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Finished [Hallson Tribe Territory, Sky Kingdom] CITC Library Arc: Alternative


Roleplay Artist
This RP is an alternate focus on Finn and Eliza spending time together and a continuation of: Finished - [Hallson Tribe Territory, Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds: Library Arc
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra , Sky Kingdom

Mention: Orikanyo Orikanyo
Eliza Talton

Eliza and her guard stayed near Finn in watching the unfolding events while apparently some of the others who had come along were now heading off to assist with the knowledge search, that was more than fine with her, she’d much rather spend time with Finn doing enjoyable things instead. The only thing that would make this even better would be if she could convince the guards assigned to her to not keep such a close distance between them while she was trying to enjoy the show with him..it made the whole thing feel less private, a small pout forming on her face at the thought before she perked up when she heard Finn speak.

“Oh it is?” She inquired curiously with a soft smile, sounding like perhaps for a moment she didn’t know a ton about it, while responding positively to his laugh just the same.

“Ah that makes sense, I’ve certainly heard about the standing still business but the circles, while I’ve certainly seen them used before I can’t say I’ve paid much attention to the specifics of them one way or another beyond that, so I do appreciate the insight into what they do exactly."
"I wasn't aware you were familiar with the topic, are you capable of casting?"
She'd inquire furthermore.

Finn’s appraisal would reveal that both of them did have several magic associated title as well as academic ones, like one might expect on a Sage, Erik the Red appeared to have seniority in rank over Ulric in his Sage affiliation. Both of the men also appeared to have professorial titles associated with them, and in Ulric’s case one which suggested his skill at flying. It would appear there was something at play perhaps in the magic barrier to allow him to see that far, otherwise normally even an appraisal at A alone wouldn’t have been far enough to see them with the distance they were at. The possibility of a sort of augmentation at work present.

“I must admit you are correct, there are some parallels to piloting a fuller and fighting against monsters as far as aerial combat is concerned...if you cannot overwhelm your opponent then and there you frequently need to keep moving until there’s an opportunity to press your advantage.”

She’d then look over to Finn, looking a bit more worried.

“ I certainly hope they have people ready to respond if the scenarios you just mentioned should occur, I am sure they must, after all they said this isn’t a duel to the death, maybe instead there’s additional magic at play to ensure nobody gets severely harmed like you say, it’d be pretty irresponsible not to have people who know how to treat wounds otherwise..”

With Finn looking around he might have noticed four or so winged people in white and gold robes not all too far away from the sidelines who looked somewhat different than the sages, their hoods were up and they each had some sort of golden staff like looking ornamentation on said hoods.

The large fiery serpent like projectile tried to coil around the large energized looking golem on the field of the arena.

It appeared that the two sage spellcasters were locked in about equal power in their opening moves for the time being as the magic beings struck back and forth against one another. The golem hitting the serpent.

Erik the Red

However it wouldn’t be long before a fiery aura built up around Erik the Red and with a wave and extending of his hand, he started to power up before releasing what sort of looked like a dragon’s head which was composed of fire as it flew across the arena there was more cheering.

Ulric Graybeard

Sage Ulric Graybeard however countered with what looked like a very sizable wall of stone which erupted from the arena floor in order to block the attack while their two beings thought, the casting circles under both of them intensifying as the two sages fought, sooner or later the pair would start flying around each other in the arena at a brisk pace,
Both calling out incantations and making gestures from time to time, very focused on the fighting it seemed.

Ulric sent forth a gray beam of energy from his fingertips to which Erik the Red sent forth his own beam of, hellish looking energy, causing a collision of energy and another large discharge of energy.

“...This is getting rather intense isn’t it? Who do you think has a better chance at..securing this ‘duel’ if you don’t mind me asking?” Eliza inquired, looking to Finn once more before looking back to the events at hand, averting her eyes once more as a smog enveloped the arena from the energy colliding.
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"Can't say... Both seem rather well matched. This seems to be a match of needing to trick their opponent rather than simply brute forcing it.

As for my own magic... Yes. I originally got some magical work in to work with my swordplay but it became it's own recently. I do have considerable experience in healing however..." was.. it proper to say he could bring back the dead here? Sure with limits but that alone is... Well... Most people don't get the privilege of being within 3 feet of someone capable of god damn resurrection. As for his magic hes... uncertain where the holy aspect came from, really, but it has worked.

Honest, hes been sort of working with it as a sort of expression of inner force, will or something.

"I suppous my skills aren't as flashy as magic, guess I rely abit too much on strength to call it overly much skill. But I can see a great deal of effort has been made to cultivate theirs, its plain to see their fighting fiercely, and I wonder what they have in their backpockets to bring their full might to bare."

scratching his chin, he wondered how long this battle would go on for... Was there a timer or such...?

"...You think he got the name Greybeard as he grew older or... He was born with the name? "The Red" is surely a moniker but.." he considered on a whimsy, a slight glance at the guards as he...

Very slowly...

Got abiiiit closer to his date...


"...wait.. Where did... everyone go...?"
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra , Sky Kingdom

Mention: Orikanyo Orikanyo

Eliza Talton

“Huh? Yeah it looks like they’re both going at it, I’m not really sure which one is going to pull a win out of the top hat so to speak..” Eliza replied softly looking at the fight, her eyes lighting up every now and again when a particularly bright spell went off.

She did listen to Finn however when he talked about his magic.

“Magic work in swordplay..and healing? I wasn’t aware your skillset was so diverse, it certainly sounds like you have everything you need to go on the adventures you were describing or perhaps even to be a hero of Rotia..However did you have time to learn all that?” She spoke sounding a bit dreamy for a moment looking over at him before she snapped back to reality.

“R-Right! They’ve both been practicing for quite some time, The Greybeard one..sounds like it’s probably a family name, I mean his beard doesn’t look very gray…or I guess it could be some sort of title suggesting he is wise beyond his years, and the red one, well he is wearing red and seems to be skillful at fire magic from what I can tell.”

As Finn got a bit closer, Eliza looked over curiously, before realizing what he meant, nearby it looked like Squink and Oden and Iro were nowhere to be seen.

“Huh? I would have thought they would have stayed longer than that…especially right when it was getting good.”

She’d gesture to the two sages flying around blasting each other with impressive magic, as after the bright flash from the energy colliding it looked like Greybeard was just starting to overpower the red somewhat.

“Do you know where our traveling companions went?” Eliza would ask turning to one of the Talton guards which was closest to her.

“Uh, yes my Lady, I believe they went to go assist Victorique in her knowledge search..”

“Ah I see…well it’s no matter Finn it looks like we can go wherever we well please then if you wanted to. It sounds like Victorique is receiving more than enough help and that gives us the opportunity to do some exploring or if there was something that caught your fancy on our way in perhaps.” She said with a hopeful smile that he’d be inclined to accompany her further.

Eventually Erik the Red was struck down by some sort of greyish lightning of sorts, after his fiery magical barrier shield broke, blocking many powerful attacks and he landed on the arena floor hard, as people waited with anticipation to see if he’d get up again or not, cheers here and there heard during the fight and at more exciting parts..unless he turned things around completely the bout was probably nearing it’s end.

"hrmm... I suppous Victorique's research is rather important, nothing to do but perhaps join them later." He shuffled in his seat, still abiiit unsure exactly what to think about this battle coming to a close.

"Well, I traveled around alot. In truth its been back and forth with the idea of settling down anywhere... Really I should, make useage of my skills in a forward capacity rather than flitting about.

Guess thats what I want to do with helping Rotia. Pass my skills and aid where I can. Make a home, live a life." Instead of flitting about in a carefree way travelling the world thats growing darker and darker the more he stumbles on...
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Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra , Sky Kingdom

Mention: Orikanyo Orikanyo

It looked like he battle had come to a conclusion, as the sages came to an agreement that Erik the Red had been defeated on account of being unable to continue dueling, as from the looks of things the guy wasn't getting up.

Ulric Graybeard looked pleased with himself, as the sages agreed they'd take a look at his research more seriously in lieu of him proving his magical combat determination to make his opinions known in a much more public eye sort of way.

Ulric was then given some time to speak about his research more Indepth which the Sages listened too, it was at this point when much of the nonacademic crowds sorts started to leave, clearly really only interested in fighting, as the number in the crowd dwindled, some taking notes who remained on parchment with quil pens in the arena audience.

Eliza Talton

Eliza looked like she was more focused on Finn at this point than anything with all of the other events going on in the background, she'd give him a nod.

"Well it's certainly a noble desire to assist Rotia in the way you are describing, and it would be fitting if you were able to take a break when you achieve what you set out to achieve." She'd speak a bit more seriously.

"It also sounds like you've been through quite a bit Finnegan, I hardly think it's fair to be too hard on yourself for 'flitting about' we're human after all, we can't be expected to dedicate all of our existence to a singular difficult task, we have our own desires and personal aspirations too which are worth persuing if you ask me."

"With that said I'll still do what I can do to support your endeavor."

"Now then..if you'd like to stay here and listen to this magic symposium of sorts I'm not opposed, but if you'd like to go off and explore some I'm certainly not opposed either, of course we can attempt to Regroup with Victorique and the others if you are keen too, but I will say I'm pretty content with the fact that I got to come to a place like the Sky Kingdom with someone as amazing as yourself."
She'd smile toward the latter part once more.

"Goodness, your laying it on aren't you?" The sunny young man couldn't help but smile she was trying vedy hard to show her best. And was quite open with her approval of him... To, put it lightly.

He couldn't help but... Want to tease her.

"Looking to have me swooning over your flattery hmm?" He leaned abit forward, plafully before standing straight once more. "No no, i'm sure you mean it all, just don't take it all word for word. Anyone can come up boasting of this and that, I'll have to show my worth one way or another to back it all up." A pause, as his arm had bumped something... Ah... His shield...


...Yes... He'd have... Check the See... Its been awhile... So.... Maybe it was time to put those insects to rest.

Yes... It was time to go to the See...

"Yes, lets return to the others for now, but.. I may have to leave, for a time I assure you I wont be away overly long. I have to see some old friends about some work, and I assure you it wont be too dangerous." He lied, as swiftly and lightly as he could he lied.

"But I assure you, I will seek you out again soon once finished." His smile beamed, lay a hand lightly on her shoulder. "And we can see about a proper date eh?" A wink and a smile, standing up to get moving. "If you've need of me quickly, a letter to the Holy See would likely be best.

Cermudgingly sorts but they will likely pass along a letter." He spoke as he began to consider the ladder way again. "...It really is good to meet you Eliza, and it wont be the last time I swear upon it."
Time: Morning

Weather: Outside Cool, partially cloudy.

Place: Hallson Tribe Territory, The Great Skra , Sky Kingdom

Mention: Orikanyo Orikanyo

Eliza Talton

Eliza giggled some with a smile when Finn mentioned her 'laying it on ' A slight blush appeared on her face. "Oh so you did notice...that's good I wasn't sure if I was doing a very good job for awhile there.." She'd pout a bit playfully. Before she'd course correct not that long after.

"Pffft of course I wouldn't dream of doing anything so basic, I can assure you I do mean those words and think highly of you as you say!" She'd reaffirm with a bit of a blush.

She'd then nod, "I suppose actions do speak louder than words they say, but I have no reason to believe you haven't been anything but truthful with me, I'm certain if you work toward your aspirations you'll end up proving to me that and much more."

She said almost hopefully, at least with his prospect of wanting to assist the Kingdom from the great monster threat it was frequently plagued with.

However Eliza's expression went from the positive warmer one to a more serious one of concern after Finn mentioned going back to the others and having to leave somewhere.

However a grin with a deeper tinge of pink formed when she heard him say date. "Oh I'd like that considerably Finnegan! but if you're going to the See and must really go, please do be careful, I am well aware what many of them think about humans there..but thank you for telling me that detail nevertheless, should I truly need you I'll certainly write." She became more serious once again.

"Right...okay then, as long as you'll be safe, and you do intend on coming back of course as you say, I'll, look forward to reconnecting with you when the time comes, It'll be a grand time and we can celebrate." She'd respond.

"Perhaps you'll be able to meet the rest of my family soon too! Maybe with Victorique and the others, anyway, thank you truly , I'll take your word that I'll see you again in due time."

And with that Finn and Eliza with their possible relationship more defined, and Finn's future plan's laid out, would meet up with the others at some point when they completed their trial and were accessible.

(Narrator Note: Thanks for making it through me with this one despite the long unexpected delay. This Rp can be considered a "Tea Party" RP.)


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