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Fandom harry potter (with offbrandpetergriffin)

Cal's nerves started to overpower his sense of excitement. Too many what if questions and scenarios ran through his mind. What if he wasn't able to become a good wizard, or what if he failed his classes and whatnot. But he did find a calming sense of being by Ron, so being tables away really brought his anxiety up.

With Draco, he kept trying to look at Chrissy while she was at the Hufflepuff table. Thankfully the ceremony seemed to end quickly. So, after it was over he quickly moved to be by Chrissy's side again. He was a little surprised by the hug but didnt back out of it. Draco was a bit upset when she hugged Crabbe and Goyle, but didn't think he should burst out about it.

Draco tilted his head a bit when Chrissy came up to him again, but when he felt her soft lips on his cheek, his face turned a nearly dark red. "Y-yeah...no problem. Night Chrissy." He mumbled and watched her trot off, he couldn't wait to see her tomorrow.

Cal quickly looked for Ron after the Dinner was done so that he could tell him, Harry, and Hermione goodnight. "Ronny!" he called out and gently went through the crowd and met up with Ron, giving him a quick hug. "Night guys, see ya'll tomorrow!" He grinned, giving Ron one last hug before quickly returning to his group to head to the Hufflepuff dorms.
Chrissy the next morning giggled in excitement as she tried to find her 1st classes. She found Draco and the others powerwalking to history of magic and quickly followed "Morrning guys." She called out and almost trips on her robe giggling. "Woah easy there..whats the rush?" Crabbe said smiling. "Our 1st class.. i want to get seats next to you guys..." She saw Harry ron and Hermonie walk into the class as well.. oh no..she thought and knew it would be better to sit next to Draco. When in the classroom she followed them and quickly sat next to Draco with Crabbe and Goyle on the other side of him. But then the moment mr binns opened his mouth..chrissy knew deep down that this class was gonna be boring. She even took out her cutest binder her mother bought her for this class!

"Welcome class.Today were gonna talk about The Gargoyle Strike of 1911.It was a wildcat strike of gargoyles that occurred in 1911. A "wildcat strike" referred to a stopping of work by unionized workers without authorization from the union. As it mentioned 'the wildcats were winning', likely things were moving in favor of the gargoyles when something noteworthy happened..."

Ron and chrissy both struggled to stay awake Harry elbows Ron but he just couldnt stay awake and fell asleep Chrissy was trying her hardest tostay awake but fell asleep as well.
Draco had taken a quick notice when Chrissy started to fall asleep next to him, he was almost compelled to wake her up but then he saw how cute she was while sleeping, It subtly took off his robe and wrapped it around her, just going to give her the notes after class. Maybe for a price...

After putting his robe over her, he gently moved his hand up and moved a strain of hair out of her face. "I'll always protect you, no matter what." He thought to himself and looked back up to pay attention in class. If someone were to give him looks or ask about Chrissy sleeping, he would just give them the death stare. He then just made sure that Crabbe and Goyle blocked the view of Chrissy to the teacher so she wouldn't get in trouble.

Not too much a surprise Cal was actually paying close attention in class. He loved history so this class was just up his alley. That was until he looked next to him and noticed Ron was asleep on the desk. Soft, he tried to poke him and say his name, "Ron wake up...Ronnyy" though his attempts didn't work. He didn't know what else to do, so he came up with a stupid idea. He moved his stuff in front of Ron to block him from the teacher. Then, he laid his own head down and fell asleep. He did this so in case Ron would get in trouble for sleeping in class, Cal would get caught first so Ron would have a chance to wake up and not get in too much trouble. Let's just hope it won't take away too many points from his house.
"Ron Weasley and Cal Doren!" Binns called out making them wake up quickly and chrissy slowly opened her eyes and realized she was asleep but saw her friends protected her from view. "Normally i would take away 10 points each from each house however im in a good mood..If you give me a four page back to back paper on what we just learned..ill spare it to only 5 points lost..understood?" Ron nodded embarrassed and chrissy mentally sighed in relief that Draco and the others had her back.

When it was finally over and it was a semi free period chrissy wondered what class she could visit that would take her in.. Until she saw Crabbe and Goyle block her path. "Guys move i wanna explore-" "Ya but ya see we did you a favor.." "And just because youre cuddly with the boss, doesnt mean you get off free." Chrissy blushed red at that and huffs. "Okay okay what do you guys want?" She then saw ron embaressingly skitter off to the library and almost felt bad that they got caught and not her. She was sleeping too. "Ok can i see your notes since we have a free period?" They nod and hand her their notes and she just stared.. "Gentlemen..did you write this with a rock?" That offended the boys as she gently handed them their notes back and looked at Draco. "I know your handwriting is decently better..please tell me i can copy your notes.." She drifted off a little seeing draco's silver eyes and she giggled nervously . "I love this guy dont get me wrong but, i dont have the damn courage to spit it out.Some wampus i am.." she thought.

Ron was a little upset.."It was obvious lil miss princess of Slytherin in Hufflepuff clothing was sleeping in class why did cal had to take the bullet!" He grumbled and sat down in the library and saw hermonie there as well. "Great the know it all" he thought as his eyes wandered to Cal.. Ron wouldnt admit it but he had fallen madly in love for Cal. "Ok i know Cal is trans but i cant help but notice how well their body would be for bearing children. Specifically my children." He thought as he admired cal. He could picture it now, Cal holding a little red-haired toddler as an older red-haired sibling runs around, their tummy slightly poking out as their body worked hard to create another child from his seed. Ron knew at that moment cal was destined meant to carry his children. As many as their body would let them have. The only 1st problem was coming out of the closet.
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After class Draco met up with Chrissy, needing to be by her side always. But then he noticed Crabbe and Goyle in front of her and rolled his eyes. "Back off you dunderheads. But yes I do have the notes, but i'll need you to come with me so i can introduce you to a professor. And maybe you'll get on his good side if your decent at potions, which i know you are." Draco rambled on while handing her his notes. During class, he made sure to make them look nice and neat for Chrissy.

Cal had followed Rom to the library to help him with writing the paper. He felt bad for not hiding him well enough and getting in trouble so he stubbornly wanted to help. He was off getting a few books even though he knew enough about the topic that he could write it all out by rereading the books.

When Hermonie walked into the library she noticed Ron and walked up to him, clearly about to scold him about falling asleep in the very first class of the day. "Ronald, I cant believe that you got in trouble and Cal! Just know im not helping you with the paper." She sighed and looked at Cal walking over.

"Hey! So I got a couple of books that might help, but if you need i can just tell you alot of the stuff, not sure if you wanna hear me ramble." Cal chuckled nervously and sat the books down on the table. "oh hey Hermonie! Didn't notice you were there."
Chrissy nodded and followed them to the potions classroom that was in the dungeons. Almost tripping down the stairs along the way. It was colder here than up in the main castle, and would have been quite creepy enough without the pickled animals floating in glass jars all around the walls. It was large enough to allow at least twenty students to work. In one corner of the room stood a basin into which ice-cold water poured from a gargoyle's mouth, while in another was a student supply cupboard. There was also a blackboard on which the Potions Professor could write the class's instructions. Then Professor Snape was in view and saw them.

Snape was indeed curious of the Native American magic girl but never thought to see her on the 1st day. "You may enter.." He said coldly as he walked to his desk. He glanced up seeing the boys and the girl nervously follow and he sits down. "Christina Loren Conlin..My have you made a stir in the staff." "Im sorry?" She questioned while also trying to apologize. "Tell me.." He said while opening a complex book for 3rd years. "What is the correct order of ingredents for a Doxy bite?" Chrissy beamed at this question "Oh that depends on the age of the doxy and how many seconds it bit! But if its 30 seconds then someone needs to make it quickly but carefully using fire seeds which are are tricky cause mama said it is advised to make sure that the fires on the bushes that bear them are thoroughly extinguished before picking or else the greenhouse might burn down.." She giggled at her memory then continued " Oh and you also need 1 mature graphorn horn humanely obtained from possibly an over agressive graphorn, 2 billywig stings without getting stung yourself or else thats a while other probelm entirely, and chizpurfle carapaces but their tricky to split open unless you know the correct spell." For once in his life Severus smiled. Which creeped Crabbe and Goyle out cause this man..NEVER SMILES. "Ten points to hufflepuff.." Or gives points to other houses besides slytherin! "Since you kids came all this way to introduce me to this clever girl im guessing you also want a boost in your assignments..I will only do this once to see if you four can handle it.." Chrissy got more excited and bounced happily. "You all have till 2pm tomorrow to give me a cure for boils.. Ill give you what you need separately. Have it on my desk names and labeled properly color and all and you will get an Exceeds Expectations." Chrissy raised her hand "Sir what if one of us has a pet project spell potion combo they need a partner for?" This caught snapes attention. "Elaborate.." He said pulling out a book and quill.

Chrissy nodded nervously "Oh okay well 1st you need 2 items to start the binding.. i think it can be done with a journal..ill have to test it someday but, i think like with love it has to be built..So lets say rings..they would have to use the purset metal to represent their love heated carefully in a mold by pink fire and carefully taken out to cool. To quickly or too late and the rings crack. Next is the fun part the potion bathhh! with a bouquet of roses in various colors however the person has to be careful because rose colors can be many things..2 frozen ashwinder eggs..chocolate peppermint leaves..powdered moonstone..pearldust..brew for 15 minutes till you see swans in the smoke and the color is lavender. gently dip the rings or pour the potion onto the journals..and say amorbliss!...its still a work in progress cause i cant get the color right.."
"Most of these you can get in the storage..ill give you permission to get the roses from professor sprout.. Malfoy..youre working with her on this spell.." To snape this sounded like a horcrux but in reverse..this intrerested him to a peaked curiosity.

Ron sighed "Hermonie we have it under control thanks and i bet we can get a decent grade when we boys put our heads together." Hermonie just rolled her eyes as she read her book and the guys begin writing down their reports. He heard mixed whispers about Harry and the Wampus girl but mostly about harry and he sighs remembering what cal asked. "A wampus is a 6 legged mountain lion.. If what that girl said was true dont look in her eyes if shes one.. she can hypnotize you."
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Draco hung back a bit, although he still stood by Chrissy while she and Snape talked. He was glad that the two seemingly got along. He couldn't believe that Snape smiled and gave points to the Hufflepuff house. Draco gave a raised eyebrow to the both but didn't say a word for a while.

However, his attention peaked again as Chrissy started talking about a certain spell project requiring a partner. While she explained it, he noticed that it sounded like a Horcrux, but he would be lying if he didn't say that he wanted to be that partner for this project. "This would be a great way to make her mine..." Draco thought to himself with narrow eyes, until they popped wide open when he learn that he would actually be partnering with Chrissy. "Yes sir, of course." He grinned. After a bit, he led Chrissy out of the room and decided that the two of them should get started on the cure for boils, so they would have more time for the little project later...

Back at the library Calypso was writing his paper and helping Ron, "The Gargoyle Strike of 1911 is one of the most noted strikes within the wizarding community. It was a wildcat strike of gargoyles that occurred in 1911. These gargoyles were enchanted to hold almost pure sentience to allow them to attack intruders that dared try to enter without their permission..." he started, making sure to change some words on both of their papers so it didn't seem like they were copying another.

Halfway through he noticed movement over his own robe, then his ferret jumped out on the table. "shit!" Cal mumbled and grabbed his pet, he knew that he wasn't allowed to have pets with him through out the day, or even have a ferret in the school, but he couldn't help it. He loved his pet to much.
The boys got the ingredents from storage and chrissy gently got what she needed for her pet project and put it in her bag.. "Ok so this... and this...wait is this expired?" She was even checking the dates just to make sure it was okay. "Okay that everything. Lets make that cure!" she said excitedly..then realized they were in different dorms.. "Dont worry chrissy snapes gave us what we needed we just need to find a safe spot. How about in our-" "No you git." Said goyle "Shes a hufflepuff she will get docked points.." "Not if i was given permission..Snape did say me and Malfoy have to work on my silly pet project together.. And its only for one day.. what harm is a few hours of one huffle having guest rights to the slytherin dorms?" Crabbe and goyle realized chrissy was right.. In a way snape did give her permission to go to their dorm temporally.

They decided to test it. They guided her to their dorm entrance "Cover your ears so you dont hear our password." Crabbe said and chrissy nodded covering her ears as they said the password. they both stepped in and looked at their prefect nervously... they just raised an eyebrow looked at the note in some shock that snape 'invited' a huffle to their room but assured that it was only for a project and she would be leaving after. Chrissy nervously stepped in and made a happy bounce that she was inside and looked around in awe. The Slytherin common room was a long, low underground room with rough stone walls and ceiling, from which round, greenish lamps were hanging on chains. A fire was crackling under an elaborately carved mantelpiece ahead of them, there were even carved chairs! "Let her have this" Crabbe and goyle said to their prefect and the prefect nods and walks over to her. "Stay for whatever Professor snape asked you to do and politely get out..Never even bring up you were in here understand?We have a reputation to handle." Chrissy nodded and the prefect leaves for their classes. She can keep a secret jeez.

With that out of the way they begin their potions for cures for boils. Chrissy was so fast in hers that she was basicly done and color checking hers and putting it in a vials already and cleaning her cauldron for the pet project. "Okay..." She said starting to shake nervously. Crabbe and goyle sat down cause they were finished too but wanted to watch the show. "Okay..water is boiling but not to high..." She looked at her journals "I hope this works.." she mumbles as she 1st picked up the roses gently. "Red for love, romance, passion..white for peace, Innocence, purity, innocence. Pink for Affection, love, Admiration..." One by one color by color she was putting the roses in and saying their meanings. Red,White,Pink,lavender,green..and blushing red at that one.blue,rainbow,salmon,burgandy,red and white blended roses and lastly one black for mysteriousness. "There..12 roses...different colors and different meanings.. Now.." She blushed taking dracos hand and one by one they added the other ingredients together. "Slowly now..not too much.." she smiled bigger when she saw the lavender color and the swans in the smoke "H-hurry! say it with me now.." She pours some of the potion onto the journals and " 3...2..1..AMORBLISS!" A violet light came out of their wands and for a moment Crabbe and goyle got up thinking it backfired seeing both of them grunt in pain but saw two pink orbs float out of them into heart shapes and fuse into the book and the books dried themselves up like they were never wet. Chrissy fell to the ground panting and after a bit.. began giggling. "It worked...IT FREAKING WORKED! YOU NEEDED TWO PEOPLE TO MAKE IT WORK!" After her giggle fit it slowly clicked who her soulmate was now and she covered her face blushing not knowing the 'side effects' to her own actions.. "Fuck fuck fuccck...okay be calm...its only Draco freaking..hottie silver eyed Malfoy! Okay... you did the potions...j-just clean the cauldron..and get out.." Crabbe and goyle looked at her as she scrambled to clean up everything. and scramble to leave. They were about to congratulate her. Why is she scrambling to leave now?

The librarian saw it and walked over..she shhed them and looked at the ferret. "Keep that emotional support animal on a leash next time mr Doren..Also Madam pomfrey wishes to see you." Ron was concerned. Why would Madam pomfrey want to see his crush? Hes not sick is he? "I-ill go with you!" Ron said "I-im almost done with the paper anyway.. whatever pomfrey needs has to be important."
After the blinding light that shined out after yelling Amorbliss, Draco was standing there in complete shock. He couldn't believe that this worked, well he kind of could. He knew that Chrissy would be able to do nearly anything that she set her heart to. He had learned that while she lived with him before the school year started, which was just one thing he admired about her. However, there wasn't a thing he disliked about her. "it...worked...wow," he couldn't help but grin brightly at his...future wife's success.

The one thing that caught Draco off guard was that, he could hear what Chrissy was thinking?! "Chrissy..." he mumbled under his breath but saw how she didn't hear him as Chrissy was too busy scrambling around trying to get out. "You two dunderheads, get out now." He demanded of the two. "Wait what? why-" As Goyle was trying to protest he was cut off by the stern and clear voice of the silver-eyed Malfoy. "I'll pay you two, just get out." After that Crabbe and Goyle quietly shut up, backing out of the room and leaving Chrissy with Draco. "Chrissy, look at me please." Draco tried testing his theory of the two being able to talk to one another without talking. He stepped forwards towards her as Chrissy turned around to face him. "it worked..." He smiled, placing her slightly smaller hands into his. At this moment it seemed like this was the softest Draco has ever been to someone..."Christina...it worked, I think it no...I know it worked because our love is genuine...we are connected and we're meant to be I know it." He spoke softly and with heart basically in his eyes, he calmed her down from her frantic scrambling.

Cal was pretty confused when he learned that Madam Pomfrey wanted to see him, he didn't think get was sick, and hoped he wasn't. After packing his things up and agreeing to let Ron come, he walked down the halls to the hospital wing. "I wonder why she wants to see me, but thanks for coming Ronny you didn't have to," Cal gave Ron a soft and affectionate smile. Upon arriving he fiddled with the rings on his fingers and the bracelets on his wrist. "Hello? Madam Pomfrey, you wanted to see me?" "Oh yes, I did I just wanted to talk to you about a few things. I came across your file and noticed a few things about your family's medical health.."
Chrissy did calm down a little but slowly began to cry.. "I know..i just was so scared..Your family is all about high expectations..i heard they even own a wine company from mom..." she was shaking and looked into dracos eyes.. her chocolate browns looking like a watery mess. After a few sniffles and him wiping the tears from her eyes. "Y-youre right..I fell in love with you at 1st sight at your birthday party..You were the only guy nice to me and i wanted to tell you but i suck at words...im sucking now.." she giggled trying to lighten her tone. "So i bought you the scarf..thinking i can just tell you then...but i messed up and called it my present to you..you made me happy wearing it even though you called it lame." She glanced at her book and saw it was glowing..her confession of love to draco was making her half of the Amorbliss stronger. "Okay noted that confessing our mushy feelings makes the spell stronger..we are keeping this mushy stuff to ourselves though.." Chrissy said as she waiting for him to say his feelings. She was tempted to smother him in kisses and just let it all out but she wanted to hear it from him too..

Ron was confused and then worried when Madam pomfrey pulled out a needle and a vial. "Now your condition is concerning however this test is to confirm your have it or not..Now before we begin i would like your consent to continue this test." "Whats a blood curse?" Ron said and Madam pomfrey sighed "Its a toxic curse that affects females only..we in the mediwizzard community still dont know why..it just does and it only effects certain generations. To confirm or not Calypso has it..their father has asked for a blood test.."
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Draco continued to look at Chrissy with hearts in his eyes. Though he couldn't help but feel sorrow when he learned that she was scared about his family's expectations. "Chrissy...my family already adores you, like I do. You don't need to worry about that dear..." He reaches a hand over to gently cup one of her cheeks. "The scarf that you gave me, I really didn't think it was lame...i loved it because it was from you, knowing that it was a gift from you made my heart just skip and pound in my chest. You seem to always have that affect on me," Draco chuckled softly with Chrissy. He could swear that he was falling in love with her even more as the seconds passed. "Christina...I'm in love with you and if saying this makes the spell stronger than I would say it over and over again, because I am..." he paused for a few seconds, "I am so deeply in love with you my darling..."

Calypso felt a bit nervous and awkward as Madam Pomfrey explained a bit about his family's blood curse, it wasn't something he liked to talk about very often. He still couldn't help but feel a bit of fear, fear that the blood curse hadn't completely skipped him, but he was just paranoid, right? "Yeah that's basically what it is, but since I don't have it we don't have to worry! Thank you ma'am for doing the test, c'mon Ron..." Cal trailed off a bit as he started to walk to the door to leave the room.
Chrissy giggled as they got up to go to lunch taking their love diaries and walked to the dining hall cuddling. Even pansy and Blaise, who were dracos friends, were shocked to see a hufflepuff at THEIR table and when one person tried to shoo her away other members of dracos gang just shooed them away. Chrissy was happy to finally be open about their feelings and pop the cork. She pecks a kiss on dracos cheek before eating a sandwhich "So um youre dating Draco?" a slytherin boy asked and chrissy nodded happily "Yep I have been honestly been holding it in since we met on his birthday..I had to cork it though cause i didnt know how he felt until now.." Chrissy then saw her eagle owl Angel and his Eagle owl fly in and gently drop letters and care boxes. Chrissy smiled petting Angel as she read the note giving draco the boxes. Angel Flew away with Hunter..she knew one of these days they would brood and they would have to use other owls for the time being "Dear chrissy, How are you..Oh its from your dad... Me and Narcissa are fine..I have sent you and Draco homemade sweets and some items and sweets your mother has sent via floo powder. We know its your 1st day so dont be nervous. Also...If you need anything were just an owl away.We mean it. Signed Lucius and Narcissa." Shen then opened her box and made a small squee. "Beauty witch! Yess i knew mom would keep my subscription!" Now this got the slytherin girls curious as she reads the magazine and putting her snacks in her bag. "Lets see..latest gossip..fashions... Her voice trailed off to a cute outfit she really liked and her mind couldnt help but wander. "This dress is beautifull..I love the gradient from white to the dark blue..and the sparkless..and therees matching stockings and shoes!And the veil cape is so mysterious!..Ew i kinda dont like it in the goldish copper... Oh my merlin this black one is perfect!..did they...Ah yes they did make a males version of celestrial secrets...Ohh the black one is super cute and draco would look so handsome in it...annnd i just remembered he can hear me going girly...s-sorry.."

Ron saw the fear in Calypsos eyes and after they got a good distance he pulled him close and hugged him. "Dude...relax... im happy i learned this about you.. we can get through this together and like the nurse said...you dont have it so thats great news..How about we celebrate with lunch?" As they walked in they saw the scene of draco cuddling with chrissy.. "What is that girls deal anyway?" he whispered. Guiding his hufflepuff to the Gryiffindor table. "I mean seriously Doesnt she know that slytherins are bullies."
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Draco guided his own Hufflepuff to the Slytherin table, having an arm around her waist. He wanted to make sure anyone and everyone knew Chrissy was Draco's. Throughout the dinner, he made sure that his hand was somewhere secretive around her, glaring down at anyone that dared whisper about or look at Chrissy in the wrong way. When the owl from his parents came...he was rather pleased. From what he heard it sounded as if they had accepted her into the family, maybe it was a slight fantasy but he hoped it would be reality. However he was a bit shocked by the thoughts running through her mind, he noticed how much she seemed to adore those outfits and made a quick mental note about them. He would send a letter to his parents about the gift and have them make sure it would get here quickly... "there's no need to be sorry...anything you might desire and ill make sure it's yours."

Once Cal was in Ron's embrace he calmed down, reaching his arms up and gently hugging back, "Yeah...i guess so. Thank you, Ronny," he smiled softly, gently squeezing him before walking with the other to the lunch room. "Im sure not all of them are bullies, maybe some of them are actually really nice? Maybe ill try to be friends with some later," Cal rambled on a bit at the end. Eventually, they both sat down at the Gryffindor table with Harry and Hermione. "Hey, guys!" He grinned and the two others greeted Ron and Calypso.
Chrissy looked at draco...then at her magazine...then back at draco then she inched the magazine closer to him embaressed "Sooo i heard your mother talking about a family photo you do on christmas..and i..got jealous a little cause mom and brother arent 100% into things like this so i thought if i asked if i can be in the photo...just once..it would make me feel better of this petty jealousy..but youre family did so many things for me and now your father and mother just said if i want anything to let them know and..I really wanna look pretty for you..and we have time to buy it.. but its expensive as a set.." "Hey.." A blonde girl called out and chrissy looked over and saw her.. she looked really pretty but mean. "First off its an honor for a hufflepuff like yourself to be eating with us..I would like to know more.." Chrissy hesitated but nodded. "Tell me your talents.. Mine are dueling..charms..herbology..and the piano.." Chrissy was impressed by that and thought about it.. she honestly cant tell everyone her and draco invented a reverse horcrux yet.. they arestill learning how it worked. Then she smiled. "Oh I took some flying lessons with draco under the supervision of his father..Ill admit i was the more clumsy one..Dueling..dracos better at than me..i might ask him for some tips on how to protect myself..." She gave draco a kiss on the cheek real quick as her way of asking and continued "Oh and i am good at herbology and potions! And as an animagi...i am good at transfiguration. Charms im super good at. Legilimency and Hypnosis i know as well to blend in as a Wampus animagi..magizoology...and..singing.." "Singing?" Cassandra said curious "How about you humor us with a song.." chrissy blushed shyly but nodded. "Okay.." she took a breath.. and her voice shocked the whole table.. the books glowing again cause out of all the songs she sang she sang the type of man she liked!

"If you really want to know
What I want in a guy
Well, I'm looking for a dream on a mean machine
With hell in his eyes
I want a devil in skin tight leather
He's gonna be wild as the wind
And one fine night I'll be holdin' on tight
To a cool rider, a cool rider
If he's cool enough he can burn me through and through
If it takes forever, then I'll wait forever
No ordinary boy, no ordinary boy is gonna do
I want a rider that's cool
That's the way it's gonna be that's the way that I feel
I want a whole lot more then the boy next door I want hell on wheels
Just give me a black broomstick
With a man growin' out of the seat, then move aside
Cause I'm gonna ride, with a cool rider, a cool rider
If he's cool enough he can burn me though and though
If it takes forever then I'll wait forever
No ordinary boy, no ordinary boy is gonna do
I want a rider that's cool
I don't want no ordinary guy, comin' on strong with me
They don't know what I'm lookin' for
They don't know what I need
You're gonna know it when he gets here, cause the ground will be shakin'
I'll do anything to let him know that I'm his, here for the takin'
I want a cool rider, a cool, cool, cool, cool rider
I want a cool rider, a cool, cool, cool, cool rider
I want a C - O - O - L R - I - D - E - R
I need a C - O - O - L R - I - D - E - R
I want a cool rider, a cool, cool, cool, cool rider
I want a C - O - O -L R - I - D - E - R
I need a C - O - O - L R - I - D- E - R"

Some of the other houses heard her singing and shutted up to hear her song..meanwhile Ron and harry were talking about their Defence against the dark arts class coming up. "I heard Quirril is a basket case since his trip." Ron said as he ate his food. Harry blinked "Basket case?" and ron nodded "Yeah..heard from Percy that he went to travel to see what he was going to teach and was never the same."
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Draco listened to Chrissy's request about the family photo and smiled. "Of course, Chrissy. You can join us for the family photo. And don't worry about the cost, my family will take care of it. Like i said anything you want, ill make it happen for you." He smiled genuinely, he looked over her shoulder to see the dress more clearly, taking in a few details about it so he could tell his father about it. He was slightly caught off guard when Chrissy placed a kiss on his cheek, though he kept a calm composer on the outside. When Chrissy mentioned her singing ability, Draco was quickly fixated on her. He had heard her sing before on the train, but it was only slightly and overpowered by the out of tuned and was curious to hear her voice. As she sang her song, Draco found himself transfixed by her voice and couldn't pull himself to listen to anything else. "Brilliant...you have a wonderful voice..." he grinned. after a few minutes he pulled out a paper and pencil to start a letter to his father. It read, "Dear father,
School is going well, we got your gifts and letters safely. Chrissy says hi and i believe she will write a reply letter about what she learned in that girly magazine of hers. She says mother would like the magazine too. Oh why im writing to you is because not only does she want a certain dress in the magazine but i am asking you to ask miss conlins permission to marry Chrissy..I am really in love her father and i know im a bit young but im serious. Nobody understands her like I do and im worried about that dark wizzard she calls a father finding her and taking her away from us and her mother..So here is my plan. We help miss conlin put this man in prison make him pay for chrissy's allowance money and we slowly prepare her to be a malfoy.. Please consider it father. Also, there is another thing i wanted to mention. The two of us created a spell, or a reverse horcrux. It's called Amorbliss, and it has bound us together as soulmates...Have a good day Father."
Signed Draco."

Cal hadn't been listening to the conversation much. He had one: been listening to what Chrissy was saying, and two: just completely zoned out. Hermione joined in on the boy's conversation a bit, "lets hope he's not too much of a loon now." she spoke while taking a few bites of food. After a bit of eating it was time to head to their defense against the dark arts class. Cal stayed close to the golden trio, he knew he wouldn't be good at the class, at least not this year.
Chrissy took out a quill and papers and begins writing a reply as well."Dear mr malfoy,
Hi! Its chrissy.. Im doing well thank you for your encouragement letter. Classes are fun too and i got a jumpstart in potions class too! Draco and me even invented a spell called Amorbliss..and..kinda casted it on ourselves and now were soulmates..The symptoms are kinda strange cause were still learning them but draco hasnt changed that much..hes still nice to me and telling others to leave me alone. Oh um you know that magazine my mama sent me? Let me tell you what it has but its okay if this part of the letter bores you. Theres the latest trending Potions, trending Spells...ill admit i wanna cast the cute bird one when i saw it was trending but i got nervous on messing up. Cookery is one of my favorite and in the next page you can give to Mrs malfoy because its my favorite. Chocolate strawberry cheesecake. International stuff is self explanatory. Some games like Spot the Snargaluff, Rune Riddles Romance in Runes: Reading the signs in your relationship..im more of an Astrology girl myself..Quidditch Special,Quidditch Corner, Oh i do plan on trying out to be a seeker next year..do you think theres a height requirement? Culture, Books I personally like is Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newton Scamander but you might already have the latest copy..Abracadabra: An A-Z of Spooky Spells? Never heard of this book But its trending..Fashion Now theres this cute dress i showed draco with a matching male set and their called celestrial secrets and i wanna wear it for the christmas photo if that okay. If you send them please be in either the black or the cute blue.. i dont like the golden copper.. latest Music that you might hear when we come back and sorry might drive you insane. Motion Picture Reviews and horoscopes. Opss almost time for defence against the dark arts.. will write soon!

She whistles and Angel and Hunter flew back gently takeing the letters. "Go to the Malfoys okay girl? Have fun!" And smiled as Angel flew off with Hunter as she walked with draco to class.. somthing felt off though.. The classroom smelled strongly of garlic, which everyone said was to ward off a vampire the professor met in Romania and was afraid would be coming back to get him one of these days. Chrissy was trying super hard to hold her wand down. "Chrissy what in bloody hell is wrong with your wand?" Crabbe asked and chrissy had a look of worry in her eyes. "I-i dont know..it would only behave this way if when supernatural dangers were present a-and when its near...it will cast a jinx or curse on its freaking own!" "What!" goyle said excited to see it now not understanding that chrissy could get in trouble. Then... it happened the wand pointed at Quirrell "Sir watch out!" she warned in a panic as the spell was cast.. and it hit him.. her eyes looked it horror..some kids were laughing. Professor quirrels face was coated in cornflakes. "N-n-name.." He stuttered quite angerly..as chrissy was able to put her wand away quickly. "C-christina conlin..sir.." "M-miss conlin..y-you w-will not u-use that wand i-in m-my class....after class y-you will be staying after for dentention!" Chrissys heart sunk.. she didnt mean to do that but she just nodded putting her wand away and sitting back down as the professor reversed the jinx and began talking to the class about the cure for werewolf bites. His turban, he told them, had been given to him by an African prince as a thank-you for getting rid of a troublesome zombie. For one thing, when Seamus Finnigan asked eagerly to hear how Quirrell had fought off the zombie, Quirrell went pink and started talking about the weather; for another, they had noticed that a funny smell hung around the turban, and the Weasley twins insisted that it was stuffed full of garlic as well, so that Quirrell was protected wherever he went. Chrissy wondered if that was why her wand behaved so strange.

Ron was trying so hard not to laugh. Lil miss slytherins huffle princess just messed up. Harry was curious about why her wand behaved like that though.Hermonie was curious about the girls wand core cause she never saw a wand behave like that.
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(I am so sorry this reply is so short on my end!)

Throughout the class, Draco was a bit concerned by the way Chrissy's wand freaked out and moved a bit on its own. When he heard why her wand usually acted up, he leaned back in his chair for a moment but never spoke up to give his own answer on why the wand was acting up...When the wand went off and placed a jinx on Professor Quirrell he almost laughed, but his enjoyment was ended when he heard that Chrissy would be in detention. "what?!" he mumbled under his breath, steam basically came out of his ears. How could someone do that, how could Quirrell do that to his future wife. "That is totally unfair..." he pouted all pissed like. He placed his hand over Chrissy's hand, to try and reassure her that everything would be okay. For the rest of the class, he barely paid attention to class, he was more upset by the fact that Chrissy got detention for her stupid wand acting up.

Cal felt bad for Chrissy and elbowed Ron in the arm when he heard Ron trying to suppress his laughter. "Ronald! Dont laugh, dont be mean..." Cal whispered to Ron. While feeling bad for Chrissy he was also curious about her wand...why did it act up like that? Cal tried to keep a close eye on the Professor for the rest of the class, mentally noting any odd actions of him. Near the end of the class, Calypso started writing a note, he was writing one to Ron. One he finished it he handed it under the table to the boy when the professor was well distracted and it read, "Ronny visit the astronomy tower with me either next free time or after dinner? i heard the stars are gonna be beautiful, and id love to show my favorite ones to you. -Cal"
when alone Quirrell walked over to her side and spoke. "Y-you are the american c-c-correct? W-what i-is your w-wand?" chrissy looked up nervously "Spruce wood, thunderbird feather core 9 ¾" and pliant flexibility sir..My wand only behaved cause somthing supernatural was on you.s-so it jinxed you im just glad its not a curse. I-im so sorry!" Chrissy was scared about getting detention on her 1st day but blinked in confusement seeing his curious smile. "I-i-i s-should be lucky then t-t-too o-o-only strong witches can handle such a strong wand..H-h-how a-a-about y-y-you t-t-tell m-me more a-a-as you file these" He levitated papers about dark arts creatures infront of her and she nodded. "Okay um. Its a Wolfe wand which is why you never heard of it.. It's made of Spruce and requires a firm hand. Wont work with a fumbling one because it often appears to have its own ideas about what magic it ought to be called upon to produce. However due to that im a bold spellcaster with a good sense of humor, it becomes a superb helper, intensely loyal to me and capable of producing particularly flamboyant and dramatic effects....that i demonstrated on you on accident.." She explained and continued. "Thunderbird feather wands in general were extremely powerful, though difficult to master. They were able to sense danger and were known to cast curses on their own pre-emptively when supernatural dangers were near. They were also particularly good for Transfiguration though... My wand is 9 3/4 inches..but pliant flexability.."

Quirrell nodded at her words and blinked in some shock when she said pliant.. Pliant wand owners are eager, enthusiastic, and tend to be very easily impressed and/or naive. A powerful wand with an naive girl.. And this wand spits out curses on its own when threatened alone. And by the lookss of it attached to Malfoy judging by his reaction to her getting detention. "Some potential to convert the girl.." a voice says in Quirrells mind. "Yet i must learn more.."

Eventually she was allowed to leave and chrissy snuck to the tower to be in her wampus form and hide. Somthing about quirrell scared her. "Why was he so curious about my wand? Was it because it decided to throw a fit on him? Im just glad it wasnt a curse.." she thought forgetting draco can hear her thoughts now and she looked at the sunset.. "I wish draco was here...nobodys looking so we can try to kis.." she stopped her thoughts and shook her head.. "Oh what are you thinking chrissy?..KISSING! Youre lucky he lets you peck him on the cheeks. Like hell he would let me pratice kissing him on the lips. H-here...w-where nobodys...looking.." Then her mind wandered to what she thought they would look like older her being a pretty magizoologist and almost as cool as one of her idols Newt Scamander.Draco letting his hair grow long and started wearing it in a precisely placed ponytail and maybe sometimes wearing a biker jacket and some fancy pants to match. She squees in her head imagining him so handsome. And then it went to her daydreaming about sharing sweets on halloween, exchanging presents at christmas..kissing under the mistletoe.

Ron blinked and looked at the note in some shock and he was blushing really red.. Harry and hermonie got the hint he was gay and into cal and still aceptted him. the awkward part was getting ron to keep quiet about his excitement cause sneaking out can get him in trouble. Ron was hugging the note happily. 'he likes me he likes me.. this is how our romance begins!' he thought over and over. Harry and Hermonie just laughed seeing their friend behave like this. Then it clicked and he looked at his friends. "H-how s-should.." "You will do fine.. just dont get caught." Hermonie said as harry and the others made a game plan to get Ron to the roof safely without filch and mrs norris knowing. They would have to be stealthy enough to get past them though.. they heard mrs norris for a cat was louder than a siamese and fast. Ron was having all of his fantasies pile up in his head at once and was barely listening to the plan. Mostly about them raising a family.Then Hermonie slapped ron on the head "Ron focus were trying to help you get a boyfriend.." "Ya ya i know.."
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After DADA class, Draco tried to wait outside of the class for a bit, but he decided he couldn't wait for too long. He walked off with a telepathic goodbye to his lovely, "I'll see you later dear, if you need anything I'm just a thought away." After he wished his farewells for now he went off to where ever with his "bodyguards" Crabbe and Goyle. Draco was nearly bored out of his mind while Chrissy was off in detention, all he could think about was her, nothing else could be on her mind but her...He was caught a bit off guard when he heard her voice in his head again, he still wasn't completely used it. He stayed quiet for the most of it, a bit concerned that Quirrell apparently kept on asking about her wand...he just hoped that she hopefully wont get anymore detentions with him, and he will try to talk to his father about it as well.

Hear that Chrissy wanted to kiss him was a pleasant surprise, maybe he'd just agree to take her up on her wishes. "I would love to join with you and, kiss you dear. I'll help to rid of any negative thoughts that you might have, I promise to do anything for you." He grinned to himself. Draco closed his eyes, thinking of Chrissy and imagining being right by her and...in a matter of seconds he found that he had "apparated" right next to Chrissy. Empathic Telaportation...He rose next to Chrissy, gently grabbing her hand. "Hello my dear..." his sly grin snuck through and placed a small peck on her cheek.

Once class ended Calypso could hardly contain his excitement, he was going to hang out and show his favorite things in the night sky to his closest friend. He had to turn down his joy so he wouldn't get caught or in trouble by Mr.Filch or Mrs.Norris. The two decided to meet up during the free periods before dinner...he had used a more secluded way to getting into the tower, without getting caught. Cal had a knack for finding "lost" things or places. Calypso sat upon the rail and looked out into the sky as he waited for Ron's arrival, he began to feel oddly nervous like butterflies were dancing in his stomach. So to attempt to try and calm his nerves he took out his pet ferret that had been hiding in his robe for most of the day, though it seemed that it was starting to hit random growth spurts and rather firey burps...
she blushed red at dracos sudden appearance and knew apparating was against the rules and the last thing he felt was him thinking about her. She would have to make notes of this later. She would giggle at his kiss and looked at his sly grin. She knew they had some time before the dinner bell so she had to make this practice count. And... she was a deer in headlights. but slowly they inched closer and just as they kissed legitly for the 1st time, not just pecks on the cheek, she felt their love explode into a pure power within them like a firework. Time felt like it stood still, she felt like they were the only people in the world. As she calmed down the kiss got deeper and the power got stronger. Eventually they had to breathe and gently broke the kiss. "Holy canollis.. if kissing you is gonna be that amazing.. im the luckiest witch alive.." She chuckled and saw the hearts in his eyes again. she backed up to go in wampus form since she assumed they were alone and bounced about and made a small roar of excitement. "I KISSED HIM I KISSED HIM I..OW!" Chrissy quickly turned human and something was pulling her hair. A slytherin girl with emo style black hair a green barette walked closer pointing her wand at chrissy "Damn it..turn back to a wampus! I heard wampus is still being studied for its power and finding wampus hair can make alot of money." "S-stop..." The slythein chuckled and for a moment felt a dark energy but assumed it was nothing as they prepared to do a dark spell on chrissy. Then they felt a dark aura but assumed it was nothing.

Ron rushed as fast as he could and barely made it to the top of the tower to see Calypso and his heart almost bursted with glee! He had Calypso all to himself! He took a breath and nervously inched over. If draco can have the charisma of a champion so can he! Or at least try. He strode next to Calypso and bravely tried to kiss his cheek. only to get a burn by a firey burn "Ow what the bloody hell is a dra...gon..doing..here..?" Ron blinked at his words and then looked at Calypso...if what calypso has is a dragon...oohhh hes gonna be in hells of trouble. "Calypso...ill keep quiet...i know someone that can help us... but i need to know honestly...what is that fluffy fire breathing ferret thing?!"
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Draco at first didnt question the strange way of apparating that he didn't even knew he could do. But it was something that he could try and figure out later, he just wanted to be near his beloved. A few seconds before it could seen that there were basically hearts in his eyes, but after the kiss they shined ten folds. He thought that everything was just perfect, and nothing could ruin it. Draco's heart swelled with pride and love when he watched Chrissy go into her wampus form because he knew she was ecstatic and just as in love as he was. Though it was all ruined too soon when some girl pulled on Chrissy's hair. Draco somewhat recognized the girl. Ismelda Murk...a girl in Slytherin. The pale boy stood behind her, his wand lingering in his hand...his eyes nearly burning with rage. "She's mine..." he thought to himself. And without thinking he lifted his wand to the back of Ismelda's head. "Get your filthy hands off of her now." He commanded. "Great...who's there...now..." her voice faded out when she turned to see who was behind her, Draco Malfoy...and with his wand out. "Apologize to my darling now, or else I wont hesitate to use a curse my father taught me." His gaze was fixed on Islemda but drifted to Chrissy once the girl left go of her hair. He gently reached over and pulled Chrissy to his side. Oh how protective Draco was to his lovely...

Calypso was clearly freaking out when Ron came up at this very time, "sorry! Im sure she didn't mean to burn you...are you okay?!" Cal asked quickly while in his arms was a ferret, it looked like the one that jumped out in the library. But, it had grown about an extra foot or two, and small wings had sprouted from the side. "Its uhm my pet...Sabre, its my ferret that you saw earlier. Though...i doubt shes actually a ferret...she seems more like a Tairseach, but my parents had told me they went extinct.." Cal started to mumble off at the end, trying to take a closer look at his pet's strange new features.
Chrissy wondered if draco was talking about and remembered one of the jinxes Lucius taught her as a 'self defence' and she had to calm herself to remember it.. "Okay remember what Mr Malfoy said...Shoulders back..point your wand at the target..tummy in..lift your chin to show authority..pinky out slightly to show class...take a breath. steady hand...dont stutter the words.." "Oh what is the little huffle gonna do?" Ismelda said and then saw the movements and her eyes widened as chrissy said "Leekear!" And before she knew it the spell was cast and there was leeks in Ismeldas ears.. the girl ran freaking out and chrissy was about to freak out.. "Oh my merlin i just did that!" she couldnt believe it.. yes it was in self defence but she just raised her wand and hurt someone..miss goody two shoes chrissy just did her 1st jinx willingly! Chrissy began to hyperventilate out of fear.

"Wicked..i thought they were extant! My brother Charlie is gonna be so jealous. He never seen one before. We have to get her out of here before you get suspended." Rons eyes were full of deep concern and knew they were in deep trouble they had to hide her. "Cal.. i know you care alot about Sabre...but i dont want her in danger or you suspended if not expelled.. We have to hide her and tell your dad.If not your dad how about my brother can foster her for a while.."
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Draco took a step back when he heard the words that were going through her mind. He understood that she was about to perform a jinx, and by Merlin was he excited...He smirked, his grey eyes narrow and drifting between the two, mostly on his lovely Chrissy. Draco nearly clapped when she successfully placed the jinx on Ismelda. "you did so well...hey hey its okay!" He dashed to her side, gently placing a hand on her shoulder and taking her own hand in his. "You were doing it to protect yourself, you wont get in trouble...me and my father will make sure of it i promise. Okay?" He spoke calmly as too not scare her more, but he knew she was capable of so much more...she would just have to ease into it. But for now, they could allow things to go slowly. "We should leave this area love, we could go anywhere you would like." Draco hoped it would help her ease up a bit more as well, he just wanted to see her happy and content.

"But...Ron, what if Sabre doesn't want to go with someone else...even if it is for awhile?" Calypso pouted slightly while running his fingers through his pet's fur. "I don't think i want to tell my dad, i just want to give him time to relax without worrying about anything, but i don't want to hand Sabre off for a while...Ronny, i don't know what to do." His puppy dog eyes shined through, somewhat glossy. Cal was rather emotional for his first year at Hogwarts. "i do guess that she would be safe with your brother, but Romania is so far away."
"C-can we go to dinner?.." she muffled into his robes and feeling his nod they walked to the the cafeteria for dinner. She knew Draco always means his words when he says them but that power.. to her it was a mixed bag.. she did feel good protecting herself but at the same time.. she hurt seomeone.. she needed a distraction and it was food right now..

At the dinner bell ron was making a hasty letter to his brother about his crush's dragon what it likes and can he come here asap and sending it.Ron looked oiver at the hufflepuff table and vowed to keep his Calyypso safe. Even if it meant saving his bratty pet. "There i told Charlie everything you wanted to say in my letter about Sabre. We just have to hope by the time brother gets here Sabre doesnt have another growth spurt." Ron noted as food was being served and night time mail was approaching.

Chrissy blinked not seeing Hunter or Angel appear but older looking owls one gently landed on chrissys and dracos table was also a small box with enchanted promise rings "That was fast.." chrissy said but her voice trailed off reading the letters from bothe Lucius and Narcissa and her mother. She read them over and over again. Mother was upset with chrissy for using a love binding spell but was proud of her for inventing it..they admitted they had to snitch to the ministries to make sure they wouldnt get in trouble and since it was THEIR ideas to use the spell.. they mutually agreed to have the arranged marriage and they already signed the guardian papers. "Um...what does that letter mean?" A hufflepuff asked and chrissy couldnt help her frustration of her mother. "IN utter english my mother refuses me to hunt for my father and beat him up myself sooo until im 15-16 years old im Dracos fiance..By the time im 15-16...ill be his wife.." The hufflepuffs and Nearby Gryffindors,Mostly Harry took pity on her.She doesnt look like Dracos type at all. Slytherins congratulating Draco out of wanting to in on it or out of fear. She wanted to scream in her head cause she wanted to yell at her father for betraying the family but she took a breath to think it out until a gryffindor tapped her shoulder... she glanced and saw it was the twins. They were nice gryffindors according to chrissy so she didnt mind talking to them. "Oh you two..Fred and George right..o-or is it George and Fred?" They laugh at her trying to guess who was who but then they spoke "We heard what you said in that letter.." "And we got a warning.. We will put it in Magizoologist language for you." They gently leaned her in closer. and whispered..

"Don't be fooled by the smile,he is not playing dolls..he is stalking the halls." "For the thrill of the kill!"
"Every person in school Is aware of his stare When he strokes his hair.They go perfectly still!"
"All their eyes say, 'don't attack me.' Watch them sweat and pant and shake.."
Then they say together thinking their getting to her to finnally say no to this spoiled brat.
"Every food chain has its acme.Draco Malfoy eats steak.Hes the king of the beasts..He can smell your fear. In this biosphere Hes the apex predator"
"Like an andaconda only with less scales do not mess with him.He's the apex predator!"
Percy smacks Fred and George and ron just rolled their eyes. Chrissy just smiled seeing they were just worried about her.
"Thanks for the gentle warning guys but.. you dont see Draco how i see him if you got to know him..And Apex preadator? Did you forget whos 'unkillable' at this school?" The twins went 'ohhhh' and offered her a test subscription to their items in case she needed anything at all.

When food was served chrissy was mentally having a conversation with Draco. toning out the noise.. she was able to somewhat control the mind link power to share her memories of when she became an animagi. The memory was of her in this mall and how she got away with using her powers of going into peoples minds without getting caught. Girls who were mean to her and her friends back hoome scattered like mice the moment she looked at them. then the voices "Dont mess with her shes the wampus cat.." "Yeah I heard she can kill people with her claws.." "S-shut up shes staring at us!" "Stupid wampus..."
She felt powerful but alone because everyone but her friends cowered at her power. Chrissy deep down didnt feel fast, strong, or almost impossible to kill. She felt Slow, weak, and easy to kill.. when she was at the malfoy mansion she felt safe and yet a little stronger they were teaching her how to fit in and to control her ' inner feral' and she does want to get angry at them for not trusting her to find her dad but, this was the adults decision and she was raised not to overule her mother. In a way she wa arguing with herself about if she was even worthy to be a Malfoy. She knows Narcissa ADORES chrissy and was very grabby always hugging and touching her face whenever she did something Narcissa thought was cute. Then she thought about Lucius and how he she thinks he thought about her. He was very strict on her being a pureblood with an anchient bloodline like the malfoys and she did teach them how she can make plants grow faster, how she can make high quality potions to help animals and maybe broke a rule about bragging cause she was happy about her work.And got gently bonked by his cane about it. then she remembered a conversation she heard when she snuck downstairs to get some water. To lucius, chrissy looked so sweet and like such an innocent creature, it drove him insane thinking that her and his son are rubbing elbows with riffraff like the Weasleys, the Dorens, or abominations like the mud-bloods and half-bloods. Chrissy just rubbed that off as Mr malfoy just being Mr Malfoy. Then it clicked into her head that they were only harsh on her 'lessons' because they loved her and were training her to protect herself when they couldnt be there. And it paid off cause she did her 1st jinx.. "I..." she was so stuttery with her answer
then she put the letter in her pocket and got up and blushing steaming red walked over to draco blushing red.she just KISSED HIM INFRONT OF EVERYONE and glared at him "You better take care of me or else.." and ran back to her seat to hide her face... she was better with actions than words and it took alot of bravery to do that infront of everyone.
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Calypso was chatting with a few of the other Hufflepuffs at his table, looking back at Ron a few times in eyes that gave the boy a "thank you" look. He felt so thankful to have a friend like Ron, hopefully, he could do something to make it up to him. Cal turned back around and continued talking with others. Harry took glances over at Chrissy and the Slytherin table, "I feel bad for the girl, bet you she barely agreed to even be within five feet of Draco." He told Ron and Hermione. Hermione was less than pleased to listen to the gossip of the boys. "Maybe she is actually happy with him, you dimwits haven't asked have her." She rolled her eyes. "Also Ron, get your brothers away from her I think they are bothering the poor girl."

Draco was more than please when he noticed the enchanted rings from his parents, and saw that his darling Chrissy received a letter back from her mom. Then upon learning that Chrissy's mother agreed to the arranged marriage he nearly had to hold himself back from jumping up from the table and shouting across the dining hall. "Yes that's right...Chrissy is my fiance, soon to be wife," he boasted, he knew his father didn't appreciate when Draco boasted, but he couldn't help himself in this situation. His manner did change when Fred and George came up to speak with Chrissy. He had the urge to move and kiss Chrissy on the lips just to make those twins go away. But he didn't want to make too much of a scene...so instead he placed his hand over her's, having the two hold hands underneath the table. Draco was shocked to see the memory that Chrissy shared with him...those girls teasing and making fun of her boiled his blood...he was just pleased to know she would be safe with him. "Chrissy?" He questioned as his loved one stood up, and kissed him...it surprised him but it was very pleasing. "I will...i promise." He grinned. Once dinner had finished up he trodded right next to Chrissy, walking her to the Hufflepuff dorms, giving her a soft kiss on the cheeks. "Sweet dreams.."

Cal was wandering to the Hufflepuff common room with a small group of friends from his own house, accidentally leaving Ron alone with Harry and Hermione without saying goodnight. He was mostly worried about his pet, he had placed her on his own bed and just hoped she would still be there, and not have grown anymore during the time that he was out.

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