Happy hearts orphanage

Name: Mia Sanfairo

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Likes: Bunny, dogs, anything girly or cute, lace, and the color pink.

Dislikes: Sitting still, tight spaces, heights, loud noises.



Bio/backstory: Mia grew up in a very rich home, but was disowned by her parents, when she was 12, because she was more innocent than snotty. But even as she lived on the streets she was a happy and cheerful girl, especially since she had her dog, Snookums. Even though she always seemed happy, deep inside she often felt sad and broken and felt she could never trust anyone again, though no one ever noticed.
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Name: ms. June



Likes:happy hearts itself. Reading. Video games. Playing the trumpet

Dislikes:work. Bad attitudes. On herself and others.

Personality: for the most part miss June is a rather peppy person. She enjoy (for the most part). Looking after the children. Although she can be a tad bit scary sometimes she only wants the best for the children.

Appearance: (first image)

Bio: ms.june herself was raised in the very same orphanage of happy hearts. Though she was never adopted she loved every second at happy hearts. When she turned eighteen she was no longer technically legal to stay as one of the children. Saddened to leave she quickly came up with the next best thing. Instead of living at happy hearts she decided to work at happy hearts. Though she had never been really all that found of "work" she did it happily for happy hearts. She currently works as a service girl. Cleaning up after the children and making sure they behave we'll enough.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.8be5bcff015e17472525c5c9bc2877b9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19751" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.8be5bcff015e17472525c5c9bc2877b9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Austin Robinson

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M a l e

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Birds ; Specifically the Yellow Warbler and Cardinals.

Forests, Gardens, Meadows

Summer Breeze

Antique Furniture

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Noisy, blotchy, and noisy places

Insolent people


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Austin is an outgoing, calm but eccentric guy.

Whenever he's bored, or he has nothing to do, he goes outdoors and often sits under a tree, or on a patch of grass. He finds it relaxing and wonderful to look out into the sky and take in his surrounding of nature. Although he finds the city sort of annoying, he does not completely dislike it. He just likes to avoid it since he finds it's surrounding unbearable.

Austin could also be described as "eco-friendly". He's cautious about how long, or how he's using the plumbings and electronics at home; sometimes he finds other ways to save electricity

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B I O / B A C K S T O R Y

Austin had been terrified of fires, and has always disliked them. Whenever he hears the word itself, or even sees a small speck of flame, he is reminded of the misery that had happened to him on a fine, normal day.

Austin was going back into his house after he had lied in the grass of the Robinson's backyard. The Robinson's did not live in the city, but by the countryside. So they weren't what you would call "rich" ; they're just a middle-class family, though his parents do work in the city. Now, as he was closing the screen door at the back of the house, he heard a shrill scream from the other end of the house. It was coming from the kitchen, and his Mother was the one screaming. He ran to the other side of the house, heart pacing fast. As he was about to enter the kitchen, he heard a sudden BOOM. The gas stove had exploded. His Mother lay on the floor, on fire. While his father was on the other side of the room, right next to the gas stove. His hand clutching the fire extinguisher they had under the sink. He didn't want to remember how horrid his father looked. It was a traumatizing experience for him.

The next day, an uncle of his called and Austin had tried his best to explain the predicament he was in. His uncle tried helping him ; though adoption seemed to be the option for Austin now, his uncle couldn't take him under his care for he was always out of the house and lived alone. His other relatives were out of the country. The only solution his uncle could find was for him to stay in the Happy Hearts Orphanage.

Name// Abigail Foster

Age// 8+1/2



Dancing, Castles, Faerie tales, Playing dress up, Stuffed animals, Peter Pan


The doctor, Medicine, Gummy worms, Insects, Green Vegetables, The dark


Filled with joy and a crazy imagination, Abigail dances around in her castle (room) in hopes that one day she will become a princess. With the belief that she lives in a fantasy world filled with mermaids and pirates, Abigail can easily be categorized as an innocent young child. Like almost every girl her age Abigail loves to play dress up and have tea parties with her bears. She has an immense love for adventure and discovering new things that often gets Abigail into trouble. But with the help of her imaginary friends, Abigail is ready to go explore distant kingdoms with the faith of soon emerging as their princess.


We've all heard the tale of the young boy that flies and never grows old and for Abigail, that boy was the hero of all her stories. With her parent's always in business trips, Abigail was sent to live with her grandma, Nana Foster. Nana Foster would fuel Abigail's imagination with stories of that young boy fighting evil pirates and wicked Indians to protect his friends, the Lost boys and the Mermaids. Abigail spend her afternoons fantasizing about finding Neverland, becoming the first Lost princess, and flying hand in hand with her hero, Perter Pan.

She would tell her Nana that when she became the Princess of Neverland, she would marry her hero, Peter Pan, and adopt all of the Lost Boys as their children. She would bake them cookies, have tea time with them, and introduce them to all her dolls and stuffed animals. She also believed that with the help of the mermaids and Tinker Bell, she would defeat all of the evil pirates and send them to the time out corner, so they could learn how to be good boys.

Although Abigail's faerie tales took a wicked turn the day Nana Foster passed away. Having left with no one to care for her, Abigail was sent from foster parent to parent home in hopes to find a family that could tolerate all those adventures she dreams up. In spite of having tried many homes, none seemed to accept the creative spirit of this young girl, so, with nothing left to lose, literally, she was sent to Happy Hearts Orphanage. Maybe this will be a place where her creative juices can flow freely.


Name:mr. Rhino



Likes: cooking,gardening,piano.

Dislikes:animals (severely allergic) things that are loud and destructive in nature. The summer.

Appearance: (first image)

Bio: rhino has always had a fascination with cooking and it's fine arts. Every morning as a child he would wake up early in the morning to catch his favorite cooking show. He would practice techniques and learn of the variety of foods in the world. Sadly his family stood in his way. His father viewed cooking as something only a "women" would like,and scolded him from doing so. After years of fighting he ran away at the age of fourteen to pursue his dream. For awhile he lived in the streets,taking part time jobs as they came. He worked in sketchy dinners and advanced to classy restaurants as the years passed by. He landed himself in happy hearts by pure coincidence. The job was offered to him at the age of thirty six. It paid we'll and the people he worked with were nice.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.6340f4ac45583d7c1b4019158209ee30.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20246" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.6340f4ac45583d7c1b4019158209ee30.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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