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Active (Harmog Kon'Roor Town) Kuridan After Dar'k


Princess of the Stars
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This is a Roleplay set in the Isekai Hell universe. It takes place in the mostly Beast town of Harmog Kon'Roor, just north of the Ryken border with the Republic. It is a follow up to Calliope and Euthalia's journey to visit the Felisian's family. This is a closed RP. We are not taking on any more characters without my approval. Anyone who enjoys this RP and would like to learn more about the Isekai Hell universe is encouraged to follow the links. <3

1719812909378.png Kon'Roor (Rose Field), Southern Kuridan
The night air was only slightly chilly as the stars lit the field behind the Dar' family home. A large cooking fire had been started near the abode and a large table set out with a variety of foods. Several large grilled fish, a poultry pie, savory and sweet breads, and a few bowls of chopped vegetables decorated the bright fabric covering laid out over the table.

As Calliope and Euthalia entered the yard, the familiar sound of Muirriq's sitar filled the air. "Welcome, mmmm. Please, find somewhere comfortable and make yourself at home, mmmm." He released his instrument long enough to gesture loosely to a collection of varying pillows, blankets, and chairs arranged nearby. "But perhaps don't get too comfortable, sister, I suspect mom will have need of you sho-" Dar' Muir suddenly stepped out of the house through the back door. "<Ah, good, you're here. Help me bring the carafes out, they are on the counter.>" Calliope frowned, but turned to Euthalia with a smile. "Go ahead and take a seat, I'll join you in a moment." She squeezed the Sylvari's hand slightly, before releasing and disappearing into the house.

Noran glanced around as he approached the table. "Good. I'm not the first to arrive, but I still beat Hagra." His eyes spotted Euthalia, and he smiled, holding up a green glass bottle. "Brought a gift, just a simple welcome present. Though I suppose that all depends on if it really is Paizu snow water."

Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

Euthalia was honestly a tad surprised that Muirriq would even continue to play at home. “Is he that dedicated to his craft, or is he just trying to impress?” She asked Calliope, upon hearing the music.

Upon being told to find somewhere comfortable, she'd head towards the opposite of the fire-place. Fire and her didn't go hand-in-hand all that much. That said, it did make her want to inquire about something. “Perhaps an odd question, but I've been wondering about that expression for a while. What exactly does 'make yourself at home' mean? In the See, among us Sylvari and Dryads at least, we have the saying 'root where you desire', but all that does is give guests the privilege of taking the first choice at finding a place to root at. I don't think 'making yourself at home' is the exact same, or is it?”

As for the actually 'making herself comfortable', she realised quickly there was nothing in particular that stood out. A lack of flower-beds or flower-pot, perhaps. Either way, she settled on just sitting down on the floor. That'd at least mean she'd not risk bumping her head onto the ceiling.

“<Hello again, madam.>” She'd quickly switch to Beastial upon the older feline's entrance. Best not to upset the parents.

If anything, she figured she might as well keep it up for the rest of her stay her. She did hear Dar'Muir mention she'd not accept 'Common' as a language within her house at one point.

“<Oh, I see. So perhaps your welcome present is forcing me to taste test whether you were scammed or not?>” She stated, with a bit of a smirk. “<How kind of you.>” She'd chuckle, indicated that she wasn't too insulted. “<Do you want me to try find out now or later?>” She asked, accepting the bottle and holding it out, actually slightly curious what it'd be.

She highly doubted it was Paizu Mountain water, but, well, who knew.

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