• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Haven Falls



Olivia Price

song name





Olivia watched with a smile playing against her lips, she didn't know why, or even how, but she could tell her presence seemed to make Atlas a bit nervous. Then again, probably with her turning him down, and the whole thing between them, speaking to her now was probably on the very bottom of his list. That's what she thought till he mentioned he had hoped for her to be here. It threw her off, she really thought this whole makeshift thing between them would have disappeared into thin air by now, especially since it's been a while since they last spoke to one another.

But this was Atlas.

In some ways, she knew it was also her fault, she shouldn't have agreed with Junwoo that night. She shouldn't have played with his emotions the way she did, and maybe a small part of her felt that guilt overtaking her, but nothing played on her face. She was as confident as when he made his way over a couple minutes ago, the only thing that seemed to rattle her confidence was when he asked if she had a special someone.

(No-yes-well-no-maybe I had but..-no-don’t be silly Olivia-special people…they aren't made for you)

“Pft no no” she shook her head with a small giggle, “I told you Atlas, I didn't have anyone for the dance for a reason, and I don't have a special someone for that same reason” she shrugged her eyes fluttering up to find him. She really hoped someone would love him the way Atlas had with her, she hoped that someone would do so much more than she ever did, because she'd never be the one. Not for him. Not for anyone in this school. In college. In this world…she'd be alone, and for a while she was content with that…for a long time she was okay with flirting with the boys and not caring what bed she was in.

Maybe in some cases it was just a distraction.

But in most cases, it was her best attempt at patching the hole inside her. A hole that no matter what she tried to do to fill it would never be filled. “You should go dance” she gestured with a friendly smile, “don't waste your time on me, pretty sure there are many girls there who wouldn't mind a dance with the one and only Atlas”


Carmen Tate







  • home (filler tab)

Kylie Minogue

Can't Get U Out of my Head

Carmen let Koko lead the way back to the festivities, though she was noticably lighter on her feet after having received a bit of reassurance.

She did her best to keep her attention square on her friend, narrowly avoiding the distractions of food and drink. But when the brunette recognized a farmilar face, one Scarlett Price, she couldn't help herself finding that practically without thinking she was switching directions. Leaving poor Koko in the dust.

She called out. Quickly closing the distance between them. Carmen took a moment to admire her long black dress.

"Dressed to kill I see."
A manicured hand reaching over to paw at pretty Scarlett's, pretty dark hair.

"You look amazing. My friend Koko is wearing black too you should meet her. Oop, I might've lost her now that I think about it... I'm sure she'll find me though. She always does."
A dreamy sigh escaped her lips.

"You know you- Miss.Lett look like you're up to something. And I would know what that looks like because I too have been up to something."
She winked and the hand that had been combing through Scarlett's hair stopped to boop Scar on the tip of the nose.

"But yes you- You've got a real mischievous look about you tonight. So tell me— what is it you've got planned? I'm feeling frisky and I totally want in."

♡coded by uxie♡
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frannie sinclair

the oldest sinclair
rannie didn't believe in breaks— Frannie thoughts were black or white. There was no fixing something like them is what she told herself all day while sinking away in the couch.

Nix asking her to hang out was her way out, her sisters were too busy with whatever it was they were doing and she had no plans or friends. Wes was out with Carmen a lot and doing god knows what and Frannie was doing it by herself. Her house started to look more and more like some sort of hoarder's place and she felt emberassed, her sister's barely came over anymore.

Though her house and life was a mess— she made sure she looked pretty. Whatever Nix planned for them felt like goodbye, how melancholic it may had sound.

Putting on nice clothes was the hardest part, she took two aspirin and an oxy but anxiety kicked in when she started on her make-up. Her face looked different, unrecognizable— she hated it. The knock on the door shook her out of it and she spinned around to open it, rip the bandaid of immediately. That would hurt less.

There he was, tall and handsome like he always was. All the tension in the air was making it hard for them to greet each other like they normally would. She didn't even give him a hug— just a small, friendly smile. 'Hey,' a soft sound, it barely rolled out of her lips as she stepped outside. Frannie wished she could've borrowed something from her sisters who were a lot more stylish than her. Her skirt was short and she already regretted it, stepping outside and feeling the cold breeze.

'Do you got a cigarette?' Frannie gave him another friendly smile, he looked good. Sometimes it felt like he was doing better without her, when she just wasn't around.
'Where are we going?' She was firing questions at him while walking to his car, she was not really a surprise-kind-of-person.
'You know I don't like surprises, right?' Frannie gave him a glance over her shoulder. She wasn't going to talk about that night but it was a hard one to forget, even though she barely remembered what happened. Frannie opened the car door and sat down, waiting for Nix to join her.

And though through all the tension, it was comfortable. A place where she could truly be herself.


MOOD: Guilty


LOCATION: Outside Addison's house


INT: Addison Lily Price Lily Price

Nico Tiwari
Killing someone's vibe should be a fucking crime
WTF happened?

Instead of goofing off at the dance, enjoying life and ingesting more substances, Nico found himself idling his van outside Addison Lee's house like some kind of stalker.

Parked just down the street from her house, for stealth. The lad heaved a sigh, glancing at his phone just to check if perhaps Addison had lifted her block in the last 10 minutes. Needless to say, she hadn't.

Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions.

Or as Nico preferred to see it, the aftermath of Carmen's gratuitous online slander, putting him on blast for no good reason.

Either way, Addison was furious with him. Part of him knew he should just back off, as he'd hurt her enough already. But the other half, the much louder, more selfish one, was convinced that if he could just talk to Addi, he could smooth things over like new. Despite his best efforts to keep them in some vague situationship, Nico did have feelings for her, more than he cared to admit.

And maybe he just liked knowing someone as pure-hearted as Addison could like him. Perhaps there was hope for this trash heap yet.

Nico jogged up the driveway, suddenly faced with an unforeseen issue: how to get to Addison without having to knock on the front door? There was a big possibility one of her parents might answer, and they seemed a tad bit…severe from what he could piece together from details Addi mentioned here and there. Unlike their warm and bubbly daughter, they came across kind of cold and strict.

Regardless, Nico was in no mood to put on a whole charm the parents song and dance–if he even got that far. He reckoned there was a good chance they'd swiftly kick him to the curb the moment they realized some street rat in grungy clothes was here to court their princess.

He'd have to improvise, with the tried and true method of pulling a Romeo act–i.e. tossing little pebbles at your girl's window and hoping for the best. It took more than a few pebbles, but when his Juliet’s fair little face finally peeked out the window, Nico celebrated with a double fist pump of victory. “Yes!! Addi!” He cupped hands around his mouth, trying to yell up to her while keeping a hushed voice at the same time. “Hey! Come down?”

When Addison joined him outside, Nico was beyond relieved to see her again. Part of him was afraid she’d really commit to this and leave him hanging IRL too. “Heeey,” He greeted her with the saddest wounded puppy face he could muster, handing over an anemic little bouquet of odd-looking flowers. They looked to be a handful of small roses, but the stems were actually plastic and the buds made of cheap gas station chocolate, wrapped in red foil. “I swear Ima get you some real ones next time, but…,” He insisted, trailing off into a shrug. “Well, that's all I could find on my way over here.”

“Look, I know you're pissed but…just come to the dance with me? Please? I promise it'll be fun,” Nico suggested gently, venturing a couple steps closer. “Might wanna change first though, you’re still in your PJs,” He joked, of course. Always trying to lighten the mood even when it would behoove him to just be serious for once.

A small, crooked smile crept across his face. “Or not. I think you look pretty cute in this, actually,” With a lazy shrug, he slipped his arms around her waist, pulling Addison closer to press a kiss upon her forehead.

code by valen t.

Addison Lee

the optimist

So much for Addison's childish excitement about homecoming. So much for going with her dream date and getting lost in laughter with her friends and the person she thought was the one. So much for her turning the year around to be the best one ever. Oh no…now Addison was laying in bed, not even finding much of a reason to leave. She really had tried to get a grip of herself, to tell herself it was fine, and it is what it is, but the tears never stopped flowing.

She hated knowing she was just one of many girls.




That was only a few that she had found out about, there was no telling how many more Nico had wooed over, let alone slept with. She was just the same as everyone else. Of course, she believed that her whole life, maybe that's why she always put others before herself, she never saw herself as special or worth much of anything…but Nico had changed that. She thought for once she could listen to his words and let herself fall in love with the idea of her being special for someone.

What a fool she was.

She heard the quiet taps against her window, at first she ignored them thinking maybe it was raining outside or it was the window. However, when the tapping continued nonstop it finally caught her attention and forced the brunette to finally leave her bed today. As soon as she made her way over to the window, she immediately regretted her decision and wished she would have stayed in bed like she had planned for the rest of the day and into the weekend. But Nico had to always come and ruin her plans. And sadly…in the most romantic sappy way she loved.

For a while, she debated just leaving him out there in the cold. She debated just curling back into her sheets and into a ball, but something told her he wouldn't leave anyways…and she wasn't mean enough to leave anyone out in the cold, no matter how bad they hurt her. She grabbed her jacket and made her way down the stairs, luckily for her, her parents had been upstairs in their room arguing, she didn't know about what, but it wasn't all that unusual.

As soon as the cold air rushed through her and her eyes had found Nico, she regretted coming out here. Seemed today was just full of regrets. The girls, usually bright and sweet eyes, were bloodshot, a clear sign of the tears shed spent crying all day. Her hair still a mess, and her smile non-existent even when he handed over the small flowers. Addison was never picky, she loved small gestures, anything that showed you cared whether it was these small wilted flowers or just a hug, they usually were enough for her, they usually made her smile. But right now she felt so many emotions of anger and hate, and sadness…she wanted to hit and kiss Nico at the same time.

She hated how he knew her weak spots.

She hated how he was so smooth and sweet with her.

Not just her.

“D…dont touch me” she pulled away wrapping her arms around herself, her eyes unable to meet his own. “What are you doing here Nico?...What. The. Heck. Are. You. Doing.” Her bottom lip quivered, she wasn't sure if it was the anger or the tears that were threatening to leave her blood shot eyes again. “You hurt me, you hurt so many other girls and yet you still show up here at my window. Why? Do you enjoy seeing me in pain…because you've done a damn good job at it.” She looked up at him and when he tried to speak she shook her head.

“I. AM. NOT. DONE. Shut up.” It was clear he’d really broken the little girl inside her. “I know about you and Sam, I know about you two sleeping together…and I know she doesn't care about what you do or who you're with, but I do…..and after after I found out Kat you promised me it would be okay…you'd change…but you lied to me…” her voice cracked, “how long have you been screwing other girls while you were with me. How long have your eyes been on someone else when I was or even wasn't around!? Am I…a joke to you?...You know Nico, you made me feel special…like for once in my damn life I meant something to somebody, and I didnt have to hide it…”

The tears were falling now without mercy.

“I didn't have to go out and smile and be all bright and happy for everyone when everything was hell around you because I. thought. You….loved me for who I was….I thought I didn't have to fake my smile and make you happy all the time because you'd…stay….you'll be there…..I thought you'd be there…be here with me..no matter what….but I was just another number for you wasn't I? Just another girl…..that's all i'll ever be…won't I?...just another bright smile girl ....”

“......right?” In all honesty the girl was a mess, she looked like one too. She wanted to be so mad at Nico, she wanted to hate him with everything in her, but no matter how hard she tried she couldnt…even after he broke her heart…she was still unable to hate him…and she hated herself for it…

♡coded by uxie♡
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Sophia Price
the sad girl
Phia was a bit surprised when Wes helped her even before she was done speaking. Probably that was the famous Southern hospitality, or maybe it was just an indicator that Wes was a good person despite his ragged looks and clear problem with substances. Behind his abrasive personality was an individual screaming for someone to be there for him without any judgments. Something that Phia could relate to a deep level to the guy next to her.

“Do you know the air mattress in your cousin’s room is the only place you could offer me to hide in case I wanted to get away from my brothers? So not sounding too helpful if that ever happened.”
She replied.
“Well, calling the cops is not exactly something I want to cross on the things I want to do before I die list, so just avoid getting into a situation like that?”

When Phia took notice of the cigarette dangling in his mouth, the girl realized that maybe she needed one, something she avoided doing on school grounds, not because she was afraid of getting into trouble but more because she didn’t want to hear the sermon on how she was wasting her life and how bright of a future she was giving away if she continued that path. Something Phia wasn’t interested in listening to because she knew perfectly there was no bright future ahead of her. Something that most people in her life were trying to make her believe, but couldn’t they just see she was just a corpse walking around with no hopes and dreams and nothing or no one that could glue the broken pieces inside of her?

“You got another of those with you? This stupid homecoming thing has gotten me on the edge. Nix is trying to cover the sun with a finger hoping we get a normal high school experience and school dances are part of it, Dallas is just pretending to be Prince Charming and it’s making me nauseous, and Scarlett most likely going to cause some kind of havoc and I don’t have the mental strength to deal with it or to have my brothers asking me if I knew any reasoning behind her actions or whereabouts.”
She said with an annoyed sigh.
outfit: here
location: hallway
interactions: thatonegirl28 thatonegirl28
Youth - Daughter

coded by Stardust Galaxy
Lacey Marie Kavanagh
the chill girl
As soon as Lacey spoke, she kind of regretted her words, especially her tone. She didn’t want to seem accusatory and judgy towards Jonah in case he wanted to drink the spiked punch. It was just her distaste at that moment towards the drink that made her react that way, and mostly because she wanted to avoid getting tipsy, not because she feared something would happen to her. But mostly because she didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of Jonah, more than she had already done so far since the moment they had met.

“It’s okay. I mean someone spiking the punch. It was meant to happen. We just arrived once it was done. But I would love a soda.”
She said, trying to reassure him that it was an accident and nothing had been his fault. And that either way, she was having fun because she was with him. Lacey was pretty sure that even if they were just watching plants grow, she would still feel like the luckiest girl in the world because they were spending time together.

But then Jonah spoke again, saying how punch wasn’t even part of the most important things that happened in a song, but the dancing was. And in that moment, Lacey’s face brightened up with a smile.
“I would love to dance.”
She said before they headed towards the center of the gymnasium, where most of the students were dancing. Even if that was something they had already done before the night they met for the first time, somehow this time it felt more intimate, or maybe it was because there wasn’t a lot of space to move around so they had to be closer than she would have expected.

As the music blasted all over the place and everyone was moving along to the rhythm of the song, which she wasn’t sure if she disliked that it wasn’t a slow song, but at that moment, Lacey’s full attention was on Jonah, how his hands were on her hips, sending shivers all over her body or how their breaths mixed due to the closeness, the only thing that was running around in her mind were Ines words asking her how she would react if he said. "I wanna kiss you so bad right now." Back when she was asked, she didn’t have a clue how what would be her reaction, but now, she knew perfectly she would say she wanted to kiss him so badly too, and probably even before he could say something she would be already kissing him, not caring they were in a room full of people.

“Seems we always end up dancing every time we hang out. Maybe that’s our thing.”
She said with a small chuckle.
mood: giddy
outfit: here
location: homecoming
interactions: sailormewn sailormewn
Taylor Swift - Enchanted (Taylor's Version)

coded by Stardust Galaxy
♡coded by uxie♡

The air was thick with tension as Frannie opened her door. They stood for just a moment, taking each other in. Nix’s eyes slipped from her sunken yet beautiful face to behind her. He only got a glimpse of the unkempt, cluttered mess that was Frannie’s room, but it was enough to cause his chest to tighten.


Her voice was soft, her smile was warm and inviting.


Nix replied, his voice with its slight tremble, nearly as inaudible as hers. Neither of them moved to fill the space between them.

“Do you got a smoke?”

His mouth felt dry as she slipped past him, on her way to the car, looking back as she did, still smiling.

“Uh, oh. Yes.” He said plainly and fished his pack out of his chest pocket before handing one to her. He moved in close momentarily and lit the smoke. The dreamy quality to her eyes and expression was the only thing that betrayed the habits that Nix knew too well she had. Frannie began firing questions his way as they fell into step beside one another.

“Where are we going? You know I don’t like surprises…right?”

Nix chuckled softly. “Don’t I know it…” he said familiarly. “Remember when I tried to throw you that surprise party? You caught wind of it and grilled everyone relentlessly to find out what I was planning…”

He opened the car door for her, and she sat down. Nix crossed to the other side of the car and got in the driver’s seat. “You look beautiful tonight, Francesca.” He said softly. He reached into the back of the car and said, “Figured I’d make an effort… got you some flowers, put on a decent shirt. Thought we could do something nice for once. You’ll see ok?” He held them out for her with a smile of his own. It was a sad smile, but it was full of the love he felt for her still.

He started the car and smiled to himself, remembering happy memories… good times. He wanted to pretend everything was normal tonight. “I was thinking about our prom… you know…” he began, his voice thick with nostalgia. “You ignored my sweaty hands and all the looks we were getting… and when I led you to the dance floor, you told a couple of them to…” he laughed, the smile faltering for a moment. “Well. You put them in their place anyway.” He opted not to repeat her colorful phrasing, sure she must remember.

The drive was long, winding roads snaking around bends as buildings gave way to bushland. He knew a spot— in fact, he knew all the best spots out here among national parks and farmland, where they would not be bothered.

Finally, he turned down a non-signposted dirt road. He backed into a clearing when he arrived, headlights casting over rippling water— an offshoot river from the lake their sleepy town was named after. The ground was clear and flat. Nix opened the windows and put an old, shabby-looking CD into the disc reader of the old car. Soft, sweet music began playing— songs she would recognize from their prom night together.

“Come on.”

He turned the music up as loud as it went and opened his door. When he got out of the car and crossed to her side opening her door, Nix hesitated for a fraction of a second, his hand hovering between them. He could feel the heat from his palm, but it wasn’t enough to burn away the doubt creeping in. What if she didn’t want to dance? What if this was just a stupid idea—an idea to try and pretend things were okay when they weren’t? He hadn’t even thought about what he’d say if she rejected him.

“Frannie… would you like to dance with me?” he asked, his voice soft, tinged with a raw edge of uncertainty. His heart thudded in his chest, but even more than that, he felt the weight of his own expectations. Would she even remember how to love him like this? Would she even want to?

Nix Price







♡coded by uxie♡
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elliot slater

the slater brother
as she drunk? Elliot had a hard time telling—he wasn’t exactly sober himself, but the way she slurred her words kind of gave it away. He let out a lazy smirk, head tilting slightly as he listened to her ramble on.

Her eyebrows furrowed when he mentioned the lean. Dumb move. She was definitely judging him. Not that it mattered. His compliment threw her off, though, and that was kind of amusing. He decided to keep the bottle for himself. He probably needed it more anyway.

When she stuttered, he looked away to hide a slow, sleepy chuckle. It had been a while since someone actually got nervous around him, and yeah, maybe that stroked his ego a little. Or whatever was left of it.

They were close now, his hand still resting against her leg, warmth bleeding through the fabric. His gaze flicked back to her, half-lidded, the high making everything feel a little slower.

'Embarrass me?' he repeated, dragging out the words like he was genuinely surprised. He shook his head slightly, 'You couldn't embarass me if you tried.'

She told him about the alcohol in the punch, and for just a second, it cut through the haze, sharpening him up. But then the warmth of the high settled back in, and he knew he had to stop her rambling and it was hard to think of an response to if he liked tonight. There were just too many things that had happened.

Her hand brushed against his just slightly and she was so close now that there couldn’t be a better moment. His movements were slow, almost lazy, as he leaned forward, closing the space between them. His lips pressed against hers—an answer, a distraction, maybe both
.It felt good, like floating. Like he wasn’t really here, like he was watching it happen instead of doing it. Maybe this was how it would’ve felt with Ash. Maybe it didn’t even matter.

mei's house


xx - Outfit
Liana returned her hug, and when the girls pulled back from their embrace, her friend was smiling warmly at her, offering a compliment. Kat’s heart swelled with love and relief at how easily they slipped back into their old rhythm, like no time had passed.

Liana had always been her steady ground, her reassurance when her confidence faltered. Words began pouring out of Kat—acknowledging the distance between them, rambling, apologizing. A flicker of surprise crossed Liana’s face before she reached out, placing a warm, reassuring hand on Kat’s arm.

Kat stared down at it for a moment, trying to steady her breathing, which was growing too shallow.


She looked up, big eyes locking onto Liana’s.

“It’s okay. I promise it’s okay. No matter how distant we get, you’re still my best friend. We’ll always find our way back to each other.”

Kat let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, smiling gratefully as she nodded. “Yeah! O-of course. I—” Stop apologizing, Kat. You’re so embarrassing. “So…? Tell me what happened?” She quickly redirected the conversation, and Liana was more than happy to oblige, launching into a story about her recent double date.

Kat listened intently as Ana recounted the blind date she’d been set up on—with a boy named Elliot. Kat thought she knew of him. Or at least, she’d heard what people said about him. None of it was particularly flattering. That boy leaned into his reputation, though—he was always on her Twitter feed, making a spectacle of himself. Kat could barely type out a message to a friend when she was overwhelmed, let alone get into the kind of personal arguments that played out online.

She didn’t have time to voice any of these thoughts, so she just listened as Ana continued.

Ana described her great escape—how Byron’s sister, Mei, had come in clutch, sneaking her out the back. Then Byron himself had picked her up.

“Wow!” The word escaped Kat’s lips before she could stop it, but Ana wasn’t finished. She leaned in closer, a wild grin on her face.

“And guess what?”

Kat tilted her head. “What?” she asked, matching her friend’s excitement.

“Leo still has no idea.”

Kat shook her head in disbelief. “Oh my gosh, I thought those two were, like… attached at the hip.” She laughed. “But wow! I expected that from Meimei, but I didn’t know Byron was such a knight-in-shining-armor type.” She giggled at the imagery before circling back. “But Elliot! Was he as bad as he makes himself look online? I assume yes, given you ditched!”

She placed a hand on Ana’s shoulder. “Still, you’ve been closer to love than I have. Gosh, my life is filled with spoken-for boys right now—Connor, Jonah, Vinny, all the guys I know—ugh.”

They both paused, catching their breath after all the talking. The room buzzed with energy, a lively pop playlist bouncing through the air. Kat glanced around before gesturing toward the punch table.

“Wanna get a drink?”

Falling into step beside each other, they made their way through the crowd, their conversation effortlessly continuing as they walked.

Kat Burke


yooo what up

♡coded by uxie♡

  • filler

xx - Outfit

Carmen floated behind her like a faithful puppy, high on oxy and the reassurance she’d been craving to ease her guilty conscience. Fujiko kept her expression neutral, unwilling to let Carmen catch her scowling. She wondered if her friend would keep up this new habit—though she already knew the answer. Oxy was a leap from weed, but when a rebel lover-boy was involved, it felt like the logical next step. First comes the high of compliments and infatuation, and then, against your better judgment, you’ll do anything to keep it going.

Plenty of the older teens she used to hang around had tried leading her down that path. And then there was her mother, who had wrecked their family for the same things.

A small part of her still hoped Carmen would be different—that she wouldn’t drop her the moment her burnout boyfriend demanded more of her time. But now that Fujiko had locked away her emotions, their friendship was starting to feel like just another transactional bond of convenience. Maybe that was for the best. People were like that. Fujiko had seen it time and time again They were only nice to each other until they had expended their usefulness. The only way to play this game of life and win was to open your eyes to that cold hard fact.

Lost in thought, she scanned the crowd for familiar faces, debating whether she should drag Carmen over to her big brother—just to wipe that dreamy look off her face. But before she could act, Carmen was gone, slipping into the crowd without a word. Fujiko sighed, took a moment to collect herself, then followed.

She spotted Carmen a few feet away, talking to someone—Scarlett Price. The name rang a bell. Ash’s boyfriend’s sister. The Prices were somewhat notable in town, and their drama had even made its way online. Fujiko’s gaze flicked across the party, scanning for Ash and Dallas. It didn’t take long to find them. She lingered on Dallas for a moment—handsome, indeed.

For now, though, Scarlett seemed like the easier connection to make. And if she was friendly with Carmen, that made things even more convenient.

By the time Fujiko reached them, she could tell she’d interrupted something. They were in the middle of plotting—how fitting. Still, she smiled sweetly.

“Excuse me, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” she said, her voice laced with feigned innocence. “Carmen, I lost you! And…” Her gaze landed on Scarlett. “Who is your stunning friend?” She purred, head tilting slightly. “Nice to meet you. I’m Fujiko. Or Koko, if you prefer~”

Fujiko Park


Carmen, Scarlett

♡coded by uxie♡

  • filler

xx - Outfit

“Embarrass me?” Mei’s breath hitched. “You couldn’t embarrass me if you tried.” Mei had doubted that very much when Elliot had said it. She never knew whether someone was providing her with reassurance to hide their own discomfort or to avoid upsetting her. So when she launched into her ramblings, she was searching his face for any hint of disquiet. Any hint that her fears were not unfounded.

Instead of responding, Elliot drew closer to her. His movement was so slow, but Mei felt frozen in place. Before she had time to register and process the fact that he was leaning in to kiss her, it was already happening.

Vinnie told me this might happen… he said it was easy, just close your eyes and…

Mei pressed her lips against Elliot’s, leaning into the kiss and kissing him back. She had no idea what she was doing, so she just let instinct take over. Time seemed to slow to a stop in that moment.

His lips were soft — warmer than she expected — and felt good against hers. Mei’s heart thudded painfully in her chest, loud enough that she was sure Elliot could feel it through the small space between their bodies.

Was she doing this right? Was she supposed to move more? Or less? Her hands twitched where they hovered awkwardly at her sides, unsure whether to touch him or keep to herself. Her head was spinning with questions, but none of them seemed to matter as much as the steady press of Elliot’s mouth against hers.

It was over before she could figure out what she was meant to be feeling — if she was supposed to feel anything at all.

Elliot pulled back just a little, close enough that she could still feel his breath against her lips. His eyes were half-lidded, dark and searching, and for one terrible second Mei was sure he’d seen right through her — that he knew she was clueless and clumsy and utterly out of her depth.

Her stomach curled in on itself, bracing for him to laugh or apologize or — worst of all — pretend like it hadn’t happened. But he stayed where he was- close enough that she could feel his breath against her lips.

Mei blinked at him, trying to chase away the heat blooming in her chest and the rush of emotions crashing through her. The only sound she managed was a soft, breathless "...oh" — barely even a word, more a thought slipping free without her permission.

Her fingers finally moved on their own, brushing lightly against the sleeve of his jacket, . Just to anchor herself. Just to prove to her own racing heart that he was really still there.

After a long, uncertain moment, the corner of her mouth tugged into the smallest, wobbliest smile.

"I guess that answers my question."

Mei Williams


yooo what up



homecoming dance.

juliette clark.


happy (and nervous).


the dance.



Jules honestly hadn't had this much fun at a school dance in, well... forever. And the fact that she was dead sober. She hadn't even needed to take her Xanax, which shocked her a little. She hadn't even wanted to take a drink of the spiked punch.

But then a slow dance song came on, and her heart dropped into her stomach. Her internal monologue was going a thousand miles a minute. Did he want to dance? Should she start? What the fuck was she going to do? Now she needed her fucking Xanax but also didn't want Mickey to see her literally pop her pill.

She took a deep breathe and smiled at him,
"May I have this dance, Sir Watts?"
She figured if she made asking a little bit goofy it would ease up the tension she was feeling. She also outstretched her hand so he could grab onto it.

♡coded by uxie♡
MOOD: Guilty


LOCATION: Outside Addison's house


Ash Winona Winona

INT: Addison Lily Price Lily Price

Nico Tiwari
Killing someone's vibe should be a fucking crime
“What?? No!! Obviously I don't enjoy seeing you in pain,” Nico frowned indignantly at her words, rubbing at his forehead as if it might help him conjure up something clever to say that would fix everything. Over the course of their short relationship, he’d certainly managed to piss Addison off a lot, but he'd never seen her quite this upset before. She looked absolutely heartbroken. Judging by the bewildered look on his face, it was clear this was beyond the scope of his smooth-talking abilities.

“Addi, I'm sorry! Just please don't cry, okay?” He pleaded, gingerly tugging at her hand to pull her closer to him. With this gesture, he was begging her to stop pushing him away, so he could at least attempt to console her instead of just standing there, watching her sob.

Nico stepped forth and slipped his arms around her, cautiously wrapping her up into a hug, though he half expected her to wriggle away at any moment. “Addi, all that stuff,” He sighed, resting his chin against her soft brown hair. “None of that matters. It's got nothing to do with how I feel about you. I told you, I wasn't trying to go on a date with any of those girls. That was just like…our special thing.”

“Hey, I am here! I'm not going anywhere,” Nico insisted after Addison wondered aloud if he'd even actually bother to hang around after he'd convinced her she could relax and be herself around him. “You're not just some random girl, ya know,” He curled a finger under her chin, gently guiding her head up to meet his gaze. “You're a princess,” He joked with a playful smirk.

“Nah, I’m just playing,” He chuckled, but quickly wiped the smirk off his face. “You know you're beautiful, right? And you're fucking cool as hell. You’re the sweetest person I know, actually. I care about you. A lot,” He added, offering a small but genuinely sincere smile.

He breathed another long sigh, dropping his shoulders in an exasperated shrug. “Anyway, we’re just having fun, right? I think you're making a big deal about nothing,” Nico deadpanned as he tenderly wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb. He didn't mean to sound so callous…or maybe he did. The way she just poured her heart out, comparing herself to other girls and dropping that scary L word in there, it was clear what she wanted from him.

Nico was only in one serious, committed relationship in his life. It crashed and burned in spectacular fashion, leaving his first love convinced he was some kind of scummy, uncaring, irredeemable player.

Not that it wasn't a well deserved sentiment, but–well, Nico didn’t care all that much about others’ opinions. Ash though, she was a rare exception to that rule. The fact that she didn't think very highly of him now? It still stung, long after their breakup.

Which was exactly why he couldn't let an emotionally charged moment like this fool him into thinking it was a good idea to start making big commitments. Best to keep these things casual. Nico was not to be anybody's boyfriend, even if it was something, deep down, he might have really wanted.

code by valen t.

Addison Lee

the optimist

She didn't know why, but when he pulled her into a hug she didn't struggle and pulled away. Instead Addison rested her head against his chest, her tears probably staining his clothes but she didn't care. Maybe she just needed comfort, needed someone to cry on, to lean on, and stop acting like everything was okay for just a second, or maybe it was the thought that Nico really was sorry, and she couldn't blow him off after he tried to apologize, but he already tried to apologize once and look where that got her…and now here she was falling for it again.

Falling for the gentle gestures.

The gentle wipe of her tears.

The gentle hold he had on her chin.

The gentle smile…a smile they shared back at the playground. A time where only laughter was left between the two…the tears then were only ones of joy, happiness and laughter, now ironically it was the complete opposite and she was half expecting it to rain to add to the miserable mood.

Just as he was beginning to win her over, to calm her down…he blew it with those stupid words: “We’re just having fun, right?”. Without a second thought she slapped his hand away from her and stepped far far away. “Yeah. yeah, Nico, it was all just for fun. It was all just a moment for you to have fun, to have someone to talk to just for the moment. The forehead kisses, the kisses I thought were…full of passion shared between two people who would never leave each other…yeah those moments were just for fun. And the way you picked me up and twisted me around in your arms at the party, yeah. Just. for. Fun. And the late night calls until I'd fall asleep ...just for fun right?”

God she was stupid, she was so stupid to walk out here and think he really did change. That there was something in him that would make him actually care for her. But she was an idiot to believe such a thing. She should have slammed the window and stayed in bed, she should have let him rot in the cold.

…but she wasn't built to be bad to him…

How pathetic…

“You should go…there are other girls, like sam probably waiting for their fun. Let me not hold you back to your little exciting and fun moments…” she bit her lip hard, she was okay she kept telling herself. Everything was okay. She bit her lip so hard she could taste the metallic taste of blood, her own… “and I dont ... .I dont ever want to see you again Nico. I don't want you even trying to talk to me…I don't want you even in the same room as me anymore…I hope…I hope you don't do this again to another girl…because you've changed…and killed me from the inside out Nico.” she felt like she was in pieces, like she had nothing to put her back to the smily girl she was…

Love was supposed to be happy.

Supposed to be full of joy.

Supposed to be the opposite of her parents non stop arguing.

It was supposed to be moments of getting lost in each other's eyes.

Of sharing small moments under the sun, under the stars together.

But instead.

She was left with a bunch of little pieces and no glue or instructions on how to piece herself together.

Great job Addison.

♡coded by uxie♡
MOOD: Guilty


LOCATION: Outside Addison's house


INT: Addison Lily Price Lily Price

Nico Tiwari
Killing someone's vibe should be a fucking crime
Nico wasn't at all fazed by Addison crying into his t-shirt. Her tears were probably the closest thing to a wash it’d seen in the last couple of weeks anyway.

To his surprise, she allowed herself to be hugged by him, curling up in his arms as naturally as ever. The way she smooshed her face into him, melting into his embrace, Nico could tell she already wanted to forgive him. Addi could never stay mad for long.

Everything seemed like it might actually be okay again--until Nico went and said something he immediately wished he could take back. He knew she wouldn't love hearing it, but he never expected one little comment would make Addison suddenly tear herself from his grasp, green eyes blazing with anger and fresh tears.

“I–no–I didn't mean it like that,” He stammered, reaching out to pull her back to him. But she was already backing away, throwing accusations about other girls, and who he really wanted to be spending the night with. “What the hell?? No, I wanted to hang out with you!” Nico argued indignantly. “That's why I'm here!”

Unsurprisingly, Addison didn't seem to believe a word he said anymore. Her parting words to him though, were a sobering kick to the face that Nico was wholly unprepared for. She basically banished him from her life, laying it out in no uncertain terms that she never wanted to see or speak to him again.

“Hey, don't say that,” The words stuck in his throat at first, and when he finally spat them out, his voice was uncharacteristically small and full of worry. It was finally sinking in that perhaps he’d gone too far this time, and what he had with Addi might be too broken to fix.

Nico glanced down at his hands, now clutching the candy flowers. He hadn't even noticed Addison must have shoved them back at him before she began to stomp away.

“Addi, come on! Don't be like that!” He called after, but she was no longer listening.

code by valen t.
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ix’s eyes were on the road, but his mind was elsewhere. He had been savoring the quiet with Frannie this morning, a rare moment of peace between them. But peace never lasted. One wrong word, one misstep, and suddenly everything had shifted. The warmth of their conversation had turned cold, the ease slipping away like water through his fingers.

Nix couldn’t even blame her for it. Hell, he was pretty sure he’d earned this. All he seemed to be able to do was hurt others. Or hurt himself.

He had, however, managed to stay sober for the day—sick as hell, though. Nix knew that this wasn’t a hangover; it was withdrawal. He was exhausted but couldn’t sleep, hungry but couldn’t stomach any food. His hands trembled, his skin felt clammy, his head felt like someone was hammering nails into it one by one.

Nix had thrown up this morning.

No one knew that.

But he knew that.

Nix rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck, trying to shrug off the weight of shame that sat in his stomach like a stone. This was supposed to be a big night. Picking Dallas up for the Halloween festivities, a rare night they might actually spend together, no bullshit. He couldn’t screw it up.

His eyelids fluttered, heavy and unwilling. He snapped them open again with a jolt.

Wake up, Nix. Just a bit further.

He glanced over at Dallas next to him. Their bond had been something of a battle, but these last few months, things were changing. Dallas was stepping up—with the sisters, with the responsibilities. They’d been getting along, even sharing smoke breaks. For the first time in ages, Nix didn’t feel like he was constantly holding his breath for the next fight.

That’s when the car slowed.

Nix’s brows furrowed. His foot was still on the gas, but the car wasn’t responding. He pushed his foot down again, but the revs were only dropping.

The radio hummed idly as the revs dipped too low. Then, a sputter. A final cough. Then, nothing.


His heart skipped. Fingers tightening on the wheel, he tried to steer, but nothing was happening. The power steering had gone stiff. The Suburban drifted toward the side of the road, slowly coasting to a stop on the gravel.

What the fuck.

He stared at the dashboard, wide-eyed. He stared at the gauge like it was mocking him. Empty.

How? He racked his brain, trying to remember. He swore he’d stopped for gas this morning. He could picture it—the pump, the fuel cap. He’d twisted it closed.

Hadn’t he?

His head dropped forward, knuckles pressing against his brow. It felt like everything was slipping through his fingers. What the hell was going on?

With a sharp exhale, he leaned back in his seat, forcing himself to breathe. “I’m… out of fuel,” he muttered incredulously, barely believing it.

A stunned silence hung in the air between them.
"don’t deserve anything better than this"
Phoenix Price
Nix’s Suburban, back streets
sailormewn sailormewn
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Dallas Price







  • home (filler tab)

The War On Drugs


Accidentally deleted my post lolol I don't have a back up so rip

“Think you can make it? I won't lie, you look pretty fucking rough Nixy.”

♡coded by uxie♡
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low chuckle permeated the silence, and Nix’s head turned slightly to face his brother.

“Late and out of fuel? Man Nix, you really are losing it.”

Nix cracked a small smile despite himself, accepting the offered cigarette with a nod. Dallas was right, but the lighthearted way he had said it was such a relief compared to the harsh judgment he would usually have defaulted to in a moment like this.

“Thanks” he muttered under his breath, both for the cigarette and the comment Dallas had made.

Moments like this were foreign to him.

Things were all back to front. Here Nix was, unable to even force out more than a muttered reply to his brother’s quip, and Dallas was already moving on—making a plan, fixing the problem. That was usually Nix’s role. But he was grateful for Dal’s sharpness today.

A beat passed, and he realized he’d been asked a question.

“We walk to the closest Rudy’s with that gas can you keep in the back. You still have it, right?”

Nix nodded slowly, taking a drag of his cigarette to provide himself a buffer while he tried to focus his mind on the present situation. “Yeah, I have it,” he stated, exhaling smoke.

His brother was looking at him with a kind of softness he hadn’t seen in years. It weighed on him, making him realise he couldn’t totally hide it anymore. He couldn’t protect his family from his own self destruction anymore.

If I could just have one drink, I’ll feel okay again… take the edge off.

The thought of it crept into his mind, smooth almost mundane, the kind of thing that could take the edge off… and drag him back under too. It left him with a twinge of longing, followed by a sharp stab of shame. He even caught himself thinking about how convenient it was that Dal didn’t drink. He had a way home.

“Think you can make it? I won’t lie, you look pretty fucking rough, Nixy.”


That old nickname pulled him out of his addict train of thought and back into reality. Something he hadn’t heard used lightheartedly- not as a vicious taunt- since both brothers were little. Nix chuckled, the sound easy and natural from his lips. “Maybe I was going for the whole ‘walking dead’ look for Halloween” he quipped back. He put a hand on the car door. “Come on, let’s get on with it.” He pushed open the door and stepped out into the cool evening air.

He’d gotten up a bit too quickly, causing vertigo and nausea to swirl in his head, but he pushed through it, refusing to let his body betray him now. He forced himself to round the car and stepped toward the road, pulling his heavily worn leather jacket tighter around himself. He grabbed the gas canister from the boot and turned locking the car over his shoulder.

With that the Price brothers set off on their mission. Nix was focusing on each step, his free hand shoved into his jean pocket, the other holding his cig like a lifeline.

As they walked, the chilly evening air stirred up memories of late October nights, when the Price brothers would sneak around their neighborhood in costumes. He could almost smell the faint, burnt-sugar scent of caramel apples and see the distant glow of jack-o’-lanterns.

That’s when it hit him—another year had passed without him even realizing it. Their birthdays had come and gone, unnoticed.

Which was significant because the Price brothers used to place such high importance on their respective birthdays. They’d always been forced to share a day like their twin sisters, despite being about a week apart. They had the chance now to have their own day each but had let it skate by like any other day of the week.

He glanced at Dallas again curious whether it has occurred to him or not. He fought with himself, trying to decide if he should say something- call attention to it. How would it go? Would he just make things uncomfortable? The pressure of decision built up until finally Nix blurted his next words impulsively.

“Happy birthday Dal. For yesterday.”

He let that hang in the air for a moment before laughing to himself

“Guess you could have had your cookie cake for once…” He said unable to keep at bay the mental image of his little brother- arms crossed, bottom lip out so far he might trip over it, moaning and complaining endlessly about stupid things like their shared cake.
"don’t deserve anything better than this"
Phoenix Price
Nix’s Suburban, back streets
sailormewn sailormewn

he festival day had finally rolled around, and, as usual, Baz was running late. He and Parker had picked a ‘couple costume’—just to mess with Carmen, who’d totally lose her mind thinking she was a modern day cupid. It was all in good fun. Best mates, that’s all they were. Nothing more.

So why had he spent his afternoon at the second hand shop trying on his fifth pair of fucking tweed pants?

Baz paused, looking at the pile of clothes scattered across his room, cursing under his breath. He grabbed some items for the “Clyde” costume for their Bonnie and Clyde duo and shoved the rest of the clothes back into his wardrobe, half-assedly. He scanned around for the rest of it- that bag with the little plastic gun and belt. When he couldn’t find it in two seconds threw his hands up and left the room.

The nervous energy had been building all week. He’d been calling Parker ‘Dollface’ and ‘Bon’ just to mess with her. Talking shit with Carmen and Wes. Dragging small groups of acquaintances out on the town whenever he could convince them.

But underneath the bravado, something gnawed at him. His first real Halloween. Some of his other friends were going to be there, but he’d asked Wes specifically if he was coming, and that... well, that was a whole thing.

It had slipped out. He didn’t mean it to, but it did. He’d let it slip how much it mattered to him whether Wes was there or not. Then, of course, he backpedaled. Hard. He wasn’t stupid. He’d seen it—Wes’s shaky hands, the way he looked too thin, his tired eyes. Baz knew Wes wasn’t on the healthiest path. But still, he couldn’t help but wish Wes would show up. If only to make things feel a little more normal for one night. Baz wouldn't say it to his face, but he liked Wes. Even though they weren’t exactly the same, having another guy from somewhere that felt somewhat like home made him feel a little less overwhelmed by the loneliness that lurked underneath his jokes. They could relate on things that those in their freezing little town in North Dakota couldn’t.

He couldn’t say it, though. Didn’t even want to, honestly. What was he supposed to say? "Hey, you wanna come so I can feel less fucking lonely?" No, that was dumb. So Baz did the only thing he knew how to do—he tried to crack a smile out of the sad bastard every once in a while like he’d done from day dot. Trouble was, he didn’t know if Wes would even show. So, Baz focused on what he could control: getting ready, getting out, and enjoying the bloody night like he should.

“Mum?” Baz called as he walked through the door to the kitchen. “You know where I put that shopping bag I had the other day? Blue one?”

His mum appeared, already in her fluffy dressing gown with curlers in her hair. She rolled her blue eyes and put her hands on her hips dramatically. “You left it in the middle of the kitchen. I put it in your room.”

Baz cracked a grin. “Really!? Coulda sworn I looked!”

She tried not to but cracked a small smile of her own. “Had a ‘boy look,’ did you, Basil?”

Basil. Fuck that. Baz rolled his eyes but there was no real frustration in it. His mum was the only one who could get away with calling him by his full name. “Yeah, Yeah, Mum, thank ya,” he muttered, sidestepping her and heading down the hallway to his room.

Baz finally found the blue shopping bag buried under a pile of half-folded clothes. He pulled out the fake Glock, turning it over in his hands for a second before stuffing it into the waistband of his tweed trousers.

He glanced up at the mirror without meaning to—just caught his own reflection out of the corner of his eye. Hat crooked, shirt half-buttoned, the plastic pistol sticking out from his belt like he was some kind of knockoff gangster. He looked… stupid, probably. Or maybe just like someone trying too hard.

Baz’s grin faltered for a second—just the briefest flicker.

“What the hell are you even doing, mate?”

It was barely more than a whisper in the back of his head. But the moment it appeared, he shoved it straight back down where it belonged—deep under the bravado, the jokes, the itchy homesickness he didn’t want to name.

He fixed the hat, plastered the grin back on his face, and gave himself a little finger-gun in the mirror.

Look out, Bonnie. Clyde’s on the bloody loose.

She’d be here any minute. His mum was pretty used to her by now. She was the first friend he’d made when he got here, and the only one who could drag him out of the house early enough to go to the gym before work.

There was a weird flutter in his chest now that he was sure had never been there before. It was a feeling that had come out of nowhere, ever since Carmen had set them up on that blind date. But Baz didn’t know what to do with it, so like everything else, it had been filed into his ‘Too hard basket’.

Baz plonked himself down on the couch, and his mum flitted into the room after him. “What time is Parker getting here, Basil?”

He shrugged. “Don’t remember, sometime soon I think.”

She suppressed a sigh. “Don’t know why I asked.”

He smirked. “Neither. Stupid bloody question, really!”

She gave him that hard look—the one that meant he was skirting the line. Baz shut his mouth, still smirking to himself.

When he finally heard that knock at the door, his heart hammered in his chest. He shot up from the couch, quickly adjusting his costume before swinging the door open. His face was calm, cool, collected—everything he always tried to be, especially in front of Parker.

“Hey, Doll! Ready to go rob some banks?” he greeted in an awful American accent, waving the fake pistol lazily in the air, his grin wide and carefree.
"Hold my be... no, don't worry, I'll hold it."
Bazzy Boy
Where the party's at
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Luciana Navarro Berrocal
the cool girl
Halloween wasn’t exactly one of the celebrations she participated growing up, not exactly because it wasn’t allowed in her household, but more because her family wasn’t one to fulfill all the celebrations across the year and with a family like Luci’s there wasn’t anything to celebrate.

Her mother, who spend more time tipsy on wine just to make bearable the horrible marriage she was in, was not exactly the one that would remember important dates, including the birthdays of her own children. And her father, who was more busy trashing her and her older brothers because of their incompetence according to him despite their efforts to prove him wrong, celebrating in family was the least important thing for him.

But this year had been different. After all, she was attending a festival and even made a stupid costume for Carmen, despite her reluctance at first saying she didn’t want to be involved with costume design. But still, that sensation of unfamiliarity hadn’t been as dreadful as she thought it would have been.

And yet Luci was trying to think at the last minute what she needed to fix Carmen’s costume because her roommate swore that her cat had messed up the tail, which made Luci irritated because knowing Carmen she would be excusing the stupid cat, and just the thought made Luci more irritated than she already was. Or perhaps it was that she couldn’t find her bag, despite looking everywhere in her room, and that’s when she realized that if it wasn’t in her room, then it was in Carmen’s because the girl had asked for it once and in Carmen fashion she didn’t return it.

Maybe if Luci had opted to take another one, then everything could have been avoided, instead when she entered Carmen’s room and was received by an orange with a white cap bottle and read the label, it was at that moment that her blood started boiling, because it didn’t take a genius to know that Carmen wasn’t taking it. After all, she was diagnosed with ADHD recently. The girl was an open book and she would have mentioned it without a second thought, or at least to her. But then the realization hit her: the stupid homeless guy, the one she was obsessed with and, for some reason, had heart eyes towards him. Despite his lack of looks, funds and, most importantly, a future.

As rage took over Luci’s body, she started flipping out everything in Carmen’s room, from drawers and her nightstand to her closet. It almost seemed as if a tornado had passed through the entire place. But when she couldn’t find anything else, Luci grabbed the bottle, went straight to the bathroom, and threw them on the toilet, seeing how they were gone after she flushed the pills.

Once everything was over, Luci grabbed her bag and left the dorm, heading out toward the presentations were going to be held, going directly to the dressing room Carmen reassured her she was going to be there, but the moment she opened the door, the scene right in front of her made her lose her mind.
“You have to be fucking kidding me.”
She said angrily. Perhaps there was a reason why she never celebrated besides having a shitty family as one of the reasons.
outfit: here
location: festival
interactions: sailormewn sailormewn
Halsey - control

coded by Stardust Galaxy

Jonah M.







  • home (filler tab)



Sophia Price was a new friend—an unexpected one, too. She was quiet, with a sharp, dry wit, but she lacked the healthy glow in her cheeks that came so easily to most kids their age.

From what Jonah had gathered (all rather involuntarily—he wasn’t the type to pry, especially not into the life of an orphan girl), things weren’t exactly easy for her at home. There were no big family dinners with hot food like at his house or the Brown’s. Phia didn’t work because she wanted to—she worked because she had to. Jonah understood that much, and he did what he could to help, keeping things light, trading her assistance in art for a pot pie from Sheryl’s now and then.

Yeah, Phia had pretty much been carrying him through art class. Or at least, she had been—right up until he blew it on the last project. He’d tried his best, but Joey’s part (the damn thing) had turned out messier than he’d intended, something their teacher had noticed immediately—and docked him for.

That was how they ended up here, stuck working the entrance to the Haunted House at the Haven Falls Halloween Festival for extra credit. Jonah didn’t love missing his girlfriend Lacey’s performance, but after all the help Phia had given him, it was the least he could do.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of ripping tickets, another pair of students arrived to take their place. Jonah stretched as they walked away from their post, his knight costume clinking with the movement. Well, not a knight costume exactly—he was wearing the Romeo + Juliet (1996) costume party look. He hadn’t seen the movie, but Lacey had been real into the idea, and what Captain Lacey wanted, he did.

"I'm glad they scheduled us a break,"
he said, flexing his fingers.

"If I didn’t get to rest my hands for at least a little bit, I think they might just fall off. How are yours holding up?"
He glanced at her before adding,
"You up for some carnival games while we kill time? I think I want to try to win something for Lacey—you know, to make up for missing her show."

♡coded by uxie♡
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Carmen Tate







  • home (filler tab)


Evrby Breaks a Glass

It was one of those rare moments for Carmen when passion and schoolwork intersected—mostly because, for once, it didn’t feel like schoolwork at all.

The Silverlake Academy students were performing at the Haven Falls Halloween Festival, a chance to showcase their talents and, if all went according to plan, serve as a well-placed advertisement for their still-humble academy—at least in terms of student body size.

As a senior, Carmen was representing the theater department. And with Halloween as the theme, she decided to go all out, commissioning Luci to craft the perfect Grizabella costume. They’d drawn inspiration from more recent productions of CATS—Leona Lewis, Nicole Scherzinger—because while Elaine Paige’s original look was, of course, iconic, it wasn’t exactly the kind of costume a teenage girl would choose to boost her confidence.

Luci had done an incredible job. No—better than incredible. But this was theater, and what was a performance without a few hiccups? Mainly, Carmen’s cat, Butters, had apparently decided her tail was the perfect chew toy, leaving it in shreds and barely hanging from the pin that secured it.

She’d considered going without, but Luci insisted it was a quick fix. Maybe it was pride that convinced Luci to repair it—after all, this was her original work on display.

And it was impressive.

Backstage early, she sat in front of the dressing room mirror, steadying herself for the night ahead. She was the opener, and this look took time. A million bobby pins later, she finally secured the wig in place. Then came the makeup—Luci had helped her plan it, but applying it solo was a whole different challenge.

Now, all that was left was to wait.

As her inevitable call time inched closer, her throat tightened. She thought of all the messages.

'I'll be there watching. Can't wait to see you.'

She’d never really had a reason to be nervous before. When no one’s watching, it’s easier to put yourself out there. But now? Now, she had an audience that mattered.

If this new fear was a problem, she had a solution.

Carmen dug through her makeup bag, pushing aside tubes of mascara (why did she even still have that one? Pretty sure it was empty), lipsticks, and potted shadows until she found the little baggie she’d prepared.

She wasn’t as skilled as her tutor at the prep—not yet, anyway. So she’d taken care of it earlier, in the comfort of her dorm.

Uppers. Adderall.

Not quite cocaine like the big-name performers used, but close enough. At least, that’s what she had gathered from what Wes had told her.

Her gloved hands moved on their own. She pulled one off with her teeth and flexed her thumb, exposing the natural ditch in her palm.

A little goes a long way.

Carefully, she tapped a bit of the powder into the spot, using it to measure—


Too much.

She cursed her lack of grace as footsteps clicked behind her.

Panic set in—too fast to think, not fast enough to act.

Caught red-handed.

'You have to be fucking kidding me.'

An all-too-familiar voice.

Carmen’s stomach dropped.

"It’s not what it looks like—"
she blurted, her mouth moving before her brain caught up. But when she turned around, Luci’s dark eyes were daggers, boreing into her.

Carmen swallowed.

"Okay, maybe it is kind of what it looks like."

There was no use lying. Not to Luci.

With a reluctant sigh, she blew the powder away, watching it dissipate into nothing—a waste of money instead of a helpful high. Great.

She cleared her throat, shifting awkwardly.

"So, uh... how’s the new tail?"

As if that was going to distract her.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Dallas Price







  • home (filler tab)

The War On Drugs


‘Happy Birthday Dal. For yesterday.’

The phrase piled on him like a ton of bricks.

Nix was right.

They were a year older.

He was a year older.

Somehow he'd stumbled his way to legal adulthood. The second birthday now he felt he didn't deserve. That's really why he had really let it pass without a word, the survivors' guilt too much for him to face.

Dallas took another long drag of his cigarette as penance for his continued existence.
“You too.”

When his older brother mentioned the desire for a cookie cake, one of his youth, a pained smile flashed across his face.

“Guess I could've, huh?”

His heart felt heavy in his chest as suddenly Dallas was acutely aware of its dull and persistent aching.

Eh, I’ve made it this many years without, what's one more? Maybe we could get one of those mud cakes you like so much. Seems to me like you need it more than I do.”
His cigarette free hand formed a fist, knuckles lightly brushing Nix’s arm.

Dallas was uncomfortable. Though he didn't know it, Nix was holding an emotional pickaxe, every word slowly chipping away at the younger Price’s carefully constructed walls.

He was feeling vulnerable- something he fucking hated- and so Dallas did his best to take the pickaxe back.
“I noticed you haven't been going to Frannie's as much. What's up with that?”
It was the elephant strolling along with them.

Sure Dallas couldn't stand her but still she was a constant, Nix’s constant, Or she had been until recently. Her presence or lack thereof didn't go unnoticed.

♡coded by uxie♡
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