Other Have you no idea you're in deep?


fly? yes. land? no.
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Nation Building
  3. Off-site
Character Exploration Drabble for Benny the Mage Detective (modern fantasy AU)

There's a beat to the city. A flow. You can feel it walking along the street, the paved motorways acting as capillaries, the cars flowing through them, delivering people to whatever vital organ they needed to attend to. To someone who isn't familiar, it might seem messy, a raucous and inconsiderate stop motion set. To one mage though, its the same as a body, from head to toe a mystery in how a single heart, a single brain, can bring all of that chaos into a useful structure.

While most people are sensible, waking with the sun and sleeping with the moon, this mage has gotten his world turned around. The noon sunlight makes him sleepy, fills his bones with lethargy and tugs down at his limbs, makes his eyelids heavy and his thoughts dulled. Its become that the muggy nights are when he thinks clearly, or, at least clear enough to try and make reason of his current life.

A mage and a cop. That was already about as turned around as a human preferring night to day. Diurnal they were supposed to be, humans. But the city's heartbeat resonated most with his own at night, and he supposed, so did the naturally contradictory occupation. Mages didn't become cops, at least, not willingly. And even if they did, well, it wasn't because they were up to any good. Benicio wasn't entirely sure that he was actually up to good, but he liked to try to be good anyway. As he mused over what had become of his life, he thought maybe it was just that he was supposed to be mixed up from the beginning, what with a name Benicio and a face like his, blonde hair and hazel eyes, yet first understanding his words in Spanish before he knew English. He'd always thrown people off, even as a child, just living up to expectations and all that.

He stopped on a street corner, waiting for the light as traffic rushed past, the muggy summer evening heated further by the cars' exhaust, their passing pushing it against his face, making his hair dance lazily. He brought one hand up to his face, fingers brushing against his lip as he thought about the corner store just across from him. Thought about the cigarettes he was sure he could make out, lit there, just behind the counter.

The light changed then, and with it, he was able to avert his gaze. Even as he walked past, his fingertips itching for something to hold, he didn't flow like a moth to the promise of the florescent lights. He was able to walk on, not exactly ignoring the desire for a smoke, but letting it go unanswered for the moment. As it was, Benicio was usually buzzing with some kind of craving. Most mages blamed it on the magic that flowed from them, a detrimental excess of energy that ate at them whether they used the fuel or not. Every mage that Benicio knew answered to that demand, that prickling tingling skin unsettling static that made rational thought difficult. People joked about werewolves, about their hormonal animalistic ancestral ties, but surely those jokers didn't have a clue what it felt like with magic in your veins. Some nights, Benicio swore it was pulsating just there, under his fingernails like a bruise you couldn't stop pressing at, a scab on your lip you couldn't kip from licking just to taste the salt and iron. Mages he thought, they were the ones truly beholden to their instincts. Though, no, instincts wasn't the right word, it was something less neutral than that, something a little bit less good.

Following no path, he continued his walk, passing closed store fronts, busy lines of brightly dressed people heading into clubs, and dimly lit 24 hour restaurants. He was off the next two days, and that made it all the more difficult to head to his apartment to sleep. He wouldn't even be allowed back in the office if he tried to sneak in, would get turned right around and sent on his way. He was supposed to be taking the time to relax, but the short attempt he'd had of that, well, it had ended the same way it did every time. He felt more restless, more on edge. Benicio could have stayed home alone, drunk himself into a dreamless sleep, only to wake up to a torrential hangover and a sickly buzzing under his skin the next morning. He'd done that enough before to have figured out that even with practice, it wouldn't change the outcome. So, a walk around the city instead it was.
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Character Exploration Drabble for Vampire who is a Hunter of Beasts (historical fantasy)



In the still winter night, the moon holds bright in the sky.

Plip plip.

Under the weight of the full moon, sitting upon its black velvet like an old, prestigious lord, the forest beneath it can hide nothing.

Shadows make stark outlines against the snow, fingers painting in charcoal across reflective white.

Plip plop.

The air is heavy but devoid of motion, like a vacuum without a breath. The crack of a twig under foot snaps, dry and dead like a sun bleached bird bone.


Cold air stings a pair of lungs as they inhale, then hold, too stunned by the grizzly scene before them.

Red. So much of it, shiny, sparkling under the moonlight as the snow it coats freezes it, thickening the substance. Nearly as bright as the cloak hung on the nearby tree branch. A massive hulk of grey fur, limbs splayed unnaturally, one paw twitching.


Another drop joins the mess below, encircling a pair of black boots. From where it had fallen, along a pale jawline, another drop of crimson prepares to descend. It never gets the chance to fall though, as a hand swipes it away, smearing the trail from a pair of lips along the back of a man's knuckles. Man, not monster, like the thing they were crouching above, because their eyes have an expression of regret, and monsters do not feel such things.

Both of them hear when the intruder finally starts to breathe again, quick hurried pants of it.

The man stands upright, not impressive, not terrible, instead the moon shining like a mocking halo behind him as he again uses the same hand to wipe at his face. As his palm falls away, a wry smile is revealed, showing teeth stained with the beastly corpse's blood.

"Told you I didn't need any help."
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Kiki's Delivery Service AU, Stray Kids Felix X Chris
StayKids Felix x Chris Drabble (Kiki's Delivery Service AU inspired)

"Oh sh-sh-shiiiiit!"

"Huh?" Chris looked up, confused, because it sounded like someone had just shouted a desperate curse across the town square at 7:30 in the morning.

When Chris noticed someone literally hurtling through the sky right at him, he cursed too. "Holy shit!"

He put his hands up just in time for them to collide into the broom-rider crashing directly into him, sending the both of them collapsing into the pile stacked chairs with a colossal clatter. Chairs were scattered as the two bodies tumbled into them, their wooden frames doing very little to ease the crash.

"Oh- oh no. Shit shit shit, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

Chris grunted, tried to sit up, started to say "I'm fine. . ." and then everything went black.


"You've killed him." Jiji accused, watching with what could only be described as gleeful disinterest.

"Shut up, I did not." Felix whined, staring in horror at the man who was unresponsive.

"First day on your own, and you've murdered somebody," the cat replied, with a tone just this side of sing-song as he hopped onto the witch's shoulder.

Felix felt sick.

He used the toe of one of his combat boots to very gently nudge at the guy's leg. He got no response. Chewing at his lip while his face twisted in worry, Felix crouched over the man, patted him on the face gently. Still nothing.

Jiji jumped off Felix's shoulder right onto the man's gut.

He immediately wheezed in a startled breath as his eyes shot open.

"Oh, not dead then," Jiji said, staring the injured man directly in the face.

"Wha?" The guy groaned, pained and confused.

Felix panicked, and swatted Jiji out of the way, just so he could grab the guy's right arm and haul him into sitting up right. When the man gave a pained hiss, Felix panicked again and dropped him.

"AH! I'm sorry. Damnit. Look- Don't. Don't panic. Just stay calm. Just take deep breaths-"

The guy was starting at him without response, not looking half as panicked as the witch standing over him.

When he started to stand, Felix reached out to help him, but stopped when the man held out a hand to halt him.

"S'fine. M'fine."

"Pfft," the black cat scoffed, "sure buddy." He started to groom himself, no longer caring to be involved if things were just going to be mundane.


Chris took mental stock of his body. Well, at least nothing felt broken. He thought, anyway. It mostly felt like he had the wind knocked out of him, and when he tentatively touched the back of his head, there was quite a knot forming already there. He couldn't help wincing, it would need ice, and how was he supposed to work his shift?

"Chris!? What happened?"

As if hearing his thought, his coworker had appeared. The girl was standing there, jaw dropped, looking between him and the other person clad in all black.

Chris shrugged at her, or, tried to, but it hurt a bit.

She ran over then, immediately cradling one of his arms as she began ushering him into the cafe's front door. "Oh my god, are you hurt bad? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"No- no. I should be alright. Just a bump on the head."

He could hear that mocking drawl again, accompanied by a low pathetic whine, but he didn't look back at the pair, not sure if he wanted to be bothered with them for the moment.

When his coworker sent him home, telling him to go to the doctor, Chris was startled when he found the flying man waiting for him just outside the cafe. The guy looked absolutely miserable, and when he realized the one he'd landed on was in front of him, his expression turned fearful as well. Chris stared at him as the guy wrung his hands in his skirt-

Skirt. Uh. Kilt? It was then that Chris noted the full black ensemble was complete with long sleeve black shirt, black pleated skirt to the knees, black leggings, and black combat boots. It was June for crying out loud.

Chris looked up from his bizarrely out of season attire, to the platinum blonde hair, and then back to the young man's wide eyed stare.

"Uh-" He started, so eloquently. "Are you okay?"

The guy nodded, but did not stop staring at him.

"Great then. That's great, yeah." He smiled, wanting to pacify the freaked out guy, though Chris could feel that it wasn't up to his usual standards.

When there was still no change in their position, Chris coughed awkwardly. "Well, then," he said, starting to shuffle around the black attire stranger, "I'm gonna go home, so. . .Bye. . ."

Chris turned then, and didn't look back.


When Chris came into work the next day (he'd gotten a call from the shop's owner, insisted he was fine, and was allowed back to work), he was alarmed by the guy from yesterday waiting for him.

There, on the front steps to the cafe, was a black mess of fabric topped by platinum blonde.


When he reached the door with his keys to open for the morning, he had to clear his throat. A sleepy head rose to the sound, bleary eyes blinking up at Chris. Unlike the panicked expressions displayed the day before, this time he stood, almost lazily, rubbing at his eyes with the backs of his knuckles while he stepped aside. Chris unlocked the front door, and was inside, when he looked over his shoulder.

The blonde looked at him, tired, like he'd not slept a wink-

Chris turned away, sighed, and then looked back at him as he stood aside, the front door open. "You had breakfast yet?"


Felix was stunned, words for reply escaping him. Why did that damn cat have to be gone now, of all times? Stupid JiJi was so chatty, he'd definitely invite the both of them in. The witch himself though was too ashamed and tired to find his tongue, though, when his stomach audibly gurgled, it seemed he didn't need to.

The cafe worker laughed a little, rolling his eyes. "Come on in," he told Felix again, and like it was some sort of spell, Felix complied without thought.

"Have a seat," he was told, the employee wandering back behind the counter where Felix couldn't see him. Alone in the empty cafe, he had his choice of seats. He opted for one in the corner, wanting to be as unobtrusive as possible. He looked around at the cafe, filled with live plants, the decor very comfortable and clean. It smelled like coffee and herbs, and closing his eyes Felix could place the scents specifically of basil, thyme, rosemary, mint, and cilantro.

"Anything you want in particular?" the new somewhat familiar voice interrupted him, prompted Felix to open his eyes up to the sight the worker tying a black apron around his waist.

"I don't know," Felix admitted, not having looked at the menu.

"Kay. Let me get the coffee going first, then I'll get you something."

Felix nodded, and let himself slouch into his chair in the corner, feeling stupid and shy. He was definitely imposing like an idiot, wasn't he? He didn't say a word as the employee got busy with grinding the beans, then starting the brew. But when he finally started cooking something, the sound and smell of butter hitting a hot surface, Felix stood abruptly. The noise of his chair scraping back across the wood floor had the other man looking up.

"I'm sorry-" The words came out quiet, lack of oxygen in his lungs, he'd forgotten to take a breath when he'd stood. "You don't need to-"

"Come on. Your stomach literally growled earlier."

"But I don't. . ." Deserve it? True. But it was more the fact that he didn't. . .have any money.

"Hey. It's cool."

Felix looked up from his shoes then, greeted with the nicest, most understanding smile anyone had ever given him after he'd run them over with his broom.

"Can I at least help?" Felix felt himself say, before he even processed it.



Chris hadn't been expecting much when the guy had wanted to help, so he was greatly surprised when the blonde was able to follow instructions well. He'd seemed such a disaster yesterday, but like this, he seemed normal.

Er. Minus the nearly goth clothes, silver piercings, and fiercely blonde hair.

It was about ten minutes before open when they sat to eat the breakfast sandwiches of egg and ham on sourdough toast. Just over the guy's black sweater clad shoulder was the red 'Help Wanted' sign that had been posted in the window since last week. Chris mulled it over as he started conversation between bites.

"So- uh-"

The blonde was mid a gigantic bite as he looked up at Chris, pausing only long enough to look like a chipmunk storing leftovers in their cheekpouch before swallowing the large mouthful with a grimace.

". . . Yeah?" he responded, unsure.

"Um. I didn't ask your name. I'm Chris."

"Oh," he paused, brushed crumbs off his face. "Felix."

"Hm. So, Felix. What, brings you to town?"

Felix's face went pink while he swallowed another bite, already nearly done with his sandwich. He looked away when shrugged, before he answered.

"I'm a witch, so. . ."

Oh. OH. That made so much sense. Chris dropped his sandwich onto his plate and leaned back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling as he admonished himself.

"Of course you are."

When Chris looked back at him, Felix was shoving the last bite into his mouth before gulping down the iced coffee.

"Wait. But, why don't you have any money?"

If he'd been pink in the face before, he went white as a sheet now. He muttered something under his breath.


"I lost it."

Chris blinked at him. That was unfortunate. He should definitely lend this guy some then-

Chris jumped when Felix dropped his head to the table, covered his head with his hands and whined.

"Hey, Felix-" Chris reached over tentatively, wanting to be consoling, but then a very loud and angry grumble had him retracting his hand quickly as Felix sat back up in a rush.

"I just- I have to just suck it up and- go home. Everyone is going to laugh at me but, what else am I supposed to do?"

The hand that had been hovering above the table, went to rub at the back of his neck as Chris contemplated this issue. He still had a lump back there from this guy, but even still Chris felt sympathy towards him as he pouted, his pretty face scrunched up in self loathing.

"You could work here?" It came out as an uncertain offer, because really, what was he doing? Felix was a witch. Witches don't work at cafes for the summer-


Chris felt more than he heard the other's surprised murmur, because for some reason in his shock and desperation Felix had leaned in towards him.

". . .Yes?"

"Yes?" For the first time, Chris watched as the witch's eyes brightened, he'd not noticed that they were hazel before, and were those freckles- "Yes!" Felix stood up, hands pressing down onto the table as he backed out of his hair in excitement. He seemed to catch himself though, tramping down some of his emotion as he continued, "I mean. . ." He reached over, picking up his empty plate and glass, "Yes please?"

Chris didn't care to do anything about the humored grin he felt spreading across his face. This was going to be an interesting summer to be sure.
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Yokai Hunting Duo, Human Medium and bonded Shisa Guardian (historical fantasy Japan AU)

The mansion was burnt out. The structure creaked and groaned under the weight of their footsteps as they crossed over holes on the third floor.

"Fuck, the thing's holding this place together with sheer resentment alone I think," the Shisa yokai grumbled, though his tone did give away some of his begrudging admiration. He possessed a great deal of strength, but he doubted he had the ability to keep a ruined mansion standing.

The human with him chuckled lightly, finding humor in the Shisa's dark statement. "Yes, could very well be the truth. Our friend is a master of deception, after all. And you're, well, less dexterous than some."

The pair had been sent to hunt down the demon that occupied this abandoned estate. It had claimed a few curious teenagers, and the villagers blamed various disappearances on the building as well. The thing certainly seemed to emanate cruelty from the moment they'd laid eyes on it, so they'd definitely been given an appropriate task.

The human stopped walking, and put a hand out behind him, a motion to still his partner. The Shisa yokai followed the instruction, his jade eyes lightly glowed in the darkness of the dilapidated building at night. Only slivers of the moon shone through the holes in the ceiling above, which left the both of them with little to see by. A skittering sound, like rat's nails in the walls, made the Shisa yokai tense behind the human medium, something almost like a low growl rumbled out of his chest as he set his jaw, clenched his fists. Then a whoosh of air so cold it was almost painful whipped through their hair. It made the tense Shisa blink his human form eyes shut, just for a moment, but in that moment the other disappeared.

"No!" he shouted, swiping at the darkness where the human had just been, but his arm was stopped mid-air. With his muscles pulling taught, he forced whatever had held him back to let go, but then his other arm was stopped as he started to bolt forward. His legs were pulled out from beneath him, so that he fell to the floor in an uncontrolled sprawl.

"Damnit!" The Shisa yokai was beyond frustrated, he hated fighting these invisible sorcery-yokai. Just by happenstance, he swiped back at his legs, only to catch his free hand on an invisible string. "Gotcha," he said, that one hint enough for him to figure out what it was they were up against. The human medium had educated him on potential yokai, and now it finally paid off listening to all that boring talk.

He grabbed at the invisible line, and pulled with all his might, then smirked when eight eyes came into view. They were gone just as quickly as he spied them, but then the lines holding him were suddenly slack, and the Shisa lunged in the direction those eyes had disappeared.

From outside the mansion, it looked as if a giant bomb had exploded on the third floor, one entire wall of the building busted outwards. Wooden boards were thrown into the air, and a great beast colored of gold and green was amidst the tumbling wreckage. Silk strands glistened under the moonlight as they twisted all around the lion-dog's limbs, the massive black spider in it's jaws trying to free itself any way it could. But as the beast landed roughly on the ground, the tangled limbs of Shisa beast, spider legs, and webbing didn't matter, not when those strong jaws crunched down on the spider's exoskeleton. Even as his strong legs were inhibited, the guardian yokai was still able to devour the spider yokai, and tore it to shreds as it screamed from a horrific fate.

Ten minutes later, the Shisa yokai growled at the human who took their time, untangling their demon partner spider silk strand by spider silk strand. The lion-dog was upset, because he knew that the human could purify it in a snap.

"This stuff's too good to waste, its still holding that mansion up! And you just had to eat the whole yokai again, so you can be patient," he reminded the annoyed guardian with a grin, happy to get such a good reward for their efforts. To the medium, whose family was very well off thanks to their role in society, the pay for their work meant little. But yokai parts? Those were of extraordinary value to him, and even if a Shisa was good for keeping one safe, they weren't too great at leaving any usable leftovers.
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Current Vampire Hunter Character Introductory Post

He'd just been on his way back from Tess's, and all he'd wanted was to go back to his place and sleep. While visiting Tess always helped his body, and usually relaxed his mind too, today there was a bone-deep weariness weighing him down. He just needed to stop by the convenience store for one thing, then he could stay in his room until his next hunting shift.

From across the street the bright lights of the store lit up the sidewalk outside of it. It illuminated the silhouettes of a tall man speaking with two shorter women. As Silas crossed the street and came nearer to them, he noticed that the girls looked young, teenagers most likely. Definitely too young for a fake ID to help them out, so he figured they were trying to pay off the man to buy them some alcohol. Silas himself had been approached a few times by kids asking him to buy something for them, so to avoid that he pulled his hood up to conceal his face as he came closer.

There wasn't any way to tell if a vampire was near, but Silas swore that there was an energy to the air he could feel. Like a hush of a predator over a meadow. None of the other hunters ever said anything about it, but Silas always felt something instinctual in him recognized when a vampire was around. Just as he passed by the trio, he felt that, noticed they'd stopped talking to watch him walk by.

He wasn't supposed to be hunting, it was his night off after all. He'd of course been given permission to take care of anything that he happened to come across, so long as he was discrete about it. For Silas, that wasn't an issue, and he'd taken care of a handful of vampires that were unlucky enough to cross his path over the years. As he passed down the isle of the store, he glanced up from under his hood, and noticed that the trio were gone now. Maybe he was just overthinking, so he took his time, grabbing a few other things he didn't really need, before checking out.

Once outside the store, with his little plastic bag in hand, he glanced around the darkened streets as the automatic doors slid shut behind him. There was just one couple walking down the street in the opposite direction, nobody else around.

"Overthinking it," he mumbled to himself, and started heading back to HQ.

The alleys between apartments and office buildings he passed down were ones he knew perfectly well, having trudged the same route many nights now. But just as he rounded a corner, that same feeling came over him, the hairs on the back of his neck raised, a thread of warmth in his veins, his body on alert to something watching him. Instead of heeding it though, he kept on walking, away from the main street, and noticed a pair of legs sticking out from behind a dumpster.

The man had been wearing shoes just like that. Silas walked closer, and as he came to the dumpster found the tall man from before sitting slumped between it and the brick wall, a clean but deep cut in his neck that was still oozing blood. Looks like he'd scared a vampire off its meal. He'd not seen anyone running off, so he looked up.


Just there, in the fire escape landing above, were the two girls from before, one with a bloody knife in her hand. No, they weren't girls, they were just mindless husks. Silas pulled the hood back on his cheap fleece jacket and let his grocery bag drop down to the dirty pavement. He'd taken on pairs before, but he was surprised that instead of immediately abandoning each other at the first sign of a threat, they stood their ground and looked back down at him. Silas supposed nothing for it but to climb after them.

Just as he was hoisting himself up to the ladder though, one of the female vampires grinned, and that made Silas pause. A second later, something grabbed his leg and wrenched him backwards, tried to yank him back down. Barely holding onto the ladder as his shoulders took the force, he glanced down to see it was the tall male, blood still wet on his neck and staining his shirt but the wound healed, pale eyes blank with hunger.

Silas hadn't thought of that trick before.

The hunter let himself fall backwards, reaching for his knife in its holster as he twisted. He landed on the male vampire, and stabbed his knife into the creature's chest, but just grazing the heart. The vampire shoved at his jaw and chest, trying to push Silas off, which Silas let happen, pulling his knife out of the body with him. Just as he was back on his feet though, a weight dropped onto his shoulders, and a deep pressure followed by a sharp pain dug into his neck. One of the females on his his back and had just missed his artery with her bite, getting him in the muscle. Knowing that trying to rip her off would only hurt him more, Silas threw himself backwards into the brick building, knocking the female with his full weight into the wall. It was enough to get her teeth to dislodge, and he then was able to grab at her hair and one of the legs around his waist, dragging her off his back and over his head to throw her into the male vampire who was just standing back up.

He had to get out of there. This was no longer a hunt, this was a fight, and not only was Silas outnumbered, but he didn't have a single drop of serum on him. Turning to bolt, the third vampire was there to block his path, stepping into him with her own knife. Silas barely deflected the attack by redirecting her arm with his palm, grabbing at her wrist and twisting until she dropped the knife. But the other female was right there to catch it, and Silas just managed to protect himself from her lunge by shoving the one he was still holding by the arm into its path. The dagger went into her own cohort's face, and it let out a scream of enraged pain. But that cry didn't startle the female with the knife, who only pulled the knife back out as Silas tossed the stabbed female to the side.

His left arm was pulled back just as he let go of the injured female, and the male's fangs went straight through his jacket and into his wrist. The big male was useless now, just obsessed with getting blood back into the body it had stolen. Silas focused and kicked at the female still holding the knife, raising his leg high to first send the knife clattering out of reach by landing a boot to her arm. He then kicked her square in the stomach, sending her into the opposite building wall. With the male drinking in the blood, Silas had the perfect opening, and slid his knife between ribs and straight into the heart. The effect was near instant, but he didn't spare a glance for the vampire as it released him, leaving his knife imbedded in the corpse. The third female was already running away, finally doing the expected and abandoning the others, such a dangerous meal not worth the effort.

Silas only looked back once as he ran to see the female he'd kicked followed him, but had stopped at the end of the alley when he reached the better lit street. There was a glare of loathing on her pretty sickly face, half concealed by shadow, and Silas felt dread wash through him in a cold sweep.

As Silas slowed to a jog, then a stumbling walk as he neared a busier part of the city's downtown, he was left with a problem of which blood flow to staunch. Pulling off his jacket, he used his teeth and wrapped it around the injured wrist as best he could, the thin fabric of his shirt quickly soaking in blood oozing from his torn neck. He dug out his phone and noticed his hand was shaking as he called for help, a few people on the sidewalk startled by his appearance. When the emergency line to HQ went through, Silas sighed as he teetered into a parked car.

"Hey. I fucked up," he said. The rest he couldn't recall.
Future with space travel with fantasy!

A crowd was gathered before a massive star cruiser. Dressed in matching grey scrubs, the entire group stood in an orderly fashion, row by row of men and women looking forward to the temporary podium that had been fashioned for today’s departure. On that podium stood Lieutenant Anderson, and he addressed the group before him.

“Ladies and Gentlemen. You are about to undergo cryostasis for the next thirty years. Research has shown that synapse function can be depleted by such a long period in cryostasis. What that means is, your brains will deteriorate while you’re asleep. This used to be a simple drawback we had to combat with numbers, understanding that a small percentage of you would wake up as vegetables. But our scientists have developed a new system for keeping your brain activity ongoing, even while in cryostasis. Mr. Maldonado, if you would.”

A much shorter man now stepped up to the podium, the silver haired Lieutenant stepping back for the dark skinned scientist, who was likewise dressed in the same grey scrubs as those in the crowd.

“Hello. My name is Joey Maldonado, and I have spent the last three years designing the system all of you will become familiar with during your cryostasis sleep. We have developed what is essentially an entire virtual world, where you will take on a character and choose an occupation. Some of you may be familiar with games like Skysim or Final Fantasy 76. This system you will take part in was developed with the aid and decades of experience of those game directors, and will act as a way for you to continue a life even while your body is inactive. The full game details will be explained through tutorials once we have departed and you are all safely in cryostatis. Myself and Lieutenant Anderson will be joining all of you in this endeavor, so please make the most of your dream world for the duration of your travel.”

With that, the scientist stepped down from the podium, smiling and giving a handshake to some of his fellow scientists who would not be departing with the star cruiser. He took his place next to one specific row of individuals, all who were from the research department.

Lieutenant Anderson took to the mic once more for the final word.

“Now, we will begin the embarkation. Please follow the instructions each leader for your department has been given. I will see you all once we reach Jasparsus.”


Silas stood at attention alongside the rest of the military squadron aboard the star cruiser. They were each standing next to their individual sleeping pods, awaiting one final address from the Lieutenant. The man was now dressed the same as the rest of them, in the grey cryostasis scrubs to benefit the body’s comfort.

“This system you will be taking part in,” the middle aged man began, walking between the standing men and women. “It is essentially a fantasy game, the likes of which some of you may have played when you were children. Unlike the rest aboard this cruiser, for you all specifically, I have requested special missions, as well as had a ranking system devised. Even if it might be based on a game, this will be judged as a competition for each of you. I expect all of you to awake in prime mental condition, as when we arrive to this new planet, you will have a job to perform immediately. Anyone who wishes to idle their time away, may just be left to sleep in their vacation fantasy realm.”

A wave of unease traveled through the group, though not everyone among their ranks was affected. Those who seemed least concerned included Silas, who wore his typical expression of thoughtful condescision as he listened in on the superior officer’s warning. He’d never played any fantasy video games, but he didn’t have a single doubt he’d be able to reach whatever goal was intended for his special ops group.


Silas felt himself ‘awake’ slowly. Around him was a gentle breeze that seemed to come and go, like soft feathers playing at his hair every now and then. The temperature of the air was so perfect, it may as well have been impossible to detect. There was also a pleasant, extremely soothing music, and it steadily grew in volume along with his consciousness. His vision came to in a room devoid of walls, without nothing but sky blue around him, so that initially he felt as though he were underwater. Of course, he could breathe just fine, so he realized he must be in the ‘system’ now.

His last memory was of being enclosed in a claustrophobic cryo pod, after a cyro safety technician had checked his position, reminded him to lay flat on his back, and align the back of his neck with the sensor in the pod. They’d implanted a chip there, and he was meant to maintain connectivity to the server. So ‘waking up’ to a wide open space with nothing before him was odd.

Just as he realized there was nothing but himself, still wearing his simple grey attire, in the room, a screen like a hologram faded into view in front of him. It gave off a faint pulsing glow at its boarder, with the instruction written on it to ‘Place dominant hand here’. Silas followed the instruction, and new instructions came into view.

He had many choices, from picking a class, race, appearance, all of it with so many options beneath, promising tons of world lore, history, descriptions. . . The solider frowned, not thrilled with the idea of reading through everything on a fictional world. When he noticed the word ‘Character Status’, he went for that first instead.

He was relieved to find helpful information there, with an explanation for what the numbers all meant. This was actual data he could use, the type of thing that would no doubt give him an advantage. All the rest, Silas felt like was simply for the bulk of those going under cryostasis, to be able to make a fantasy character they liked. Silas didn’t give a shit about that, what he wanted was the essentials, the practicality to be able to best everyone else. If this was going to be ranked, he figured he’d use his personal strengths to an advantage in the game.

Without looking at any of the visual options, Silas started putting together a character based on the numbers and his military training alone. He skipped over all the magic options, preferring to stay grounded with physical combat instead for now. He opted not to touch the ‘Appearance’ option, nor to look at the ‘Mirror’ as he doubted what he looked like would matter. His selection came out as:

Level 1
Vitality 6
Strength 8
Dexterity 9
Defense 4
Magic 4
Resistance 6
Agility 10
Luck 5
Charm 4
Race: Lagamorph (they boasted great agility, and some ‘skill’ that said he’d be able to take two actions instead of one)
Gender: Male (Silas really didn’t want to explore changing his gender)
Class: Fighter (pretty much his best attribute was hand to hand combat and they had growth stats he liked)
Starting Item: Energy Drop (consume for permanent +2 to strength stat, single use)


A week had passed (well, a week in the system that people had affectionately named “CryoLife”, who knew how long it had actually been in real time), and Silas was still feeling off kilter. While he’d been sure to try and use the statistics to create the best advantage he could, he’d not realized one vital thing: people cared a LOT about appearances.

It didn’t matter if it was the real world, or a fictional one, people always judged others on what they looked like. Maybe he’d been in the military too long and had forgotten how much that mattered in civilian life, but he’d made a mistake in not checking the races or his final appearance after making his selections before entering the game.

He’d not realized what Lagamorphs were until it was too late to change.

So now, as he entered the starting town’s tavern, Silas made sure that the tattered cloak he’d gained covered the less desirable parts of his appearance. The cloak was terrible armor, provided less defense than just his starting clothes had, but he’d replaced it anyway. The starting armor had been more revealing than Silas could handle, so as soon as he’d defeated a low level foe that had dropped the cloak as loot, he’d snatched it up. It had a hood that covered his head, just some of his bright blonde bangs showing, and it was a formless piece of cloth that covered down to his knees. Even if it had frayed edges and stains of who knew what matter on it, Silas far preferred it to the starting armor Lagamorphs were provided.

Unlike many of the others in the system, Silas still hadn’t progressed much past the starting town. He was saving up for an armor that would provide better defense while also providing him some decency. He needed better defense for the stronger foes, as even though his levels gained had increased his stats, his defense was sorely lacking. Normally, this could be made up for with joining a party, having members that could give you buffs or expedite killing bosses so you could cycle through loot and gold rewards quicker. But the few times Silas had tried joining a party had resulted in confrontation. So, in a game meant for working together in groups, or at least in pairs, Silas was still going it solo. This brought him once again to the tavern, where he first went to the bar to order a mead before checking the postings on the quests board. He was looking for something that was within his capabilities, but while also providing decent gold reward. Sadly, most of the quests looked like he’d need to find a partner if he had any hopes of completing it. . .
Current Vampire Hunter Character Introductory Post

He'd just been on his way back from Tess's, and all he'd wanted was to go back to his place and sleep. While visiting Tess always helped his body, and usually relaxed his mind too, today there was a bone-deep weariness weighing him down. He just needed to stop by the convenience store for one thing, then he could stay in his room until his next hunting shift.

From across the street the bright lights of the store lit up the sidewalk outside of it. It illuminated the silhouettes of a tall man speaking with two shorter women. As Silas crossed the street and came nearer to them, he noticed that the girls looked young, teenagers most likely. Definitely too young for a fake ID to help them out, so he figured they were trying to pay off the man to buy them some alcohol. Silas himself had been approached a few times by kids asking him to buy something for them, so to avoid that he pulled his hood up to conceal his face as he came closer.

There wasn't any way to tell if a vampire was near, but Silas swore that there was an energy to the air he could feel. Like a hush of a predator over a meadow. None of the other hunters ever said anything about it, but Silas always felt something instinctual in him recognized when a vampire was around. Just as he passed by the trio, he felt that, noticed they'd stopped talking to watch him walk by.

He wasn't supposed to be hunting, it was his night off after all. He'd of course been given permission to take care of anything that he happened to come across, so long as he was discrete about it. For Silas, that wasn't an issue, and he'd taken care of a handful of vampires that were unlucky enough to cross his path over the years. As he passed down the isle of the store, he glanced up from under his hood, and noticed that the trio were gone now. Maybe he was just overthinking, so he took his time, grabbing a few other things he didn't really need, before checking out.

Once outside the store, with his little plastic bag in hand, he glanced around the darkened streets as the automatic doors slid shut behind him. There was just one couple walking down the street in the opposite direction, nobody else around.

"Overthinking it," he mumbled to himself, and started heading back to HQ.

The alleys between apartments and office buildings he passed down were ones he knew perfectly well, having trudged the same route many nights now. But just as he rounded a corner, that same feeling came over him, the hairs on the back of his neck raised, a thread of warmth in his veins, his body on alert to something watching him. Instead of heeding it though, he kept on walking, away from the main street, and noticed a pair of legs sticking out from behind a dumpster.

The man had been wearing shoes just like that. Silas walked closer, and as he came to the dumpster found the tall man from before sitting slumped between it and the brick wall, a clean but deep cut in his neck that was still oozing blood. Looks like he'd scared a vampire off its meal. He'd not seen anyone running off, so he looked up.


Just there, in the fire escape landing above, were the two girls from before, one with a bloody knife in her hand. No, they weren't girls, they were just mindless husks. Silas pulled the hood back on his cheap fleece jacket and let his grocery bag drop down to the dirty pavement. He'd taken on pairs before, but he was surprised that instead of immediately abandoning each other at the first sign of a threat, they stood their ground and looked back down at him. Silas supposed nothing for it but to climb after them.

Just as he was hoisting himself up to the ladder though, one of the female vampires grinned, and that made Silas pause. A second later, something grabbed his leg and wrenched him backwards, tried to yank him back down. Barely holding onto the ladder as his shoulders took the force, he glanced down to see it was the tall male, blood still wet on his neck and staining his shirt but the wound healed, pale eyes blank with hunger.

Silas hadn't thought of that trick before.

The hunter let himself fall backwards, reaching for his knife in its holster as he twisted. He landed on the male vampire, and stabbed his knife into the creature's chest, but just grazing the heart. The vampire shoved at his jaw and chest, trying to push Silas off, which Silas let happen, pulling his knife out of the body with him. Just as he was back on his feet though, a weight dropped onto his shoulders, and a deep pressure followed by a sharp pain dug into his neck. One of the females on his his back and had just missed his artery with her bite, getting him in the muscle. Knowing that trying to rip her off would only hurt him more, Silas threw himself backwards into the brick building, knocking the female with his full weight into the wall. It was enough to get her teeth to dislodge, and he then was able to grab at her hair and one of the legs around his waist, dragging her off his back and over his head to throw her into the male vampire who was just standing back up.

He had to get out of there. This was no longer a hunt, this was a fight, and not only was Silas outnumbered, but he didn't have a single drop of serum on him. Turning to bolt, the third vampire was there to block his path, stepping into him with her own knife. Silas barely deflected the attack by redirecting her arm with his palm, grabbing at her wrist and twisting until she dropped the knife. But the other female was right there to catch it, and Silas just managed to protect himself from her lunge by shoving the one he was still holding by the arm into its path. The dagger went into her own cohort's face, and it let out a scream of enraged pain. But that cry didn't startle the female with the knife, who only pulled the knife back out as Silas tossed the stabbed female to the side.

His left arm was pulled back just as he let go of the injured female, and the male's fangs went straight through his jacket and into his wrist. The big male was useless now, just obsessed with getting blood back into the body it had stolen. Silas focused and kicked at the female still holding the knife, raising his leg high to first send the knife clattering out of reach by landing a boot to her arm. He then kicked her square in the stomach, sending her into the opposite building wall. With the male drinking in the blood, Silas had the perfect opening, and slid his knife between ribs and straight into the heart. The effect was near instant, but he didn't spare a glance for the vampire as it released him, leaving his knife imbedded in the corpse. The third female was already running away, finally doing the expected and abandoning the others, such a dangerous meal not worth the effort.

Silas only looked back once as he ran to see the female he'd kicked followed him, but had stopped at the end of the alley when he reached the better lit street. There was a glare of loathing on her pretty sickly face, half concealed by shadow, and Silas felt dread wash through him in a cold sweep.

As Silas slowed to a jog, then a stumbling walk as he neared a busier part of the city's downtown, he was left with a problem of which blood flow to staunch. Pulling off his jacket, he used his teeth and wrapped it around the injured wrist as best he could, the thin fabric of his shirt quickly soaking in blood oozing from his torn neck. He dug out his phone and noticed his hand was shaking as he called for help, a few people on the sidewalk startled by his appearance. When the emergency line to HQ went through, Silas sighed as he teetered into a parked car.

"Hey. I fucked up," he said. The rest he couldn't recall.
next chapter?

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