. It wasn't until month 7 of her campaign that Ignis was finally brought down by a counter offensive that had been laid out specifically to bring her down. She fought for as long as she could, giving time for a few of her men to escape. She died a hero, but any news of her demise was immediately silenced before it could reach the ears of Amaris. Instead, without anyone to protect her, the conspirators sent her to an unassuming fort with her "guard" with the pretext of training. Her guard had been largely made up of low born female trainee knights and a single washed up instructor that neglected his duties. It was not much of a guard, they were mostly meant to keep her company and out of trouble.

Everything was fine for the first few weeks, until attacks against the fort started to become more and more frequent. As it turns out, the conspirators were aware that the fort was in the marching path of a section of the demons. They used this opportunity to try and get rid of Amaris. Even if she died as a hero, there would be nobody left that would benefit and in all likelihood, nobody would ever hear what happened to her. About half of the soldiers guarding the fort had disappeared before the fighting got too bad, but by the time the writing on the wall became obvious, Amaris, her guard, and the few soldiers left had become surrounded and unable to escape. Amaris had turned 13 during the months the war had been raging. Thanks to her mother's foresight, she had already become a very proficient fighter, she was also already almost the size of an average male soldier with the easily the strength of several elites. While she sobered up her washed up instructor to train her guard, she fought tirelessly along the walls of the fort side by side with a rotating roster of the remaining soldiers. Resting for an hour or two at a time while the enemy regrouped, she and the fort soldiers fought for weeks while her guard, inspired by the will to live and the toughness of their master, trained at a blistering pace.

During month 4 of the siege, many of the fort soldiers had died, supplies were nearly exhausted, and Amaris was near exhaustion while trying to fight through her many injuries. It had become apparent that no supplies or back up would come, they had been abandoned by Argena leadership. The fort was one of very little import, so the majority of the enemy forces had already left long ago. A plan had been made to fight their way out, it would be an all or nothing battle before they became too weak or too few to fight. Amaris had become exhausted to the point where her vision had nearly gone and her body had become all but numb. About a quarter of the fort guards remained and were not in any better condition, many could barely hold a sword and others were injured to the point where they never would again. The ones who could still fight were given as much food and medicine as could be spared while the rest understood that their only chance of surviving would be to depend on those still able to fight. The plan was a simple one, Amaris would lead as the vanguard using the rest of her strength to kill as many as possible as fast as possible to create chaos in the remaining enemy camp, her fresh newly trained rookie guard would follow behind to cover the blind spots caused by her exhaustion. Once the chaos has started, any able bodied soldiers would rush in to provide support while those who could no longer move would provide ranged support from a distance. As desperate hail mary plans go, this was by far one of the shakiest. After hours of bloody fighting and a lucky early kill of the enemy's commander, Amaris emerged victorious. The enemy had been felled, although with quite the heavy cost. Of the survivors left, only about 8 heavily injured fort soldiers remained while Amaris's female guard had been reduced from a dozen to 5. Their trainer lost an arm in the process, but with the supplies plundered from enemy camp, he also survived.

It took several months to return to the capital. In that time, the survivors attacked the enemy when they could for supplies and stayed in various towns along the way. Because Amaris and her new guard entered every town covered in blood and wounds, a nickname began to spread, the "Barbarian Demon Princess." She became well known among the people for her merciless fighting to protect everyone in Argena despite her young age. Along the way, she had heard of her mother's exploits and her ultimate demise. She had been given the bare minimum dignity of having been buried within the royal mausoleum, although not among the queens and kings and was not given any sort of send off despite having died a hero. Soon after turning 14, Amaris took her first steps in the capital in well over a year, she and her new battle hardened guard were welcomed back with cheers from the people while none of the nobles or people in charge dared to show their faces. With a determination in her eyes, Amaris and her guard walked past the palace gates, ignoring the many of the loyalist servants and nobles that kept trying to pass her a message to immediately report to the ones in charge. She passed them all without a word, with her guards breaking a few bones of a few daring messengers that acted above their station. She kept silently walking until she reached the mediocre mausoleum her mother's body had been placed where, to her surprise, the few survivors of Ignis's men were waiting after having heard of her arrival. They recounted stories of her mother's bravery and told Amaris of her mother's bright light as she fought so they could escape. After reminiscing for some time, Amaris used her strength to rip open her mother's meager tomb and remove her coffin, draping it with various beautiful clothes she had picked up along the way. Then with the help of Ignis's men and her guard, they removed her coffin and carried her back through the palace, ignoring the many protests and angry shouts, then back through the streets where the people stood quietly in respect, not daring to raise their voices above a whisper. It was never outright stated what Amaris had done, but the people understood that she had taken her mother, their hero queen that had fallen in battle back home to lay with her people.

Many years have passed since those early days of instability. Amaris is now 27, and she and her guard have fought through many battles, brute forced their way through countless assassination attempts, as well as protected the people from the many dangers that roam around outside the safe walls of the Kingdom. She has been known to be quite the rebellious princess, often ignoring orders given to her if she disagrees with them. Her early guards have become extraordinarily proficient knights that act like an impenetrable shield and help to cover her many gaps. Those that have been with her for any amount of time become extremely loyal as she never asks them to do anything she wouldn't and is usually the first to lead the charge. While her palace life has not improved much and her support from those in charge remains dismal, Amaris has carved a slice of happiness with people that trust and respect her. When she originally heard about the ball, she was completely planning to blow it off, not wanting to mingle with other snobby royals from other countries. But as one of her most trusted guards put it, this would be the perfect opportunity to gain some kind support and possibly find someone that could match her strength, as the few suitors that had approached her had become too intimidated to try or found wanting by Amaris and her guard. With tempered expectations, Amaris prepares for the ball.

Other: Amaris was born from Ignis of the Lava Mountain Demons, a tribe of nomadic demons that lived within the harsh conditions of a semi-active volcanic mountain range that bordered Argena and Yukio. The tribe was known to have skin of various shades of red, an average height of 6 - 7 feet with some of the elites of the tribe reaching nearly 8 feet, and had strength that could only be described as beyond inhuman. Beyond that, they were also known to be quick to anger, especially when it came to slavers or bandits entering their territory. Because life was harsh and they fought not only external enemies, but also the ever changing conditions around them, family became a very important commodity as it was not uncommon for the mountains to claim entire branches of families. If anyone were to ever face a Lava Mountain Demon unprepared, the last thing they would see is skin glowing as bright as fire while being overwhelmed by numbers. A few tribesman throughout their long history were known to go a step further and could manifest fire through their attacks, although these days the only one with that ability is the leader of the tribe, Amaris's grandfather.

Being a half breed with a human meant that many of the abilities and characteristics she would have inherited from her mother's tribe were either incompatible or watered down. While Amaris towered over everyone at a staggering 6'2", within her tribe she would be considered almost a runt among giants. While her skin still glowed with a fiery passion during battle, the brightness was as dim as her cold pink skin when compared to her mother's proud ruby skin that shone with a brightness that frightened her enemies in their place. And finally, while her strength was still considered monstrous among humans, she would not be able to hold her own against one of her tribe.
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"If you would do me the honors, allow me to entertain you."

Ophelia Abernanth

Jester, Pheenie, Phelia
She is usually fine with any and all nicknames. Just donโ€™t expect her to be fine with downright insulting ones unless you are her superior.

Court Jester
Secretly a thief but we donโ€™t need to go into those details




Half Human/Half Dragon
Dragons. Ancient beasts that once roamed the land, now extinct after being mercilessly hunted down by humans. At least that is what many would like to believe to sleep at night. But there exist tales. Rumors on how the reptilian beasts still exist today. Whether it be up in a cave within a mountain that no one dares venture to or among humans today. For the dragons are known to have been able to wield powerful and ancient magics. Magic that even allows them to take on another form such as that of a human but some features will always remain. Horns hidden under hats, scales covered by layers of clothing, wings, and tails obscured by cloaks. Even the children of any of these shifters carry on some of these features, albeit they do appear more human than dragons with no ability to shift into any other form. Yet still, the dragon blood prevents them from being quite human.

A young woman standing at 5โ€™1, Ophelia has a slender build and appears rather lean. However, underneath the frills and puffy sleeves, she often wears is an athletic physique, a result of living on the streets and having to work herself ragged for a single coin whether she attains it through thievery or performing. Ophelia has fair skin that also harks back to her time on the street as well as she has a subtle tan from days spent out working in the sun with a dash of freckles painting her nose. She has wavy moss-green hair that she often wears with a messy ponytail that cuts above her waist with strands of her hair often pooling onto her shoulders, covering her ears. However, her most striking feature is her eyes. Taking on a bright amber hue that shines among her darker locks, Ophelia's doe eyes seem to emit an air of innocence. Contrasting her own cunning mind as she often uses this innocent appearance to her advantage.

In all regards, Ophelia appears human. But this is an image maintained by the art of deceit. Beneath Opehlia's closed smile lies a pair of canines that could be considered slightly sharper than the average human. Under her hat stands a set of two dark green horns, emerging from the back of her head and curving downwards. Speckling her skin, obscured by her gloves and the fabrics she drapes herself in, are dark green scales with her hands being utterly encased them as her nails are extended into sharp claws. Secrets can be seen even in her eyes as if one looks closely enough, one could notice that her eyes are slightly slit-shaped. Almost of a reptilian nature. Small signs that she is of dragon blood that she has grown used to hiding, knowing all too well of her kingdomโ€™s opinion on other races, including halfbreeds.



Clever, Charismatic, Empathetic

Dim-witted, Cocky, Impulsive

Music, Stories, Fresh Food especially Fruit and Fish



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Kind of curious, how exactly do I read those placeholder CS?
It's just a reservation, it's used as a "work in progress" so it'll only show their face, name, and role until they put up a cs sheet ^^

Name: Tajun Irulian Ytheliz Bombustus the Ninth - or just Tajun
Nickname(s): Seventh King of the Heavenly Demons
Role: Bandit leader
Age: 25
DOB: Winter
Race: Beast-elf
Personality: Tajun is not proud or arrogant - no, he's just fully aware of his worth, what he's capable of, and what his charisma has gotten him. To Tajun, the world isn't an oyster, but a seabed of oysters with their mouths gaping open, spitting out pearls by the dozen for him to collect. Tajun is most grateful for this, and so takes good care of every pearl he's been given. To Tajun, the world must know the name of the one who they give their treasures, so he loudly will exclaim it from the rooftop of God's palace. Tajun isn't greedy, however, he's just cocky. His code is that the world is a place where anyone can be poor or rich simply by the changing of the hour, as such, one must go with the flow. To him, if he doesn't live his life to the fullest, he's letting the world itself down, and that sincerely hurts and troubles him. So what other choice could he have but to embrace his role as a thief, rapscallion, seducer, disgraced noble, heartbreaker, bandit, and above all else, beast-elf? Truthfully, if Tajun could change one thing about his life, it would be that he hadn't grown up in the only place he wasn't wanted.
Virtues: Honesty - Friendship - Bravery - Noble
Vice: Headstrong - Overconfident - Reckless - Thrill-seeking
Likes: Women, thrills, life, danger, adventure, ways to make his life just more exciting
Dislikes: His home, (the rest are things he won't admit to not liking) vinegar, bananas, giving up
Biography: Tajun comes from a long line of noble Beast-elves, a race of elves given the characteristics of animals. Unfortunately, these particular nobles fell on hard times, and so the Bombustus family was forced to live as farmers in poverty in an unimportant kingdom. Though they kept their pride, they did not keep their wealth for long, as local tax collectors were particularly hard upon them. Tajun watched all this while pondering old stories he'd been told, about how humans were always the ones who pushed the other races out, how humans were the ones to keep them down. He also pondered the stories of the Bombustus family's once proud position as noble lords and ladies, and would love nothing more than to see them regain that. So, he tried to help by finding coins. After all, once they had enough, his family would be okay, right?

The locals did not see it that way. Tajun... still hasn't entirely come to terms with what happened. What he did come to terms with was his place in the world. He was a thief now, so why not accept that? And Tajun... found he enjoyed being a thief. And he got good at it. Very, very good at it. He didn't just steal money. He'd steal anything, food, clothes, books, pens, scraps of paper, hairpins, shoes, shoe laces, pages from books, anything someone gave value to was his to take. But once he'd taken it, what then? Why, shouldn't Tajun share it? And share he did, and as he shared, he gained followers, other thieves, human and non-human alike, who had great skills. Some kept their loot, but most shared with the poor and impoverished. Tajun made sure of that. But the one thing he hasn't stolen yet? Something of royal value. And to Tajun, that would truly bring pride back to his family name.
Other: He's a monkey beast-elf with a tail.
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  • โœค

    Full name:

    Charlotte Anastasia Dietrichva Lumina


    Milady, Young Mistress (servants)
    Lady Lumina/Dietrichva (noble/noble loyal to Ekaterina family)
    Lottie, Tasi, Asta (friends and familly)


    Winter, just turned 18 years old


    female, she/her


    First Princess of Lumina

    Sexual/romantic orientation:

    demisexual biromantic open to polyamory

    The Jewel of Lumina

code: @s e v e n
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Cecil Corbel

Princess of Yukio





Princess Nadeshiko of Yukio


Nade-chan (ใชใงใกใ‚ƒใ‚“), Ojลsama (ใŠๅฌขๆง˜), Hime-sama (ๅงซๆง˜)


Princess of Yukio




16 ~ 18






sincerity ยท responsibility ยท curiosity


impulsive ยท gullible ยท stubborn


Birds ยท peace ยท weaving


Heights ยท unrighteousness ยท death

Nadeshiko has been raised solely inside the castle since she was a small child and day by day her curiosity grew until it could no longer be contained to the point where she would try to of course leave the castle to see the outside world but always failed, soon she gave up on being stubborn and imagined her own world, a world where she imagined everything, where everyone treated the demons with kindness and respect. But she knew that was merely a child's fantasy, a story or a fairytale.
However she knew that real life was much harsher, however she was never exposed to the outside world which still led her to truly believe the world was just as told in fairytales where everyone lived happily, and people were all kind. Childish thoughts. Though, she was naive this didn't stop the young princess to be irresponsible, she took her duties as a princess seriously, studying hard in order to earn her place as a princess, she made sure as a young girl to learn all the history, the important duties, however this never stopped her from being kind to everyone in the castle, always with a kind smile and a soft advise for anyone in need.
When any person in need went to her, she always told truthfully whether the truth could hurt or not, because the princess believed all people need to learn the truth. Though she always achieved this in a gentle manner. As much kindness she held in her heart, Nadeshiko could rather be impulsive and leap before thinking when someone is in need, and face the consequences and she was incredible stubborn when it came to protecting someone, or her friends and family. Even with all this, her clumsiness never ended. Being originally clumsy and accident prone the princess has always been rather a bit off sometimes as well when it did not come to her duties.



Nadeshiko is the daughter of the king of Yukio and his lover, a human. Their love sprouted when her mother, Mana, met her father while playing him the koto as a servant, after running away from home from Argena, tired of how they did not treat other races with the respect they deserved. As much as her mother knew how scorned a half-demon would be, they had already fallen in love. By the time Nadeshiko was born, her mother had taken the role of a mistress, although she worried for a relationship between her an the queen. Her mother, Mana had done her best not to offend the queen, at first her mother afraid of the queen made sure she did not disrespect. Terrified, was word to describe how Mana felt. However soon they queen and Nadeshiko's mother were able to become friends. Due to learning how there was no love between the king and queen. As Nadeshiko grew up, she was never let outside due to the fear of her being associated with war her mother had done her utmost best to know about knowledge but never gave her experience. She simply played with her siblings and studied hard just like her mother's wishes. Nadeshiko as a child was very small and would always be smiling to anybody without knowing who they were when she was carried by her mom. Now, the young lady had grown up into a kind-hearted person, however her clumsiness is what always what worries her mother. Soon after the death of the Queen, Yuki-ona, Mana and Nadeshiko mourned deeply, during this time Mana and her child had done their best trying to subtly comfort the other children.



- Nadeshiko has never seen the outside world, and has only been walking in the palace walls.
- Her mother usually hides herself from society in order to make sure she stays in the shadows, and does the same for Nadeshiko.
- Nobody except the people in the palace has ever seen her face.
- Usually wears a mask if she is meeting other new people in the castle.

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