.Haunted.Literate RP.


One Thousand Club


The Garner family can't believe their luck. The house seems made for them and their dog couldn't ask for a better yard to play in. It has mom's high ceilings, big kitchen and wide wood staircase, enough bedrooms so the kids don't have to share, plenty of wall-space for Ronnie's photos and a great location so that the girls' schedules can be met with time to spare. The house was built for them, what with its charm and age. Being built in 1800's, the house has had things added to it and taken away. But much of its past remains.

Everything was perfect.

Rattle, bang, bang. Rattle, bang, bang.

These sounds litter the air every night. Maybe it's the dog? He has been acting odd ever since we moved here, but could this be in his nature? Maybe it's Ronnie, getting a snack again. But... where is the rattling coming from? Is Mom doing the laundry? ... At 3 in the morning...

Ronnie is insisting it's all "house sounds" and that they'll go away soon. Every old house comes with them. Alexandra would be content with this if they weren't getting louder. Stupid Ron is too heavy a sleeper.

Since the Garners moved into their new home, odd things have been taking place. Things go "bump" in the night, drawers go in and out with aggression and not a hand placed on them. Even the dog, Butterball, a young yellow Labrador, is acting strange. He'd rather stand outside in the bitter cold then come inside and face... The unknown.


(Must read all rules)

~ No god modding

~ No perfect characters

~ No hurting your character or another's without my permission

~ Good spelling and grammar is appreciated

~ This is a literate role play. All posts must by at the very least two detailed paragraphs, but I do understand the occasional writer's block

~ WalkingDisaster is my mini-mod, listen to her as you would me

~ There are only one more slot open for the children, and a spot for the mother is open, and many slots for friends

~Only one character per person unless you are a friend or boyfriends/girlfriend to someone in the family then there are slots always open

~ Keep language PG13

~ Romance is fine, but will not be a main plot and try to keep it PG

~ No text talk will be tolerated

~ The characters in the opening above belong to me and Dizzy

~ The family pet, Butterball will be role played by me unless someone is interested

~ The haunting events in this role play will be issued by me and Dizzy to keep away from an confusion, unless you have gotten my permission

~ Please respect other role players

~ If you are accepted please post regularly

~ Characters ages range from 17-14, but Dizzy has reserved the oldest sibling at the age of 17 and Odd has reserved the second oldest at 16 and I have the 15 year old




Appearance(No anime, drawings or cartoons. Only photos and descriptions.):




Feelings about haunting:




(I am sorry, but there can be only one character per role player.But if you want more than one then you my have the mother or a friend. )
(No problem, and of course you can role play Butterball. There is one slot open for a sibling left to answer your first question. If you have any more questions or I didn't answer your question well then just let me now.

Also, everyone expect my forms very soon.)

(This is a work in progress)

Alexandra Garner

Age: 15

Appearance(No anime, drawings or cartoons. Only photos and descriptions):

Personality: Alexandra is a reserved, quiet girl with little interest in her surroundings. Keeping to herself, hiding away in daydreams, books and music. Shy and quiet, her only friend is Connor and her notebook. Her closed attitude and pessimistic surrounds her like a shield, not wanted anyone to get in. She feels better being alone, not having to deal with anyone in her business, in her secrets. The only person she will let in, even just a little is her friend Connor. Even she understands that she can't keep everything bottled in.

History: Alexandra grew up the quiet kid in the back. She was always known as 'Ronnie's little sister'. Her interests never directed in photography or ballet, she was always the shy one in her own word. Instead of imaginary friends she had books, instead of friends she had dream lands. She has always been interested in writing and has practiced by herself since she was eleven, even now she doesn't show anyone her notebook where she keeps her daydreams, her wonderlands, her poetry, and her most pained moments. She has never felt the need to complain, or asked for anything more. Not being a dancer or a photographer, writing her way of expressing herself and she refuses to let anyone take it from her.

Birthday: December 12th, 1997

Feelings about haunting: Alexandra is terrified. Though scared, she refuses to let this thing take the best of her. And using her smarts she tries to think of a logical explanation, but all together will do anything to make it stop.

Crush: None

Friend/boyfriend/girlfriend: Connor

Other: None

Name: Logan Howard

Age: 17

Appearance(No anime, drawings or cartoons. Only photos and descriptions.):

Personality: Logan's light presence and protective attitude makes him a great person to have around. Protective over his friends, especially Ariel, he will always be there no matter what. Sometimes, his protective instincts get the best of him, turning him from a relaxed teenage boy to a vicious guard dog. Having people around him be hurt before, he tries so hard sometimes to hard- to fix everything, to protect everyone, to have a perfect and happy life. There is nothing he wants more, and he tends to go overboard with his will to keep everyone safe.

History: Logan grew up in the city with his mother and father. Every night he heard them fighting, things being thrown, threats being made as he silently cried himself to a restless sleep. Finally, his mother filed for a divorce, demanding full custody of not only all their belongings, but her only child as well. Months, went by on him going from his grandmothers house to his friends, of him seeing his mother and trying to comfort her as she cried. He hated see her so torn, like a doll that had been played with to harshly for to long. As his mother, his father refused to let with ex-wife take his son, the son he had always wanted. After finding evidence of abuse towards his mother, his father was declined custody and sent to jail. His mother and him were finally together. But the relief was so brief, they found them selves in financial issues after his mother was laid off a few week later. Desperate for a job and real home, they traveled to Connecticut, finding a house that fit them perfectly and a nursing job that paid well. Logan never minded the distance between him and his father, only going to visit him once and it ending in a yelling match.

Birthday: March 21st, 1996

Feelings about haunting: Logan can only care about Ariel and how he can protect her from whatever is in the house.


Friend/boyfriend/girlfriend: Ariel Garner

Other: None


e |




; There was quite a lot of arguing and hesitation among the Garners when the time came to naming their first born daughter. Tessa was the name of her deceased grandmother on her father's side, while Ariel was simply a name that Mrs. Garner took a liking to at the time. Ariel's father was intent on naming his daughter in honor of the mother that he missed so dearly, but Mrs. Garner absolutely hated the name that she thought was bland and was firm on her beliefs. It was eventually decided that their second child's full name was going to be Ariel Tessa Garner, with lingering tension


between the parents.


16 ½





Feelings about haunting:



We should be starting soon, so anyone with unfinished forms please try and finish in the next two days, including myself.

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