Haunted [Inactive]

Lillian Gray

King in the North
Lillian Gray submitted a new role play:

Haunted - A private 1x1 with Lillian Gray and Raerae

Will update
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No one knew how long the broken house had been abandoned for. Walls of ivy covered the exterior walls, more or less holding up the broken bricks that made up the tall outside of the mansion. Windows remained cracked, shards of glass scattered about the inside of the house, turned to dust by the many brave souls who dared to enter. The inside remained a mystery yet.

The four friends knew that. It wasn't safe to enter the house, but many before them had done it. How bad could it be? This is what Olivia figured, it couldn't have been that bad, could it? She leaned her head on Jared's shoulder for a second, not wanting to admit how afraid she was of entering the haunted house. Her head dreamed big, but sometimes her body couldn't take the excitement or the scare. This is why she preferred books. It was less of a startle, and not so real.

Jeremy drove, no fear at all. He was grinning like a dork while he maneuvered the twisted back roads in his old Jeep. His trusted steed, with it's loyal engine and trusty half broken shell. That thing would last another century for sure.

"First one to find a ghost gets ten bucks, on me." He joked. Jeremy didn't believe in ghosts, not really. It was all talk and superstition.

"That's not funny!" Olivia perked up, jolting a bit in her seat.

The road was short ahead, and soon, the haunted tales of the mansion would soon be their own.
"Hey, everything'll be fine," Jared said with that reassuring smile of his, his eyes soft as he looked at Olivia.

He himself wasn't a skeptic nor a believer, he was just in it for the fun of things, anything to get out of the house. With the way his dad nagged him about life decisions, spending the night with an alleged poltregeist sounded like a vacation. Sure, it wasn't the safest trip for four, but without a little risk, nothing would be worth it, right?

The light crunching of a chip bag could be heard coming from the passenger seat, followed by a thud on the dashboard as a certain brunette stretched out her long legs, kicked up her feet, leaned back her chair and plopped another snack in her mouth. Rae herself had quieted down the closer they got to their destination, she wouldn't admit it, but she was getting apprehensive.

Her adventurous side urged her to stay excited and committed, but a small part of her was likely to just roll out onto the road and run back home right now. "...If you guys ditch me-"

"We won't Rae," Jared said with a roll of his eyes, but the idea was a little tempting. He grinned, which she could see in the spotted rear view mirror, "...At least not at first-"

"Dude, I'm serious, don't even think about it!"

He just laughed, his eyes falling back onto the window where the scenery rushed by in a blur.
"Alright, so, give her a half an hour?" Jeremy smirked into the mirror so Jared could see. Olivia whined in response and her body tensed up.

"Seriously! Don't leave us behind." She begged, eyes wide with fear. Olivia was starting to regret coming along. The only reason she said yes was because the other three were going. She wished she'd decided that being with the group wasn't as important as staying sane. "Rae, you won't leave me will you?"

The rest of the ride went smoothly, mainly with teasing from Jeremy and Olivia doing her best not to have a panic attack. Soon, the rusted gates of the mansion could be seen. Beyond the iron fence were dying plants which stretched their vines towards the entrance, as if they were trying to pull a new victim inside.

"Alright, welcome to hell." Jeremy said in an obnoxious voice, somewhat reminiscent of a lame haunted tour. He laughed with the same tone before shutting off the car. The lights flickered off, leaving the group in the peak of twilight.
Rae answered Olivia with a genuine "of course not" but remained quiet the rest of the ride there.

She lightly hit Jeremy after his remark, her nose scrunched as she observed the landscape from behind the windshield. Trees towered over their car, and in the distance, among rows of them, behind the gates, were the jagged outlines of the mansion.

Jared was the first to slip out, slamming the door beside him and emitting a long, low whistle as his eyes ran over the setting.

"Dang," he whispered, waving away a mosquito or two, before making his way over to Olivias door to open it for her. "Watch your step," he mumbled, and gently closed the door behind her.

Rae was the last to get out, letting out a deep, shaky breath. "Pop open the trunk will you?" She walked around the car to the back, reaching in and slinging her duffle bag over her shoulder. It was relatively light, with a sleeping bag, matches, flashlight, snacks, and a few other things that she packed; she'd seen too many horrific endings to paranormal documentaries to come without necessities!

She made a face at Jared who made one right back, ignoring his teasing stare which flickered to both girls.

"Ladies first," He laughed, though the way he stood just a little closer to Olivia made it obvious he was directing that at Rae.

"Oh, really charming," She sneered, and whilst passing Jeremy grabbed his sleeve and tugged him with her.
Jeremy grabbed his small bag from the car. While not as ambitious as Rae, he did bring some minor things with him. Water, a flashlight, and a few granola bars. The way he figured it, they couldn't be longer than a day at the most. It would be one night, in and out. He doubted they'd even witness anything beyond a creaky floorboard and a bat in the attic.

They walked to the front of the gate, and Jeremy gripped it tight. After some prying he managed to pull open one half with a loud crack, as if it had scraped along the hinges. It probably hadn't been opened in some time, judging from the creaks it made, and the grass beneath it. Long, dead, and absent of anything other than the fresh footprints from the group.

Olivia jumped at the noise, and took a step behind Jared. So long as there was someone in front of her, she didn't feel as scared. Or at least, so long as he was in front of her. As shy as it made her, she felt safe around him. Never would she admit it out loud.

"Maybe we shouldn't go." Olivia mumbled, scared in the back of the group. She gripped Jared's arm hard and tried to be brave, but a horror novel was much less frightening than the real thing in front of her.

"Oh come on, we just got here." Jeremy teased. He slipped through the front gate and held his hand out for Rae to follow.
Rae glanced at Jeremy's extended hand, hesitantly slipping hers into his, a mocking grin on her fair skinned face, "Need me to hold your hand sweetie? Just this once now."

Despite her smirk, she likely needed the hand more than anyone, and she was pretty sure he knew that. Her eyes lingered on him for a moment, before they trailed back towards the lawn before them, cast in an eerie, shadow filled twilight glow, with enough foliage to make it this dark even at sunrise.

Jared watched them walk forward and rolled his eyes, slipping one hand in his jeans pocket, and holding out the other for Olivia to take. "One night," he said with a smile, "Just one night. Tomorrow? I'll take you out for coffee. Alright? I promise. Just don't go wandering off and we'll be out of here first thing."
"Like I would go anywhere by myself." Olivia frowned. She gratefully accepted his hand and held it tightly, afraid he might wander off instead. "Just make sure Jeremy doesn't go jumping around any corners, okay?"

She followed, still slightly behind him, until she was beyond the gate. The wind seemed to be alive on the property, unlike just about everything else, whipping up dead tendrils and tossing them across the way. The house overlooked a large garden, which would have been gorgeous back when everything had blossomed. Small buds, pink roses, and plants from other countries which would've lined the property, either inside their small greenhouse, or outside in the open air. Olivia tried to think of those times, overlapping what she saw with what should've been.

"Oh, for you my lady." Jeremy chuckled and plucked a dying flower from the ground. He held it in the air for a moment before holding it in front of Rae. "I'll find you something real, I swear." He laughed then, and lowered his hand. The light flirtations were his way of showing he cared, more than he'd admit. He had to be careful not to push her too far. She didn't always respond well to his jokes.

"Why is this place so dead?" Olivia asked, to no one in particular. Someone was bound to answer. "It's like nothing here even has a chance."

"Well," Jeremy snapped out of his childish attitude and responded to the pair behind him. "I'm pretty sure that once the old owner's moved out, weeds just kind of overtook it. No one to take care of it, it makes sense it's all dead."

His answer was logical, but it wasn't quiet what the girl meant. She understood that neglect lead to an unkempt lawn, but it didn't explain that inside the grounds the grass was brown and black. While outside, just inches beyond the gate, the grass was green, thick, and even small flowers popped through. It was as if the grounds themselves were dead inside the walls.
"Such chivalry," She said teasingly, but she found his gestures cute. She'd never had a legitimate crush, she'd been raised to steer clear of romance due to her mom's failed marriages. But despite that defensive wall that'd been put up for her, Jeremy seemed to be an... exception. He got her blushing, at least.

Jeremy reassuringly squeezed Olivia's hand to remind her he was there, half amused by her fear, half worried she'd really freak out. A bit of a scare was fun, but if she started crying he'd get her home without hesitation.

They usually didn't take on anything like this, the closest they got to hauntings was the TV series, and just an hour of that was enough to give even him the chills. But they were free, bored, and broke- 'haunted' house was the best they could do.

He paused when Rae did just a few feet in front of him, her head suddenly peeking up and her eyes grew wide, like a deer caught in headlights. Her gaze ascended to a trembling tree, one that sat nearest to the mansion, its rotted branches hanging over the balcony.

Its dead leaves rustled deep inside, but just as she started to walk towards it to investigate an unusually large Raven blared and took off, sending the brunette right back to Jeremy with a gasp.

"Ha!" Jeremy laughed childishly, "We're not even inside yet, what the Hell did you think it was?"

"Shut it," she put a hand to her heart, which beat quickly, and hard. "Shut it Jared!"

"Just... open the door before a possum gives her a heart attack," he snickered, tugging Olivia alongside him towards the entrance, his grin wide and mocking.
Olivia moaned quietly at the sound of the raven. She felt foolish for getting so scared, and was embarrassed she'd reacted to the noise at all. The girl jumped, not able to control the immediate reaction, but they were soon moving on.

Jeremy was in the lead. He was fearless. Ghosts weren't real, he believed, and the only reason to be scared was if they were caught. While it counted as trespassing, so many teens did it, that the occasional police search wasn't uncommon. It wouldn't be anything serious if they were found, just awkward. Especially if nothing ended up happening.

"Jared, come help me." Jeremy called. They peeled boards off the front of the door. He suspected it was the police who'd boarded it up, no one else would've bothered. The wood fell away easily and revealed the ornate front door. Although withered and aged, the details surrounding the entrance were still visible. Little flowers, a few leaves, it was rather pretty when he stared, but, that wasn't the point.

Olivia released her breath as the door was opened, the first open glimpse into the house after their visit here. It was stunning to believe they were standing there, it was really happening. She took a hesitant step forward until Jeremy had pried the door open. He was the first in, only then did she feel comfortable following after. Floorboards creaked under her weight as they walked. It was all worth it, the mansion was frozen in time, rotted still, but a marvel.
"This place is crazy huge," Rae commented, enticed and creeped at the same time. When all four were far enough away from the door, unbeknownst to them it was slowly swinging, eventually shutting with a bit of force.

"Jeepers!" She added with a mocking tone, dropping her bag with a thud and noting the dust that swirled around it. Despite her comments, she stood fairly close to the others, not budging an inch. "It was obviously beautiful in its time, to think a place like this has been so neglected..."

"Well, it's seen a serial killer, homicides, fires, these damn mosquitoes, and God knows what else," Jared dropped his bag, and sat down on top of it, patting beside him for Olivia to sit, "Why the Hell would you keep it? This place has enough history to scare off anyone, alleged hauntings are just the icing on the cake."

"Thanks, know it all," She ran her manicured nails through her hair whilst she rolled her eyes, pulling it up into a high ponytail, "...No use standing around assuming it's crawling with stuff. Where to first Mon amour?" She looked to Jeremy, the one who usually took charge in their group. She never minded, he may be a jokester but she... respected him. A lot.

"What do you think so far, Olivia?" Jared asked quietly, noting her wide, curious eyes and that cute look of wonder.
Olivia was more interested in the architecture behind it all, it helped her ignore the fact that they were now sitting happily inside a haunted mansion. The age brought about a thick layer of dust which enveloped everything in it's white fog. Spiderwebs hung from any surface, giving the dust an added draped effect. It was, well, creepy.

"It's amazing in here." She said quietly. "Where was the fire though? We probably should stay away, it'll be really dangerous."

"I think it was in the basement, at least it started there." Jeremy shrugged, not entirely sure himself. "I just heard that it started there, the house was fixed and all later, but you're probably right."

The girl shifted closer to Jared and reached out to take his hand. She was scared, her heart was beating a mile a minute. Nothing would calm her save staying near the group. It was an astounding reassurance.

"And the murders?" She piped up. "Do you know anything about them?"

"Nah." He shook his head. "Sorry."
Jared laughed a little and kept her hand in his, "Hey, there's nothing to be worried about. One night. Remember? Besides... any wacko comes your way I'll show'm Jeremy's high school pictures and he'll take off." He snickered, effortlessly mocking his buddy.

As he said this He glanced at Jeremy, then, turned to look at the aged staircase just a ways before them. He watched it for a moment, noting the way it seemingly ascended into a thick, unnerving and silent darkness, and then let his eyes fall on the hallway behind his companion, which apparently did the same. He assumed it was only a matter of time before the whole house was pitch dark, and they'd be relying on little beams of light from their flashlights to see. If that wasn't suspense, he didn't know what was.

There'd likely be plenty of rooms to look through, lots of turns and doors, and a real good risk of getting lost, too. One part of him found it exciting, the logical side made him grip Olivias hand gently but a little tighter, as if she'd be lost the moment he let go.

"Stairs or back hallway?" Jared asked, his deep voice loud amidst the silence. He wouldn't call it eerie yet, he didn't feel those chills, tingles or inability to breathe. But little did he know, those would just be the warm ups.

On the other side of the room Rae took to shuffling through the books. She flicked on her flashlight and managed to find one intact enough to read, but it was just full of scribbles and tears, the few decently kept pages baring pictures from an older era, men in coats and little black hats and women with evening gowns and heels. She wondered if these had any relevance to the previous owners, but upon hearing jareds question she returned the book to its previous spot on the old, dusty cherry wood shelves and came back over to the three.
"Let's start on the first floor." Jeremy replied. "No use starting at the top, when we don't even know what's on the main level."

He held out his arms widely, a huge grin on his face as he gestured to the room around them. The floor gave beneath his feet, but he didn't mind. Every new step was a new path, a new room and a new way to spook his friends. Somewhere, he wanted to find a skeleton. The horrors he could put on his friends were limitless.

"I kind of want to go upstairs, I heard the tower is gorgeous at night." Olivia peered up to Jared in hopes he'd agree with her, or at least go with her. She had no interest in what was on the first floor, her method was different. If she started on the top, nothing could scare her on the way down. At least not from above.
Jared perked up at Olivia's words, unable to disagree with the lady beside him, a small smile growing on his shadowed face. He rose to his feet, his arm lightly yet securely wrapped around her waist. "Can't argue with a gorgeous view," He said, but his words had two meanings. He swiped his flashlight from his bag, and handed a spare to Olivia.

"Long as we stay in pairs we should be alright, this place is huge, I don't want us getting lost. I'm not scaling the place to find you two if you do," He smirked, though his words were merely meant to tease, if something happened to anyone here, he'd be the first on the scene.

He brought his eyes to the staircase, and discreetly patted his back, left pocket, feeling his mini-knife and the relief as he did. He knew better than to come into an abandoned estate empty handed, who knew what else was physically here!

He peered down at Olivia and playfully squeezed her a little, flicking on his flashlight and shining it on the rickety old steps. "Ready? Don't wander off alright?" His tone held a notable softness specifically when he spoke to her, one others could see but just shrugged off.
"I don't think I could." Olivia cowered behind him, her flashlight was on, always pointed in front of her feet. "Wait, you aren't going to leave me either are you?"

She jumped at the noise of her own feet creaking against the stairs, skipping up a few past Jared. Olivia held an awkward stance between two stairs, the hairs on her arms raised straight in the air.

"Aw, even I scared myself." She moaned and pressed her hand to her face, embarrassed.

Downstairs, Jeremy paced eagerly around the main entrance. He moved over to the bookshelf Rae had been at earlier, picking up a thick album full of black and white pictures. Most of them were grainy, the faces almost unrecognizable with the aging over the years.

"So, little miss Rae. Wanna go scare them?" He asked, a smirk on his face.
Jared chuckled and glanced down at the steps, he couldn't blame her, these things made awful noises, he wondered just how much weight till one fell through.

That thought was incredibly bad, considering Olivia was still on them, so without reason he quickly ushered her up, taking every step in front of her first to make sure they were stable enough.

The second floor was dark, with a still and musky atmosphere, and enough dust to kill a guy with allergies. Jared sniffed and sneezed once, twice, his actions loud amidst the silence.

He stepped forward and came to a long, two way hallway, one side heading left, one furniture cluttered side heading right. He felt a draft and noted broken glass windows, randomly placed, sized, and varying in damage.

"Guess this place has been vandalized, too, not surprised. Stay close okay?" He said, yet again, sincerely concerned as he stood in the in between, his muscles flexed and his ears alert to any sound other than their footsteps. "Left or right, angel?


She looked at him with big, innocent brown eyes, batting her long, black lashes, "Now, why on Earth do you think a girl like me would do something like that?"

She smiled a brief yet devilish smile, sitting down on the arm of a worn out, torn up sofa. "What'd you have in mind, you terrible influence you?"
"Angel, huh?" Glad to be covered in darkness, Olivia's face lit up with a heavy blush. She was used to his flirtations, but it still made her giddy. Then, after quick consideration, Olivia pointed towards the furniture ridden side. "Right. Maybe we'll find something cool."

Where there was furniture, there was bound to be something else. Compared to the emptiness among the other hallway. If she was right, maybe they'd find some old photos, or a book with letters that hadn't faded into the paper.

"Just, don't let go, okay?" She bit her lip and nervously looked up to Jared. In the small light, she could see his toned muscles. Olivia leaned close. A sense of safety calmed her nerves.


"Well, they're going up." Jeremy pointed up to the ceiling. He couldn't hear their footsteps any longer, so they must have been pretty far. "But what if they can't get down again? You know, block some doors, make some noises?"
"I won't, trust me," He gave her an empathetic look, before facing his right side, and leading them down an ever darkening hallway. The shining of the flashlight exposed many doors, some closed, some open, and some entrances where doors should have been. The walls were crumbling, wallpaper peeling and mold in the rims from what he could see. Nothing so far was inviting, and they'd yet to even see a 'ghost'.

He pointed his light at the different doors, all off shades of brown from what he could tell, some missing door knobs, and the one closest to him was actually locked which put him on edge.

"Stay away from that one," He mumbled, unable to hear anything on the other side. He led her a little further down, and shone some light on a room semi decent in looks, with shattered display cases and misplaced, neglected dolls.

"The Hell?" He poked his head in, observing the little bed off to the side, and a little black dot that scurried across the window. "What a trip," He mumbled, and stepped inside, the door creaking as he pushed it all the way open.


"Okay," She nodded. "Lead the way."
Olivia followed, unable to imagine what could be so disturbing inside the room. Every polished eye from each neglected doll watched them carefully it seemed. Like the eyes which moved on paintings, that's how it felt.

"I bet this was a child's room." Olivia observed. There were young children's shoes just near the window, it was an odd place for them to be. Daringly, she let go of Jared's hand and went towards them.

Neatly placed, like the child had only just gotten back. The shoes pointed towards the open window. Smashed in seemed a better word though, the glass also littered the floor around the shoes.

"It's so weird. People used to live here. I can't even imagine." She placed her hands on the window and looked out, the dead garden looked back. A wonderful view, if only it were alive.
"Hey, hey, there's glass all over the floor," He walked in, and pulled her back a little by her waist. He kept his hands there, light and idle, then looked around the room at every beady, black pair of eyes that watched them, some from tilting shelves and some peeking out of shattered cases.

"...Why would someone let their kids play with these," He breathed, his head turning towards the direction of a sudden, distant jingle; like a fading tune from a music box, except he had yet to see one.

He inspected the nightstands, worn and cracked, dusty surfaces with shadowed spots of what'd been sitting there previously. "You hear that?" He asked, "...Tell me I'm not the only one?"
Olivia rocked in his embrace until she heard the noise. The twinkle of a music box waved lightly through the hall and into their room. She was enchanted by the noise, more curious to find it. Music was a soft noise, nothing to be feared.

"I hear it." She let Jared know. "Should we go look for it?"

An old music box? She could imagine now how beautiful it must have been. It was a different time, when things like music boxes were appreciated and adored, instead of an old trinket from grandma. Dancers, tiny ballerinas often adorned the top, spinning in a slow loop until their tune died down. The more she thought about it, the more riled up she was.

This wasn't so frightening now, it was actually sort of exciting.


Jeremy found a door that had broken away from its hinges. He lifted it cautiously over his head, propping it carefully there. "Alright, the top of these stairs have a little hallway." The man whispered to Rae. "Let's put this there, see how long it takes them to figure it out for now. Just until we find something else."

Although he wasn't exactly the best romantic, he'd try to make Rae feel a little safer if she needed. For now, she seemed alright. It was all games now.
"I... uhhh..." He rubbed his neck, his other hand gently slipping into hers. His face bared reluctance but he eventually worked on masking it; this place wasn't haunted, therefore a little music was legit, and surely harmless. Finding it would just be a little adventure for Olivia. Yeah, that was it.

"Come on," He mustered a brief smile, and led her towards the doorway, lingering there while he tried to pin point the music, noting that towards the way they came, the music got quieter, but further down the hall, of course, it seemed to become easier to hear. He spent a moment or two, a bit caught between curiosity and instinct, before he gave in and cocked his head towards the gentle music. "This way, keep your light on and don't let go of my hand."


Rae nodded, and watched him place it, not quite strong enough to lift something like that.

"Right," She nodded, her eyes fixed on the hallway. She was caught in between "look away!" And "there's nothing there!" Resulting in her brown eyes being reluctantly fixed on the solid darkness their flashlights didn't penetrate.
"I won't." She childishly stuck out her tongue. The flashlight in her hand was her only light source. As they walked down the hall, the music got quieter until eventually she couldn't hear it any more. She waved the light around carefully, so as not to scare herself by illuminating something unpleasant.

It landed on a door, but there hadn't been a door there before. She shrunk behind Jared and pulled his sleeve hard.

"Jared..." She whispered. "What the hell is that?"


On the other side of the door, Jeremy did his best to keep his mouth shut. He nodded his head at Rae with a goofy grin on his face. Their door was in place, and so his job was done.

"Noises." He whispered as quietly as he could manage. With that, he tiptoed to a nearby room and looked for something to bang around.
Jared arched a brow, eyeing the door curiously and wondering just how in the world...

Jeremy pranking so early? I don't think so, he thought to himself, and ruled out Rae as her upper arm strength was relevant to that of a toddler. He stood there, feeling Olivia and hee fearful gestures, "Hey, hey, it's alright, I think we just missed it-"

He flinched at the sudden sound of a light scratching on the door, unbeknownst to him Rae was on the other side, and lucky for Jeremy she had one of those silent giggles. She dragged her nails along battered wall paper and the cracked wood of the door, pausing just long enough to hear Jared mumble, and Olivia moan.
Olivia flinched and buried her head in Jared's side as best she could. It was an awkward position, but it helped to drown out the noise coming from the door. "Jared." She murmured.


Jeremy came back from the room with a broken board in hand and saw Rae scratching at the door. He grinned and came up behind her carefully. She wasn't his intended target, that would have been Jared and Rae.

"Nice job." He mouthed. The man was careful to keep his giggling quiet. Next, beside Rae's scratching, he wound up the plank and smashed it against the first wall. On the other side, they could hear someone scrambling down the hallway. Probably Olivia, she was too easy to scare.

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