Hartha Nëa School for All Magical Creatures.

Wolfette157 said:
Age: 16
Race : Shifter

Name: Zaki

If shapeshifter give shift: Wolf

Why you are joining the school: She needed training(academic and supernatural) and wanted to find more people like herself.

Gender (if any): Female

Sexual orientation (if any, LGBTQA very welcomed): Straight

History: Zaki was quiet as a kid and usually kept to herself. One day when she was 10, she was walking through the city with her mom(her father left at an early age), her mother was mugged. She watched in horror across the street as she had just crossed to grab an icecream for her mother and herself. After the muggers beat her mom to death, Zaki shifted for the first time. People went screaming down the street as a little girl turned into a wolf and bounded across the street towards two men who were standing over a dead body of a women. No one thought to call the police or animal control. That little girl killed two people that day. That little girl was Zaki.

After her freak breakout, Zaki ran into a large patch of nearby woods and stayed in an abandoned cabin ever since.

Personality: Zaki is quiet and often shy. She hardly ever tells people about her past(for obvius reasons). If she does tell you, you're either extremely lucky, or the opposite. She often keeps to herself, as many humans have insulted her. All she wants is some true friends, but who can have true friends when you can't tell them everything.

Extra: n/a



Peaceswore said:

Picture: View attachment 109037

(Looks exactly like pic even clothes)

Age: 17

Race: Elf

Name: Ash Rift

Why you are joining the school: Parents forced him to go.

Gender (if any): Male

Sexual orientation: Whoever get's to him first ;) (Really obvious if you are not blunt...yeah he is reallllllllly oblivious)

History: He was the youngest of six children and was born into a rich family. Being the sixth child he was obviously ignored by everyone he did everything he could to get any sort of attention from his parents, but it never worked. They saw him to be a waste of time and honestly regretted having him. He only had one servant and in these cases you would assume this servant was loyal to the end to him, but not this *sshole. He was loyal to the money. He didn't give a damn about Ash, he would come in to see if he was alive and then leave.

Because of this Ash grew up to be a punching bag to his family. Not even the other young children pitied him but they did laugh. As soon as he was old enough his family shipped him to the academy glad to finally have him off their hands for a while.

Personality: Because of how he grew up he is pretty shy he flinches easy and really is afraid to fight back. Though he is very mischievous and loves to play around. He is surprisingly innocent because he lived a rather sheltered life at the same time he is pretty oblivious. He likes attention though he may freak out at first since he is not use to it. He is often bullied because of his personality and he can cry somewhat easily despite his age. Also even though he looks gloomy he is rather cheerful when you get to know him. Also he is known to skip classes, not because he gets bored (which he does) but because of stated reasons below.

Extra: Since he has been beaten rather severally on the head he has short term memory loss. Despite this he is actually very smart. He may leave in the middle of a conversation or forget a question he just asked, but he tries not to show people this since it just makes him more prone to bullies. He can often be found drawing or reading about magic.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.a2658c79066f16b18079a5271c4dbe0e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46423" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.a2658c79066f16b18079a5271c4dbe0e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He has pointy ears and tattoo like markings on his face like stripes. His top canine teeth tend to poke out from under his lip

Age: 17

Race :



Torar Freigh

If shapeshifter give shift:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.1f94261d127418a1695a6535dab7b841.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46424" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.1f94261d127418a1695a6535dab7b841.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Why you are joining the school:

Wants somewhere to go after being kicked out by his parents

Gender (if any):


Sexual orientation (if any, LGBTQA very welcomed):



His parents are wealthy respected people, and always tried to make Torar the same way.

Torar never liked them, and they were hardly ever there for him. He grew up to be rebellious and thrill seeking, often using his powers for getting into trouble and dangerous situations.

His parents, who were more interested in their status than their son, eventually kicked him out, with only the clothes on his back.

Torar was fine with it, happy if anything. He changed his name, and set off to live on his own. By chance, he stumbled across the school and applied, figuring he could at least get an education and some people like him to hang around.


He's very firey and hot headed. Will be the first to fight and the last to back down. Very stubborn yet laid back. He's not quick to make friends but when he does, he's incredibly protective of them.


Has a fondness for weapons and tends to wear lots of piercings and rings.

Siblings(if joining school):



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[QUOTE="Kori Zanos]View attachment 109060
He has pointy ears and tattoo like markings on his face like stripes. His top canine teeth tend to poke out from under his lip

Age: 17

Race :



Torar Freigh

If shapeshifter give shift:

View attachment 109061

Why you are joining the school:

Wants somewhere to go after being kicked out by his parents

Gender (if any):


Sexual orientation (if any, LGBTQA very welcomed):



His parents are wealthy respected people, and always tried to make Torar the same way.

Torar never liked them, and they were hardly ever there for him. He grew up to be rebellious and thrill seeking, often using his powers for getting into trouble and dangerous situations.

His parents, who were more interested in their status than their son, eventually kicked him out, with only the clothes on his back.

Torar was fine with it, happy if anything. He changed his name, and set off to live on his own. By chance, he stumbled across the school and applied, figuring he could at least get an education and some people like him to hang around.


He's very firey and hot headed. Will be the first to fight and the last to back down. Very stubborn yet laid back. He's not quick to make friends but when he does, he's incredibly protective of them.


Has a fondness for weapons and tends to wear lots of piercings and rings.

Siblings(if joining school):


Age: 16

Race : Elf

Name: Lexia Trifiro

Why you are joining the school: It's an escape from the hellhole she used to call home, and the stupidly annoying people who call themselves her family.

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation : Demisexual

History: Lexia is the third child of the Trifiro family. Her parents have always been quite strict, that being a practice of the family, but when it came to Lexia, they seemed to completely hate her. Not only did they hate her, they seemed to hate each other, and were always arguing over one thing or another. Her older siblings were no better, and she often found it best to shut herself into her room. The sound sounds of yelling drove her mad, and when she was stupid enough to be found close to an argument, she end up beat in some way. This process continued until sh discovered the academy and went through the enrollment process by herself. Her parents didn't seem to really care, and over all, that was probably the best choice she could have made.

Personality: Lexia is a stubborn girl, with a fiery spirit. She not afraid to fight for what she believes right, and to protect her friends. She tends to insult other, be it on purpose or accident, but is generally easy to get along with once one comes to understand her. She hates yelling, and will often either shy away or react with violence towards it. Classes are something she has trouble agreeing with, and can often either be caught sleeping, or completely skipping class altogether. She's loyal to her friends, and as stated earlier, will fight to protect them should it be needed. She also tends to swear.. Alot, which is something she picked up from her family.

Extra: Nothing at this time. Might add something later.
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InsaneEntry said:

Age: 16

Race : Elf

Name: Lexia Trifiro

Why you are joining the school: It's an escape from the hellhole she used to call home, and the stupidly annoying people who call themselves her family.

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation : Demisexual

History: Lexia is the third child of the Trifiro family. Her parents have always been quite strict, that being a practice of the family, but when it came to Lexia, they seemed to completely hate her. Not only did they hate her, they seemed to hate each other, and were always arguing over one thing or another. Her older siblings were no better, and she often found it best to shut herself into her room. The sound sounds of yelling drove her mad, and when she was stupid enough to be found close to an argument, she end up beat in some way. This process continued until sh discovered the academy and went through the enrollment process by herself. Her parents didn't seem to really care, and over all, that was probably the best choice she could have made.

Personality: Lexia is a stubborn girl, with a fiery spirit. She not afraid to fight for what she believes right, and to protect her friends. She tends to insult other, be it on purpose or accident, but is generally easy to get along with once one comes to understand her. She hates yelling, and will often either shy away or react with violence towards it. Classes are something she has trouble agreeing with, and can often either be caught sleeping, or completely skipping class altogether. She's loyal to her friends, and as stated earlier, will fight to protect them should it be needed.

Extra: Nothing at this time. Might add something later.


Wolfette157 said:
Thanks! Can you tell me who my dorm room mate is, please?
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/uploadfromtaptalk1427238340146.jpg.37afcdc4cb289c975a2a26e9080e5028.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/uploadfromtaptalk1427238340146.jpg.37afcdc4cb289c975a2a26e9080e5028.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 306 (18)

Race : Fae

Name: Janeva

Nickname: Eva

Why you are joining the school: She wants to help in the peace making between the races

Gender (if any): female

Sexual orientation (if any, LGBTQA very welcomed): pansexual

History: That's for her to know and you to find out

Personality: Optimistic though she doesn't smile a lot, playful, and ambitious.

Extra: If she has to, she has slightly pink skin.

Using Tapatalk



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Picture (if you can find if not description)

Age: 17

Race : Shapeshifter

Name: Hazel

If shapeshifter give shift: Snow leopard

Why you are joining the school: I wanted to go to meet my best friend who moved away a long time ago.

Gender (if any): girl

Sexual orientation (if any, LGBTQA very welcomed):


History: As a young child Hazel was bullied, but this one girl stood up for her. They instantly became best friends, but unfortunately she had to move away and Hazel never saw her again. Hazel's parents always payed attention to her brother so she was always alone. Since Hazel was alone all the time she stayed outside a lot. She got really attached to this one wolf puppy who had been abandoned. After the wolf grew up and went to live in the wild she found other animals that she could help. She helped so many animals and she became in love with all different types of animals too.

Personality: a cheerful person who usually always has a smile on her face, loves animals, quite clumsy, and loves to draw

Extra: long lost best friend, Violet<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.3c3ea3ad772c619ffa41aa8c3db8bbaa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46455" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.3c3ea3ad772c619ffa41aa8c3db8bbaa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.e973c09fe8b7fa160032832086181e7b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46459" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.e973c09fe8b7fa160032832086181e7b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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