He is here! TAKE COVER!!!


The Blind Idiot God
A new member appears...

Hello Everyone!

My name is Alexandre, but you can simply call me Alex, Lex, X or Silver if you so choose. Actually, I'd prefer the shortened version since seeing my French name in an English sentence seems odd to me.

I have just joined and - as I am typing this - I am reading through the site's BBcode Guide. I am thus going to try and use a couple of them over the course of this here introduction in an effort to inform those here about who I am as a role-player and a person. If you're interested, that's awesome, but I'm just writing it for fun so I won't be offended if you just wish me a quick "welcome aboard" and move on to the next newbie's thread. Without further a due, here it goes!

  • Q A
    Accepted Names Alexandre (Not Alexander), Alex, Lex, X, Silver, ASX
    Gender Male
    Orientation Variable
    Social Status Single
    Age 22
    Spoken Language French (fluent), English (fluent), Japanese (minimal), Russian (minimal)
    Height 5'10"
    Weight 142lbs
    Hair Color Black (Natural)
    Eye Color Hazel/Green
    Skin Tone Olive
    Notable Features Scars (left side of jawline, bridge of the nose, left eyebrow), Broad shoulders
    Employment University student in theater and postal office clerk
    Favorite Color Black or Gray. Red if shades are not allowed. Purple and Yellow tie at 3rd place
    Favorite Animal Crow. Cat if limited to "normal pets".
    Favorite Number 6
    Favorite Shape Unicursive Hexagram
    Favorite Food Pepperoni Pizza / Lasagna
    Favorite Movie Interview with a Vampire
    Favorite Book "Contre Dieu" by Patrick Sénégal
    Favorite Play Caligula
    Favorite Song "Villain" by Theory of a Deadman
    Favorite Musical Sweeney Todd
    Handedness Left-handed

I think that's everything...



Tell them about me as a person

Tell them about my RPing

Tell them about my usual character type

Test out different BBcodes

Keep it brief

Thank them for their time.

...oh! RIGHT!


P.S.: Sorry for taking your time (' :| )

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This introduction gave me a good laugh and put a smile on my face today. Welcome to the wonderful place known as Role-Play Nation! :D
Fezzes said:
Hello. Welcome to RPNation. I have far less experience than you have, unfortunately. Started two months ago, if that.
Haha! Well you have more experience on this site than I do! Besides, believe me, my 14 years of RPing don't meant 14 years of GOOD RPing.

More experience doesn't always make someone better or worse at something. (As a writer, child prodigies terrify the hell out of me.)

Thank you for greeting me!
Welcome to my our nation! I hope you enjoy your time here, and I can tell just by reading your introduction that you will be a lovely asset to the site. Happy RPing!!!
[QUOTE="Queen Rai]Welcome to my our nation! I hope you enjoy your time here, and I can tell just by reading your introduction that you will be a lovely asset to the site. Happy RPing!!!

Thank you very much ^^
You're funny, I like you! :) Your introduction is WAY better than mine, I only wrote a few awkward line.

Welcome to the website my friend! I hope you will find a nice place for yourself. :)
Laina said:
You're funny, I like you! :) Your introduction is WAY better than mine, I only wrote a few awkward line.
Welcome to the website my friend! I hope you will find a nice place for yourself. :)
Oh wow ^^ Well, I'm very flattered by this, thank you so much :3

jadafun said:
Welcome to the site!
A small, shameless self-promotion, but I have a RP you might be interested in, you're free to reject it, of course.

Thank you! I'll give it a look and if I'm interested I'll be sure to join in ^^ I always welcome the possibility of a new RP!

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