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Graded (Harmog Kon'Roor Town) Kuridan After Dar'k


Princess of the Stars
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This is a Roleplay set in the Isekai Hell universe. It takes place in the mostly Beast town of Harmog Kon'Roor, just north of the Ryken border with the Republic. It is a follow up to Calliope and Euthalia's journey to visit the Felisian's family. This is a closed RP. We are not taking on any more characters without my approval. Anyone who enjoys this RP and would like to learn more about the Isekai Hell universe is encouraged to follow the links. <3

1719812909378.png Kon'Roor (Rose Field), Southern Kuridan
The night air was only slightly chilly as the stars lit the field behind the Dar' family home. A large cooking fire had been started near the abode and a large table set out with a variety of foods. Several large grilled fish, a poultry pie, savory and sweet breads, and a few bowls of chopped vegetables decorated the bright fabric covering laid out over the table.

As Calliope and Euthalia entered the yard, the familiar sound of Muirriq's sitar filled the air. "Welcome, mmmm. Please, find somewhere comfortable and make yourself at home, mmmm." He released his instrument long enough to gesture loosely to a collection of varying pillows, blankets, and chairs arranged nearby. "But perhaps don't get too comfortable, sister, I suspect mom will have need of you sho-" Dar' Muir suddenly stepped out of the house through the back door. "<Ah, good, you're here. Help me bring the carafes out, they are on the counter.>" Calliope frowned, but turned to Euthalia with a smile. "Go ahead and take a seat, I'll join you in a moment." She squeezed the Sylvari's hand slightly, before releasing and disappearing into the house.

Noran glanced around as he approached the table. "Good. I'm not the first to arrive, but I still beat Hagra." His eyes spotted Euthalia, and he smiled, holding up a green glass bottle. "Brought a gift, just a simple welcome present. Though I suppose that all depends on if it really is Paizu snow water."

Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Last edited by a moderator:
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

Euthalia was honestly a tad surprised that Muirriq would even continue to play at home. “Is he that dedicated to his craft, or is he just trying to impress?” She asked Calliope, upon hearing the music.

Upon being told to find somewhere comfortable, she'd head towards the opposite of the fire-place. Fire and her didn't go hand-in-hand all that much. That said, it did make her want to inquire about something. “Perhaps an odd question, but I've been wondering about that expression for a while. What exactly does 'make yourself at home' mean? In the See, among us Sylvari and Dryads at least, we have the saying 'root where you desire', but all that does is give guests the privilege of taking the first choice at finding a place to root at. I don't think 'making yourself at home' is the exact same, or is it?”

As for the actually 'making herself comfortable', she realised quickly there was nothing in particular that stood out. A lack of flower-beds or flower-pot, perhaps. Either way, she settled on just sitting down on the floor. That'd at least mean she'd not risk bumping her head onto the ceiling.

“<Hello again, madam.>” She'd quickly switch to Beastial upon the older feline's entrance. Best not to upset the parents.

If anything, she figured she might as well keep it up for the rest of her stay her. She did hear Dar'Muir mention she'd not accept 'Common' as a language within her house at one point.

“<Oh, I see. So perhaps your welcome present is forcing me to taste test whether you were scammed or not?>” She stated, with a bit of a smirk. “<How kind of you.>” She'd chuckle, indicated that she wasn't too insulted. “<Do you want me to try find out now or later?>” She asked, accepting the bottle and holding it out, actually slightly curious what it'd be.

She highly doubted it was Paizu Mountain water, but, well, who knew.
DALL·E 2023-11-12 13.14.20 - Anime-style character art of a young woman with short orange hair...pngKon'Roor (Rose Field), Southern Kuridan

Calliope stifled a chuckle at Euthalia's question. "Perrrhaps a little of both? He is not very good at getting along with people. Sometimes I think he cares more for his instruments than anyone else. They are his friends, and he never goes anywhere without one. Sometimes my mother or brothers tell him he should meet "real" friends, but I am just glad he has something that makes him happy. As long as you are happy, and no one is hurt, it shouldn't matter where it comes from." She looked up at Euthalia and smiled, her thoughts on her own happiness.

Calliope stiffened at her mother's voice, but managed to calm herself before turning to follow her inside. "<Of course, mother. Just on the table with the rest?>" She stepped into the dimly lit house as her mother shouted back a response. Once inside, she glanced around the kitchen until she spotted the clay receptacles, grabbing one in each hand. A pair of arms suddenly wrapped around her, causing her heart to jump in her chest momentarily. "<Welcome home, Sister!>" Calliope laughed quietly as she calmed herself, letting out a soft laugh as she turned and hugged her younger sister. "<Rudra, it is good to see you.>"

Abena-Lord Bara 1.png"<You must tell me all about your travels! Did you find any new towns that seem promising for sales?>" The younger Felisian stepped back and grabbed Calliope's hands, causing the older girl to draw back and wince from a sharp pain in her palm. "<Are you okay?>" Calliope held her palm out to reveal a shard of pottery sticking into it. The two looked to the carafes on the counter to see the top of one was shattered and spilled onto the counter. "<I-I didn't even realize it had happened. I am sorry, Rudra, let me clean this up.>" Rudra moved to get a cloth and help, pushing Calliope out of the way. "<You need to get your wound handled first, don't worry, I'll handle this.>" She smiled at her sister and grabbed a new container for the remaining juice as Calliope headed to the wash room.

Dar' Family
Muirriq thought for a moment at Euthalia's inquiry. "I am unsure of the origin of the saying, though I am fairly certain it is a Human phrase, mmmm. The general sentiment is 'Treat my home as if it is your own', mmmm. It is just a way of saying you are welcome to make yourself comfortable and tend to your needs without fear of being seen as rude or presumptuous, mmmm. Though I like your saying, mmmm. 'Root where you desire.' I think that is closer to 'Help yourself', which means to take what food you want, again without the worry of coming off as rude, mmmm. Humans seem to be very worried of appearing rude to each other, and also letting others know they do not see them as rude, mmmm. Fascinating, mmmm."

Dar'Muir politely nodded at Ethalia's greeting. "<Welcome back>, Euthalia. <I hope your visit has been peasant so far. If you need anything, just let us know.>" She didn't stay long before rushing back into the house.

Titus-Lord Bara 1.pngNoran' held his hands up defensively. "<I would never. I am merely making good on my promise of hospitality. Though, yes, knowing whether or not it was legitimate would be of great benefit to me. A coincidence, nothing more.>" He smiled slyly at Euthalia, enjoy having someone willing to play his games. The sound of a gate swinging closed drew his attention as he turned to grin wider at the approach of a white haired Felisian."<Well, if it isn't the town pariah himself. Should we expect an entourage of bounty hunters and debt collectors? Not sure there's enough seating.>" The new addition glared at him, seating down roughly in a chair. "<Shut it. And it's every other town I'm an outcast from, that's why I'm here. Who's the plant? Another friend of yours?>" "<No, Maoro's, actually.>" The white haired cat looked up with surprise. "<Sis gone vegan?>" Noran' frowned and acted indignant. "<You can ask her yourself. And do try not to be crass, she can speak Bestial. Really, Hagra', show some class.>" Hagra looked at Euthalia, his expression still tired. "<So you're with Calliope, huh? I always heard the Fae weren't to fond of our kind. How'd you two meet anyway?>" Though gruff, there was no hate or offense in his voice, merely curiosity.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

She wasn't sure whether or not she fully agreed with Calliope. Being able to make a living was also nice. Being able to better the world was also a worthwhile procedure. Was being happy without hurting others really all that mattered? Honestly, not to her, though she had to admit... a certain someone did end up making her focus on her own happiness a lot more. Why else was she here, rather than conducting business in the See? She realised she'd been looking right back at Calliope whilst pondering this, feeling a tad embarrassed and happy to hear the cat called in. That meant she'd not have to explain herself.

Instead, she'd reply to Muirriq, as the topic was of interest to her. “<How often do you think people actually say things like that when they actually mean it? I've recalled, during my diplomacy lessons, I was told to never to trust other species on their hospitalities as if they were literal. I was taught you might heavily offend someone when they say 'pick your seat' and you decide to sit at the head of a table, or that they might feel insulted when they say 'root wherever you want' and you remove some flowers to make room in the flowerbed in their frontyard.>” She thought for a moment longer, as the last bit was even more odd. “<Help yourself seems even more odd to me. Doesn't that imply the host doesn't care to help you themselves?>”

Upon entering and hearing Dar'Muir's greeting, she'd give a polite bow. “<Thank you madam, it's an honour to be welcomed by in your home.>” She stated, deciding not to push boundaries by continuing her earlier debate and asking how much this 'anything' she could ask for could be stretched.

She chuckled at Noran'. “<Of course, of course.>” She was about to take a sip to find out for him, but they were greeted by another cat entering. A big one, at that. “<Twins, I take it?>” She asked Noran', when his brother made the exact same joke.

Turning to Hagra, she'd introduce herself. “<Euthalia Apricot, and yes, I did turn her vegan.>” She decided she might as well roll with it after the second time it was brought up this manner. She did wonder if that implied she'd gotten Calliope to eat her kind, but that was a question best not to ponder upon further. “<I'd not be here if I weren't.>” She'd reply truthfully yet as shortly as possible to the first remark, thinking about how to respond to the second bit. “<It was on a business endeavour. I brought her some plants of which she helped figure out their properties.>” She stated, recalling their first meeting back in Faremeadow. It felt really long ago, but also like yesterday. How odd.
1720580416943.pngKon'Roor (Rose Field), Southern Kuridan
Calliope pulled the sliver of ceramic out of her hand, wincing as she did. Aside from minor bleeding, the wound was mostly superficial. She reached into her coat and took out a small jar, spreading its contents over her palm. Her fingers shook as the memory of the woman in the alley way still lingered in her thoughts. She wiped her eyes and straightened her clothes, preparing to return to the others.

"<Maoro?>" Calliope jumped at the sound of her mother's voice, turning quickly before regaining her composure. "<Oh, s-sorry, Mother. You startled me.>" She smiled, but her mother stared at her, her eyes moving momentarily to the wound on Calliope's palm. "<You cannot hide from me, Maoro. You were crying, I can see it. What's wrong?>" Calliope released her smile, moving her hand to cover the wound. "<I-I'm fine, Mother. Just an accident with the carafe.>" Her mother grabbed her hand to look it over. <"Do not lie to me. I have dropped those dishes numerous times without so much as a crack, they would not shatter from a simple grip. What are you not telling me?>" Calliope frowned in annoyance and pulled her hand away. "<N-Nothing, Mother. I said it was an accident, why can't you just respect my decisions?>" Muiri frowned and lowered her hand. "<I am just worried about my daughter, can't you understand that?>" Caliope looked away and sighed. "<Of course I can, but can't you understand I would rather be free to make my own mistakes then live the safe life you laid out for me?>" Muir stood for a moment before continuing. "<This isn't why I came to find you. Let's not ruin the evening. If you do not wish to trust me, then let's end it and rejoin the others.>" It took all of her control not to react to her mother's obvious provocation. "<Fine. I had been about to any way.>"

Dar' Family
Muirriq pondered Euthalia's reasoning. "<I feel maybe some understanding on the part of both parties is implied. Obviously, someone wouldn't welcome the damaging of their property in a guest's pursuit of comfort. But I think it would be equally unfair to say such a thing and not allow your guest some eccentricities. Surely everyone behaves in some manner in their own home that another would see as strange. But I suppose it is a rather human notion to assume everyone understands that innately. And in the case of the latter, I think the intention is to let the guest know they are free to take what they want. A host serving the guest might not give enough proportions, seeming stingy, or might serve them something unwanted, adding the expectation to eat it. It is easier to cut the pomp and allow the guest to choose for themselves.>"

Dar'Muir responded. "<We are happy to have you. If you'll excuse me, I need to get the rest of the food set out, though I would love to talk later.>" She quickly re entered the house.

Noran grinned smugly at Euthalia's jest. "<Triplets, actually, along with our dear sister. Twins and triplets are common among Felisians.>"

When she replied to Hagra, Noran' nearly choked on his drink, quickly covering his mouth with a napkin to keep his composure. Hagra snorted and turned to more directly face Euthalia. "<I suppose you did. It's not such a nice term, at least it's origins. Implies the one being called it is weak, has given up being a hunter. Now it more or less is just used for those who stray from Bestial culture, particularly those who choose a non-Beast partner. Technically, it could be applied to us too.>" Hagra gestured between him and Noran', to which the dark haired Felisian scoffed. "<Speak for yourself, I merely play the part my job requires.>" Hagra smiled when he heard how the two had met. "<So she's really making waves out there, huh? Good for her, she put in the work, she deserves some success.>"

Elvario Elvario
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

She couldn't help herself from chuckling at the mention of being served something unwanted. “<That, at least, is a sentiment I can thoroughly relate to. Explaining my species doesn't exactly eat the way animals do can get rather tiresome.>” It was rather delightful to have a conversation like that, as she was quickly warming up to at least one of Calliope's siblings. “<Though you do have me curious, what would your strange manner of behaviour be?>”

“<Triplets? Huh, how peculiar.>” She honestly couldn't exactly see the resemblance in their appearance. Not so much in their behaviour either, come to think of it.

Upon learning the 'real' meaning of 'vegan' in Beastial, she frowned. “<Then I guess I've joined the ranks of the vegans, for a doubt any Fae would venture as I did.>” She stated, leaving it somewhat vague what exactly she meant by 'venture' in this context on purpose.

Euthalia happily nodded at the mention of Calliope making waves. “<I can assure you, she'd done really well. She's impressed some local officials and got her own store-front already. Something not that easily done by a none-Fae when it comes to our nation.>”
1721621406639.pngKon'Roor (Rose Field), Southern Kuridan

Calliope Dar'Maoro
Calliope quickly walked into the kitchen and grabbed the new carafes that Rudra had prepared. The younger Felisian had already stepped back to the pantry to grab the fresh bread, so Calliope headed outside. While still slightly huffy from her encounter with her mother, seeing Euthalia with her brothers made her smile. She set the ceramics on the table and walked over to the group.

Muirriq was replying to the Sylvari as Calliope approached. "<Hmmmm... Oh, I know. I don't like sleeping beds. Ever since I began to travel, I've proffered the ground and chairs, but for some reason, people get uncomfortable with a guest refusing a bed. They are more comfortable with my discomfort because it is familiar to them. It's rather odd.>"

Noran' made a confused face at Euthalias reply. "<Is it peculiar? It's so common amongst our kind I never thought about it. Is there something different about triplets or any other siblings?>"

Calliope blushed and stepped up next to Euthalia as she praised her work. "<It means a lot to hear you say that, not just as a friend, but as a Guild Member.>" She smiled at Hagra, waving meekly. "<It is good to see you again, Hagra. I read in Rudra's last letter that you've been helping out the Gharo'ons on their farm. Is it going well?>" Hagra nodded a slight smile crossing his lips. "<It is, surprisingly so. And it feels good to be doing honest work, too. Should have listened to all of you sooner.>" Calliope's face lit up at her brother's success. "<I'm so happy for you. I may need work done on my store one day, if you're willing. Might be fun to take a bit of a vacation, hmmm?>" Her brother laughed and nodded slowly. "<Sure, sis. Could be fun.>" He turned to Euthalia again. "<Guild membership? So what exactly is it you do?>"

As the other's conversed, Klint rounded the corner of the house and headed to Muiri. "<I'm here, I'm here! Sorry, hon, meeting ran late, but it's all good news.>" He approached and gave her a gentle kiss as she passed to finish the preps. "<Well, good, then you can tell us about it as we get started. Rudra! Come out here, I'll grab the rest.>" Rudra came out of the house, wiping her hands on her apron and walking over to the others. "<Hello. I'm Maoro's sister, Rudra. It is a pleasure to meet you.>" She smiled and nodded at Euthalia, her mannerisms almost identical to her mother's.

Mention: Elvario Elvario
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

“<Who'd have guessed we had that in common! I've never been able to properly root on a bed either!>” She replied, deciding to be bold enough to attempt a joke. It was a tad odd though, to hear a fleshling say they didn't like beds, but she wasn't one to judge. Perhaps it was similar to the Sylvari and Dryads that didn't like tilted soil and flowerbeds? “<It's an odd contraction you pointed out, for people to feel more comfortable with another's discomfort due to their views on etiquette.>” Surprisingly interesting as well.

She looked at Noran' surprised in turn. “<I... Guess? I never thought too much of it, but among those I saw it wasn't common. Then again, I can't say I now family structures all that well.>” As she was talking with him, she finally opened the water bottle. Taking a sip, she'd carefully... spit it out on instinct. “<Ugh... sorry.. this is salty.>” She stated, clearly not liking the result. “<They didn't even fill this up with well water, this tasted like it came form out of the Continental Lake or something.>”

The bad taste in her mouth remained, but was alleviated by Calliope joining them. “<That reminds me, we should get the Faazi's to help us out a bit whilst the head still thinks he owes me.>” She made a mental note to herself and Calliope. She turned to Hagra. “<Me? It's...>” A good question. What did she do exactly? “<Until recently, mostly a messenger. Lately I've been taking on more diplomatic work, in-between helping out Calliope.>” That was probably the best thing to mention and explain right now.

Upon seeing a younger Dar'Muir arrive, she'd greet her back. “<It's nice to meet you too.>”

Now that everyone was present, she recalled something. “<Oh, right, I meant to ask. What are the favourite flowers or plants of each of you? I'd like to return some of the hospitality you're all offering me.>”
Kon'Roor (Rose Field), Southern Kuridan

Calliope Dar'Maoro

"Can't say I know many types of flowers. Spend most of my days behind a bar counter. I suppose everyone knows roses though." Noran' crossed his arms, curious where this was going.

"I'm quite fond of peonies. There's a field just north east of here, they seem to go for miles." The youngest Felisian tuned his sitar as he tried recalling the area.

"I like hydrangeas." Noran' and Muirriq turned to look at their brother surprised. Hagra just shrugged indifferently. "What, I can't like flowers?"

As the others conversed with Euthalia, Abena made her way over to her sister. "It's good to have you have you home, even if it's just for a bit. Seems like this year had been more hectic than most." Calliope looked at her sister curiously. "Has the bakery been more busy?" Abena sighed and shook her head. "I wish. First there was the fire in the Deraris's wheat field, taking out a huge portion of the towns grain production. Keran was so badly injured his sons had to take over the farm. And then the Rorani place had a sink hole. It seems like nothing but bad news this year. Not to mention mom getting si-" She covered her mouth as her eyes went wide and Calliope squinted at her sister. "What was that about mom?" Abena let out a defeated look. "Sh-she said we shouldn't mention it while you were here..." Calliope turned her full attention to her sister. "Dar'Rudra, you tell me what your hiding this instant." Abena winced at her full name being used, like a child being scolded. "Just... mom got sick a little while ago. It was pretty bad. Dad was able to get a doctor to come from Ryke, but she was in a lot of trouble there toward the end of it." Calliope took a drink from her glass, thinking for a moment before speaking. "Why didn't she tell me?"

It was her father who spoke next, stepping up from behind the other two. "Because she doesn't want to worry about her. She wants you to succeed, out in the world. Not wasting time and energy worrying about us back here." Before she could stop herself, Calliope scoffed. "She never wanted me to succeed. She wanted me to take over the bakery. It's why she's been on my case since the morning you gave me that apothecary set." Urmaoro' shook his head. "I didn't buy you that set. I was on the road till nearly sunrise. Your mother bought it off the charlatan who was peddling the day before. His tonics may have been lies, but his equipment was real. She could see your fascination." Calliope stared at her dad in disbelief and confusion for a bit, before turning away silently. After a moment, she spoke. "But she's okay now? Mom is fine." Her father smiled and put his arm around his daughter's shoulder. "She is fine. Focus on your dream."

Calliope spent the rest of the evening with Euthalia, enjoying the celebration and closeness with her Sylvari companion, though at times she seemed to be struggling in thought, or unusually quiet. Once the fire died down and the night got late, the group said goodnight and went their separate ways. Calliope kept herself calm as long as she could, though Euthalia could clearly tell something was bothering her. It became clear as Calliope stopped on the outskirts of town, her tear stained face wearing an expression of defeat and apology. The two spoke, of everything that had happened and everything that hadn't, and realized this is where their paths diverged. Euthalia had her duties to the See that she couldn't abandon, and Calliope felt the same about her family. She had always felt her dream had been to break free from her family and make her own life, but helping others had been where her journey began. There were people who needed help right here. While the parting was not easy, neither held malice toward the other, neither willing to find fault in each others needs.

With a final smile, and a request to give Islwyn and Keone her best, Calliope turned back toward the town, leaving Euthalia to use the cabin, if she wanted.

End Kuridan After Dar'k

Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Isekai Hell Grade

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Elvario Elvario

Nice teaparty. The ending though. Was a long build up to this. Would feel like the first half of a romance before the characters decide to beat the odds and try to make it work anyway. Doesn't seem like that's in the cards this time.




for both: optional title acquired [Star-Crossed] - character has been dealt a difficult fate that runs contrary in ways to their desires.

Calliope - 27pts

Euthalia Apricot - 12pts

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