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Fandom Harry Potter: Fortune's Arc

unless she doesnt get called by another and drags the character with her xD but i cant control without her consent after all xD
Victoria is already in an empty compartment, I was waiting for you to post so they could meet up.
Victoria is already in an empty compartment, I was waiting for you to post so they could meet up.
I know you guys are busy with the other one, but will you guys humor me and be willing to reboot this RP with me?
I've been gone for two or three days on the other RP and it seems I've been left behind lol. But since school is ending soon for me I will have more time to RP now so I'm willing to do this. :3
Well, I'll probably be doing a reboot... It seems those who were in this RP has put all focus towards the other RP which I left due to my futile attempts to keep caught up only to be left behind when I go to sleep.
Yeah that and the hours I'm gone without a computer it was quite impossible to do anything :/
It's all good... I just ask you of all people put time towards my RP... I don't mind if you join Veracity, but please don't just up and abandon this one as everyone else has.
I've never played the game or watched the movie or whatever but I'm willing to take a look and if it's a game I can watch a play through :3
I'd love to join the reboot. Just tag me when it's up and let me know if you need any help with the plot.

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