Harry Potter Re-Written


New Member
Harry Potter!

OK! So I'm new here so I might not be good at this. Yeah so I'm going to make the forms now...



Looks: (If you can put links here go ahed but if you can't just discribe yourself)











Fav colour:

Fav food:

Fav animal:


Name: Anika Parr

Age: 15


House: Slytherin

Personality: shy, loud, funny, clumsy... A lot like Ron really

Friends: The trio (Year 3), The twins (Year 5), Neville (5)

Enimes: Draco and Snape.

Crush: Fred Weasley

Wand: 14" Ashwand, Unicorn hair core.

Likes: Singing but no one knows, Joking around, having fun

Dislikes: Snape, Draco, The colour pink

Hobbies: Singing, dancing, Pranking, Jogging

Fears: needles and blood

Fav colour: Gold and Purple

Fav food: Pizza

Fav animal: Dolphin

Name:Ryan Johnson (Nickname is Fang)


Looks: (If you can put links here go ahed but if you can't just discribe yourself)
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Personality:Ryan is not a very nice person. He is enangered rather easily. He is very intelligent, but sometimes does not even try in his classes, but that only happens if he is having an off day. He is normally care-free and smiling. He loves to joke around, and is normally seen with a bunch of his friends. He often gets into fights, wether he gets picked on and he snaps, or if he is having an off day and someone accidentally makes it way worse and he lashes out.

Friends:He can basically be friends with anyone. He likes everyone, as long as they don't annoy him, and would gladly befriend anybody.

Enemies:He doesn't really have any enemies, besides people who pick on the weak, like Draco, Snape, Crabbe, Goyle etc.

Crush:None (Yet)

Wand:11" Oak, Dragon Heartstring Core

Likes:Ryan enjoys alot of muggle music, like Rise Against, Skillet, Jason Aldean, etc. He also enjoys playing pranks and joking around with friends. Sometimes he enjoys picking fights, just to have someone to vent his anger on.

Dislikes:Bullies. Anywhere bright (He has blue eyes, which can carry a certain disease that makes his eyes weaker to light)

Hobbies:Playing electric & acoustic guitar. Writing books.

Fears:Ryan fears cages. He fears that his fate will be to be locked behind bars until old age took him. (That fear comes from his muggle family, who had locked him up in a kennel in their basement when they learned Ryan had magical powers.)

Fav colour: Black.

Fav food:Cheeseburger.

Fav animal: Dragon

Name: Liam Fallen Claimsworth

Age: 17


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House: Gryfindor

Personality: Meet her

Friends: Anika, Lauren, and Ever

Enimes: Draco, Snape, and LaHale

Crush: Nah


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Likes: art, pranks, drama, and reading

Dislikes: teachers, Snape, Draco, and the colours purple and pink.

Hobbies: Art, pranks, and theatre

Fears: "Fears? What fears?"

Fav colour: Anything neon!

Fav food: Nothing really...

Fav animal:

Name: Lauren Jaylin Crosse

Age: 17



House: Gryfindor

Personality: Meet her

Friends: Anika, Ever, Draco, and Liam

Enimes: Snape and LaHale

Crush: Nah



Likes: Drawing, Pranks, and uh, stuff.

Dislikes: Teachers, Creepers, and Stalkers.

Hobbies:"Drawing on my tongue with Sharpies!"

Fears: Nah

Fav colour: GREEN!!!!

Fav food: Not really

Fav animal: Wolf

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Ever Lucius Claytra ** LaHale Jordan Claytra

Age: 17






House: Slytherin ** Hufflepuff

Personality: Meet them

Friends: Liam, Anika, and Lauren ** Draco

Enimes: LaHale and Draco. ** Ever, Liam, and Lauren.

Crush: Noperz ** Draco






Likes: Too many to list. ** Blck magic

Dislikes: LaHale. ** Ever, yellow, lots and lots more

Hobbies: Drawing, Sports, and Pranks ** Hitting people, black magic

Fears: None really. But I can't stand snakes. ** An angry professor

Fav colour: Blue! ** Black and red

Fav food: Not really

Fav animal: All of them! ** Spideers

Other: They're twins.
Name:: Imogen Montegue ( :P is there even a nickname for that??)

Age:: 16



House:: Gryfindor

Personality:: She is outgoing and friendly, she will go out of her way to help others in a bind. She is generally an all around amiable person and likes to laugh. Imogen is headstrong, brave, and stubborn. She has a bit of a quirky attitude sometimes and is quite book smart, she very much enjoys learning whether it's new spells or anything really that has to do with magic--and loves to do magic. She will stand up for what she believes in. Friends::the twins, Luna lovegood, hermione, cho Chang, others yet to be defined.

Enemies:: Draco Malfoy and his gang including Pansy(?) Parkinson, Snape, and pretty much every single Slytherin in the whole school

Crush/BF:: No boyfriend(hopeless romantic) "But I'm not gunna tell you who I like...hehe".

Wand:: 16" Willow with a unicorn hair core.


Likes:: Being creative, learning, absolutely loves listening to music(anykind), magic, playing the guitar or piano, challenges, exploring, adventures.

Dislikes:: People who pick on others for the fun of it or even just cuz(she will stand up and get herself involved even if it means resorting to a fight), bright-bright colours like orange, yellow, and neon.

Hobbies: Playing an instrument, reading.

Fears:: Demonic ghosts (the ones who will happily kill you out of their revenge--she watched too many of those 'Haunted' episode to listen to her logic), threats she can't see or do anything about.

Favourite Colour:: Dark pale colours(navy, sage, maroon, greys, black and white), vintage colours and patterns.

Favourite Food::Imogen has several, it's hard to name them all.

Favourite Animal::Griffin(yeah, lame as it sounds with her house and all, she finds them strong and majestic) or any big cat(white Bengal tiger, or a jaguar, or a lion).

Other:: She grew up with her family (including her older brother who attends Hogwarts) in a large flat in a good neighborhood near the center of London. Her family is upper middle class in terms of wealth.
Name:: Bernard Montegue

Age:: 15

Appearance:: (I'll get one laterz)

House:: Ravenclaw

Personality:: Cool, Calm and collected. He's very quick witted and avid in his studie; but when he doesn't have his head in the books, Bern likes to joke and rough around with his mates. He's headstrong like his sister but takes a more subtle approach to get what he wants, in that reguard he is quite patient. Bern is quite protective of his sister and will see to things when she is unhappy.

Friends:: Imogen, Cho Chang, Luna lovegood, the twins, others yet to be defined.

Enemies:: Draco Malfoy naturally, and his absurd cronies, Ron (he finds him to be a bit rude and inconsideriate), and the Slytherins that give the Gryfindors (his sister) a hard time.

Crush/GF:: No GF but Bern is a major flirt, he's been know to put the charm on Cho Chang before.

Wand:: Rowan with a Dragon heartstring core. Likes:: Reading, relaxing, listening to music, hanging with his friends in the common room and at the great hall.

Dislikes:: People who are intentionally rude and irritating with no thought of other's feelings. People who disreguard death. bones and skulls.

Fears:: Blood.

Hobbies:: Reading, learning and magic.

Favourite Food:: Anything he can get his hands on, he is always hungry--somehow he burns it all off.

Favourite Animal:: owls (they are majestic, wise birds as well as strong).

Other:: His sister is Imogen Montegue, he has a owl named Hoodwink, and Bern is pretty darn talented at playing Chaser on the Ravenclaw Qwidditch team.
Name: Draco Malfoy

Age: 17


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House: Slytherin

Personality: Draco Malfoy is selfish, spoiled, condescending, and stuck up. That's hardly surprising though considering he's a pure blood and a Malfoy. What is surprising is his loyalty and guilt for joining the Death Eaters.

Friends: Some of Draco's best friends are Crabbe and Goyle, though he's also been seen with Pansy and Blaise. It's rumored that he is also quite fond of Professor Snape.

Enimes: He can't stand being around the Golden Trio, mudbloods, or his father.

Crush: Harry Potter, but he would only call it obsession, not a crush.


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Likes: Fighting, snakes, quidditch, snape, potter

Dislikes: gryffindorks, cats, hippogriffs, hagrid, potter

Hobbies: Quidditch, tormenting mudbloods, looking in the mirror

Fears: Hippogriffs, Voldemort, Lucius Malfoy

Fav colour: Green

Fav food: Dragon Steak

Fav animal: Snakes
Name: Erebus Dark

Age: 17

http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/169595/anime-guy-hair-eyes-31000.png (Metamorphmagus so hair color changes day to day)

House: Slytherin

Personality: quick to anger but just as quick to forgive and a hopeless romantic (flirts with almost anyone)

Friends: Draco Snape anyone in Slytherin (not crabe and goyle)

and who ever we use as the headmaster here

Enimes: any one in Gryfindor (can make exeptions)

Crush: Luna Lovegood


Likes: power and shadows

Dislikes: light and spiders

Hobbies: terorizing first years

Fears: spiders

Fav colour: black and purple

Fav food: pumpkin pasties and steaks

Fav animal: snakes and wolves
Ever, Lauren, and Liam sat on one of the stone benches in the courtyard. Liam giggled and pointed to a red head figure walking towards them. Ever and Lauren nodded at the whispered plan. Liam pulled her silver wand from her pocket and flicked it. She mumbled a few words and snickers and giggles broke out between the girls as the red head's hair poofed. the girl turned angrily and all the snickers stopped immediately. It was LaHale.
Anika walked along the courtyard's path and looked around. Her eyes glued to LaHales hair. She sniggered at the sight of it and walked over to Ever, Lauren, and Liam. She stood behind the bench. She whispered into Laurens ear "What happened to LaHales hair?"
Name: Eric Domrimo

Age: 16


House: Slytherin

Personality: Eric's is sometimes a bit passive, but very aggressive when crossed. Because he's muggle-born, he thought himself to be seen as the bottom of the social class, and thrives to prove himself. Almost nobody in the school know about him being muggle-born, and he still tries to keep it a secret. He can make friends, and he tries to be more social with others, though he is a bit rusty at it. He's not much of a romantic, but few people have caught his eye.

Friends: Nevil Longbottom, Draco Malfoy (at times), Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood

Enimes: Crab and Goyle, Ron Weasley, and some other Slytherins.

Crush: Hermione Granger (For now as the storyline goes)



Silver handle with a dragon-bone core, and the wood is made from a blight tree

Likes: Some wizard sports, martial arts, poetry, and magical creatures

Dislikes: Competition (especially anyone trying to get in with Hermione), people underestimating him, and dealing with curses

Hobbies: Learning spells, taking walks by the lake, hanging out with magical creatures, picking fights with people who act like they're the king of the world

Fears: His secret being revealed, and his father getting mad at him

Fav colour: Silver, white, crimson,, black and blue.

Fav food: not bothered much

Fav animal: Hypogriphs, dragons, dogs, cats, and ravens
Eric walked by the bank of the lake, taking in the scenery before him. He always liked peaceful places to study, that and going by Hagrid's hut to visit some of the wildlife nearby. Looking at some twigs and leaves on the ground, he took out his wand and began making them float in the air around him, as if the wind gathered them up and he was leading the current. He felt creative and lit them aflame, creating small patterns in the air of random shapes.
Anika looked at LaHale's face and decided to sneak off. She didn't feel in the mood to be beat up today. She ran out of the courtyard and walked out to the lake. Getting her wand out of her pocket she pointed up to the sky looking at the reflection against it. She smiled and put it away. She started walking around again.
Eric began to notice a girl walking around the lake nearby. Putting his wand away, he let the embers made die out and kept casual. At first, he didnt recognise her, but as she drew closer, her face brought the memory back. From what he was told, she didnt get along with Draco or Snape. Then again, Eric wouldnt blame her. He wondered if he should talk to her, though not sure what to say. Looking at how she was viewing herself in her reflection, she seemed rather playful. He couldnt help but give a small smile.
Anika felt like someone was watching her. She looked round to see who it was when she saw a guy looking at her, smiling a little. She stoped walking a looked at him for a minute. She didn't know who he was at first, but then noticed him from posions class.She smiled a friendly smile and waved at him.
Eric noticed her waving to him. Casually, he walked up to her, trying to keep a cool head.

"Hi, I cant remember if we've met or not...you're...Anika, right?" He asked politely.
Anika nodded.

"Yeah. Your... Wait... I know your name... Eric?"

She wasn't very good at remembering names. She once forgot her own brother's name.
Lauren, Ever, and Liam quickly raced to detention. They had detention with Professor Flitwick...again. The three girls sat in their seats and yawned. Lauren silently began to drift off to sleep as Liam was finishing her Defense Against The Dark Arts homework...a three page essay on Werewolves. Ever just sat there drifting off in space wondering what her evil sister was up to now.


LaHale sat in the girls' bathroom her brush in hand. She began to brush out the knots from her hair. She winced as the brush tore out a tuft of bright red hair. She shook her head and continued to brush it. Ever was in for a beating this summer. This had to be the worst prank her and her little friends had done yet.
Eric smiled. "Yeah, thats it. Out of interest, where abouts are you from? I cant place the accent." He asked with interest.

While talking, a cry was heard in the distance, and a hypogryph emerged from the woodland, flying out the top. He recognised it as one of Hagrids group. Must have been let out of the stable for some exercise.
Anika looked at the Hyprogriff and smiled. She watched it spred it's wings and soar above thier heads. She realized she was just asked something and looked at Eric.

"Oh I was born in Australia, I was muggle born." She muttered loud enough for only him to hear. She didn't want any roumors about her being muggle born around.
His eyes widened a little. "Australia? that's surprising. I'm London, but my father is from Switzerland and my mother from America...but i grew up here so, the accent stuck with me."

When she mentioned her being muggle born, he didnt show any sign of recoil. But he did slightly raise an eyebrow.

"Bit brave of you admitting it openly. I mean i've got no problem with it but muggle borns in Slytherins...you seem quick to trust me with this."
Anika rialized what she had just said. "yeah... Please dont tell anyone..." She looked down at her feet. She had just met him and just told him that she was muggle born. She looked up at him. He looked trustworthy, but she could never be sure.
Eric figured it was a rookie mistake. He almost did the same thing a while back, but things were quiet, and he wanted to keep it that way. "Wouldnt be worth anything if i told anyone. Dont worry, i wont tell." He said reassuringly. "So what brought you all they way from..." He then noticed the Hypogriff began coming a bit closer to them as it was descending for a land. As it got closer, Eric began to relax a little. "Oh," he smirked, "hang on a moment."

He gave a sharp whistle and the Hypogriff landed nearby, then trotted over to them. Eric gave a small bow, and the beast bowed back, and stepped a little closer, eyes on Eric. "Yeah, Yeah, I remembered Talon." He chuckled. Eric reached into his bag, and pulled out a napkin with a few strips of bacon. Tossing them one by one, the Hypogriff snapped at them in the air, gulping them down. "I took him for a ride last night and promised him some of my breakfast."

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