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Multiple Settings Have Laptop, Will Write (and Draw). Rates Non-negotiable (Your Friendship).


An incredibly sensitive instrument.
Roleplay Type(s)
  • Hello, my name is Sierra, and I am a sad little man who likes to write and draw. My preferred method involves me shamelessly hacking off bits and pieces from the media I like and letting it meld into the imaginative bits of my brain — mostly because coming up with new ideas is hard. I let this creative energy stew in my soul, and I will it through my hands to create things that are typically painful on the eyes.

    Within the same vein, a favored pastime of mine is homonculizing said pieces of media into one big, ugly uber-setting that I like to cultivate and refine — like bastard children, basically. I have a lot of these settings, and like actual children, I tend to neglect them in favor of the ones that I like the most. However, due to my ADHD, this tends to ebb and flow, and it's based on whatever is piquing my interest at the moment. By the way, these settings are what I prefer to write and draw about — creating fanfiction feels like I'm defiling the original media, in a way. But that's just me. There's a whole bunch of media I enjoy (it's mostly videogames), and you might be able to convince me to create something within one.

    You might've figured this out by now, but you're currently reading through the "summary" tab of my plea. You can check out the other ones soon, I promise. But for now, here's a bulleted list of some stuff about me that I think you should know. Giant lists aren't exactly an interest of mine either, but I just want to be as clear as I can about myself. Please read through it with care.

    • This should go without saying, but if you're transphobic, homophobic, or otherwise hold onto wack-ass reactionary political views, then don't bother reading any further.

    • I'm a cishet guy and nineteen years old. I'm cool with everyone, but I'd much prefer to chat with other adults. I might be willing to make the occasional exception, though.

    • I live somewhere in the desert within the Pacific Time Zone. I'm busy with stuff these days, but I'll always have a few hours on hand to chat or burn time. There will be times where I won't be able to reply, but I promise you it will never be for malefic reasons. I try my best to keep up — you'll never have to wait more than a day or a few for a response from me — but if circumstances ever change, I'll be sure to let you know. Also, I generally reply faster on Discord.

    • I'm comfortable with writing in a wide array of settings and genres; even if I haven't directly mentioned something, I'm sure we can talk it out.

    • I'm okay with writing furry or otherwise nonhuman characters — and I enjoy it, too — but I get antsy when there aren't any humans hanging around here or there. My favorite settings actually include a mix of the two; I enjoy the healthy variety, but I need my anchor — it's like ordering chicken nuggets on the side. Very good chicken nuggets, if I may add.

    • I like grounded, believable settings — and analyzing their every minute, extensive detail. This treatment extends to the characters, too; it's merely a coincidence that my favorite types of character are those who're sad and profoundly fucked up in their own unique way. But to reiterate: I like detail, and I try my best to show it in my writing. I can talk or listen about stuff that intrigues me for the whole day if need be. Also, if you have any triggers, please let me know.

    • When it comes to character relationships, while I'm not a huge fan of romance, I'm open to experimenting with it in any orientation. However, I must warn you that I'm fairly inexperienced in any of those fields — even, uh... my own. I don't really see myself making really lovey-dovey dialogue and whatnot; I prefer for the relationships I write to be a little more... complex (messed up). Anyways, I have no clue what I'm saying; maybe we can discuss it a little more in detail? That being said, I very much do like strong platonic relationships and found family.

    • I know I haven't really demonstrated it well (or at all, actually), but I'm the occasional digital artist, and I enjoy it, too. Unfortunately, with me being afflicted by bad-brain, it usually takes me far too long to finish up something that I deem worth sharing — but, again, I enjoy it nonetheless. I haven't quite reached the confidence level to show what I've been working on within this post, but you might be able to coax it out of me if you ask nicely. I'd love to see your own art, too!

    • I'm looking for friends first, creative partners second, and roleplay partners last. If our chats feel like making awkward small talk with a co-worker, then we aren't going to work well together. Talk to me — tell me what's on your mind. Let's share our creative works together and babble endlessly about our interests. We don't even need to work on something together if we click well enough — but I think collaborating with another person's art adds a certain magic that I love. I think that sounds fun.

    • Don't ghost me. Period. I know it's selfish, but I'm just so sick of it when it happens. Please treat me like a fellow human being, and let's talk it out together before you disappear — or, at the very least, send me a quick message to alert me of your departure. Rest assured, I will always extend the same courtesy to you. I'm sorry for the change in tone, but I need to put my foot down for this one.

    This seems like the gist of it, really. Well... unless I happen to be forgetting something important — but I'm sure we'll figure that out down the line. If I don't seem like the kind of person you'd mesh well with, then that's totally okay; it's safe to click off now.

    If you do feel like we'd work well together, then I implore you to check out the other tabs so you can learn a little more about the interests I have. After that, if you're still interested in what I have to offer, then feel free to send me a message on-site, but I also have my Discord handle somewhere in my profile if that's what you prefer. I like this method, too. And also, please don't reply to this thread! Send me a message on-site or reach me through Discord!

    Oh, and... one last thing: Please don't be afraid to reach out to me if you're nervous about it. I struggle with social anxiety; bringing myself to click on 'Post thread' needed some courage, as silly as it sounds. But I don't regret it — at least, I don't think I do. But I guess we never find out if we don't try, right?
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this is the first time I've ever seen anyone mention Wasteland on this app, I'm SO down. (and disco elysium 🤩 I haven't come close to finishing yet but it's so GOOD)

Hrm... I should probably add an art gallery tab or something. Let people see what I mean by "occasional digital artist". Maybe it'll make me look cooler.

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