Happy hearts orphanage [Inactive]

Totally a hero

Junior Member
Totally a hero submitted a new role play:

Happy hearts orphanage - Family isn't only blood.

Hello darling! Welcome to happy hearts orphanage! How are you? I can tell that your very tired from your trip getting here so I will make this quick! Happy hearts was founded by Mr.may. A wealthy man who gave up his riches in order to help the poor children of today's youth. He has a long backstory but you can ask him in your free time okay? Happy heart was designed to hold a maximum of eight lovely children in the faculty. Your rooms are lavish,you will be served some of the tastiest dishes...
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~Stands outside the door with a plastic bag of clothes and a pair of tennis shoes. I reach up knocking on the door~
"Oh boy oh boy...shoot there going to be here soon!" Ms.june rushes around making last minute adjustments to the cozy looking room. Fluffing pillows and giving the place one last dust down. "Oh jeez!" She blows air in her cheeks and makes a pouting face. Se was excited for the new children,but boy did it make her nervous. "Mr. Rhino do you have the dinner planned?!" Her voice echoed through the building as she ran about. " yes...yes it is ready... None of them are lactose intolerant correct?" The raspy voice could be heard if one listened closely. "Shouldn't you know that?!" The young girls voice shrieked. The whole being prepared thing wasn't really working for happy hearts staff. In the midst of everybody's panic a large ring could be heard. "Oh...oh goodness there here..." Ms.june shuddered slightly as she made her way to the large doors. "Please...please let this all work out..." "She bit her lip as she listened to the large doors open. "Hello,my name is ms.june. And welcome to happy hearts. " she smiled gently at the group of children and stepped aside so that they could walk in. "I hope you can make your selfs at home."

Austin was in front of the large doors of Happy Hearts Orphanage ;

He was standing among other children who were going to be part of the orphanage, part of a new family. He didn't really seem comfortable to talk to anyone yet, since he noticed that most looked nervous. And so was he.

The building did look big from the outside. . I wonder how many rooms it has and what things they have in each one, he had wondered, whilst looking down nervously. Austin had been wondering of what it would be like inside Happy Hearts ever since his uncle had told him about it.

It had not been long before the large doors opened before them, and they had their first meeting with their caretaker ; Ms. June.

"Hello, my name is Ms.June. And welcome to happy hearts.", she said softly at each of them while smiling. "I hope you can make your selves at home."

It was then when they had finally entered their new home, that they would start their new lives together.

Ms.june observed each of them as they walked in. This was by far the smallest batch of children they had had by far. She guided them to the lounge that was only a few steps away from the entrance. Their was the rather fancy looking couches,with pillows that looked soft to the touch.

"Please have a seat." Ms.june smiled softly as she lightly tapped a couch. "Their are just a few things we need to go over.

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