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Fandom Harry Potter RP (double or OCxOC)


New Member
Roleplay Availability
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Hi! I'm Irisa (F19) and I'm currently searching for a Harry Potter based RP! I'm particularly fine with any era (preferably either marauders or golden trio). My OCs are flexible enough to fit in either of them! (:

I'm fine with doing a double up or OCxOC. I'd prefer pairings to be either gxg or bxg

For double ups:
I believe I can write decently well as anyone (more-so the men than the woman), but I'm willing to do research or some digging to make sure I get the character right for you. (If you're into the recent 'slytherin boys' trend thats been circulating— I believe I can play any of them for you as well despite not all of them being canon).
I'm particularly searching for either a Theodore Nott or a Regulus Black, but I don't mind going for other characters! I'd prefer an enemies to lovers trope for my side of the rp and don't necessarily mind whatever trop you want for yours!

For OCxOC:
Again, I'm fine with any era. OCxOC is what I'm used to the most so I definitely don't mind it at all
I'm down for things such as house rivalries, our own plot line away from the books, and other ideas you may have in mind
I'd be down for either era (but I can't do Theo since I don't know enough about him) if you allow mxm for my side
hello im sage a minor ( 16 ) in the nzst timezone. i would love to do a roleplay for either era though i must say i do have a much higher preference for the marauders era. i am more than happy to play either of your love interest. i must say most of my ships are fxf or mxm just because i tend to prefer those as i am a lesbian myself though if you are not comfortable with those i do have some mxf ships too <3
HUGE fan of the Slytherin boys trend here, and glad to see someone else acknowledging it!
I would be happy to play Theo for you...perhaps with you playing either Tom or Mattheo in return, depending on which you are more comfortable with? I know Tom's toxicity squicks some people out haha.

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