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Fantasy Heart of the Forest - OOC

Once they defeat the main antagonist, should I make this a hosted project?

  • Yeah, if you explain it of course!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would, it's all pretty self explanatory!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nah, to complicated...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe...^^

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
WonderFry said:
Awesome!! ヽ(´▽`)/ would anyone else like to? It could be a friend group yay
Imari could be, seeing as his step sister did just die... He'd need as many friends as he can get in a time like this >w>
EMP said:
Is this actually dead ?
Nah. People are just busy and such. @JokerValentine doesn't have access to internet for a while, and I won't either soon, so I think it's just slowed down until everyone comes back and such. o-o
If anyone needs any help in finding a human for your wolf, I can help :3 I've already found mine. ^-^ I'll post Lora soon.

FYI I am going on a cross country road trip so I will be limited to mobile (for quite a while)...which will make bbc code very challenging (not to mention posting itself because my phone is little better than a flip phone (except worse because it is evil.) I will do my absolute best to post but probably only if directly addressed or something dramatic happens in the storyline. (Once in a millennia... I will be able to be on my computer)
I am still here, and though I can not currently post, I am stalking you all so this thread better not die.
Falling Nebula] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12813-stonewolf18/ said:
FYI I am going on a cross country road trip so I will be limited to mobile (for quite a while)...which will make bbc code very challenging (not to mention posting itself because my phone is little better than a flip phone (except worse because it is evil.) I will do my absolute best to post but probably only if directly addressed or something dramatic happens in the storyline. (Once in a millennia... I will be able to be on my computer)
Pfft, not ACTUAL cross-country though

Safe travels, friend!
[QUOTE="Falling Nebula]I am still here, and though I can not currently post, I am stalking you all so this thread better not die.

Oh, hey.

I tried to post today, but I lost motivation around the end of the day and didn't get to it. I'll try to get a post up tomorrow.
Actual cross country minus one state....I am stuck in a car literally all day and more...technically I am going cross country and back by car. xD
I started on a reply today, but I had to leave the house. >.< I'll finish it when I get home tonight. (<3)
It is great...I come from the western part of the country where it is mostly desert so seeing so many trees and so few mountains is.......new and interesting.
*Cries* I missed out on so much!!!

I mean I know I was gone for a whole month and I knew I was going to miss out on a ton of stuff, but I don't think my heart was really ready to see what I missed out on. Man I can't breathe, I don't know how to start out my post QAQ *Screams* The very heat of the rp has already started and I can't help, but panic! Q^Q
Hiruka said:
*Cries* I missed out on so much!!!
I mean I know I was gone for a whole month and I knew I was going to miss out on a ton of stuff, but I don't think my heart was really ready to see what I missed out on. Man I can't breathe, I don't know how to start out my post QAQ *Screams* The very heat of the rp has already started and I can't help, but panic! Q^Q
You can do it. I believe in you. u.u
Falling Nebula] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30148-jokervalentine/ said:
Think you can post as alpha?...I believe I can post tomorrow or if you can get something up I can post tonight. Or @StoneWolf18 as Mr. Devil wolf. xD
Anything in particular you want me to post?
Well you are alpha...I guess it will be kind of hard to post anything until stonewolf posts. It is basically up to you...ya do not have to post if you have nothing to work with, I just have a small posting opening. :)
[QUOTE="Falling Nebula]Well you are alpha...I guess it will be kind of hard to post anything until stonewolf posts. It is basically up to you...ya do not have to post if you have nothing to work with, I just have a small posting opening. :)


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