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Fandom HAVEN'S BLADE (Need one more player)

so if we can find 1 more person before vagabond closes the check we will have full 4 teams.
if we dont find 1 more person then someone will play chars.
but in the end its a question on how many players vagabond wants/can handle.
and at the same time its a question if they will need co gms or not.
I'M just gonna poke here

LEt me know if a seat pops up

I saw plenty of interrst here so I don't want to pressure into making extra room for me
How did I miss this? If another spot opens up, let me know.
RandomBlobMan RandomBlobMan November Witch November Witch I was going mostly for people count and I would like to welcome both of you.

here is the OOC and CS
Hello there! I'm currently reopening this interest thread to announce that I am looking for one more player character slot to fill a teammate!

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