Halting the Scarlet Flow

I haven't seen any, and I've looked around for some until someone finally explained it to me.

You can still heal multiple levels in a turn (like 1e), but each is a misc action, so you have to flurry to do it, taking the associated minuses to your DVs until your next action.

The cost of "2+" should probably be "2" (it looks like someone forgot to delete the "+" between editions).
The open questions on the Exalted Wiki has two solutions. The latter of the two is what Peter Schaefer (guy who wrote the Lunar charm section) suggested.

The first is you can spend the 2 mote cost as a miscellaneous action to heal lethal levels and it doesn't count as a charm use. RRimmel suggested (and uses, I think) this concept.

Peter Schaefer suggests that committing 3 motes when in DBT allows you to heal a lethal an action. Activated in conjunction with Bruise Relief, you heal 1 lethal and (stamina) bashing an action.

Up to you which you decide to use, I guess.
I really dislike the "heal X per action" mechanic. Wood Dragon Style uses this too.

The problem is (especially with Wood Dragon) that an "action" can be a variable amount of time. Why should a guy swinging a goremaul heal slower than a guy wielding a slashing sword? It makes no sense.

I'd rather see something like "heal X every 5 ticks". Yes there would be a bit more tick accounting involved, but boo hoo, it's easy, and it wouldn't give yet another advantage to Speed-monkeys.
I think they did it thus to reduce bookkeeping. Wouldn't be hard to house rule it thus in your games if a little more bookkeeping isn't an issue for you. I probably won't ATM...but I'm still trying to get the tick system straight on just remembering when I'm acting next and so forth, so I don't need another complication just yet. Though I do agree with the reasoning behind such...I'm just not sure I could remember all the bookwork as of right now. I already forgot to heal bashing levels every action once in a fight when it was just every action that I was doing so. :oops:
Dracogryff said:
I think they did it thus to reduce bookkeeping. Wouldn't be hard to house rule it thus in your games if a little more bookkeeping isn't an issue for you. I probably won't ATM...but I'm still trying to get the tick system straight on just remembering when I'm acting next and so forth, so I don't need another complication just yet. Though I do agree with the reasoning behind such...I'm just not sure I could remember all the bookwork as of right now. I already forgot to heal bashing levels every action once in a fight when it was just every action that I was doing so. :oops:
No worries there, I had some players that took ages to get used to the tick system and in the end they were doing as fine as anyone else :)

Just see what way of bookkeeping is the best for you. We used dice and markers and stuff like that and one of my players never got it straight... until he stopped using markers, he only always had forgotten to actually mark the ticks ^^

I'd like to second flaggs complaint about the heal mechanics and I am actually thinking that those charms will heal every 5 ticks no matter what the user does. 5 because it is the amount of time a misc action takes.
"Damn. I'm hurt. I'd better heal up fast!"

Dash. Dash. Guard. Dash.

"All better!"

This becomes even more ridiculous if you're a DB with the Wood Dragon healing Charm, a fast jade weapon, and hearthstone bracers. You could heal a level every TWO ticks, AND be kicking someone's ass at the same time.
Flagg said:
"Damn. I'm hurt. I'd better heal up fast!"
Dash. Dash. Guard. Dash.

"All better!"

This becomes even more ridiculous if you're a DB with the Wood Dragon healing Charm, a fast jade weapon, and hearthstone bracers. You could heal a level every TWO ticks, AND be kicking someone's ass at the same time.
I have no problem with them healing and kicking someone's ass really (even though the jade hearthstone bracers thing is, I agree with you there, borderline to breaking the spirit of the rules), but everyone with slow weapons will fall to what you pointed out above. dash and guard actions and that will make combat really really boring.
Safim said:
I have no problem with them healing and kicking someone's ass really
Nor do I. What I have problems with is a jade daiklave helping you heal faster.
There is a Errate to Halting the Scarlet flow.

When you are in DBT form and you have Halting the Scarlet flow. You regen +1L and +(sta)B per action.

This was on the White Wolf Forum by one of the creators. Let me find you the link to the spot.
I already lined to the errata you mentioned, Balota, earlier in this post...and what people seem to be missing is that the 'heal 1L + (sta)B an action' is only if you activate both Halting the Scarlet Flow and Bruise Relief Technique together on your beastman. If you activate only HtSF, you only get get the lethal an action. See for yourself.

Which I don't necessarily argue that the 'per action' is a little off. *shrugs*

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