• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
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Fandom Harry Potter NEXT GEN( GROUP RP : HP RP )


New Member
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Off-site
Ever want to create kids or grandkids of beloved hp characters( or any character relation you want ?)

Now is your chance!


Site rules
Discord for ooc
one oc per relation
you can make ocs unrelated as well
1 paragraph at least per reply
18+ rp
lgbtq+ friendly rp

I am going to take the Black family relation :)

once I get enough interest I'll make the ooc and the character sheets - rp will take place on site.

Taken canon relations
1. Black
2. Lovegood
3. Malfoy
4. Potter
5. Weasley
6. Longbottom
7. Dumbledore
8. Snape
Last edited:
Snatching Malfoy (and Snape or Dumbledore if we can have more than one oc)
I will start a list soon! for now everyone can make one family relation oc but I may open it up later too two.
Okay started a list !
Interested in rp group, maybe claiming longbottom relation!
Almost done with the ooc

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