• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy π‘―𝑨𝑷𝑷𝑰𝑳𝒀 𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹 𝑨𝑭𝑻𝑬𝑹 β€” 𝒕𝒉𝒆 π’šπ’†π’‚π’“π’ƒπ’π’π’Œ



𝒓𝒆𝒅 π’Žπ’†π’‚π’π’” π’Š 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 π’šπ’π’–
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Happily Ever After


application info.

Age - 18 to 25
Gender & Pronouns
Date of Birth
Place of Birth

Body Mods
Distinguishing Features
Face Claim - Realistic FC's Only! (If your character has unique attributes (ex. cat ears, extra limbs, a tail, etc.) you may use art or a description along with your realistic face claim)

Personality - At least 2 paragraphs or 3+ Virtues and Vices with descriptions
Likes - 4+
Dislikes - 4+

π„π€πˆ π…πˆπ‹π„
Parent -
Side -
Grade -
Reputation -
Inherited Power -

Backstory - Doesn't have to be super detailed but give the basics such as where your character was born, how were they raised, what was their life like, etc.




In the realm of Ever After, it has always been the norm that everyone had to take over the fairytale role of someone from the previous generation, primarily of one of their parents. This system, while more beneficial to some than to others, was agreed upon as necessary to protect the fairytale world, which will disappear if the fairytales aren't re-lived. Theoretically, within this system, everyone is equally important, but the reality is that fairytales and roles do influence social position.

The Royals of Ever After Institute are the future fairytale characters who stand for adherence to tradition and piety to destiny. Not too surprisingly, most of them have a pleasant future laid out for them. Nearly all of them are royalty and most have a Happily Ever After ahead. The Royals oppose the Rebels, who seek to break open the system and inject choice, regardless of the consequences this may have for those who do want their destiny and are dependent on others adhering to theirs to get it.



The Rebels of Ever After Institute are the future fairytale characters who believe the people of their world should be free to choose their own paths in life. The Rebel crowd consists of both people with a future that doesn't fit their identity, people who don't agree with role predetermination, and clearly people who have destinies that would make them criminals and get some of them killed if they went through with it. The Rebels oppose the Royals, who want their destinies to take their courses undisturbed, regardless of the cost others have to pay for it.

extra information.

Hi everyone! Welcome to the official character sheet thread for Happily Ever After! Please make sure to not add anything extra to your character sheet unless you ask permission. I would say that the character limit is one but if you would like to create more, I'd say just two for now and make sure that if you are doing two, make sure and do one Royal and one Rebel. Other than that, you can go crazy with your characters as I am hoping to see a wide range of diversity and creativity.

I will also link some resources down below to help with your character creation! Thank you all so much for joining and if you have any questions, you can PM me!

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

  • KrΓ½os Ghiaccio.

    #The Royal Son of The Snow Queen & King

    #Lucky Blue Smith

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

    born krýos snær ghiaccio in the frosty snow kingdom at the top of the world in the early hours of a january morning [the 22nd day], is the eighteen year old royal son of the snow queen & king. using he/him pronouns, krýos identifies as a cisgender, bisexual male.

    skin | krΓ½os' complexion is pale and luminous, like a blanket of freshly fallen snow. his smooth skin feels like porcelain in texture, and his chiseled jaw and cheekbones accentuate his wintry complexion. the lack of warm hues in his face carries a frosty undertone that makes him appear otherworldly.

    hair | white, loose, curly hair that falls into natural waves, softly framing his face. his curls are not tightly wound but are loose, almost messy, giving him that sense of ease and casual charm. while he comes from a family of regal royalty, the casual styling of his krΓ½os' hair contributes to the approachable and down-to-earth aura that radiates from his being.

    eyes | piercing blue, bright eyes that are a striking contrast to the paleness of his snow-like complexion. the luminosity of his skin and the radiant whites of his eyes allow his mesmerizing blue irises to take center stage, always catching the attention of others.

    build | lean but muscular, his shoulders are broad and sculpted, and his waistline is small and toned, accentuating his sculpted physique. his biceps, triceps, and chest are defined with muscle, and his midsection is toned with defined abdominal muscles.

    height | he stands at 6'3" or approx 190cm.

    weight | he weighs 170lbs or 77kg.

    modifications | both ear lobes are pierced.

    distinguishing | a pale snow-like complexion, piercing blue eyes, and a pearly white smile.

    face claim | lucky blue smith.

    personality | while the snow queen & king may have a more reserved and regal demeanor, their son, krΓ½os, has always been more laidback and open to freely expressing his emotions. there is a certain warmth and approachability that radiates from the prince which makes it easier to interact and form a relationship with him. his amicable nature shines through when meeting new people, creating an atmosphere of ease and friendliness. from a young age, krΓ½os' parents made sure to raise him with nurturing qualities that blend regality, kindness, and a touch of irresistible charm would set him apart as a benevolent leader of the snow kingdom.

    krΓ½os is a resilient being whose confidence and bravery show greatly when faced with adversity. he faces each situation with a calm but daring spirit that allows him to overcome any obstacle that comes his way. his laidback demeanor doesn't make him any less responsible; instead, it enhances the sincerity of his actions and allows him to handle any situation with ease. while others may think his confidence borders arrogance, this is far from the truth. instead, it is a reflection of krΓ½os' optimistic outlook on both his life and the world that surrounds him. this perspective not only defines his character and actions but also fuels his forward-looking ambition of fulfilling his destiny and becoming a strong-willed and respectable leader just like his parents.

    when the time comes for krΓ½os to assume the role destined for him, the snow kingdom will witness the emergence of a leader who will breathe new life into the standard traditions that have shaped the kingdom for generations. the passing of the crown will be the dawn of an era where the snow kingdom will enter a transformative era, where it is certain that its future is going to be both rooted in its glorious past but also blended with the progressive visions of a leader who is not afraid to challenge the status quo.

    likes | cold weather, snow, ice cream especially vanilla, ice hockey, skiing, all shades of blue, stargazing, being at home, parties, nature, sweets, ice sculptures, regal attire, his parents, vanilla anything, cold beverages, hand to hand combat, white chocolate, early mornings, exercising, ice pansies, helping others & giving advice, dogs, silver jewelry, & expensive colognes.

    dislikes | warm/hot weather, unnecessary rudeness, failing at something, spicy anything, being insulted, messiness & clutter, conflict, some rebels, dishonesty, seeing others sad/angry, not being able to help, using his powers (sometimes), horror movies, & clowns.

    fears | death, confined spaces, his home melting, & not becoming a great & respected leader like his parents.

    hobbies | ice hockey, ice skating, combating, snowflake collecting, exercising, & practicing his cryokinesis.

    skills | proficient combater, high cold tolerance, sharp-minded, problem-solving, & multitasking.

    eai file.
    parent | the snow queen & king.

    side | royal.

    grade | sophomore.

    reputation | krΓ½os is well-known for his down-to-earth demeanor and approachability. he is never afraid to make new friends or strike up a conversation. his kindness and compassion charm both students and faculty alike. krΓ½os is always willing to help others, whether it may be school-related or by offering advice and/or a friend in times of need. the students at ever after institute not only admire him for his persona but also respect him for the warmth and humility he brings to the school community.

    inherited power | cryokinesis. krΓ½os has the ability to shape and manipulate ice. he can also create and manipulate the environment around him to generate blizzards, freezing conditions, and while still new to doing so, fire projectiles of ice. his powers are strongly tied to his emotions and since he has a cool, laidback demeanor they can sometimes be too weak to do anything. one issue he has with his powers is when coming into contact with others, he sometimes accidentally burns them with frostbite. this has made him wary of physical contact and he tries his best to avoid doing so.


    origin | in the frosty castle of the snow queen and king, the birth of their son, krΓ½os, was a momentous event that echoed throughout the realms of fairytale world. the kingdom rejoiced and the first few months of his life were full of celebrations and praise for recognizing that the young prince was destined for greatness. he was born into a loving family and his parents adored him the moment he entered the world. seraphina and eirik were known for their unwavering love and dedication and made sure krΓ½os childhood was filled with joy and happiness. his parents created a warm and nurturing environment for him, where love and support were abundant.

    as krΓ½os grew, he became fascinated by the tales of his parents' adventures. inspired by the hard work of his parents, the young prince yearned to follow in their footsteps and ascend to the throne as the next snow king. he knew that he wanted to be just like his parents and the snow queen and king recognized the spark of destiny in their son's eyes and guided him through the intricacies of becoming a respectable and great leader of an everchanging kingdom.

    now, krΓ½os knows that he wants to embrace the mantle of the snow king. his parents' wisdom and teachings led him to where he wanted to be and he would be bringing the snow kingdom into a new era, ensuring that the magic of winter continues to captivate hearts and inspire wonder for generations to come. the legacy of the snow queen and king would live on through their son, the rightful heir to the icy throne.

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  • Elijah

    Son of

    The Three Blind Mice.

    ❝You're Never Gonna Fit in Much, Kid!❞

    DOSSIER. β€”
    Full Name: Elijah Hayes.
    Nickname/s: Preferably 'Eli' but he's been teased as 'Mouse Boy.'
    Age: Twenty years old (20).
    Gender: Cisgender male ; He/Him pronouns.
    Sexuality: Semi-Closeted Biromantic Bisexual ; Elijah doesn't believe that his sexuality is all that of a secret, but when he keeps his romantic affairs as private as he does, it can be a surprise to some that he's attracted to both sides.
    Date of Birth: January 23rd.
    Place of Birth: Hood Hollow Realm, Fairytale World.
    Occupation: Student.

    H & W: 5'11"ft. \ 180cm. + 164lbs. \ 75kg.
    Build: Elijah stands at an above-average male height and is ectomorphic in stature. His wardrobe doesn't consist of anything to accentuate the slightly toned muscles in his arms and legs, but his figure does hint at an athletic, and overall, active lifestyle the less he wears.
    Skin: Warm Ivory.
    Hair: Tawny blonde & slightly shaggy, Elijah's hair is cut short enough to be a very low-maintenance hairstyle. Styling is bordering effortless considering all he has to do is wash it and fluff to his liking, and yet it's surprisingly soft with no tangles despite the lack of a routine. Call it luck.
    Eyes: A milky gray contrasts against what would have been a bright blue due to total blindness at birth. His eyes are also framed with noticeable eyelashes and trimmed eyebrows with just a hint of a purple tint in his eyebags to show off his lack of a sleep routine.
    Dis. Features/Body Mods: The most distinguishing attribute he possesses would be his eyes due to the apparent signs of blindness, but he also sports pierced earlobes to which he compliments with simple hoops. His smile can also be quite contagious as well, almost known for causing a warming cascade of butterflies to those he shares one with.
    Face Claim: Damon Albarn from the 90's.

    ──── INTREPID * Eli once knew fear all too well, letting every what-if decide how he navigated his life. But as he aged and learned to hone courage, he grew tired of letting those fears keep him from enjoying the life he has. Now, he dives into the unknown head-on, willing to face the consequences of his actions after the fact. Whether his intrepidness gets him into trouble or not, eli can at least say that he hasn't missed out on making it a memory.
    ──── AMIABLE * His disposition toward other people can come off as one or all of the three: warm, friendly, and affable. Elijah is just an overall friendly guy, making him a valued companion to those who are in need of a different light within their chaos. This is not to be mistaken as a pushover, however, as he isn't afraid to bark or bite in his defense or in the defense of people he's taken a liking to.
    ──── ADVENTUROUS & SPONTANEOUS * Eli is not the kind of man to stay home and lounge around in his bedroom as a means to cure boredom, nor does he choose to nap to pass the time. to keep himself entertained, he keeps his agenda full of opportunities to experience new adventures and take them spontaneously, whether it be alone or with friends. He doesn't care if others deem his rendezvous as unproductive or not, he will find ways to keep himself preoccupied and have fun while doing so. there's too much opportunity in the outdoors to spend it confined to four walls.
    ──── ATTENTIVE * Being alert to his surroundings is imperative for him to navigate the world safely and successfully, meaning nothing goes unnoticed in all aspects of his life. Naturally, his attentiveness has seeped into his relationships, both platonic and romantic, making him almost the perfect companion for some. When someone is as aware and is actively taking mental note of everything and everyone as he does, it's near impossible for anything to run past him disregarded or forgotten.
    ──── DISTRUSTFUL * Eli finds it to be a moral duty to reciprocate kindness to anyone who offers it first, but trusting people is not something he hands out to everyone he crosses paths with. Keeping people at an arm's distance has kept him from getting too attached to others with underlying intentions, and while he's aware that his difficult personality can sometimes sabotage a potential friendship or relationship in the making, he doesn't particularly care about who he loses as long as he's protecting himself.
    ──── SARCASTIC * His sarcasm is one of his most noticeable traits, especially when used towards people he's lost patience with. Often, he only resorts to it when he's been ticked off enough to do so, but there are times when he catches himself using this sarcastic veneer as a means to navigate social complexities with wit. On occasions does his tone get him into some trouble with his "peers", especially when he found himself in a chase from his bullies in high school, but that's still never stopped him from being the sarcastic fuck that he can be when he wants to. He will never learn either.
    ──── STUBBORN * He's not flexible, he's not a people-pleaser, and he certainly doesn't pick and choose his battles wisely β€” There's not a recorded moment in all of Eli's life where he has let himself be persuaded into doing something he doesn't want to do and there is no such thing as biting his own tongue to preserve any comfortability where it isn't due. Don't count on this mule to budge for anyone if it doesn't benefit him in some way. On his own terms will he only consider stepping out of his comfort zone for someone else.
    ──── BLUNT * Elijah is nothing if not honest β€” Sometimes too honest for other's taste. Going hand in hand with his stubbornness, he doesn't see the point in lying to people or beating around the bush regardless if he thinks the truth is something they would want to hear or not. Most will think of his level of honesty as refreshing if it didn't come off as hurtful on occasions. Any time is a good time to tell someone the truth in his eyes, but he has yet to learn that there is a time and a place for it. Fortunately, he seems to have a soft spot for people that he cares about, only ever preserving their feelings. But the same courtesy cannot be said for strangers or people who have already left a bad taste in his mouth (it's almost like he enjoys being brutally honest to those he doesn't get along with). Some may say that Elijah is like a mood ring, you never know what side you'll get.
    Likes: Rainy Days, Finger Foods, Spontaneous Escapades, and Neatness.
    Dislikes: Disorganization, Cats, Harmful Tricks &/or Pranks, and Bullies.
    Fears: Being Pitied by People He's Taken a Liking To, Dying or "Disappearing", Large Bodies of Water, and Sensory Deprivation.
    Hobbies: Reading, Exploring Wooded Areas (especially when he shapeshifts), Exercising, and Listening to Music.
    Skills: Lying Under Pressure (it's especially easy when he has a trustworthy face), Sewing, Sensory Memory, Fast Reflexes, and Quite Strong for his Physique.

    HISTORY. β€”
    β€” Writing a New Adventure:
    Elijah's story is unlike any otherβ€”no royal parents or sleeping in luxurious castles. Instead, he was born with doom awaiting him just after birth, curse-stricken by a scorned warlock whose only means to get back at the woman who betrayed him was revenge against her unborn child.
    ✧ Just after her birth was it discovered that her son was blind, and seemingly fussy with her, as not even a mother's touch could soothe the crying child. Desperate, she made the choice to abandon him in an attempt to get back into her betrothed's good graces, even if it meant doing it without her son. It wasn't clear if she was guilty or remorseful for doing so, her baby, unnamed and abandoned, being the last responsibility she thought of after never coming back for him again.
    ✧ Left defenseless in the thickets of hood hollow realm, swaddled in a basket woven of straw, the child could only wail in hunger, waiting for someone to rescue him. Within hours was he found by three men whose attempt at retirement had seemingly turned into one last adventure for them to trudge through. Good morale, despite being infamous for their wild youth, directed them to adopt him without a second guess.
    ✧ As soon as the child crossed the threshold of the three men's home was he shown a bit of love and care for once, and bestowed the name Elijah Hayes after the ones who adopted him. And despite his blindness, Elijah would thrive under the care of experts who were once forced to navigate the world with the same disability.

    β€” And Then There were Five:
    as Elijah grew older, his adventurous spirit mirrored that of his adopted fathers and older brother during their youth; spending a substantial amount of time outsideβ€”barefoot and making mud pies out of anything he found.
    ✧ Arnold, Henry, Arthur, and Sawyer ensured to support his way of living while doing their best to teach him how to hone and sharpen his other four senses so much so that being blind didn't seem to hinder his childhood.
    ✧ Playing with the children in Hood Hollow realm didn't prove to be difficult for Elijah either, the other children being more than willing to accommodate to his needs. Despite being faced with kindness, there was no escaping the few who found joy in teasing what looked to be an easy target. Young Elijah's eagerness to prove his tormentors wrong may have earned him a streak of trouble, but he didn't dare stop defending himself no matter the outcome.
    ✧ Though Elijah's teenage years brought a newfound sense of introspection and aloofness, he still remained deeply connected to the natural worldβ€”ever so often returning to the thickets of hood hollow to find comfort in its quiet scenes.
    ✧ Like the curiosity of a cat, along with his adopter's loosened reigns, Elijah found himself navigating farther out of his realm as he was allowed to. He met more friends, foes, and flings alike the other teens his ageβ€”living a normal life under the watchful eyes of his dads until he found himself being able to exist on his own.

    β€” Elijah Takes the Pen:
    There was no doubt that word of the ever after institute inviting new faces into its doors would reach Hood Hollow realm, and eventually, Elijah's household.
    ✧ While royals and rebels alike went there with their agendas, Elijah had no particular motive to follow suit besides more privacy and free reign over where his life would go. Despite that, his parents didn't do anything to force him out of the house, the three blind mice men trusted Elijah to do whatever he liked with his life, with common sense in mind.
    ✧ Appreciative of the fact that he still had his parents and his brother in his corner to support whatever it was that he chose to do, Elijah set forth with enrolling into the institute to take advantage of the opportunities it has to offer.
    ✧ Leaving home was his best choice yet despite the occasional homesickness. Here, he gets to experience what real life is like without the scaffolds of a parental figure to hold him back from learning on his own.
    ✧ When he can, however, Elijah ever so often finds himself escaping the constant hustle and bustle of the institute for the serene forest life where Arnold, Henry, and Arthur, still reside. Catching Sawyer there would prove to be on a luck base, however, as his older brother is off building a family and an independent life of his own.

    'EAI' FILE. β€”
    Parent/s: The Three Blind Mice β€” personified identities: (arnold hayes (fc: william fichtner), 47. henry hayes (fc: steven weber), 47. arthur hayes (fc: matthew mcconaughey), 49.)
    Side: Royal.
    Grade: Sophomore.
    Reputation: Elijah has always upheld a social aloofness despite having a reputation of being just a tad too reckless for his own good. For certain, he was probably viewed as a gentle giant before his witty comebacks and never-ending escapades caught up with him. And despite being twenty years old, Eli still hasn't shed his shell of irresponsibility β€” known by name to a few of his professors who probably don't appreciate seeing his name tied to half the fights that occurred on campus grounds. Although slightly troublesome, that doesn't mean he as a penchant for being a school terror. Half the time, he's always been provoked minutes before incidences occur β€” very few just don't expect him to fight, and not for as long as he does. Be good to him and he'll be good to you; go low and he'll take it to hell.
    Inherited Power:
    Animal Shapeshifting β€” Elijah possesses the ability to shapeshift into a mouse form, very tiny and easy to miss. Although he can't escape being blind, the memory capacity and physical agility he has as a human are upheld in this form, making navigation just as easy as it is for him as a human. He doesn't utilize this ability much considering he finds the rodent stereotypes demeaning, but he will use it when he needs to or when he's out of sight. (i mean.. would you like being able to fit in someone's pocket when you're almost 6' as a human?)

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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  • scroll


    She tastes like fairy tales. Swan maiden at midnight. Cream on the tip of a fox’s tongue. She tastes like hope.

    Laini Taylor

    Rebel Daughter of Odette


    full name

    Cosette Swan


    Coco, Cosi, Setta






    March 11th


    The Enchanted Forest, Fairytale Realm

    Say Yes to Heaven

    Lana Del Rey








    Slender, with long graceful limbs. She's built much like a ballerina, and carries herself as such.


    Coily black hair that reaches halfway down her back. Despite taking very good care of her hair, it's often frizzy and slightly untamed, especially when exposed while she is using her abilities.


    Copper-colored skin with warm undertones




    Tamika Fawcett

    body mods

    Earrings and a small nose ring on her right nostril

    distinguishing features

    Round eyes and fluffy, curly hair



    As the daughter of Odette the Swan Queen, Cosette inherited many of her mother’s traits. Upon first glance, she is kind, gentle, and quick to lend a helping hand. But do not be fooled by her calm demeanor. She is equipped with a sharp wit and a strong sense of right and wrong. Cosette will not hesitate to defend those she loves (much like swans do with their young), and she can be quite vicious when provoked. She carries herself with an air of elegance and poise, often towing the line between healthy self-confidence and being self-centered. However, Cosette also has a deep desire to be seen, and to live a life outside of what was ordained for her. She wants people to acknowledge and know her for her accomplishments, not her unfortunate fate.

    Because of this constant pressure to be perfect, Cosette often will be contrary and create conflict just out of spite. She will hold a grudge if she feels she has been wronged and can be very petty and passive-aggressive, as well as flat-out aggressive. And she is often vindictive. Cosette is known to make quick assumptions and judgments about people, and they are not always correct. This can cause her to create enemies without there being a real reason to.

    For better or worse, Cosette will fight until she is physically forced to stop. She has unwavering hope that her situation will improve, and is often the one to remind others not to give up. She believes that things aren’t over until the swan sings.


    Rainy days, lakes, concerts, linguistics, old literature, one-on-one conversations, matcha lattes


    Math, dark magic, being told what to do, roses, owls and eagles, rodents of most kinds, rock music


    Being known only for her β€œimpending death", losing everyone she loves, being forced to carry out her fate


    Ballet, swimming, reading poetry, listening to classical music, linguistics


    Solid swimmer, speaks multiple languages



    Cosette had a relatively lovely childhood. Her mother, Odette the Swan Queen, raised her alongside the rest of the swans in her flock. She spent her days dancing and playing with the creatures in the forest, enjoying their company. As she grew older, Odette taught her daughter how to control her abilities. Manipulate the air around them to create lift, direct leaves and assist as the swans flew. Cosette spent hours practicing, trying to get it just right to please her mother. However, as she grew older, Cosette began to learn about her mother's fate. And the one that would be passed down to her.

    Cosette hoped and hoped that perhaps something could be done to stop this cruel fate. Even coming up with ideas and plans. But every time her mother shot her down. She grew to resent her for the fact that she just accepted things instead of trying to change them. She was okay with losing her life because a prince would inevitably be tricked by a black swan. So, Cosette began to plot and look for ways to undo things for herself. Because even if her mother refused to fight, Cosette would not give up until she found a solution.

    She jumped at the chance to attend Ever After Institute, despite her mother's objections. Hoping that by being amongst other fairytale characters and learning from the best, perhaps she will find a way to rewrite her future. However, her efforts have proved fruitless so far. But things can change quickly, and if there is one thing to note about Cosette Swan, it's that she never gives up.




    eai file


    Odette the Swan Queen






    As the daughter of the Swan Queen, Cosette is known to share many of her mother's traits. Some people look at her with pity, given the fate that she will eventually succumb to. Cosette longs to be known for something other than her future tragic story, but it seems to follow her wherever she goes. However, that hasn't stopped her from making her own mark. Despite being known for her amicable demeanor, most people are aware that this gentleness is accompanied with a fierce bite. And to cross her can result in some surprising consequences.

    inherited power

    Air manipulation. She is able to manipulate the air around her to do what she'd like it to do, including condensing it, changing its pressure, creating gusts of winds that are large enough to lift someone off the ground (only for short periods of time).

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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  • Piper Pan

    #Royal daughter of Peter Pan

    #Ariana Grande

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

    Madelyn Hightopp

    #Rebel Daughter of Mad Hatter

    #Hayley Williams

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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  • Identity






    full name

    Victoria Taylor Bell



    vicky, vic, tori, she's fine with whatever






    cisgender female (she/her pronouns)



    bisexual, masc lean



    January 29th



    Pixie Hollow

    • my destiny.

      only I can choose my own destiny; my own identity. it's not chosen for me.

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘
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Knox Hood

# Rebel Son of Robin Hood

# Barry Keoghan

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Knox Hood

Rebel Son of Robin Hood




  • 01.



    John Knox Hood





    age & birthday.

    21, December 16th


    gender & pronouns.

    Cismale; He/Him



    Fluid/Pan; Romantic



    158 lbs




    Slim, with a strong upper body from climbing, archery, and cutting firewood.


    Blue-Grey; Bright and Expressive; Sometimes deep, sometimes shallow, possibly making one wonder: What’s he thinking about right now?


    Fair; Prone to burning from the sun and the wind; His cheeks and nose flush when it’s cold out.


    Short; Brown; It just has a way of settling where it wants, no matter what he does; On occasion, there is a cowlick on the back that has the habit of acting up.

    distinguishing features & style.

    With his strong jaw and downturned mouth, Knox could often be perceived as a solemn and serious person, until he cracks a wide, sunny smile. He has a comfort oriented style, opting for colours found in nature (browns, greens, oranges, blues) with a fondness for knitted sweaters. His hands are worn from years of working with them.


    Barry Keoghan

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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  • scroll


    Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person.


    rebel child of puss in boots


    full name

    Marquis Charlot Stivali


    Marc, Mars, Charlie, Char




    genderfluid (he/they/she)




    August 23rd


    ??? - Has been seen in many realms and claims to currently live in Hood Hallow for the time but definitely lives in somewhere in the Fairytale world


    call me karizma




    5'9" (175.25 cm)


    ~156 lbs


    He is on the taller slide and a bit more lanky but he is surspingly nimble and flexible similar to a cat, working on building a more atheltic body


    a turquoise color that confuse people if they are more blue or more green


    He is very fair but despite this, has always been lucky to never gotten sunburn (too horrible)


    A reddish-brown that has a slight wave that comes out more when he styles it

    body mods.

    none yet

    dist. features

    Being the son of puss in boots, it's no shock that he does have cat ears and tail. While many would think that he would be short hair, his tail is quite fluffy that has a classic ginger-tabby look too it

    face claim

    George Pomogisebe



    Resourceful ||
    He knows he might not be good at everything but is also smart enough to know to use the tools around him and the people he knows. There is always a solution to any problem if you know where to look and Marquis is the first to see what can be used.

    Curious || While it’s a two-way street with curiosity, he is an avid learner and a jack of all trades in some sense due to his curiosity. He will learn new skills when needed and always want to know what the β€œhot gossip” doing around, and learn more about people, good and bad.

    Daring || Nothing comes from sitting by, and it takes just a bit of courage to go that extra step. Marquis is also an adventurous spirit and seeks out the thrill that life can offer. Never one to say no to some stunt or exploring the unexplored, the first to say yes to anything β€œmischievous” or β€œrule-breaking” not to be mischievous or to purposely break the rule, but to simply do something new.

    Charming || Getting in trouble also involves getting out of it. However, they have built up a friendly charisma that allows them to win people over with a quick wit and elegant words. This can help with hiding the secrets he holds close to his chest and sometimes to deceive people when needed.

    Loyal || While he might be a β€œtrouble-maker” it’s never out of malicious intent. In the story of Puss of Boots, despite being the key of the story, he is still seen as an ever-loyal faithful animal companion. Marquis once he finds he can trust someone and call them a friend, will have unwavering loyalty to his friends, willing to do any of the β€œdirty work” they might not be willing to do, like the secret spy of a large nation, doing the work that goes unnoticed but helps people go a long way.

    Deceptive ||
    Lying can go a long way, and sometimes it’s easier to lie and get what you need or want than it is to just be honest about it. His deceptive nature comes from having to pave his path as a young child, learning that begging for scraps isn’t enough, and sometimes, you have to trick people.

    Overconfident || As if he truly believes he might have 9 lives, they are extremely confident in their abilities, fueling their adventurous spirit which can often lead him into unforeseen trouble, but nothing that can’t be dealt with when he gets there, most of the time.

    Reckless || He sometimes takes unnecessary risks, fueled not just by their daring nature, but their overconfidence as well. Just like being able to jump from unusually high places and land mostly unharmed, they are the first to jump into the path of danger without too much thought.

    Secretive || An air of mystery is always around them, as it seems that they can simply, appear, from thin air, just like their appearances across the realms. He keeps his personal life to himself, such as where he is really from and where his dad might be, but it also means he is extremely good at keeping secrets as well.

    Exploitative || This isn’t a part of himself he is proud of, but he does tend to use other weaknesses and vulnerabilities against people to achieve his goals. Having to survive on his own, it was always the battle of who was stronger or who could outsmart others, and his method of survival was using other people to try and get by, as others would do the same to him.


    Sunny days, boots, hunting, napping, warm things (blankets, sunlight, people, etc), milk, high places


    Rain, getting wet, being touched without warning, cheap clothing, unorganized spaces, being dirty


    Betrayal and Abandonment - Marquis is no stranger to lying and cheating people he doesn't know well, but would never do it towards those he cares for, or leave those that he cares about deeply behind and worries that people his is loyal too, will do this to him despite the fact that he is willing to lie, cheat, and steal for them


    hunting, track and field, snacking


    Hunting, climbing, hiding



    Marquis's life is a mystery. Where does the story of Puss and Boots fall in the realms that are known, and where did he truly come from? That has not been information he has revealed to anyone. He has been seen and spotted as a young kitten in many different realms and places all over but is most commonly seen in a few key places such as Hood Hollow (where he claims he currently resides), Nottingham, Ogretown, and the enchanted forest. It's safe to say that he is a well-traveled person, who has been to many realms.
    Growing up for him was a tough one, to say the least. Most often alone, as soon as he could walk and talk, Puss in Boots left for Marquis to simply fend for himself, which wasn't hard but it was still disheartening to see his dad leave. It did leave him on the path of being a rebel rather quickly, and lived a very nomadic life, which in the end, he has come to love and appreciate.




    EAI File


    Puss in Boots






    Maybe people are conflicted on the story of puss in boots. Is it a good story or not? What are the morals and what does it teach people? The same holds true for Marquis. While they are extremely loyal and charming, many also know of his deceptive behaviors though he does it for people he cares about so they don't have too, and many times, is successful.

    Inherited Power

    Feline Sense/Agility. He is nimble, fast, and climbs up to high places with ease with keen hearing and a sense of smell but more importantly, able to see in the dark very well. He is just like a cat more or less, and usually, he lands on all fours as well. Unknown if he also got his dad's 9 lives (and not trying to find out either)

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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  • Bashi Yaga


    #Baba Yaga

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

    bashi yaga
    rebel, baba yaga

    Name - Bashi Yaga
    Nickname - n/a
    Age - 20
    Gender & Pronouns - demi-guy (he/they)
    Sexuality - homosexual
    Date of Birth - November 13
    Place of Birth - The Dark Forest

    Weight - 136 lbs
    Height - 5'2"
    Build - lean with a bit of musculature
    Eyes - hazel
    Skin - pale with feckles
    Hair - a layer of stark white covered by a layer of jet black
    Body Mods - multiple runic tattoos and a nose piercing
    Distinguishing Features - A face full of freckles and runic tattoos slowly covering every inch of his body
    Face Claim - Gauge Burek

    Personality -
    -FERAL: Bashi is the type of person to either a) throw something at you. Or b) bite you. Either way, he will also bite the cop you call to have him arrested.​
    -ANNOYING: Bashi intentionally pushes buttons to see if he can get a reaction. He thinks it's particularly hilarious to watch someone fumble as he pulls out the crocodile tears for his audience's benefit.​
    -OVERLY CURIOUS: Another way to say that Bashi is extremely nosy and has the worst case of FOMO in the entire world.​
    FRIENDLY: Despite Bashi being rather stupid (see the time he threw a whole pie at his manager), he is in fact very friendly. He enjoys conversing with others and being a good listening ear.​
    COMPASSIONATE: Bashi will always be the one to lend you their shoulder to cry on, even if he's suggesting torching that cheating ex-boyfriend's house.​
    FUNNY: Bashi is just overall a funny little dude.​
    Likes - knives, pushing buttons, animals, the ocean, the color green, reading, soft things, pickup soccer, gardening
    Dislikes - bugs, oranges, certain textures, being ignored
    Fears - fears his magic one day turning on him
    Hobbies - pickup soccer, reading, gardening
    Skills - rune magic, plant magic

    π„π€πˆ π…πˆπ‹π„
    Parent - Baba Yaga
    Side - Rebel
    Grade - Sophomore
    Reputation - People recognize Bashi as his own entity, separate from his mother. He's decidedly neutral and far too mischievous for his own good.
    Inherited Power - Has an innate ability for levitation despite never having excelled in any type of magic beyond runes and plants. Sometimes he levitates himself to higher vantage points for fun.

    Backstory - Bashi was born in his mother's house on the 13th of November. He was raised alongside strange and morbid magical creatures and the life lessons he learned were more of the odd variety. When he was five, he was taught how to care for the earth and the magical objects surrounding the house, such as the fence and the little black cat. When he was seven, his mother taught him how to weave his own magics and told him the stories of her youth. He regularly played with the knights upon horseback and found fun in tormenting the village children who wandered too close to his home. He grew up isolated from normal people and even though he had a relatively well rounded education, his personality suffered from the lack of societal input. As a result he is now the wild child of the forest. Bare foot, wild and sharp grin, antagonistic. His mother, an ever changing figure in his life and the lives of others, raised him ruthless, kind, malevolent, and benevolent. Just like his mother, he is a paradoxical force of nature.

    code by valen t.

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  • nerida

    royal daughter of the little mermaid


    nerida merrowe


    neri, riri, rida, dee, ida




    female | she/her


    the sea kingdom


    march fifth

    • hair

      she has long burgundy hair that falls to her hips though sometimes it can be mistaken for a burnt orange shade. nerida usually styles her hair down with a sort of accessory on the top of her head, at all times, whether it be a headband, hair clip or any other object you can call an accessory, she’ll have one on the top of her head.


      a deep brown, that you can mistaken for the color black, almost obsidian in shade.


      5’4” | 163cm

      body mods.

      none at the moment.


      winter (kim minjeong) of aespa

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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  • πŸœ²β„Œπ”žπ”·π”’π”© ℭ𝔦𝔫𝔑𝔒𝔯𝔰

    #𝔗π”₯𝔒 β„œπ”¬π”Άπ”žπ”© π”‡π”žπ”²π”€π”₯𝔱𝔒𝔯 𝔬𝔣 β„­π”¦π”«π”‘π”’π”―π”’π”©π”©π”ž

    #𝔇𝔦𝔬𝔯 π”Šπ”¬π”¬π”‘π”§π”¬π”₯𝔫

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘


    Royal Daughter of Cinderella.




    • 01.



      Hazel Cinders



      She prefers to be called Hazel after the tree her mother planted. However, she has been called β€œCinders” and β€œHazey”.



      Twenty (20)



      Female (She/Her/Hers)
      Heterosexual Demiromantic



      27th of March
      Newkingdom, Ever After.



      5’3” (160cm)


      52kg (114 lbs)


      She has a petite and lithe figure. If I could describe her build in one word, it would be dainty. She has the stereotypical lady build. Short and sweet, with a graceful air about her.


      Chocolate brown eyes turn into bright honey when faced with light.


      Golden-coloured skin with warm undertones. Without makeup, there are some visible freckles on her face and some on her shoulders


      Hazel has a curly black hair, aside from her feet, she also treasures her hair and likes to maintain it as much as she can. Her hair reaches up to her waist.

      body mods.


      distinguishing features.

      Since she is Cinderella’s daughter, she has inherited her mother’s dainty and delicate feet.


      Dior Goodjohn

    β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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Winter White

# Royal Daughter of Snow White

# Dove Cameron

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Winter White

Royal Daughter of Snow White




  • 01.



    Winter Bianca White



    Winter, Princess White, Snowdrop (only by her uncles)


    age & birthday.

    TBD, December 22nd


    gender & pronouns.

    Ciswoman; She/Her






    114 lbs




    Slender; Strong core; Walks with exquisite posture, and lounges when she sits.


    Green, large and fiery


    Like fine porcelain, until her glamour slips.


    Dark Brown/Black; Long, sitting at her mid back; Often styled sleek and straight, but naturally has a wave to it.

    body mods.

    Tattoos (TBD)

    distinguishing features & style.

    Sharp facial features; An almost unearthly beauty; Winter’s style is rooted in the classic Hollywood era, highly featuring red lipstick, winged eyeliner, and large sunglasses, but it is uniquely her own. When Winter is at the castle, she indulges in attire befitting a princess. Silks, velvet, deep reds and burgundy tones. At the institute, her style is much more modern, cycling regularly as Winter has a habit of shopping. The most charitable thing about her is that she’ll give away clothing items she no longer wishes to keep.


    Dove Cameron

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

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Darcy Vale

# Royal Daughter of Gingerbread Witch

# Madeleine Petsch

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

Darcy Vale

Daughter of The Gingerbread Witch




  • 01.



    Darcy Ruth Vale



    Darce, Cici


    age & birthday.

    23, April 1st


    gender & pronouns.

    Ciswoman; She/Her



    Poly Pansexual/Romance Repulsed



    112 lbs




    Slim; An air of hunger, but strong


    Brown; Full of sadness unless otherwise engaged with her current goal


    Creamy White


    Copper; Long Layers, usually parted down the middle

    body mods.


    distinguishing features & style.

    Favours dark warm tones; Full lips; Often well put together offering a mask to her former life.


    Madeleine Petsch

β™‘coded by uxieβ™‘

kevin kevin
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