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Fandom happy lantern rite ( genshin cc/cc )


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No fancy code here just a simple roleplay search for partners willing to help my current craving for genshin archon war era roleplay after that lantern rite story quest

ideas: my primary craving is anything set within the archon war era of genshin though im especially interested in musing guizhong, ganyu or ei/makoto set around this era. it doesn’t even have to stick to canon lore we can mix and match the different characters and their kind of actions within the war and dynamics whether it’s platonic, romantic or enemies. i don’t have any solid set in stone plots but that is the fun of working together on an era that hasn’t been fully utilised yet in genshin i just love to mix and match different characters and how they would act with each other during the situations we place them in

about me:
- i am 19 and nearly 20 so please 18+ partners only please just for comfort ^^
- work as a night shift hca so my sleep schedule is very erratic but also means im very very active and can guarantee at the minimum one reply a day, but most commonly multi replies a day (ofc i don’t expect that from a partner though!)
- average word count is 490-1k+ words depending on how much there is to work with but very very rarely below 500
- i love angst.
- primarily female character muser + i will not rp with or against ocs until im comfortable doing so with a partner if at all
- mostly caught up on genshin archon quests just have the latest one left but im okay with spoilers anyway
- i dont /mind/ ghosting, but i would prefer a partner who doesn’t dip the minute i reply once it’s a waste of both our times but life happens, if you want to drop the rp or get bored id rather even just a simple bye with no explanation
- prefer to rp through pms
- not really any limits or triggers
- with the right partner i can be very talkative in ooc chat but im also very open with my schedule and when i can fit replies in too, im always open to plotting other things on the side or just sharing fanart, headcanons and the such :ghostr::ghostr:

thank you for reading this far and hope there’s someone else out there obsessing over the lantern rite quest too
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Wondering if you were alive. I obsess over LR too! Record every scene.

Is this still open?

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