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Fandom Harry Potter: Fortune's Arc


OOC - Out of Character
Please keep all OOC chat in this tab. It'll keep the role-play nice, neat, and easy to browse through the tabs!

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I'm trying to put as much work as I can into this RP so it attracts people and stays active... I do NOT want this role-play to die.
Hi everyone! I should have my CS up by sometime tonight, early tomorrow at the latest. Also, Thanks for inviting me here Runakei.
it's still accepting, though, I think I am going to put this one on temporary hold until I find out here the one you linked me is going to be headed... Feel free to link it here for the other members I've gotten so far can see and sign up if they're interested...
So I'm not putting this RP on hold simply because I don't want it to die as it's already getting started... So guys, prepare to get started once everyone has submitted a CS, also... Please try to spread the word around of the RP so we can have more students...
Is everyone ready to begin? If not let me know and we'll hold off.... OH! Fyi... this will be a turn based RP so everything stays clean and in order.... and so no one gets left behind or left out of anything.
Runakei said:
Is everyone ready to begin? If not let me know and we'll hold off.... OH! Fyi... this will be a turn based RP so everything stays clean and in order.... and so no one gets left behind or left out of anything.
Im ready

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