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Realistic or Modern Haven’t thought of one yet

Lita sighed heavily but gave a small nod "If she makes it you gonna help her at all?" She asked worried that when that baby is actually born he'll drop her without hesitation and she wasnt ready to give up her rep as his old lady.
He shook his head. “Kids shouldn’t be around me.” He muttered and gave her hand a squeeze. “Hey look at me.... I’m not going to walk away from you just cause she’s having my kid... I love you.” He murmured and leaned against the bars some more just watching her.
Lita frowned some and pulled back some "But you love her too." She murmured rubbing her temples some "I gotta go, theyre gonna kick me out soon." She said quietly
“Lita.... look at me.... I’m not going anywhere. I don’t want her back in my life. I’m serious.” He told her and gripped her hand to stop her from leaving. “Just wait til they kick you out please.” He murmured and reached for her more.
Lita sighed heavily and went over to him holding his hand some "Alright." She murmured kissing his hand gently "Not sure how I am going to handle 2 years without you." She murmured
He smiled at her. “We can do this yeah?” He murmured gently to her and rubbed her hand softly. “Promise.” He murmured before they came and made her leave and he sat down with his head in his hands.
Clayton sat at the hospital for hours giving a heavy sigh as he waited for the doctor to come tell him about Max. They hadnt even told him if the baby had made it or not but he was determined to stay until they let him know what was going on
-18 months-
Carmen glared over at Clayton as he walked into the club house with the guys again after their job. They’d been doing nothing but arguing for the past couple months and she really was getting sick of it now. But she wasn’t about to back down or apologise to him for anything.

Jon signed his paperwork and collected his personal things before stepping out of the prison for the first time in 18 months as a free man, heading down the path just ready to see Lita again and get home to the club.
Theo stood outside the prison waiting for his brother to come out. He was dreading this moment but having to tell him that they had lost Lita and it was looking like a kidnapping was necissary. He went over and gave him a hug as he walked out "Hey brotha, you look good." He murmured noticing how Jon had gained some muscle weight and was looking more like his normal self again.

Clayton came into the clubhouse with Coco giving a heavy sigh as he saw a text on his phone from their son. Ever since Max had the baby Clayton had made the decision to see their son every other week and play it off as him doing a few extra side runs.
He grinned and clapped him on the back starting to walk back to the van with him. “Hey. Hows everything going?” He asked as he got in. Clay came by last week to see me but we didn’t really talk bout the club.” He muttered. “Can you drop me off at Max’s place though? I wanna let her know I’m out.” He muttered.

Carmen frowned when he came to sit by the bar but was sat on his phone the whole time. “Hi to you too. How was your day babe? Oh mine was great thanks what about you?” She muttered before cussing him out under her breath while she cleaned glasses. “Angel!” She snapped eventually rolling her eyes as he looked up at her “I haven’t seen you since yesterday morning. Where the hell have you been?” She asked him worried. She was annoyed but at the end of the day she still loved him.
Theo nodded as they rode away giving a heavy sigh "Look man we gotta talk about Lita....about a week ago she went out to do somethin and she didnt come back. We found her car, looks like possible kidnapping." He explained

Clayton frowned at her and put his phone down giving a heavy sigh "We had a run! I told you this but you were too busy ignoring me to listen." He spat back glaring at her some. He was tired of this attitude from her that started the night he decided to be there for Max. Since then he had made sure she and the baby were doing alright because he knew she needed someone there and Carmen was still refusing to even try to see them.
She frowned shaking her head. “No I never see you anymore! For all I know you’re out fucking some whore at Vickie place for a di-“ she stopped when he reached across and smacked her round the face, slipping backwards before getting up and storming back to their room away from him. She didn’t want him seeing her crying.

Jon frowned some. “Lita hasn’t spoken to me for weeks when did this happen?!” He questioned him. “Cause someone could have told me. Has anyone been looking for her? Jesus Christ is it just my old lady that no one ever bothers about?!” He scoffed as they pulled up to her place frowning more when he saw cocoa bike there.
Clayton frowned at her nagging and shook his head finally having enough of it "ENOUGH DAMN IT!" he yelled and reached over smacking her around the face. He fell back into his chair and sighed heavily shaking his head again. He had never really been physical with her but this wasnt the first time this had happened. It had just been a VERY long time

Theo sighed heavily and nodded "I know man I know. We got everyone out lookin alright? We didnt say shit because we think it might be niners and we didnt need you gettin time added." He explained while pulling into Max's drive running a hand over his face seeing Coco's bike there "I'll wait out here."
Gilly headed over to him and sat next to him frowning. “Go home Clay.” He told him. “Go cool off. I’ll keep an eye on her. He assured him watching him finally leave and shook his head.

Tomas was walking out of school at the same time and frowned calling Clayton. “Hey.... can we go get a coffee? I need to talk to you?” He asked him quietly.

Jon banged on the door and frowned when max answered it and he could see in the background coco holding their son. “Hey I’m out today uh.... max what the fuck?” He muttered glaring at coco.
Max frowned softly when she heard a pounding at the door. She got up and answered shocked to see Jon on the other side "Jon...oh my gosh." She said moving to hug him some "Its good to see you." She murmured glancing back at Coco as he played with Gabriel. She moved them out side and closed the door biting her lip some "I um....Coco ans I we uh....well we're seeing eachother." She said rubbing the back of her neck some

Clayton nodded to Gilly and sighed heavily going to his bike. He frowned as he got the call at a red light and quickly sped off to his house to pick up the car. He never rode around Tomas not wanting him to look into his history of being in a biker gang. He got to the school quickly and picked him giving a small smile "Hey whats up?" He asked ruffling his hair a bit before he pulled off.
Jon shook his head. “When I told you I wasn’t good for the kid. I didn’t mean that coco would be. Or anyone else from the fucking club either!” He snapped. “Why? Why have you got anyone from the MC around our son?” He questioned her. It was never that he hated her or that he didn’t want kids. He’d always wanted kids. Just not around his life.

He shrugged a bit. “I don’t wanna go home.” He told him. He’d become quite attached to Clayton since getting to know him and he hated his adoptive parents whether they were good to him or not. “I hate them. They’re not my real parents.... will my mom never ever wanna see me? If she came to see me then you and her could talk to the court and they could let me come back to live with you?” He told him frowning.
Max frowned and crossed her arms glaring at him some. She was tired over EVERYONE judging her now, from having the kid to being with Coco "OUR son? No Jon you said you didnt want to be apart of his life which I accepted so dont start being a father now. Coco doesnt bring shit from the club any where near us what so ever. I have had it with everyone, I wake up from a month long coma to find out my sister and parents both want nothing to do with me for having the kid and the only person who has been there for me is Clayton. Coco showed up on a visit one day and we hit it off, now if all youre going to do is judge me and say how Im fucking up then leave Jon, Im not having it!" she spat at him finally standing up firmly for herself.

Clayton frowned and gave a heavy sigh shaking his head "Mijo I would love nothing more than to have you with us but things are complicated and your adoptive parents are good people." He explained yet again to him. He loved his son, he was happy to be in his life but he knew this was as much as he needed to be in it.
“You always say that but I’m not a little kid! I’m 15. I want to be with you and my real mom. They don’t let me be me.... they spent half my life lying to me about my nationality.” He muttered. “I didn’t know anything until you told me and it’s not right. Why did my mom give me up?!” He yelled getting upset and worked up exactly the same way carmen always did and he looked just like her.

Jon frowned. “Max you left me because of the club.... so don’t expect me to be fucking happy for you both.” He muttered then walked away and slammed Theo’s door shut as he got back in the car.
Clayton sighed heavily and gave a small chuckle at how much he reminded him of Carmen "You're just like your mom." He murmured giving another sigh "Look my life....its not flashy or good really, I live in a crap house that I can somewhat make my payments on, trust me your mom gave you away so you wouldn't have to deal with the hardships we deal with." He explained

Max frowned shaking her head more "You know I left because of other reasons Jon!" She yelled before going back inside giving a heavy sigh but smiled hearing her son squeal for her "Hey there baby boy." She cooed before taking him in her arms and kissing all over his face. He was a spitting image of Jon except he had gotten her eyes. It had been hard raising him alone but she knew they would get by okay.
Coco frowned some. “Everything okay?” He asked, slipping his arms around them both and kissing her head while he swayed with her.

He frowned shaking his head. “Next year I get to start making my own decisions. Sangre Es sangre.” He told him frowning “Please. I don’t want to be in that family anymore.” He begged as they parked at the McDonald’s.
Max instantly relaxed as he held her and swayed with him some "He is just pissed that I'm with someone from the club and that he is near the club." She said quietly motioning to her son who was now fast asleep in her arms "He called him our son....I just...I don't want to deal with it anymore." She murmured

Clayton groaned at the saying and sighed heavily pulling up to a Mcdonalds "Look...how about this okay? How about I talk with your mom, and maybe we can work out like a joint custody thing okay? I know you don't like them right now but your adoptive parents have the right to still have you as their kid Tomas. Maybe you could stay with us a week and then them a week." He explained trying to compromise with him
Coco frowned shaking his head and kissed her cheek. “Hey. Relax. I’ll handle Jon okay?” He murmured and kissed her head. “Why don’t we lay him down and I take you to lay down as well?” He winked at her.

Tomas frowned but nodded getting some food with him and finally let Clayton take him home.

Carmen was at home when Clayton finally got back and looked up at him with a near on black eye not saying anything while she washed the dishes.
Max laughed lightly and gave a small nod "Sounds like a good plan." She murmured going to lay Gabriel down before she tugged Coco into her room and closed the door

Clayton sighed heavily as he sat down and ran a hand over his face "We need to talk.." he muttered lighting up a cigarette and opening the kitchen window so he could let the smoke out
Carmen frowned, not saying anything as she continued to do the dishes just staring down at her hands that were shaking.

Coco allay with her when they were finished and just held her close. “It might be good for him to know Gabriel.” He told her quietly.
Max frowned softly running her fingers through his hair giving a heavy sigh "I gave him that chance, multiple times. He told me Gabriel doesn't need him in his life and he shouldnt be." She said quietly kissing him gently afterwards

Clayton took a puff of his cigarette looking at her "I've been seeing Tomas." He said bluntly waiting for her reaction "All he wants is to meet you Carmen, he wants to know his real mother."

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