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Realistic or Modern | healing flames


Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: content
Location: park --> café
Outfit: sports tank top + shorts

As their synchronized footsteps resonated through the bustling city streets, bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun, a playful breeze rustled their hair, carrying with it the anticipation of shared stories. The radiant glow of the evening sky reflected in their eyes, filling the air with a sense of possibility. "Why don't you tell me about yourself and I'll tell you about myself? Maybe you can also tell me what you do for fun?", suggested Kara, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity mingled with a touch of vulnerability. Side by side, they continued their rhythmic jog, their synchronized movements a dance of connection and discovery. Contemplating the nurse's request, Connor tilted his head upward, immersing himself in the vast expanse of the heavens above. His thoughts drifted through the vast tapestry of his memories, searching for the perfect starting point to reveal his essence. A momentary uncertainty flickered in his eyes, and he confessed, "Oh. Well- I'm not sure where to start and what to say." Kara, ever perceptive, interjected with gentle reassurance, her voice a soothing balm to his hesitations. Her encouragement emboldened him, allowing his story to take flight. He spoke, his words infused with a melodic quality, "I'm from Alaska, moved to LA about... well, the timeline is a little confusing. Let's just say I officially moved here a little more than a year ago."

Connor's hazel eyes shimmered with a hint of mystery, a glimpse into the enigmatic path that led him to his current chapter. The passing of time blurred in his recollection, a haze of fleeting moments and profound experiences. He tried to grasp the memories tightly, but they eluded his grip like whispers on the wind. Conscious of his struggle, he shrugged off the weight of remembrance, unwilling to dwell on the complexities that obscured his past. With an affectionate smile curving his lips, he continued, his voice carrying a warmth akin to the summer sun, "So it definitely took me a while to get used to the hot summers. But I love the ocean." Connor's gaze turned inward, his thoughts drifting toward memories of his newfound home. Adapting to the sweltering summers had proved to be an odyssey of its own. Yet, amidst the relentless heat, his heart had found solace in the embrace of the boundless ocean, its cerulean waves calling to him like a siren's song. Kara's laughter, a sweet melody that danced upon the evening air, intertwined with his own. She acknowledged the shared affinity for California's picturesque coastline, realizing that Connor's response, though not entirely original, held a genuine charm. "The beaches here are definitely nice, that's for sure!", she concurred, her voice carrying the harmony of agreement.

A brief pause followed, as Connor's thoughtful gaze sought the words that would paint the next strokes upon the canvas of their conversation. His brows furrowed slightly, a gesture of contemplation, before he ventured forth once again, eager to share the nuances of his existence. With a gleam of excitement lighting up his eyes, Connor divulged the secret passions that fueled his zest for life. "What I do for fun? Hmmm... I'm an avid surfer. And I like staying in shape, so I go for runs, and frequent the gym as well." As he spoke of his newfound love for surfing, the words wove together a tale of discovery and transformation. Only upon his arrival in the sun-kissed realm of Los Angeles did the intoxicating allure of the waves beckon him with irresistible charm. In a matter of weeks, he had transcended the realm of the novice, ascending to the rank of an intermediate surfer. The ocean's gentle caress had become his sanctuary, offering solace in moments of perpetual seeking. "Other than that? I like to read, especially poetry. I like museums, especially science ones. Oh, and I game. Probably a little too much, sometimes. I play the guitar, and lately I've been crazy about baking bread.", a soft, sheepish laughter escaped Connor's lips, his admission tinged with a touch of vulnerability. Most of his hobbies stood in contrast to the rugged hero persona often projected onto him. Yet, he had come to embrace the unexpected joys that lay beyond society's assumptions.

A momentary unease washed over Connor as he shared these intimate revelations, uncertain of how his confessions would be received. Would they shatter the perception of the tough, unyielding hero others projected onto him? "I'm not very interesting. Tell me about you." But Kara's laughter, a melody that wove through the fabric of their connection, soothed his insecurities. "I beg to differ! It's intriguing that you enjoy poetry and museums, as well as staying fit. It's nice to know you're not just a jock.", her response, a playful dismissal of his self-perceived mundanity, infused his heart with warmth. "Hey, what's wrong with just being a jock, hm?" A mischievous sparkle danced in Kara's eyes as she playfully wagged her tongue at Connor's teasing remark, revealing a spirited nature that complemented his own. The vibrant nurse began to gradually slow her pace, as if inviting a pause in their journey to delve deeper into the realms of conversation. Her inquiry loomed in the air, an invitation to unravel the tapestry of her own existence. Connor's curiosity stirred, eager to embark on the voyage of discovery, his heart quickening at the prospect of unravelling the enigma that was Kara.

Finally, the ethereal dance of revelations shifted its weight, bestowing upon the nurse the opportunity to unfurl the tapestry of her own history and cherished pastimes. Her voice, a soft whisper carried by the evening breeze, painted a portrait of a life deeply rooted in the sun-kissed embrace of Los Angeles. "Hm... Well, I was born and raised here in L.A. with my mother and father, don't have any siblings.", Kara began, her words imbued with a touch of nostalgia. "Lived here most of my life, so I'm used to the beaches and don't really go all that often." Connor's gaze, unwavering and eager, captured the essence of her tale, his attentive demeanor a testament to his genuine interest. She spoke of the ocean, an entity so woven into the fabric of her existence that its allure had lost some of its novelty. The beaches, once a haven of adventure and exploration, now held the tranquil familiarity of a cherished companion. They no longer beckoned with the same urgency, and her visits had grown scarce.

As Kara continued, her voice grew softer, revealing a glimmer of vulnerability. "I love to drink coffee and find new cafes near me.", she confessed. "And I sometimes even go sing karaoke with Jessie." A flush of embarrassment swept across her cheeks as Kara hastily added, "Th-that's rare, though." Connor's voice, rich with mirth, wove through the air, inviting her to join him on a journey of caffeinated discoveries, "Well, you should join me for a coffee then. There's some really nice cafés here." The nurse, swayed by his gentle persuasion, offered a smile and a promise to share a coffee outing with him, a step toward weaving their lives together in vibrant threads. Eager to deepen their connection, Connor seized upon the mention of karaoke, a realm where vulnerability intertwined with shared joy. "And you mentioned karaoke? Next time you go, take me with you. I'd love to hear that.", he proposed, a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes. But Kara, flustered and conscious of her vulnerability, swiftly shook her head, denying him access to this intimate part of her life, "Oh, not at all, nope. Jessie teases me enough. Otherwise, I really only spend most of my time with Jessie, at the hospital, or with... Dylan." Her words tumbled out, a defense mechanism against the exposure of her deepest desires. Undeterred, Connor's gaze softened, empathetic to the turmoil that lay beneath Kara's cheerful exterior.

But Kara, resilient and determined, refused to allow her troubles to cast a shadow over their conversation. She propelled herself forward, picking up the pace as if to outrun the demons that lingered on the fringes of her thoughts. "I cook, I cuddle my cat, and I listen to music a lot. That's about it for me, I think. That, and running.", she shared, her voice steadier now, a testament to her resilience. The words hung in the air, creating a bridge of understanding between them. Connor's curiosity sparked a gentle glow in his eyes as he inquired about Kara's feline companion, his heart opening to the boundless love that pets could offer. "You have a cat? What's your cat's name?", he repeated softly, the name resonating with a sense of tenderness. It was as if a flicker of warmth had nestled itself within his chest, reminding him of his own beloved animal companions from the past. The flicker of curiosity grew into a blazing flame as Connor delved deeper, his voice tinged with genuine interest. "And how long have you known Jessie for? You guys seem really close. She cares about you a lot." His words held a subtle acknowledgment of the unwavering support that seemed to envelop Kara in her connection with Jessie. The man recognized the importance of such bonds, especially in a world where genuine connections were often fleeting.

Kara's smile blossomed, a bloom of warmth and gratitude, "I do! His name is Nimh. He's been a pain lately, though, wish I knew why." As she spoke of her cat, her voice brimmed with adoration, her laughter painting the scene with hues of affection. The playful antics and unexplained mischiefs of her feline companion seemed to only deepen her affection, a testament to the unconditional love that blossomed within her heart. As her words shifted to Jessie, the nurse's voice softened, tinged with a profound sense of appreciation. "And Jessie? I've known her since I started medical school - she's been my friend ever since. She's like the sister I never had.", she shared, her voice carrying the weight of countless shared moments and unspoken understanding. Connor's thin smile mirrored her own, an unspoken understanding passing between them. Though the midday sun cast its golden glow upon their figures, their bodies demanded a respite from their jogging pace. As they slowed, a shared moment of recovery emerged, breaths mingling with the stillness of the surroundings. Connor's gaze found solace in Kara's presence, his eyes tracing the delicate lines of sweat upon her brow. He reached up, wiping away his own perspiration, a gesture mirrored by the woman at his side.

"Nimh is a really nice name.", the firefighter remarked, his voice carrying a touch of genuine admiration. His eyes, a vibrant shade of blue, briefly darted towards the adjacent field where children energetically played a spirited game of soccer. He relished the sight for a moment, savoring the innocent joy that radiated from their youthful spirits. With a soft chuckle, he continued, "Does it mean anything? And aren't pets always a pain in the ass?" As his laughter subsided, Connor's gaze grew distant, tinged with a hint of melancholy. "I'm happy for you. Friendships like that are rare." He had always been plagued by the struggle of forging and maintaining friendships. Even those who had once promised unwavering loyalty had slipped away, leaving him with a bittersweet smile etched upon his lips. Although he sincerely celebrated the fact that the nurse had found a reliable confidant like Jessie, a sense of longing tugged at his heart. Meanwhile, Kara gratefully seized the opportunity to discuss her beloved feline companion, eager to divert the conversation towards a subject she held dear, "Nimh is from a movie I watched as a kid, The Secret of Nimh. It was one of the few movies I got to watch when I was little." A quizzical arch of the ginger's brow betrayed his curiosity, acknowledging the peculiarity of her choice of words. Nevertheless, Connor chose not to pry, understanding the intricacies of personal attachment and sentimental connections. In a nod of acknowledgment, he quietly murmured, "I don't know that movie. Maybe I should watch it one day." Kara's response bypassed his mention of the movie, her focus zeroing in on his previous statement instead, "He's my first pet, so I'm still kinda new to the whole thing.", she confessed, her voice laced with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Her hopeful gaze locked onto Connor's, silently conveying her yearning for a bond beyond the ordinary. "And hopefully...", she continued, a spark of optimism igniting within her, "...this is the start of another kind of rare friendship?"

"Ah your first pet? That's always super exciting."
, Connor reminisced, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. His gaze softened as he recalled his own experience, albeit short-lived. "My first pet was a dog, but we couldn't keep him for more than a few years." With a warm smile, Connor nodded in response to Kara's hopeful inquiry, his eyes shining with a genuine sense of friendship. "And hasn't this friendship already started?", he affirmed, his words carrying a subtle air of reassurance. Without missing a beat, he then playfully teased her about her breathlessness, knowing full well that running could be quite demanding. "Tired from the run already? Gotta work on that endurance, hm?" Kara couldn't help but roll her eyes, feigning annoyance as she leaned on her knees, catching her breath. The lighthearted banter brought forth genuine laughter from both of them, their fatigue momentarily forgotten in the camaraderie of the moment. Raising his arms in a leisurely stretch, Connor gestured towards a path on their right, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Let's take this path.", he suggested, his voice brimming with a mixture of enthusiasm and the promise of new experiences. "It'll take us through the park, where there's always many dogs - and we'll pass a café we can stop at to grab a drink." The notion of a brief respite held a certain allure for Connor. While he was accustomed to long runs without pausing, he recognized the value of moments like these—opportunities to connect, to converse, and to simply enjoy each other's company.

Kara eagerly welcomed the idea, a grateful smile gracing her lips. "Sounds good, I would love to take a break and get something to drink. I'll pay this time.", she insisted, her generosity shining through her words. A hint of protest flickered across Connor's face, his brows furrowing and his eyes rolling in mock exasperation. How did she manage to assume he wouldn't pay? After all, she was his esteemed guest on this delightful adventure. In a sudden instant, a gasp escaped from Connor's lips, his breath momentarily stolen by an enchanting sight. His gaze locked onto a minuscule German Shepherd puppy, joyfully frolicking amidst the lush green grass. The pup's movements were hindered only by the delicate pink collar, clutched gently in the hands of its adoring owner. Overwhelmed by an irresistible wave of affection, Connor couldn't help but marvel at the pup's undeniable charm. "Look at that! Oh it's so small. So fluffy.", he exclaimed, his voice filled with childlike wonder, "Look at those stubby, little legs. Those floppy ears! God, I love German Shepherds. They're just so much fluff and cuteness, how can anyone handle this?" Yet, his unabashed admiration for the adorable creature was abruptly interrupted by the infectious sound of Kara's laughter. She doubled over, clutching her stomach as mirth cascaded from her lips.

Connor couldn't help but be captivated by the sight—the way her laughter illuminated her features, bringing out a radiance that matched the sunlight filtering through the trees. "My God, Connor...", she managed to utter between fits of giggles, her amusement unabated, "You are not at all what I thought you would be. I'm starting to love that about you." Her laughter gradually subsided, and a delicate blush tinged Kara's cheeks, adding a rosy warmth to her already captivating visage. She cleared her throat, composing herself before resuming their leisurely walk, her steps guiding them towards the beckoning allure of the nearby café. Meanwhile, Connor lingered behind for a moment, his cheeks also touched by a soft flush of pink. A serene smile unfurled upon his lips, a contentedness settling within his chest. It was a curious sensation—how, in the span of such brief encounters, this woman had already managed to set his heart into delightful fluttering motion.

With regained composure, the firefighter closed the distance between himself and Kara, their steps falling in sync as they approached the inviting café nestled within the park. Its quaint exterior, adorned with meticulously arranged flower arrangements and charming vintage embellishments, emanated an aura of cuteness and romance. Connor's smile, albeit subtle, held a touch of warmth as he motioned towards the café's entrance, extending a courteous gesture for Kara to enter first. "Here we are.", he softly announced, his voice carrying a gentle undercurrent of anticipation. As Kara stepped inside, he followed closely behind, his gaze taking in the cozy atmosphere and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee that wafted through the air. With a flicker of a mischievous glint in his eyes, the man suggested, "Why don't you go and find us a table? I'll go get us some drinks." Connor leaned his head slightly, his expression an amalgamation of sincerity and playful curiosity. "Do you trust me enough to surprise you with something new?", he inquired, his voice tinged with a teasing undertone.

A mischievous glimmer danced in Kara's eyes as she flashed Connor a playful grin, her agreement clear. "Sure.", she replied, her voice filled with anticipation. Her words were accompanied by a sly wink, adding, "If it's awful, I'll take whatever you ordered for yourself." Chuckling softly at her lighthearted remark, Connor shook his head in good-natured amusement. He motioned for Kara to proceed and find a suitable table while he made his way to the bustling counter, joining the line of eager patrons. Inwardly, he breathed a sigh of relief that Kara had seemingly forgotten her earlier intention to pay, now reaching into his wallet to cover their order once more. Efficiently, the firefighter placed their drink orders, patiently awaiting the barista's swift preparation. With two steaming beverages in hand, Connor ventured towards the table Kara had secured. The scent of rich coffee and fruity flavors danced in the air as he approached, a sense of anticipation lingering within him. Setting the drinks down on the table, Connor couldn't help but admire the artistic presentation of Kara's iced strawberry latte. The mug revealed enticing layers, with a deep crimson hue at the bottom, hinting at the inclusion of luscious strawberries in the concoction. Even the foam topping boasted a sprinkle of red, enhancing the beverage's visual allure. "Here we go. One Iced Strawberry for you-", he announced, a hint of pride in his voice, as he placed Kara's drink before her.

Sitting down across from her, Connor revealed his own selection—a raspberry cappuccino smoothie. The drink exuded a vibrant shade of pink, its velvety texture beckoning to be savored. "Feel free to taste both.", the ginger suggested, his voice gentle and inviting. "Then, simply choose the one that captures your fancy." Kara's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she eagerly clasped her hands around the mug, expressing her gratitude. "Oooh, thank you!", she exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. Without further ado, the blonde brought the iced strawberry latte to her lips, savoring the first sip that graced her taste buds. A delightful expression crossed her face, a mixture of pleasure and contentment. "Mmm...", she hummed, her voice infused with genuine delight. The flavor danced upon her palate, visibly leaving her yearning for another sip. Her gaze then shifted towards Connor's drink, a curious glimmer reflecting in her eyes. "Are you sure I can try yours as well?", she inquired, her voice filled with a mixture of intrigue and playfulness. Connor nodded, his smile growing fond and warm as he pushed his own beverage closer to her. "Of course.", he assured her, his tone gentle and reassuring. "Try mine, it's really good. If you prefer mine, feel free to switch." With a sense of adventure, Kara reached for Connor's raspberry cappuccino smoothie, the vibrant pink hue capturing her attention. She brought the straw to her lips, taking a slow, deliberate sip.

Kara's cheeks bloomed with a delightful blush as she expressed her preference, her voice carrying a note of genuine satisfaction. "Mhm. It's good, but... I really like the one you chose for me the most. How did you know?", she inquired, a hint of curiosity lacing her words. Connor simply shrugged, a playful smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Just a gut feeling.", the man responded, his eyes twinkling with a touch of mystery. With a wink, he lifted his own drink, finally taking a sip and relishing the familiar and pleasing flavor that washed over his senses. Setting the mug back down on the table, Connor leaned back slightly, his gaze sweeping across the cozy surroundings of the café. A fondness for the place was evident in his voice as he spoke, "It's a cute spot, isn't it? I stumbled upon it by accident one day." The man had since become a regular patron, captivated by the café's delightful array of coffees. The establishment had earned a special place in his heart, a sanctuary where he could escape the demands of the world and simply savor the aromatic pleasures in each cup. "Did you...?", he began, though his words trailed off before he could delve deeper into the conversation, their exchange unexpectedly interrupted by a familiar voice calling out Connor's name. His eyebrows furrowed in mild surprise, curiosity taking hold, as the man turned his attention towards the source of the call, awaiting further revelation.

"O'Neil!", a robust, masculine voice called out, causing Connor to swiftly turn around, his gaze scanning the bustling crowd within the café. Squinting, his eyes eventually settled on a figure that sparked recognition. It was a man, slightly older than the firefighter himself, sporting a beard that added an air of maturity to his appearance. Despite the weariness in his eyes, they shimmered with familiarity and an undeniable connection. The man moved with the aid of crutches, his prosthetic leg propelling him forward. Connor's attention instantly shifted, his focus zeroing in on this old acquaintance. "Holy shit.", Connor murmured, his voice laden with a mix of surprise and genuine delight. "Francis. It's been a while." A warm smile tugged at his lips as Francis reciprocated, enveloping Connor in a half-hug. Laughter danced between them as they briefly embraced, their camaraderie speaking volumes about the history they shared. Slowly, they released each other, their eyes still brimming with the unspoken bond of friendship. "Yeah, about a year.", Francis acknowledged, "You didn't make it to the reunion. I thought maybe you'd..." Connor shook his head, his reassuring smile unwavering. "No, no... I was just... busy.", he explained, his voice carrying a touch of regret. Francis nodded, his expression understanding. A slender smile graced his lips, despite the asymmetry caused by his injury. "I see.", he replied, the unspoken sentiment lingering between them.

Curiosity brimming within him, Francis leaned in slightly, his voice filled with genuine interest. "So, how have you been? What do you do now?", he inquired, eager to catch up on the details of Connor's life, their conversation blending seamlessly into the familiar rapport they once shared. Connor shifted slightly, his discomfort evident as he responded to Francis's inquiry. "Yeah, yeah, good.", he muttered, his fingers absently tracing patterns along the back of his neck. "I'm a firefighter now.", he added, the words falling somewhat hesitantly from his lips. The expression on Francis's face betrayed a hint of confusion, though he quickly masked it with a smile. "Oh, interesting.", he commented, though his attention was momentarily drawn to the woman seated at the nearby table, her apparent curiosity piqued by their conversation. Noticing Francis's gesture, Connor's gaze followed, his eyes widening in realization. "Oh, I forgot... Um, Kara-", he stammered, turning to face the blonde with an apologetic smile. He gestured towards the approaching figure, introducing them to each other. "Kara, this is Francis. We... we used to work together." Then, shifting his attention back to Francis, Connor gestured towards Kara. "Francis, this is Kara. She's a nurse." A glimmer of amusement danced in Francis's eyes as he locked gazes with Connor, teasing him lightly. "Ah, I see you still have a thing for medics, hm?", he jested, his laughter echoing softly. Connor's face flushed with a deep shade of crimson, nudging Francis's side in a mix of embarrassment and defensiveness. "She's a friend.", he muttered, his tone slightly more forceful than intended.

Francis, sensing the change in atmosphere, eased his laughter and approached the table, extending his hand towards Kara. As he did so, his missing fingers and the scars that adorned his skin became visible, testament to the challenges he had faced. "Francis David. It's nice to meet you.", he introduced himself warmly, his uneven smile radiating a genuine warmth. "Well, I reckon I'll leave you two be then." Francis turned back to Connor, his voice tinged with sincerity. "We ought to meet up. Catch up, yeah?"







Connor's T-shirt & shorts


Cute Cafe > Connor's Apartment


Connor & Frank > Connor


ily Connor

The golden beams of sunlight that shone through the flurries of clouds in the air emphasized the redness of Connor's hair as he led her to the quaint, vintage café, his tanned skin glistening from the droplets of sweat that slowly crept down the sides of his face and his neck. The curvature of his lips brought a flutter to her heart every time they curled upwards, making her ache that much more as his beautiful, cerulean eyes glittered. The electrifying connection between them was almost enough to shock her as he returned to her side and gestured towards the café, but she ignored it, brushing it off as playful flirting and nothing that could be construed as serious - after all, she was engaged, and that barrier meant nothing could happen between the two of them... Right? The building itself was rather slender and small, but the delightful scents of freshly-brewed coffee and decadent pastries wafted through the air, giving the dirty blonde chills despite the trail of sweat traveling down her back.

"Here we are." Connor's husky voice was laced with gentility as he held the door for her, his gentlemanly behavior making her giggle softly as she entered, taking in the environment with a pleased sigh, relieved to be back in a building with air conditioning. The chill of the air on her moistened skin made her shiver as she nodded and joked with Connor about him ordering for her, teasing him playfully though she did, truly, trust him more than he knew. This near stranger of a man, in all his sculpted beauty, was the most kindhearted and gentle man she'd met, despite the short amount of time she'd known him. He invited her out for fun with friends, took care of her when she was unable to care for herself, and gave her clothing when her options were quite limited, remaining chivalrous despite the temptations of an alluring, intoxicated woman. His generosity made her heart swell, though her brow furrowed in thought as she reminded herself, again, that they would just be friends, no matter how affectionate he seemed.

Finding her gaze wandering the café, Kara propped her elbow on the table and leaned her chin against her palm, her pale blue eyes eventually resting on Connor as he waited in the line at the front of the building, surrounded by other customers who were either also waiting in line or were sitting nearby, already sipping on their delicious beverages or eating a donut or muffin. Everything else paled in comparison to the redhead ordering their drinks, her stare wandering over his figure while he wasn't looking, his toned muscles standing out in the attire he had chosen, making him that much more enticing. The way the muscles of his back rippled when he lifted his arms to stretch or run his fingers through his short hair, the way his backside tensed before moving forward, it was all so much to drink in, and she was parched. She wasn't the only one, however, as she heard a couple other girls nearby giggling to themselves and commenting on his rear, of all things, making the dirty blonde scoff and roll her eyes, her cheeks turning a light pink as she glanced back at Connor.
They do[/I] have a point, though...[/I]
As soon as Connor turned around with their beverages in hand, her eyes snapped up to the drinks, a smile brilliantly lit across her tired features as he found her and offered her an "Iced Strawberry."

"Feel free to taste both. THen, simply choose the one that captures your fancy." She excitedly thanked him, sipping the beverage carefully so as to avoid making a mess, its flavor forcing a delighted shiver. Strawberries were her favorite, and the balance between the coffee, milk, and strawberry was perfectly done, making her smile reflexively.
"Mmm... Are you sure I can try yours as well? I'm curious."
She asked hesitantly, wondering what his tastes were as well. "Of course. Try mine, it's really good. If you prefer mine, feel free to switch." The smile he exuded was warm and inviting, which made him all the more attractive. The girls nearby grumbled in disappointment, eliciting a small smirk at the corner of Kara's lips as she took a slow sip from Connor's drink, relishing in the flavor of the raspberry as well. The fruity flavor was quite strong, but that wasn't what Kara ended up focusing on as she realized they would be kissing indirectly from her drinking his beverage.

Pulling away from his drink and gently pushing it back towards him, her cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she commented on the drinks, clearing her throat to force her mind off of the indirect kiss.
"Mhm. It's good, but... I really like the one you chose for me the most. How did you know?"
Her lips curled into a grin as she chuckled, reaching back for her drink again as the gorgeous man simply shrugged, a toying grin on his soft lips, and told her it was simply a gut feeling. She sipped at her drink again with a delighted sparkle in her eye, her cheeks deepening in color as he sipped at his beverage, completing the indirect kiss she had contemplated before. Surely he didn't care to notice - his gaze wandered across the delightful setting, its warmth and familiarity making it more inviting than the blasted heat outside. "It's a cute spot, isn't it? I stumbled upon it by accident one day." The blonde nodded, her drink to her lips as she sipped the beverage, debating on what else to say before Connor started speaking again, only to be interrupted by a small shout of his name from nearby.

"O'Neil!" A hearty shout from the entrance of the café startled the petite young woman, emanating from a man who appeared older than them both, with a weary expression and a worn face, his smile implying that whatever connection he had with Connor was a positive one. Kara's eyes wandered to the crutches and the prosthetic, her curiosity briefly washing over her before her gaze flickered back up to the man's face, watching his interaction with Connor with piqued interest. "Holy shit. Francis. It's been a while." Pale blue orbs studied the ginger's face intently, watching as he also smiled, and they embraced, laughter coming from the two men. Her eyes narrowed, her mind rushing to find an explanation for their connection, though she had little to base it off of. "Yeah, about a year. You didn't make it to the reunion. I thought maybe you'd..." Francis trailed off, an odd expression on his face, one of understanding while Connor's carried...guilt? Confused, Kara continued to watch the two men interact, her brow raising as Francis' gaze traveled from Connor to her. Offering a small wave and a shy smile, her pale blue gaze flickered to Connor as he realized he hadn't introduced them yet.

"Oh, I forgot... Um, Kara-" Connor's apologetic expression told her just how flustered he had been by the former acquaintance's arrival. "Kara, this is Francis. We... we used to work together." She nodded, her shy smile turning wide and bright as she engaged her inner bedside manner. Before she had a chance to speak, Francis commented on Connor's "thing for medics," causing both eyebrows to shoot up in surprise as she glanced back over at Connor while reaching to shake Francis' outstretched hand. "She's a friend." Wincing almost imperceptively, the dirty blonde gripped the colleague's hand with a firm, gentle squeeze, nodding slightly.
"I'm Kara Haywood. You guys worked together? What did you do?"
Her brow raised once more as she glanced towards Connor, watching as he shot Francis a look and then quickly told her, "Oh just... you know. Boring desk work." The raised brow furrowed.
"You met a medic...doing boring desk work?"
The disbelief in her voice was almost tangible as she narrowed her eyes at him, trying to piece together his behaviors.

"Happens a lot more than you think!" The redhead was clearly perturbed by her curious prodding, visibly gulping nervously and quite obviously trying to change the subject. "Did you know ehm- Francis also has a cat. Or had. I can't remember. And you have a cat. Mhm." Kara paused, now blatantly giving Connor a confused stare, her lips parted as she attempted to understand what was going on behind those glittering blue eyes of his.
"O...kay.... Well it was nice to meet you, Francis, maybe we can chat another time."
She offered him a polite smile before returning to her seat, watching Connor with bewilderment as he offered Francis a small wave of farewell before sitting down himself, avoiding eye contact with the petite female across from him. His soft, pink lips pressed against the lip of his mug as he fidgeted, drinking his beverage in silence while she wondered, sipping on her beverage as well. The idle chatter of the café, a quiet, calming backdrop to the stillness between them, almost engulfed the words Connor murmured as his thumb fumbled with a barely noticeable chip in the mug.

"Sorry about that. I wasn't prepared to run into him." His voice was soft, almost fragile, and barely audible. Her heart went out to him, and almost reflexively, she reached across the table, hesitating slightly before she slid her fingers over the side of his hand, curling them toward his palm in reassurance.
"It's okay. I'm not going to pry, Connor. We don't know each other all that well, so I don't expect you to be 100% open with me."
She offered him an understanding smile, her brows creased with concern. The movement of his thumb on the mug stilled as he kept his gaze on his beverage, unmoving as he spoke the next words in that same, hushed manner. "I know him from the Army. Just been trying to... put some distance between myself and that part of my past." She squeezed his hand gently, hoping to reinforce his trust in her.
"I understand. There's stuff from my past I try to keep hidden, too. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me that."
His lips curled into a small smile as he finally turned his gaze upward, their eyes meeting and her heart warming at his tenderness.

[B"Well... now that I revealed a little something from my past. I need you to reveal something to me as well."[/B] He paused. "What's your favorite food? For dinner." Long eyelashes fluttered in surprise as Connor requested trivial information from her, her brow momentarily furrowing as she processed the swift conversation change.
"E-erm...m-my favorite is usually either French or Italian...why do you ask? Don't you want me to tell you something more personal?"
Her cheeks warmed as a lightly dusted pink spread across her cheekbones, struggling to maintain eye contact as thoughts of more time with Connor flooded her mind. There it was - his brilliant smile again. "No, I'm not going to pry." He chuckled softly, a sound that made her heart skip a beat. "But good to know. Italian's my favorite, too." A soft exhale of laughter escaped her as his friendly warmth returned, making her smile widen as she shifted her thumb, absentmindedly stroking the back of his hand. Realizing her hand was still atop his, she pulled it back, clearing her throat awkwardly.
"I-I see...that is good. And um...it's only fair I tell you something of importance in return."
Her expression faltered from the smile, her mind turning to more serious topics as she let out a small sigh.

"Let's see...my parents and I really don't get along. It's to the point where they talk through Dylan, who..."
She frowns bitterly, gritting her teeth,
"Heeds their every beck and call."
Her pale blue gaze flickered to her drink as she spoke, her lips pursing as she contemplated her own words. The stunning redhead frowned, arching a brow. "I'm sorry to hear that. I don't talk much to mine, either." A soft smile curved her lips at the attempt at empathy before the endearing man frowned deeper. "Why does... Dylan talk to your parents? If you don't get along with them, shouldn't he accept that?" A dry laugh escaped her throat as she shook her head, finishing her drink with her knuckles white from gripping the mug too tightly.
"They... they're the ones that introduced me to him. They pushed for the marriage."
Her thumb traced along the ceramic curve of the mug's handle, her gaze flicking up at Connor briefly to see if his expression reflected his thoughts.

His brow remained furrowed in confusion, deepening with her latest tidbit of information. "So... is that what you wanted, too? To... marry Mister Arrogant?" He paused, letting out a dry, embarrassed chuckle. "Eh- sorry. Dylan." Despite his apology, Kara snorted in laughter and immediately clapped a hand over her nose and mouth, her eyes wide as she realized what had happened. A soft groan left her as she covered her face completely with embarrassment, taking a moment to let it blow over before she responded, her voice a soft murmur as she cleared her throat.
"Urm..uhm...I do like him a lot. He provided me with a safe space when I was...struggling at my parents' for a long while, and we grew closer during that time."
She faltered, her voice cracking softly.
"I still love him. At least, I think I do. I just... he's changed a lot, lately. I know I shouldn't talk about it, though."
Tears threatened to surface as she swallowed back her feelings, her gaze returning to Connor as she searched his face for his feelings on the matter. She didn't want to ruin relations with yet another person. He nodded as she spoke to him, acknowledging her words respectfully, and struggling to come up with the right response. "What ehm... do you mean by he's changed a lot? Have you... talked to him about that?"

Her delicate face twisted in discomfort, the dirty blonde suddenly feeling quite self-conscious in the presence of strangers, with a flood of emotions barely being restrained.
"Can we um...can we talk about this back at your apartment?"
Confused by the sudden request, Connor nodded, his brow maintaining the crease between them. "Of course. Come on, we can walk home- to my place. To my apartment, of course." He stammered to correct himself, standing from his seat and finishing his drink quickly so they could make their way back without any hindrances. She stood to follow, suddenly appearing much smaller than she was, as a lost child in need of a guide home. Connor led her back to his apartment, obliging to the silence that sat still between them as they walked, the morning sun's warmth painting their skin in golden rays. Kara's arm occasionally brushed against Connor's, idly reminding her that he was there and not some figment of her imagination with glorious muscles and a mysterious past. As each foot thudded against the cement of the sidewalk, she thought of her relationship with Dylan, how it's been becoming more and more quiet, and how she wished it weren't, wanting the closeness she had felt before, as she was with Connor.

In what felt like mere seconds, the two of them had made it back to his apartment building, surprising her as they ascended the steps to his particular flat, the jingling of his keys in the door handle startling her even more out of her contemplative reverie. Upon entering the familiar location, she removed her brand new sneakers, quietly stepping over to the soft, welcoming couch, where she shifted the pillow Connor must have slept on to the side and sat curled up on the large cushions, hugging her knees like before and letting out a small sigh. "... do you want a... herbal tea or something? to calm your nerves?" Connor's kindness pierced the silent air with sympathy, to which Kara nodded. "You know you don't have to talk to me, right? If it makes you uncomfortable in any way, I wouldn't want to intrude-" The petite woman interrupted, shaking her head at him.
"It's alright, Connor. As for Dylan... He's just been really busy lately. We haven't had much time to talk, and he's been dealing with a huge caseload at work — he's trying to rank up, you know? And I've been trying to support him."
"Ah yeah. The reason why he's been blowing you off all the time, right?" Kara's eyes snapped up to him, a grimace on her thin lips.

"Y..yeah. But it's his job — he's a police officer, and his job is important, just like yours or mine. Though.."
She'll bite her lip, holding something back and instead letting out a sigh.
"I just want to be supportive. He'll talk to me when he's ready."
"I mean... yes- but... you work 24-hour-shifts, too. I do as well. Sometimes even 48-hour-shifts. And you'd make time for him, no? I was deployed for months at a time, sometimes. Other side of the world, and I still made time for my then-girlfriend. Even with lousy Wi-Fi and bad cell reception. Work is no excuse to... ignore and neglect your partner." Connor's adamance about making time shut her up, forcing her to shrink back into her seat in defeat.
"I...I don't know, then, Connor. He was there for me when I first started my residency, but when I switched to nursing, he was just...I don't know, not around as much. He and my parents both think it's not as worthwhile as being a doctor, so I don't know what to do or expect."
She muttered bitterly, her expression turning sour.
"Even if I wanted to call off the engagement, I couldn't. I wouldn't have anywhere to go long-term, and I..."
She trailed off, suddenly looking pale, her voice breaking as she stayed quiet.

"He said that?" Connor paused, the mere shock of the statement processing in his mind. "That being a nurse is not as worthwhile as being a doctor?" His nose wrinkled in disgust, but he paused, hesitating. "Well, Kara, I-" The redhead stopped himself as he realized it's technically not his place to say anything before sighing. "You deserve to be happy. And feel supported, and loved, and... you get the gist. And if he's not making you feel like that anymore, then- then maybe you should.... Talk to him?" Glancing up at Connor, she noticed the conflict across his features, a soft smile gracing her lips as tears had begun to fall.
"I told you...getting him to talk is rare. And I... I am happy."
The words that left her lips lacked all possible confidence, seemingly meant to convince herself more than anyone else. She absentmindedly traced the place her engagement ring had been on her finger, her brow furrowed as the tears spilled down her pale cheeks. Connor will smiled awkwardly, nodding, "Okay, okay. I... I hope... so. You deserve to be... But if there is ever like... anything- you can come to me. My door's always open." She hadn't realized when it had happened, but the well-built male had made his way over to her, crouching in front of her as she remained seated on the couch. Her pale blue met his cerulean as her lip quivered.
"Are you sure? You hardly know me."
Her trembling voice was a mere whisper as she studied his eyes, noting the dark flecks spaced throughout, his gentle smile filling her with warmth. "I'm sure. It's just another excuse to get to know you better." More tears streamed down her face as she lowered her legs slowly, nodding before she leaned forward, wrapping her arms around him to embrace him, her body shuddering from the silent sobs that wracked her. Why hadn't she met this man sooner?

♡coded by uxie♡

Connor O'Neil — 23

Mood: concerned < goofy
Location: café --> his apartment --> his car
Outfit: sports tank top + shorts --> firefighter uniform

Francis departed, leaving Connor in a contemplative reverie. His eyes remained transfixed on the ceramic vessel cradled in his hands, as if it held the answers to questions that had long evaded him. Fingers danced absently over a minuscule chip adorning the cup's surface, each stroke echoing the unspoken words that lingered heavily between them. Time had woven an intricate tapestry since he had last glimpsed Francis—a tapestry wrought with threads of separation and suffering. Their reunion, or perhaps more aptly, their collision, had unfolded in a way Connor had scarcely foreseen. A year had passed since his transformation from an active duty soldier to a soldier confined to inactivity, a transformation that coincided with Francis's arduous convalescence from an involuntary amputation. The very notion of encountering his old comrade had eluded Connor's imagination, leaving him ill-prepared for this unforeseen convergence. With an almost imperceptible sigh, Connor finally broke the pregnant silence that had shrouded their table. "Sorry about that. I wasn't prepared to run into him." His voice, like a whispering breeze rustling through autumn leaves, emerged soft and barely audible, a stark departure from the commanding tone he had often wielded in the army. He acknowledged his own inadequacy, recognizing that Kara, who occupied the seat opposite him, deserved an introduction far more eloquent than the fumbling words he had thus far offered.

Unexpectedly, Kara extended her hand across the table, her fingers hovering for a moment before gently caressing the side of Connor's hand. Her touch conveyed a soothing reassurance, a silent pact not to delve into the labyrinthine depths of his thoughts. "It's okay.", she uttered tenderly, her words as gentle as the softest lullaby. "I'm not going to pry, Connor. We don't know each other all that well, so I don't expect you to be 100% open with me." Connor swallowed nervously, his thumb ceasing its restless dance upon the mug. He maintained his unwavering gaze, as if seeking solace in the pattern etched onto the cup's surface, as he expelled another inaudible sigh. "I know him from my time in the Army.", he confessed, the words escaping his lips with a palpable hesitance. "Just been trying to... put some distance between myself and that part of my past." Scars, both visible and hidden, bore witness to the crucible of experiences he had endured during his service, the kind of wounds that transcended the physical and lingered as haunting specters in the corridors of his dreams. It was a silent struggle he had waged within himself for an eternity, a tempest of emotions stirred anew by the abrupt reappearance of Francis in his life.

Kara's fingers, tender and gentle, encased Connor's hand in a reassuring squeeze. Her voice, a soft cadence that held the secrets of her own past, flowed like a soothing river. "I understand.", she murmured empathetically, her words a testament to the shared burdens of hidden histories. "There's stuff from my past I try to keep hidden, too. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me that." Connor, buoyed by her understanding, nodded in appreciation. A delicate smile unfurled upon his lips as he finally relinquished the mug's embrace, allowing his gaze to ascend. Their eyes met in a moment of serendipitous connection, and in that fleeting instant, the world outside their intimate bubble ceased to exist. Connor's heart danced with an involuntary skip, awestruck by the radiance of Kara's presence. Desiring to divert both Kara's thoughts and his own from the weighty revelations of the past, the firefighter cleared his throat with a subtle rasp, seeking to change the course of their conversation. "Well-", he began, his voice infused with a newfound ease, "-now that I revealed a little something from my past. I need you to reveal something to me as well." A pause, laden with anticipation, hung in the air. "What's your favorite food? For dinner."

Kara, the nurse with her captivating enigma, wore an expression of perplexity at his inquiry. Her long, fluttering eyelashes betrayed her surprise as Connor kept his unwavering gaze locked onto her, awaiting her response. "E-erm...m-my favorite is usually either French or Italian...", she stammered, her uncertainty palpable, "Why do you ask? Don't you want me to tell you something more personal?" Her words hung like a delicate question mark, revealing her puzzlement regarding his intentions. A warm chuckle escaped Connor's lips as he shook his head gently. "No.", he assured her, a reassuring twinkle in his eyes, "I'm not going to pry." His smile was a testament to his sincerity. "But good to know. Italian's my favorite, too." Kara's laughter, a melodic serenade that filled the air, sent ripples of warmth through Connor's chest. A fleeting moment of connection, marked by the subtle caress of her thumb upon the back of his hand, was a tantalizing glimpse into a shared future. In the wake of their lighthearted exchange, Kara's demeanor shifted, her countenance morphing into one of contemplation and gravity. Her voice, now weighed down by the burden of truth, mumbled forth the secrets of her heart. "I-I see... that is good. And um... it's only fair I tell you something of importance in return.", she ventured, her smile fading into the shadows of a more somber tone. "Let's see... my parents and I really don't get along. It's to the point where they talk through Dylan, who...", she confessed, her voice laden with frustration, "Heeds to their every beck and call."

Connor's countenance darkened, the lines of his brow deepening into a furrowed expanse of concern. He regarded Kara with a quizzical arch of his brow, his thoughts entangled in the complexities of his own familial estrangement. It had been years since he had last heard from his own parents, and the labyrinth of emotions surrounding that silence was as intricate as it was unresolved. "I'm sorry to hear that.", he offered, his voice tinged with an air of understanding, though it lacked any trace of sorrow, "I don't talk to mine either." He couldn't claim to miss the conversations with his own parents. Delving deeper into the topic, he probed, "Why does... Dylan talk to your parents? If you don't get along with them, shouldn't he accept that?" In response to his inquiry, Kara's laughter danced through the air, her amusement at the absurdity of the situation palpable, "They... they're the ones that introduced me to him. They pushed for the marriage." Connor, the master of concealing his emotions, opted not to mask his surprise at her reaction. His widened eyes betrayed his astonishment as they locked onto hers. "So... is that what you wanted, too? To... marry Mister Arrogant?" He allowed the lines of his frown to soften, an apology lingering on the cusp of his lips as he corrected himself, "Eh- sorry. Dylan."

To Connor's amazement, instead of reproaching him, Kara dissolved into a fit of laughter, a charming and unguarded sound that bubbled forth. Her hand darted to her mouth and nose, attempting to contain the adorable snort that accompanied her mirth. It was a moment of unadulterated vulnerability, one that lent an endearing quality to her character. Clearing her throat in an attempt to regain composure, she averted her gaze momentarily, her cheeks lightly flushed with embarrassment. "Uhm... uhm... I do like him a lot.", she stammered, her voice softening as she sought to articulate her feelings. "He provided me with a safe space when I was... struggling at my parents' for a long while, and we grew closer during that time." Her gaze flicked back up to meet Connor's, as if seeking reassurance that her admission was met with understanding and empathy. Connor's furrowed brow seemed etched in permanent disapproval, a testament to his enduring aversion to Dylan. Ever since their paths had first crossed, the enigmatic Dylan had rubbed him the wrong way, like a discordant note in an otherwise harmonious melody. Yet, Connor's vexation ran deeper than mere initial impressions. It was a cauldron of emotions simmering beneath the surface, stirred by the knowledge that Dylan was the fortunate betrothed of Kara, a woman who had stolen his heart and held it captive with an unseen allure.

As Kara spoke, her words trembled in the air, her voice cracking like porcelain on the verge of shattering. "I still love him. At least, I think I do.", she confessed, her eyes searching for solace in Connor's gaze. "I just... he's changed a lot, lately. I know I shouldn't talk about it, though." Connor, his heart echoing with disbelief and bitterness, concealed his true feelings behind a mask of restraint. How could she love a man like Dylan? A cop, no less. Connor's disdain for the police force was a matter of public record, but now that he was privy to the type of officers they enlisted, his contempt deepened. A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he nodded, struggling to find the right words to respond. "What ehm... do you mean by he's changed a lot? Have you... talked to him about that?" Kara hesitated, her discomfort etching lines on her delicate features. Connor noticed the glistening dewdrops in the corners of her eyes, tears threatening to cascade down her cheeks. She searched for a refuge, her voice a frail whisper. "Can we um... can we talk about this back at your apartment?" Puzzled by the abrupt request, Connor didn't think twice before agreeing, his voice faltering with anticipation. "Of course. Come on, we can walk home—to my place. To my apartment.", he stammered, his eagerness to provide her sanctuary tangible. Rising from his seat, he hastily drained his drink, a curtain call to their unspoken exchange. Connor then led Kara through the city's bustling streets, their steps harmonizing with the silent tension between them. The morning sun caressed their skin with its golden radiance, casting long, slender shadows. It was a journey marked by wordless contemplation, as they navigated the labyrinth of their thoughts and feelings, bound for Connor's apartment—a place where secrets, doubts, and confessions would find their sanctuary amidst whispered confidences and the warmth of shared vulnerability.

Their journey back to Connor's apartment building unfolded with a sense of urgency, the rhythm of their steps echoing in the narrow corridors. Ascending the weathered staircase, Connor's footsteps resonated with purpose as he led Kara to his designated floor. In his grip, the keys danced a melodic jingle, a prelude to the private world he was about to unveil. Connor's fingers, deft from familiarity, sought out the keyhole, and with a simple twist, the door yielded to their presence. Kara crossed the threshold, her demeanor a tapestry of vulnerability and unease. The soft click of the door closing behind them sealed the hushed sanctum within, a realm of secrets and confessions. In the midst of this clandestine rendezvous, Kara shed her sneakers with a grace that belied her inner turmoil. The plush couch beckoned to her like an old friend, and she approached it with a sense of purpose. The pillow Connor had rested upon the previous night was gently set aside, a surrogate comfort in the midst of emotional tempests. She curled up on the ample cushions, her body folding in on itself, her knees drawn up to her chest, an embodiment of fragile vulnerability. Connor observed her, his gaze softening with concern. His throat cleared, a silent inquiry hanging in the air. "... Do you want a... herbal tea or something? To calm your nerves?", he offered, his voice a soothing balm. Kara, her eyes moist with unshed tears, responded with a grateful nod. Connor took the unspoken request as his cue, crossing the room to his kitchen, where he embarked on the meticulous ritual of preparing the calming elixir. As he worked, he felt the weight of Kara's distress, an unspoken plea for understanding and solace.

He ventured a tentative reassurance. "You know you don't have to talk to me, right? If it makes you uncomfortable in any way, I wouldn't want to intrude.", he murmured, his words laced with empathy, a lifeline extended to her. Kara, however, was determined to unburden herself, her voice quivering but resolute as she interrupted his quiet musings. She shook her head, her words a fragile confession. "It's alright, Connor. As for Dylan... He's just been really busy lately. We haven't had much time to talk, and he's been dealing with a huge caseload at work — he's trying to rank up, you know? And I've been trying to support him." Connor, his back turned to the woman on the couch, contorted his features into a deep frown, a tapestry of emotions woven into the furrows of his brow. With a slight roll of his eyes, he muttered with restrained irritation, "Ah yeah. The reason why he's been blowing you off all the time, right?" The words hung in the air, a testament to his inner turmoil, his struggle to conceal his disdain for the man who had captured Kara's heart. Kara's words tumbled out, her voice trembling like fragile porcelain. "Y-yeah. But it's his job — he's a police officer, and his job is important, just like yours or mine." Her voice, though wavering, held a thread of determination. She bit her lip, her uncertainty momentarily silencing her, before a deep sigh carried her thoughts forward. "I just want to be supportive. He'll talk to me when he's ready."

Connor battled the urge to scoff at her response, the skepticism locked behind a mask of restraint. A gentle sigh escaped his lips, a symphony of empathy and frustration mingling in the air. He reached for the ceramic mug cradled in his hands, still warm from the freshly brewed tea, and carefully made his way toward Kara on the couch. As he extended the steaming cup to her, Connor's gaze lingered on her face, trying to decipher the complex emotions swirling beneath the surface. "I mean... yes- but... you work 24-hour-shifts, too. I do as well. Sometimes even 48-hour-shifts. And you'd make time for him, no?" His words, though soft, carried a weight of reproach. A brief pause hung in the air before he continued, his voice edged with a trace of vulnerability. "I was deployed for months at a time, sometimes. Other side of the world, and I still made time for my then-girlfriend. Even with lousy Wi-Fi and bad cell reception. Work is no excuse to... ignore and neglect your partner." The memories of distant lands and harrowing missions played out in Connor's mind, each location a testament to his relentless effort to maintain a connection despite the physical and emotional distance. Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, Mexico – each name whispered in the corridors of his memory, a tribute to his unwavering commitment. He had never been able to reveal his exact whereabouts, nor could he hold lengthy conversations, but his love had transcended the barriers of time zones and danger.

Kara, her voice a fragile echo of her inner turmoil, responded with a despondent mumble. "I... I don't know, then, Connor. He was there for me when I first started my residency, but when I switched to nursing, he was just... I don't know, not around as much. He and my parents both think it's not as worthwhile as being a doctor, so I don't know what to do or expect." The weight of her unspoken thoughts hung in the room like an oppressive shroud. Kara's vulnerability was palpable, her options limited, and the fear of facing a future she had not chosen was etched across her features. She continued, her voice cracking like fragile porcelain. "Even if I wanted to call off the engagement, I couldn't. I wouldn't have anywhere to go long-term, and I..." The words faltered, a cliffhanger in the midst of an agonizing revelation, leaving the room steeped in a heavy silence, pregnant with the weight of her unspoken fears and regrets. "He said that?", Connor's voice hung heavy in the air, his words resonating like a distant thunderclap, as if grappling with the sheer audacity of Dylan's sentiment. A pause stretched like an elastic band being tugged to its limit, the shock of the statement processing slowly in Connor's mind. "That being a nurse is not as worthwhile as being a doctor?" His nose wrinkled in disgust, a ripple of revulsion coursing through him like an electric jolt. His initial impulse was to unleash a torrent of righteous indignation, but he hesitated, the boundaries of his role as a concerned friend and confidant blurring in the tumultuous moment.

What an asshole! How could she stay with him? Connor's eyes, though burning with unspoken outrage, darted away from Kara's troubled gaze. He opened his lips to say something, to offer solace, but the realization that it was not entirely his place to pass judgment tethered his words. A sigh, heavy with the weight of unspoken truths, escaped him. "You deserve to be happy. And feel supported, and loved, and... you get the gist. And if he's not making you feel like that anymore, then- then maybe you should.... Talk to him?" The advice was simple, perhaps even trite, but it was all Connor could offer within the boundaries of propriety. A soft smile, tinged with sadness, tugged at the corners of Kara's lips as tears welled in her eyes, her emotions like a turbulent sea. "I told you... getting him to talk is rare. And I... I am happy.", she asserted, though her voice wavered like a flickering candle in a dark room, its light struggling to hold back the encroaching shadows. Connor inhaled sharply, his own emotions swirling like a tempest, unsure of how to navigate the storm raging within him. He flashed her an awkward, yet reassuring smile, a beacon of uncertain hope. "Okay, okay. I... I hope... so. You deserve to be..." His words trailed off into a palpable silence, the unspoken sentiment hanging in the air, like the final note of a haunting melody. Cautiously, Connor bridged the physical and emotional distance that separated them. He approached Kara, his steps measured, his heart a complex symphony of empathy and concern. "But if there is ever like... anything- you can come to me. My door's always open." Crouching down in front of her on the couch, his eyes locked onto hers, he offered the solace of his presence, a lifeline of support in a turbulent sea.

"Are you sure? You hardly know me.", Kara whispered, her voice a fragile thread, trembling like a leaf in the breeze. Connor's gaze softened, his eyes a calm harbor in the midst of her emotional tempest. He nodded, a thin, genuine smile gracing his face, the corner of his lips upturned in warmth. "I'm sure. It's just another excuse to get to know you better." More tears suddenly streamed down her face as Kara slowly lowered her legs, nodding in silent acceptance. She leaned forward, closing the gap between them, and wrapped her arms around Connor in a gentle embrace. Her body shuddered with the silent sobs that wracked her, and in that fragile moment, their worlds collided in a symphony of shared pain and uncertain solace. Initially, Connor stood as still as a sentinel, his world encapsulated by the grief that enveloped Kara. But soon, a wellspring of compassion surged within him, compelling his arms to encircle the nurse, cocooning her in a warm, protective embrace. Her sobs reverberated through the room, a lament echoing in the quietude of Connor's sanctuary. He held her close, offering the solace of his presence, a lifeline in her tempestuous sea of emotions. Kara's tears flowed like a river unchecked, her anguish unleashed and unchecked, like a storm seeking release. Connor waited patiently, his heart a silent witness to her pain. He knew not the right words to speak, for in that moment, the tender language of empathy spoke louder than any solace he could offer.

As she finally released herself from his embrace, the toll of her emotional tempest was written across her features. Her complexion had paled, her once-bright eyes now swollen and rimmed with a haunting red. A trace of glistening snot clung just above her quivering lip. Despite her disheveled appearance, Connor's gaze remained tender, his gentle smile a beacon of comfort. With a caring touch, Connor lifted his hand to her tear-streaked face, tenderly wiping away some of her tears. His thumb brushed away the residue of her distress, his gesture as gentle as the soothing caress of a breeze. "Want a tissue?", he offered, rising gracefully from the couch. A few brisk strides carried him to the kitchen, where he retrieved a bundle of kitchen paper. Returning to Kara's side, he extended it to her with an expression that sought to offer both practical aid and emotional support. "You feeling a little better?", Connor inquired, though the question was an acknowledgment of the obvious. He watched as Kara blew her nose and tried to regain some semblance of composure, his own countenance etched with a gentle, empathetic frown. In the depths of his heart, Connor harbored a burning desire to confront Dylan, to extract retribution for the tears he had seen Kara shed. The notion that such an unworthy man held her heart pained him deeply. If only Kara could see her own worth, if only she could realize that she deserved more than the anguish she currently endured.

"Hey... wanna do something fun to distract yourself?", Connor's voice broke the silence, his eyes warm and inviting. He waited for Kara's affirmation before gliding gracefully to his TV stand, crouching before it like a magician preparing to unveil a secret. "Do you game?" His eyes gleamed with a youthful enthusiasm. He was an ardent gamer, particularly fond of Mario and fantasy-themed adventures. "Here, this should be fun." With a deft hand, Connor powered on his Nintendo Switch device, a mischievous grin dancing across his lips. He readied a controller for himself and then one for Kara, handing it to her with a playful wink. "Ever played Mario Kart before?" The decision was unanimous, unspoken but clear. With an almost imperceptible nod, Kara conceded to Connor's proposal of diversion. She watched as he settled onto the plush couch beside her, his movements graceful and measured, as if he were preparing to embark on an intricate dance. His hands, warm and calloused, extended towards the controller she clutched, a silent invitation to share in this digital adventure. Gently, he reached for her controller, his fingers brushing against hers in a fleeting caress. As their fingers intertwined for a brief moment, he explained the function of each button, his words a soothing guide through the labyrinthine world of the game. His nimble fingers danced over the console, setting up the virtual race that awaited them. "I'll put it on easy, okay?", Connor's voice held a note of reassurance as he navigated the game's settings. His character of choice was Yoshi, a trusty companion in many virtual adventures. He offered Kara the chance to select her own avatar, guiding her through the roster with the patience of a seasoned mentor. Car presets were another matter altogether, and Connor, with his extensive gaming expertise, took it upon himself to configure the vehicle to maximize her chances in the game.

The first race unfolded in a cacophony of chaos. Kara's virtual car careened off the track, colliding with every obstacle in its path, and falling victim to a barrage of enemy projectiles. For Connor, it was a comical spectacle, a lighthearted diversion. But for Kara, it seemed to be a matter of personal pride. As the race ended, Kara's competitive spirit burned brighter. She pleaded with Connor to indulge her in another game, and then another, as if each defeat fueled her determination to taste victory. Connor, the seasoned veteran, could have easily allowed her to win, but he respected her tenacity, choosing instead to play with unwavering skill. Time flowed in an unbroken stream, the hours blending seamlessly as the duo immersed themselves in the pixelated world of the game. Swearing at the TV and occasionally at each other became a shared ritual, punctuated by bursts of laughter and playful taunts. Kara's skills improved incrementally, though she remained a novice in comparison to Connor's seasoned expertise. "Hah, can't beat the best.", Connor teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he emerged victorious once again, the virtual finish line crossed under his control. His tongue playfully poked out from between his lips, a gesture of triumphant amusement aimed at the nurse. However, his amusement was tinged with genuine enjoyment of their shared moments. Swiftly, Connor's eyes flicked to the clock, the reminder of impending responsibilities pulling at his consciousness. "Okay, I need to shower and get dressed. My shift starts in an hour." He began to rise, his movements fluid, ready to relinquish the controller and attend to his firefighter duties.

Yet, Kara, with her competitive spirit still aflame, had one more game in mind, one last showdown before Connor's departure. Her invitation hung in the air, a challenge he couldn't resist. Intrigued, and eager for one more battle, Connor agreed, sinking back onto the couch to continue their digital duel, the bond between them strengthened by their shared laughter and the virtual racetrack that lay before them. In a twist of fate, Connor agreed to one final race, a decision that would prove to be pivotal. The air crackled with tension as Kara, fueled by determination, poured every ounce of her energy into the forthcoming contest. She wielded every object at her disposal like a warrior charging into battle, each projectile launched with precision and purpose. It was a fierce determination to topple the firefighter from his coveted first place, a challenge he would not take lightly. The climactic third and final round unfolded with Kara hot on Connor's heels, the virtual racetrack serving as their arena of reckoning. "You'll never catch me!", Connor declared, his laughter a symphony of camaraderie, echoing through the room. With practiced skill, he deftly maneuvered through the racecourse, knowing that victory was almost within his grasp. But then, as the race reached its crescendo, Kara's laughter danced through the room like a mischievous melody. In her possession was the infamous blue shell, a harbinger of doom for the frontrunner. Without hesitation, she released it into the virtual sky, the shell hurtling through the air with a vengeance. It found its mark with unerring accuracy, homing in on Connor's hapless Yoshi. Helpless to defend himself, Connor watched in stunned disbelief as Kara overtook him, crossing the finish line in triumphant glory. She had claimed victory.

Defeated, Connor turned to face Kara, his mouth slightly agape as he beheld her radiant pride. "Ohh, you are evil.", he muttered, a playful frown on his face as he shook his head at her. His eyes sparkled with a mix of admiration and mock indignation. "I'll get you back for that one day.", he joked, his words laced with a playful challenge. With a final flick of his wrist, he powered down the gaming console and rose from the couch. "I'll be back in a moment." Connor disappeared into the bathroom, the soft rush of water in the shower a brief symphony of solitude. In less than five minutes, he emerged, his uniform crisply donned, a bag slung over his shoulder. His keys jingled as he retrieved them from the bowl near the apartment door, gesturing for Kara to join him in their impending departure. Together, they descended the stairs, the cool air of the stairwell a contrast to the warmth of their shared moments. As they reached the final decision point, it was agreed that Kara would be dropped off at Jessie's place, a respite where she could find solace before returning home to face Dylan. The unspoken tension hung between them, a reminder of the emotional turmoil that awaited Kara beyond the sanctuary of Connor's apartment. The redhead's apartment complex boasted an adjacent garage, a concrete cavern of parked vehicles and lingering echoes. He led Kara through the dimly lit expanse, the overhead fluorescent lights casting long shadows as they moved in unison. The scent of concrete and exhaust lingered in the air, an industrial embrace that enveloped them as they ventured towards his car.

"I hope you're feeling a little better now.", Connor murmured softly, the words laden with genuine concern. His gaze, though focused on the path ahead, held a depth of empathy that extended beyond the woman's physical discomfort. "I don't like seeing you sad. You're so pretty when you smile." His voice, teasing and warm, carried a hint of playfulness as he winked at Kara, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. With the grace of familiarity, he retrieved his car keys, fingers deftly pressing the button to unlock the sleek vehicle nearby. A dark blue Ford Mustang awaited them, its polished exterior gleaming under the soft garage lights. Connor held open the passenger door for Kara, a silent invitation for her to step into the haven of the vehicle's plush interior. With practiced ease, he tossed his bag onto the backseat and settled into the driver's seat, the engine purring to life like a faithful companion. "You just need to give me Jessie's address.", he remarked, his voice a soothing undertone as he navigated the vehicle out of its parking spot and onto the winding road. The radio played an old rock song, its nostalgic melody filling the car's interior as Connor's fingers occasionally tapped against the steering wheel in rhythm with the music. "Did you tell Jessie yet you were coming? If it's a bad time for her, you can also just chill at the firehouse."





Improving > Playful


Connor's T-shirt & shorts can't wait until the firehouse sees


Connor's Apartment > Connor's Car


<3 Connor <3


Overdue by a year; Bumble is the best writing companion ever <3

Connor O'Neil. This man is something else.
From the intrepid moment in which he and I first met, he'd been a playful flirt, brushed off any concerns anyone held for him, and fearlessly put himself in harm's way, whether it was at the hand of a burning building or an intoxicated woman. Above all else, he'd been a gentleman, entertaining her spontaneous shifts in personality and appealing to her sensitive needs when the time called for it. If it were anyone else, she would have been cast aside, her concerns and emotions left unchecked as per usual, and that blatant fact left her stomach aflutter as her piercing gaze watched him intently after they pulled apart, tinged with redness and inflammation. The salty residue that dusted her cheeks and the mucus that threatened to dribble from her stuffed nostrils made her reach up to her face reflexively, pausing when Connor's hand reached up to take care of that for her, his coarse touch gentle on her aggravated skin.

"Want a tissue?" His soft, pink lips curled into a kind smile, resonating with warmth as he stood from where he'd been seated, the couch springing back slowly from its deflated state. Rather than retrieving an actual box of tissues, the lean redhead returned with a wad of paper towels, eliciting an exhale almost akin to a chuckle from the blonde's dry lips. His kindness truly knew no bounds - she knew she couldn't deny the chemistry between them, and by the expression on his face each time their eyes met, neither could he. Still, she could not be so easily swayed - she had met others before Connor that made her light up, there would be more after, and she would end up telling them all the same, that she was loyal to her fiancé, and that she couldn't betray him. It didn't matter that his laugh made her body tingle all the way to her toes, or that his voice alone made her feel like electricity danced along her skin; she was betrothed, already promised to another.

"You feeling a little better?" The sound of his melodious voice startled her from her reverie, leading her to respond with a hard swallow and a small nod. The fact that they couldn't go farther than friends wasn't a bad thing - she was in need of more friends, after all she had to go through with Dylan in their first year of dating. Currently, all she had was Jessie and maybe a couple other nurses at the hospital, if Kara did her paperwork on time.
Yeah. We can be good friends.
The thought made her smile weakly, her mind settling with her newfound resolve, just as Connor asked her if she gamed. Her lips widened into a smile, and she spent the next hour trying her hardest not to get her ass kicked in Mario Kart, their excited voices and laughter mingling in the air in ways that made her envious.

After multiple attempts and a whine of complaint when he got up to leave, her still without victory, she had finally done it, unleashing the most devious of weapons in her arsenal just before the finish line of their final lap - the dreaded blue shell. Shrieking with laughter as she crossed the finish line, she leapt from the couch with a cheer, red Nintendo controller in hand. "Ohh, you are evil." His mock anger at her for her hard-won triumph made her giggle, his threat against her causing her to stick out her tongue at him.
"Yeah, I bet you will."
She teased him back, the widespread grin on her face lighting up her features once more, the only remnant of her grief being the pale trails of salty tears that had dried to her rosy cheeks.

"I'll be back in a moment." No sooner had the words left his lips was the redheaded man on his feet and bounding towards the bathroom door, the sound of running water bursting forth from the piping mere seconds later. Realizing it was already time for his shift and that she should be heading to Jessie's so she could get a proper change of clothes, Kara quickly fumbled for her cell phone, ignoring the glaring number 3 next to Dylan's name as she lightly tapped Jessie's name. Jessie had texted her back, cheering her on for spending the night at Connor's. Rolling her eyes, Kara sent a quick reply before stashing her phone away, letting Jess know she'd be there soon. Smiling down at the cheap sneakers Connor had bought her, she thought idly about their day, contemplating the information she had learned over the course of the day.
The Army, issues with family...just what more hides beneath his charismatic exterior?
She thought to herself in wonder, her feet carrying her to his bedroom to retrieve the expensive, navy blue dress that lay in a crumpled heap on his plush, carpeted flooring. Scooping it up with a resolved sigh, she left the doorway to his bedroom right as Connor emerged from the bathroom, looking refreshed and crisp in his work uniform - she couldn't help but admire him. He was really a sight to behold.

Following his gesture for them to leave, she nodded, making sure she had all of her belongings before she passed him on her way out of his one-bedroom apartment, hoping she'd return someday. As soon as the thought crossed her mind, her cheeks and the tips of her ears turned bright red, and she cleared her throat when Connor asked how she was feeling, refusing to make eye contact with the taller man.
"Uhm...yeah. I am. Thank you."
She murmured softly in return, chuckling softly when he commented on how pretty she was when smiling. Upon their arrival at the shaded awning for resident vehicles, a slender, blonde brow raised in piqued interest at his choice of car model, trying to hold back a bigger smile as he opened the passenger door for her and she slipped into the plush seat of his expensive-looking mustang. Upon him mentioning Jessie's address, she reached for her cell phone, leaning towards him to pull it out of her shorts' pocket, though her eyes remained on him when he mentioned telling Jess about being on their way or, if Jess was busy, going to hang out at the station. She opened her mouth to tell him that even if Jess was busy, she had a spare key, but a twinge of selfishness manipulated the words she had thought as they left her lips.

"You've seen me in my place of work, it's only fair if I see you at yours. And a burning building doesn't count."
Her tone was playful as she grinned up at him, her eyes full of mirth as she watched him drive. The early afternoon sun shone over the two of them, highlighting her blonde hair and his toned arms, his short hairs glistening in the rays of golden light. He glanced sideways at her, catching her staring as his lips parted in a lop-sided grin. "Let's be honest - you just want to see a bunch of guys run around in their pretty uniforms. But sure, we'll go." His voice always made her lips curl into a delighted smile, no matter what words escaped him, as they began heading to his firehouse, her excitement bubbling up in her stomach along with the butterflies that truthfully hadn't left since the night previous.
"Truthfully, you're not wrong."
Her eyes were fixated on him, a delightful rosy shade dusting across her freckled cheeks.

♡coded by uxie♡

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