Harmonium Academy


The Clawed Fauni
Icefox11 submitted a new role play. @Icefox11, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.











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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-21_14-21-44.jpeg.70112d5a172d6cebff522ee4f06a1735.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21088" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-21_14-21-44.jpeg.70112d5a172d6cebff522ee4f06a1735.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Marikia Montorua

Age(14-18): 17

Gender: Female

Talent: Singing and playing violin

Personality: Miki is a cheery girl that likes to sing and play. She seems like a pushover to some, but she is just being her natural self. However, on the inside she is fragile and easily hurt.

Bio(Optional): Revealed in Rp.

Other: Her worst fear is bullies.



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Name: Raven Reigns

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Talent: Fashion, Singing

Personality: She is and intelligent girl but mainly prefers to keep to herself because of her troubled past. She has a tough, dark, and slightly demented exterior, but once you get to know her, she can be caring and nice. People describe her as, "Your best friend or your worst enemy." She's as loyal as they come. Stay on her good side and you'll be safe.

Bio(Optional): Revealed in Rp

Other: Her biggest fear is not being accepted. She is ambidextrous. Her birthday is January 28. She had a necklace that was her mothers that she never takes off.

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She has a tattoo on each wrist to display her love for music.

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She has eery red eyes

Name: Chernyy Zakat (goes by Cher or Cherry.)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Talent: Writing anything in general.

Personality: Cher is a loud, outgoing, blunt, and irrational girl. She acts on an instinct and that has saved her life many times. But in private, she drops her comfortable pose and it's common for her to have melt downs. She never gets enough sleep, due to the nightmares that haunt her dreams every night. Often she wakes up screaming.

Bio: Cher was raised in a very abusive family, and when she was ten, she ran away from home and collapsed in the middle of the road. For some strange reason, a member of the local gang took her in and brought her to the gang. She loved them dearly, and when she was 12, she had a full time job killing and stealing for the gang. When she was 15, she ended up killing every single member in the small gang, and ran away to live by herself in a small apartment.

Other: Her worst fear is killing people. She hates others seeing her body, because it is covered in scars, which she finds hideous. She has the gang tattoo, which is a tattoo of fire behind her left ear, and a tattoo of water behind her right. Her back is where there are the most scars.

Name: Rayne Kimura

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Talent: Singing, and writing romance stories

Personality: Rayne is closed off to strangers and is shy around people she doesn't know, but once you get to meet her, she's pretty normal. She's almost always smiling and tries to make a bad thing seem better. She has a big heart and will be friends with just about anyone. Rayne is sensitive but also really caring, so if you yell at her, she starts crying instantly.

Bio: She grew up in a nice, loving family. Both of her parents loved Rayne and gave her almost anything she wanted. Her parents never fought and she loved her life. One day, five men in suits. They all started yelling at her dad to give them their money back. Long story short, they killed her dad and left the two of them to survive. Rayne started writing stories and songs to help her pain and it helped. Once they got settled enough, her mom sent Rayne to Harmonium.

Other: Her biggest fear is being completely alone. She loves flowers and animals very much.
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Name: Alexin Dawn

Nickname: Alex

Age: 16

Talent: Writing/Poetry

Personality: Very cheerful and treats every person as a friend. She always tries to be positive in bad situations. But, if someone treats her or one of her close friends badly, she instantly loses all cheerfulness toward the bully and will become extremely protective.

Bio: Alexin grew up as a sheltered child. Her mother was afraid that Alexin was too fragile to interact with the neighborhood children after her father was shot and killed during a home invasion. So Alexin was kept inside a lot, where she began to explore and found a collection of children's poetry at age 6. That was when she began to strengthen her poetry and writing skills. When Alexin's mother reluctantly let her go to public school, which wasn't until Alexin was 10, Alexin already had many poems written, and reading at the skill that a high schooler would be reading. Throughout school and extra practice, Alexin discovered she had a natural talent for it.

Other: As cheerful as Alexin is, she is emotionally scarred from seeing her father murdered. That is why she tries to remain so cheerful. Alexin's worst fear is of being robbed again.
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Name: Vladimir Carmicle

Age(14-18): 17

Gender: Male

Talent: Playing Musical Instruments (especially piano and violin) and Singing

Personality: He will either be quiet or grumpy and snide when it comes to new people, it depends on the person. But once he gets to no somebody he will be a lot nicer, though he will remain sarcastic with anybody, no matter how close they are. It takes him a while to trust somebody so until then he prefers they do not touch him. He is not a very picky person, except for when it comes to his glasses, he hates when other people touch them because he has gone through seven pairs since age twelve and not once was it his fault that they broke.

Bio(Optional): Born to an Asian mother and a Caucasian father he has only met two of his four grandparents, his father disowned for marrying someone of another race, it doesn't bother him very much though, it's how he grew up. Both of his parents are unbelievably supportive and loving but his father was gone a lot, he is only able to talk to him maybe once or twice a month.

Other: His biggest fear is that one day his sarcasm will go too far and he'll hurt somebody  
ohhh, pfft, whoops



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Name: Aline Gray

"Aline Gray. I-It's nice to meet you."

Age(14-18): 14

"I look a bit short for my age, but I promise I'm not lying."

Gender: Female

"I-Isn't it obvious...?"

Talent: Writing & Poetry

"I'm not very good at much of anything, but I'm a decent author."

Personality: Aline is incredibly shy and reserved - She keeps to herself almost completely and almost never talks to anyone. She's very humble and doesn't accept compliments a lot of the time. She's a bit perverted at times, but she's a hopeless romantic nonetheless. She has an easier time writing what she wants to say rather than actually saying it.

"I hope you're kind to me. I-I mean, you don't have to be, but..."

Bio(Optional): Aline spent most of her time up until enrolling at Harmonium Academy reading and writing fiction - She loved to immerse herself in a world of fantasy and feel as if it was real. She started to resent the real world slowly but surely over time as she started to realize she couldn't quite make things the way she wanted them to be like when she was writing... The only reason she even considered enrolling at Harmonium Academy was so she could improve her writing... Maybe.

"Wha--? You want to know about me?! I-I'm not interesting!"

Other: Aline is rather short and small, measuring at only 4'8 and 92 lbs. Aline fears a lot of things, but the thing she fears the most is her size making her an easy target for bullying (Being held up off the ground, having people poke fun at her because of her size, etc.)

"My worst fear? Y-You don't plan on doing anything mean to me, do you?"

(Oh, by the way, I KNOW YOU! *Isn't creepy at all*)



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Name: Hayden Dawson

Age(14-18): 16

Gender: Female

Talent: Plays piano and sings

Personality: Hayden is a very quiet girl at first, but also very quick to make friends. She is sweet and loyal, but often troubled at times. She loves to make others happy, forgetting to do the same for herself. She often cracks jokes to lighten any mood, and also can be very sarcastic. Even though she may make friends easily, she is often alone. She feels she can express herself best when she is sitting at the piano.

Bio(Optional): Her family doesn't support her talents, leaving her to feel out of place. As a child, she would sneak off to play piano, never being praised, and always hearing that she wasn't good enough. Although she is without their support, she does have their money. The pay for her to disappear, and that is what she does. Being rich isn't everything. Lack of support, being pushed aside, and not having a real family, Hayden often struggles to feel wanted. She craves the attention of others, but is so used to being along and left out that she stays very guarded.

Other: Hayden's biggest fear is that she will never feel what its like to be loved.


Name: Xavier Jacrezz

Age(14-18): 16

Gender: Male

Talent: Plays a lot of instruments but mainly the guitar and he sings.

Personality: He's very bubbly and peppy around most people, playing childish games with anyone that will follow along long enough but never actually letting people get close. He comes off as immature at times, but he's actually very smart. With people that he considers friends and let's get close, he's more relaxed and calmed down. In the mornings, he's the polar opposite of his peppy persona and it's best to stay out of his way until he gets a coffee.

Bio(Optional): Originally he's from Vegas, and knows how to play just about every card game there is (also knows all the cheats and tricks, so not a good idea to play with him). He lived with his mom and didn't know his dad, but didn't mind. When he was seven, his mom was murdered in a robbery and Xavier was put in the foster system. He learned how to play the guitar and piano as an escape, and slowly picked up other instruments as he got older. His latest foster family was one of the better ones, and sent him to Harmonium.

Other: When he was thirteen, he was diagnosed with glaucoma and his vision has been deteriorating since. His biggest fear is that he'll lose his sight completely and be kicked out of Harmonium.
Name: Wendy

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Talent: Singing

Personality:Wendy is very shy. And loves animals. She has a problem with stage fright. Not many people would believe this but if push her to the edge her personality changes completely she can get really scary.

Bio: Wendy is actually from the city. Her parents were always busy and didnt have time to watch her so they sent her to a art school.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/IA.full.1663978.jpg.4c9c15fdc74a34a37dec16974630799a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21438" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/IA.full.1663978.jpg.4c9c15fdc74a34a37dec16974630799a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/msyugioh123-image-msyugioh123-36183221-1600-1200.jpg.6203b7a386b7f8debbdce7637e8e470c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21944" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/msyugioh123-image-msyugioh123-36183221-1600-1200.jpg.6203b7a386b7f8debbdce7637e8e470c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Rei Radner

Age: 16

Gender: female

talent: plays the violin and piano. Can also write music.

Personality: Rei is friendly and extremely creative also , she is a bit clumsy when nervous.

Bio: Rei loves music, it has been that way since she was little. She prefers classical music but, is willing to try out new genres.

Other: Her biggest fear is not making any friends also accidently doing something embarrassing when she gets nervous.



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Allen "James" Parker








James is pretty carefree and easygoing, without much concern for consequences. He is usually bored and hates it. He does things for entertainment or because he's forced to. He doesn't like being pushed around and will become spiteful. He can be extroverted if he tries and flirts without thinking sometimes. He's charismatic, though prefers to stay by himself sometimes. He's boisterous and scheming, with a flair for pranks and jokes. He is selfish and doesn't really care for anything that doesn't concern or affect him.


James comes from a family of bankers and lawyers who expected him to do the same.


He's afraid of people having some sort of control over him, or being stalked. Stalking is a pretty hypocritical subject for him.



Rosemary "Rosie" Smith






Dancing, particularly ballet


Rosie is conceited and prideful; she knows that she's attractive and uses it to her advantage. However, she is constantly comparing herself to other girls and has a low self esteem built up on a big ego. She may act confident and sure of herself, though she is very observant and nervous unless she's dancing. She's outgoing and extroverted with charm and wit. She has this magnetic air about her that draws people in. She is easygoing and fun until things get in her way. She likes things to go in her favor and when that doesn't happen, she does whatever is in her power to make it happen. She can be manipulative due to her selfish nature. She isn't afraid to blackmail anyone. She is an excellent actress and uses those skills to affect people. She puts up a fun, carefree facade when she's cautious and observant. She is very intelligent and sees through people's facades/schemes easily. She's cool headed and, although she gets irritated easily, does not anger easily.


Rosie comes from a wealthy background and has been dancing since she was four.


Rosie is deathly afraid of being socially/publicly shunned or embarrassed.


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