• When posting, please be aware that artistic nudity is still nudity and not allowed under RpNation rules. Please edit your pictures accordingly!

    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Resource 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢 ♡ (freebies)

afterglow ♡

uxie ®




click the
for the code.
remove the credit.
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if you use!

just a heads up that the specific media chosen for this music player is 1 hour long. don't forget to pause it!

a relatively simple little code. i've seen a lot of people preferring less structured scrolls for their cses, and i thought i'd throw out another code option for it for any who might like a little design for it (o^ ^o) no one really asked for it, but. maybe people will like it?! („ಡωಡ„)

there's hidden scrolls on the details section + the main text! although i tagged it as a cs, i'm pretty sure it could be used easily as an ic as well. of course, it's a colourful code, because i had standing next to you playing on repeat while making it. the funk of the song is just SO GOOD....... so call this something vaguely disco inspired? (ง ื▿ ื)ว i did my best.

and just a gentle reminder to please take extra care to keep the credit in when using my codes, or any other freebies made by others. i don't see it often but i did notice one recently — i love coding and sharing my work with others, but it's a bit disconcerting to see someone make use of my stuff so carelessly, regardless of intention. i won't go out of my way to reach out to or call out anyone, but please, if you use my codes, do try to keep an eye out for it, especially since my signature is always at the very bottom of my codes. it's important to me, and i would appreciate it very, very much! (*^^*)♡

otherwise, happy 2024!!! i hope all of you had a nice time celebrating with friends, family, or yourself. here's to a good year, and hopefully i print out some new designs, or something. (´-ω-`) i actually completed this one in 2023, so this isn't even the first code of 2024. teehee

as always, enjoy ♡( ◡‿◡ )

now playing



name name


name name






blah blah

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut convallis sem odio, eget blandit felis euismod mollis. Mauris id ante tellus. Aliquam ultricies est metus, a sodales nunc condimentum at. Integer non nisl ac augue commodo consequat in pellentesque nunc. Morbi a libero ante. Suspendisse porta urna id leo venenatis hendrerit. Nulla tristique diam at euismod ullamcorper. Praesent suscipit euismod nisi, ac pulvinar massa dignissim a. Suspendisse id lectus enim. Nulla consectetur venenatis eros vitae eleifend. Curabitur ac interdum est, et maximus tortor. Sed volutpat quam nec dolor porta egestas. Phasellus sit amet efficitur augue. Phasellus interdum auctor pretium. Aenean a tempus ante. Pellentesque suscipit lectus egestas neque finibus vestibulum.

Integer fermentum purus tristique nisi mollis, sit amet imperdiet tortor pretium. Quisque ligula lectus, imperdiet at mauris ut, placerat vehicula dui. Ut consequat turpis nec semper elementum. Donec iaculis magna ante, sit amet varius nisi placerat at. Vestibulum quis dolor quis felis blandit faucibus. Maecenas sed facilisis nunc, vel egestas magna. Suspendisse condimentum ullamcorper libero, ut semper lectus vehicula at. In fringilla, metus et bibendum eleifend, nulla mauris euismod nulla, a vehicula ligula lorem sit amet turpis. Ut eu auctor enim. Sed eu malesuada mauris.

standing next to you


♡coded by uxie♡

Last edited:
amazing beautiful gorgeous talented ate everyone up once again ate down slayed the house down boots
stop the feeling ♡

stop the feeling

misc set

remove the credit.
please leave a
if you use!

hi! i'm back with a placeholder nobody asked for LMAO

i mean.... what can i say. chappell roan has a grip on me and is holding me at gunpoint ┌(;・ω・)┘ this one was inspired by a few sticker pack mock-up designs i saw on pinterest, which i would link if i could FIND THEM AGAIN (..)

it's actually JUST a placeholder (who even looks for new placeholder codes these days? whatever), but i'm posting this as a set because i'm including a little scroll snippet for all of you who prefer using the very simple placeholder + scroll format, and i noticed the one going around with a different placeholder of mine isn't usually mobile-friendly! so, uh, try this one instead (>ω^)

i've also included a version of my code here with the placeholder and the scroll combined! i actually tried out a bit of alteras'
text template
with this, but i feel like it's easy enough to fill out as is (ᓀ ᓀ) i might give it another try if i find it in me to decipher the documentation again... truly not a girl in stem, unfortunately!

either way, hope this is something cute! if you like it, use it! sorry for disappearing for months on end, maybe i'll end up posting a ton of things that have been lying in the vault some time from now...... we'll see! ╮(︶▽︶)╭

hope you like! (*^^*)♡

now playing

uxie ®

Good Luck, Babe!

I Told You So

]I Told You So

you can kiss a hundred boys in bars
shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling

#chappell roan

hi everyone! want to reiterate some of the points in my first post to avoid removing the credit and to please ask for permission before using any non-freebies, including codes I've used personally in roleplays that aren't posted in my shop as well as any codes posted here that were made for the shop's layouts (anything with uxie ®)

i know all bbcodes are creative commons, but i would very much appreciate being afforded this grace and respect ♡ thank you to those who have respected my terms of use and for enjoying my stuff (*˘︶˘*)
sorry to scam you all with another non-code post, but here to beg everyone here looking for freebies to also read my other thread crash course if you don't know coding on this site/have much experience using freebies ٩( ᐛ )و

please! please please please! i'm so tired of seeing the links in my freebies break ( ´Д`) PLEASE...... thank you!

have a nice day (≧∀≦)

uxie ®




click the
for the code.
remove the credit.
please leave a
if you use!

no tabs?????? crazy!

this is a code i made for a character i'm rebooting in a friend's rp that's also a reboot. very bright and sunny ( ´ ω ` )

it isn't all too fancy, but i really like how it turned out! i just wanted to experiment with getting a mobile-friendly sideways scroll (use ur arrow keys), and though tabs were an option i thought it'd be cute if i just made the contents one big scroll. o(≧▽≦)o you should be able to customise the sections easily by mixing and matching some of the different types of content (you'll know when you see it) -- whether it's deleting an entire section or adding a new one. just make sure you're changing the numbers and not missing out any borders!

now, it should be mobile-friendly, but i've noticed some clipping across the previews on certain devices. not sure i can do anything about that bc exact values are finicky (for whatever reason) but all content is visible! i can at least assure that ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶ otherwise, if you find any issues please let me know!

all images used are of hoang yen chibi!

hope you like! (´ ε ` )♡

also if you've read to this point ur seeing a deleted vaguepost bc i have decided to Stop Hating. i wish
all those who react to my codes even if they don't use
a very pleasant evening.

now playing



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a.


role role role


full name












song name








hair c.


eye c.






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tempor purus a lacus iaculis accumsan. Integer justo justo, ultrices interdum feugiat et, pharetra vitae felis. Ut at arcu quis ante vehicula imperdiet. Etiam aliquam dui id commodo faucibus. Ut semper, ipsum et rhoncus mollis, sem sapien consequat turpis, vitae mollis erat eros quis diam. Curabitur feugiat, ligula id feugiat pulvinar, augue nunc blandit nisl, sit amet aliquam lectus turpis non nunc. Suspendisse elementum nisi eget varius aliquet. Quisque non nibh fermentum, efficitur arcu quis, feugiat turpis. Morbi cursus non lacus sed tempus.









this scrolls if you add enough content.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed. Praesent sed eros pulvinar, fringilla dui a, vestibulum nisi. Cras blandit enim laoreet orci porta ultrices. Cras purus erat, commodo a rhoncus ac, dapibus quis mauris.

Ut rhoncus libero eu fermentum bibendum. Nullam ac ipsum augue. Donec commodo dui efficitur iaculis venenatis. Mauris a neque pellentesque, faucibus urna vel, dapibus nulla. Sed tincidunt dui sed dictum vestibulum. Ut venenatis urna in elit hendrerit, eu molestie massa efficitur. Nullam sit amet sem ut ligula gravida ultricies. Etiam gravida quis diam at elementum. In dignissim eros ut sapien fringilla, vel lobortis nibh auctor. Sed ut nibh bibendum, tincidunt ex in, mattis odio. Donec egestas facilisis dapibus. Proin varius ornare sapien, at auctor sem lacinia non.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.







♡coded by uxie♡

This is adorable! I might use it for one of my roleplay CS since i need something super simple. However, is it possible to just make it not scroll to the side? I was wanting to use just the front page. I am on PC if that matters
Last edited:
This is adorable! I might use it for one of my roleplay CS since i need something super simple. However, is it possible to just make it not scroll to the side? I was wanting to use just the front page. I am on PC if that matters

replacing overflow-x:scoll in line 71 on the pastebin code is the simplest way to prevent it from scrolling. it will be readable on mobile, still, but will look a little funny unfortunately. i'd advise trying other simple cs codes instead, if you're looking for something condensed
replacing overflow-x:scoll in line 71 on the pastebin code is the simplest way to prevent it from scrolling. it will be readable on mobile, still, but will look a little funny unfortunately. i'd advise trying other simple cs codes instead, if you're looking for something condensed
Oh, thank you. Do you have any recommendations?
no attachment ♡ New

no attachment

character set

remove the credit.
please leave a
if you use!

i return again..... with a character set!

this one's a character sheet, in-character and placeholder code, all with a matching square/geomtric vibe inspired by
! lots of social media inspiration here, because i've missed making mock social media pages..... this song was made to the tune of casual by chappell roan, though it wasn't really influencing the design so much as the fake little character featured. chill girl, the icon you are! (¯▿¯)

there's a different social media layout for each tab in the character sheet code, which makes it a pretty hefty code, but do note that none of the social media layouts are visible on mobile, so avoid putting any crucial information there ( ◡‿◡ *) did something a little different with the requisite for this,, sorry if it's difficult to work with, you could probably just add in normal basics tags under the visage section instead and rename the section header. otherwise, i hope i've made a big code relatively easy to use, still. (´• ω •`)

the in-character and placeholder codes are pretty basic! just tabs and a music player on the in-character code too. the placeholder code is inspired by widget layouts on iphone? but i'm not sure if it really came thru. doesn't matter, i think it's cute. hopefully u think so too! (>ᴗ•)

anyways, it's been a hot minute since i've posted anything (ᵔ⩊ᵔ) i hope u all enjoyed the break from me. unfortunately, the break will probably continue indefinitely. i've been coding lots still, but nothing i feel particularly inclined to share. lots of unfinished sets and whatnot..... hopefully i get around to finishing them sometime soon, but perhaps not!

in the mean time, i'd love if you read up on
crash course
during the downtime, if you haven't! i might put some more tutorials up there too if there's anyone who'd like to get a better grasp on coding.

thanks for reading! have a great halloween! it's spooky season!!!!

and...... enjoy! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡

now playing

uxie ®

  • basics


    guys i think she might like me


    do u think she likes me


    chill girl

    girl with small dreams and big crushes. goes by
    pronouns, and is most known for being
    super chill
    . never overreacts, never freaks out, and most definitely not
    losing her mind
    over her not-girlfriend, haha.



    different, maybe, except not really at all.


    something she'd do her best to get out of. wouldn't want to be a bother haha


    these are for whatever other tags you want to put in. this box scrolls, by the way.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut fringilla nisi, consequat dapibus felis. Aliquam aliquet purus ut orci fermentum, sit amet finibus ligula suscipit. Donec bibendum nulla ut leo venenatis sagittis. Donec augue mi, rhoncus non mauris quis, pharetra vestibulum mi. Maecenas imperdiet neque lorem, vel commodo sem auctor a. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam sit amet felis convallis, bibendum lacus egestas, finibus nisi.


the chill girl



the chill girl

nvm she was kidding she's still straight





♡coded by uxie♡

Last edited:

no attachment

character set

remove the credit.
please leave a
if you use!

i return again..... with a character set!

this one's a character sheet, in-character and placeholder code, all with a matching square/geomtric vibe inspired by
! lots of social media inspiration here, because i've missed making mock social media pages..... this song was made to the tune of casual by chappell roan, though it wasn't really influencing the design so much as the fake little character featured. chill girl, the icon you are! (¯▿¯)

there's a different social media layout for each tab in the character sheet code, which makes it a pretty hefty code, but do note that none of the social media layouts are visible on mobile, so avoid putting any crucial information there ( ◡‿◡ *) did something a little different with the requisite for this,, sorry if it's difficult to work with, you could probably just add in normal basics tags under the visage section instead and rename the section header. otherwise, i hope i've made a big code relatively easy to use, still. (´• ω •`)

the in-character and placeholder codes are pretty basic! just tabs and a music player on the in-character code too. the placeholder code is inspired by widget layouts on iphone? but i'm not sure if it really came thru. doesn't matter, i think it's cute. hopefully u think so too! (>ᴗ•)

anyways, it's been a hot minute since i've posted anything (ᵔ⩊ᵔ) i hope u all enjoyed the break from me. unfortunately, the break will probably continue indefinitely. i've been coding lots still, but nothing i feel particularly inclined to share. lots of unfinished sets and whatnot..... hopefully i get around to finishing them sometime soon, but perhaps not!

in the mean time, i'd love if you read up on
crash course
during the downtime, if you haven't! i might put some more tutorials up there too if there's anyone who'd like to get a better grasp on coding.

thanks for reading! have a great halloween! it's spooky season!!!!

and...... enjoy! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡

now playing

uxie ®

  • basics


    guys i think she might like me


    do u think she likes me


    chill girl

    girl with small dreams and big crushes. goes by
    pronouns, and is most known for being
    super chill
    . never overreacts, never freaks out, and most definitely not
    losing her mind
    over her not-girlfriend, haha.



    different, maybe, except not really at all.


    something she'd do her best to get out of. wouldn't want to be a bother haha


    these are for whatever other tags you want to put in. this box scrolls, by the way.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut fringilla nisi, consequat dapibus felis. Aliquam aliquet purus ut orci fermentum, sit amet finibus ligula suscipit. Donec bibendum nulla ut leo venenatis sagittis. Donec augue mi, rhoncus non mauris quis, pharetra vestibulum mi. Maecenas imperdiet neque lorem, vel commodo sem auctor a. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam sit amet felis convallis, bibendum lacus egestas, finibus nisi.


the chill girl



the chill girl

nvm she was kidding she's still straight





♡coded by uxie♡

Wauuuuu!! ^^

uxie ®

int. check


click the
for the code.
remove the credit.
please leave a
if you use!

hello again! \(٥⁀▽⁀ )/oohyo was giving me an itch in my brain that i had to scratch, so i did this up! and took the opportunity to brush up on figma as well ♡

it's simple to look at (i hope!), featuring only a single scroll on the bottom section. i didn't feel like doing tabs! ヾ(´ ▽ ` ) it's just one loong scroll; the only functionality i'll point out is that there's a little links section at the bottom right of the top image, and there's a music player on the first lobby section (click the little music icon!)

while i've tagged this as an interest check code and it's formatted in this preview as a group interest check, i've tried to leave it versatile enough that you could do anything you want with it-- the subheaders and dividers found in section 2 and the list numbers in section 3 can all be copied over to make your own formats if you follow instructions. it's a little similar to
new crazy
in that sense! (๑˘︶˘๑) you can use it for a 1x1 interest check, lore, or just about anything, honestly! just be careful with copying and pasting of elements, don't miss out any divs! (/▿\ )

this was made to the tune of oohyo's butter chicken, with images used from maison ikkoku and the ocean waves ( ´ ▽ ` )

enjoy (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡

now playing

you are my salv-ation.


butter chicken

i wandered and wandered. i can't understand what people are saying. it submerged and sank; it was dangerous, and i almost fell. it's just the same... you're my salvation, my only one. oh, even if i go round and round, this world won't change, and you are obvious.

butter chicken

plot overview


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue sollicitudin iaculis. Curabitur quis ligula sit amet nisl mattis accumsan non nec mauris. Nulla et lectus lorem. Aenean molestie tortor turpis, nec maximus nisl placerat sit amet. Aliquam magna ligula, porttitor ut tellus porta, auctor malesuada enim. Pellentesque ultricies erat non lorem sodales, dictum interdum erat bibendum. Aliquam vehicula sapien feugiat, varius libero eu, luctus dui. Vestibulum et sapien neque. Mauris tristique massa purus. Donec at ante hendrerit, semper ligula in, porttitor elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In id pretium augue. Donec aliquet, justo ut tincidunt varius, purus felis tincidunt orci, eu suscipit est velit at quam. Duis egestas justo quis mauris ultricies posuere.

Fusce nec mollis mi. Nam fringilla nunc sit amet pulvinar semper. Nam non scelerisque velit. Aenean rhoncus viverra ligula eu tristique. Morbi vitae congue lorem, eget luctus lorem. Ut ornare interdum felis malesuada efficitur. Duis non lacus suscipit, volutpat justo ac, feugiat turpis. Proin consequat vestibulum orci, eget egestas turpis rhoncus non. Sed sed lacinia ligula. Morbi turpis eros, malesuada in velit sed, malesuada scelerisque ex. Duis feugiat, eros sed pellentesque laoreet, mauris est cursus nisl, vitae imperdiet arcu eros sed ante.

Nunc mattis sapien lacus, ultricies eleifend lorem ultrices vel. Nullam tempor orci et aliquam sollicitudin. Nulla at consectetur sem. Sed quis eleifend lectus, sit amet tempus felis. Mauris ut purus libero. Nulla porta augue urna, eu consectetur eros aliquam ut. Nulla porttitor libero non est volutpat, eget vestibulum tellus feugiat.



my face...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue sollicitudin iaculis. Curabitur quis ligula sit amet nisl mattis accumsan non nec mauris. Nulla et lectus lorem. Aenean molestie tortor turpis, nec maximus nisl placerat sit amet. Aliquam magna ligula, porttitor ut tellus porta, auctor malesuada enim. Pellentesque ultricies erat non lorem sodales, dictum interdum erat bibendum. Aliquam vehicula sapien feugiat, varius libero eu, luctus dui.

my heart...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue sollicitudin iaculis. Curabitur quis ligula sit amet nisl mattis accumsan non nec mauris. Nulla et lectus lorem. Aenean molestie tortor turpis, nec maximus nisl placerat sit amet. Aliquam magna ligula, porttitor ut tellus porta, auctor malesuada enim. Pellentesque ultricies erat non lorem sodales, dictum interdum erat bibendum. Aliquam vehicula sapien feugiat, varius libero eu, luctus dui.

my dreams...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue sollicitudin iaculis. Curabitur quis ligula sit amet nisl mattis accumsan non nec mauris. Nulla et lectus lorem. Aenean molestie tortor turpis, nec maximus nisl placerat sit amet. Aliquam magna ligula, porttitor ut tellus porta, auctor malesuada enim. Pellentesque ultricies erat non lorem sodales, dictum interdum erat bibendum. Aliquam vehicula sapien feugiat, varius libero eu, luctus dui.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris rhoncus, sem non ultricies iaculis, ipsum dui volutpat lorem, eget laoreet nisl nisl in justo. Mauris et elementum mi, at pretium mauris. Fusce consequat ex id nunc viverra tristique.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris rhoncus, sem non ultricies iaculis, ipsum dui volutpat lorem, eget laoreet nisl nisl in justo. Mauris et elementum mi, at pretium mauris.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris rhoncus, sem non ultricies iaculis, ipsum dui volutpat lorem.

♡coded by uxie♡

using this <3 tysm!!!! it looks amazing!!!
(also hopefully this didn't notify u a million times lmao, I kept quoting the wrong post hghghghfhhf anyway I got it now lol)

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